Aak, 78
Academy of Fine Arts, 226
Acamapichtli, 90
Acapulco, 225
Acatl, 76
Acolhuacan, 93
Aculco, 246
Aculhuas, 42
Agave, 34
Aguilar, JÉrome de, 138
Agustin I., see Yturbide
Ahuehuete, 22, 56
Ahuitzotl, 105
Aldama, 248
Allende, Ignacio, joins Hidalgo, 241;
denounced, 244;
attacked by Calleja, 246;
forced to retreat, 247;
captured and shot, 248
Alta California, 190; see also California
Alvarado, 137, 160, 163, 173, 194
Amaquemecan, 38, 42
Amecameca, 99, 208
Ampudia, General, 318, 319, 322
Anahuac, 6, 8, 12, 17, 33
Anaya, General, 334
Angostura, 323
Apan, 36
Apodaca, Viceroy, 259, 262
Arista, General, 311, 342
Atlantis, 21
Atzacualco, 83
Atzcapotzalco, 42, 43, 51
Audiencia, 184
Austin, Moses, 304
Axayacatl, 101, 158
Ayaxzitl, 41
Ayotzinco, 156
Ayuntamiento, 184
Azoteas, 127
Aztecs, 43;
emigration of, 83;
wanderings of, 84;
settlement at Chapultepec, 86;
driven to the islands, 87;
found Tenochtitlan, 88;
their civilization, 89;
extent of the kingdom, 106;
religion of, 107;
hieroglyphics, 111;
paintings, 112;
religion, 114;
domestic life, 115;
laws, 115;
calendar, 116;
cycle, 118;
agriculture, 119;
character, 120;
priestesses, 121;
policy of the nation, 123
Aztlan, 22
Bajan, Las Norias de, 248
Balam, 78
Barradas, 277
Basch, Dr., 375
"Baths of Montezuma,", 57
Baudelier, quoted, 30, 38, 170
Bazaine, Marshal, 356, 360, 367, 371, 373
Bocanegro, 277
Bonaparte, Joseph, 235
Bonpland, 224
Boot, Adrian, 218
Branciforte, Marquis of, 234, 235
Bravo, General Don Nicholas, 262, 268, 274, 307, 321
Buena Vista, 323
Bustamente, 262, 277, 278, 285, 287, 288
Cacamatzin, 130, 154, 156
Calderon, battle of, 247
Calderon, Conde de, see Calleja
Calderon, Madame, 290;
quoted, 227, 273, 282, 284, 293
Calderon, SeÑor, 290
California, 313, 316, 338
Calleja, General, 246, 247, 252, 258
Calzadas, 80
Calzonzi, 67, 176, 189
Campeche, 132
Canoas, 92, 127
Cargadores, 4, 405
Carlotta, Empress of Mexico, 350;
her character, 358, 364;
goes to Europe, 367;
interview with Napoleon, 368;
her madness, 369
Carratelas, 292
Casa de CortÉs, 28
Casa Grande, 13
Casa-Mata, 268
Catholic Fathers, 9, 412
Cazadero, 202
Cempoallan, 143
Cerro de Borrego, battle at, 355
Cerro Gordo, 330
Ceutla, ruins at, 17
Chaak Mool, 78
Chalcas, 66
Chalchiuhtlatonac, 26, 38
Chalco, Lake, 12, 333
Chapparral, 5
Chapultepec, 86, 127, 156, 291, 338, 362, 399
Charles V., 10, 177, 214
Charles II., 220
Charles III., 226, 233
Charles IV., 227, 233
Chavero, quoted, 117
Chiapas, 18, 71, 265
Chichimecatl Tecuhtli, 41
Chichen-Itza, 76
Chichimecs, 26, 38-44, 64, 87
Chihuahua, 323
Chilpantzingo, 252
Chimalpopoca, 91, 94
Chinampas, 228
Cholollan, 28
Cholula, pyramid of, 14, 100, 106, 206
Cholultecas, massacre of, 154
Churubusco, 333, 334
Cinco de Mayo, 354
Clerigos, 344
Coahuila, 338
Coatlicue, 121
Coatzacoalco River, 106
Colima, 62
Colorado River, 24
Columbus, 131
Comonfort, General, 356
Conquistadores, 8, 12, 89
Contreras, Don Pedro Moya de, 216
Copan, 17, 71
CÓrdoba, 5
Cordova, 132
Cordova, treaty of, 264, 266
Cortazar, General, 285
CortÉs, Fernando, alluded to, 2, 3;
birth of, 135;
character of, 136;
commissioned by Velasquez, 127;
his squadron, 138;
at the Tabasco River, 139;
worshipped as Quetzalcoatl, 141;
sends gifts to Montezuma, 141;
visits Cempoallan, 143;
destroys the ships, 144;
interview with Montezuma, 147;
conquers Tlaxcalla, 152;
at Cholula, 154;
arrives in Mexico, 156;
meeting with Montezuma, 157;
seizes Montezuma, 159;
expedition to Vera Cruz, 160;
abandons Mexico, 163;
retreat from the city, 164;
gathers a new army, 171;
campaign against Mexico, 173;
at CoyoacÁn, 175;
conquers Michoacan, 176;
expedition to Honduras, 177;
voyages to Spain, 178;
death of, 178;
burial in Mexico, 179
CortÉs, Martin, 180
Cotton, 92, 406
Council of Music, 53
Coxcox, 22
CoyoacÁn, 175
Cozumel, 138
Cuahtemoc, 167, 170, 174, 175, 178
Cuauhnahuac, 92
Cuautla, 252
Cuba, 132
Cuepopan, 88
Cuernavaca, 28, 225
Cuextecas, 106
Cuicuicatzin, 155
Cuitlahuac, 101
Cuitlahuatzin, 161, 166
Cuitzao, Lake, 62
Culhuacan, 23
Culhuas, 87
Diaz, Bernal, 137;
quoted, 127, 148, 181
Diaz, Porfirio, takes Oaxaca, 371;
takes Puebla, 376, 384;
a candidate for the presidency, 390;
at the head of the revolutionists again, 392;
his earlier life, 394;
in the war of the reform, 395;
campaign against Oaxaca, 395;
an escape from government troops, 396;
president, 398;
re-elected, 398;
his home, 399
Doblado, 346
Dolores, 240
Dominicans, 324
Dominiguez, DoÑa Josefa, 258
"Drinking cup of the Eagle," 101
Escobedo, General, 374, 375, 378
Estrada, Gutierrez, 299, 349 Marina, see Malintzi
Markets in Mexico, 228
MÁrques, General, joins the clerigos, 346;
joins Maximilian, 372;
becomes quartermaster-general, 375;
sent to the capital, 375;
his escape, 384
Martin de Valencia, Fray, 208, 211
Martinez, Enrico, 218, 219
Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, 350;
his character and aims, 352;
arrives in Mexico, 357;
his reception, 358;
life at court, 360;
policy of, 362;
appeals to Napoleon, 367;
prepares to leave Mexico, 369;
goes to Orizaba, 370;
influence of the clerical party, 371;
returns to Mexico, 372;
at QuerÉtaro, 374;
his appearance described, 376;
a prisoner, 378;
death of, 380
Maxixcatzin, 171
Maxtla, 44, 48-51, 92-97
Mayapan, 71, 72
Mayas, 18, 70-82
Mayorga, Viceroy, 226
Meconetzin, 36
Meija, General, 373, 378, 380
Mendez, 378
Mendoza, Antonio de, character of, 191;
his administration, 192-202
Merida, 80
Mexcalla, 106
Mexicans, 51
Mexico, climate of, 5;
relief of, 6;
early races of, 9;
government of, 10;
natural resources of, 11, 402;
roads in, 80;
natives of, 185;
mines of, 229, 409;
society in, 290;
women of, 292;
soldiers, 308;
vegetation, 402;
flowers, 403;
market-place, 404;
schools of, 415;
literature of, 416;
railways in, 418
Mexitli, 84
Mexitzin, 90
Mezcal, 36
Michoacan, 19, 62-69, 106, 176, 194
Mines of Mexico, 229, 409
Miramon, General, joins the clerigos, 346, 349;
joins Maximilian, 372;
advances to Zacatecas, 374;
raises troops for Maximilian, 375;
taken prisoner, 373;
shot, 380
Mitla, 393
Mixcoatl, 40
Mixtecas, 19
Molino del Rey, 334, 360
Monasteries, suppression of, 412
MontaÑo, 176
Monte de la Cruces, 245
Monteleone, Dukes of, 179
Monterey, 317
Monterey (in California), 314
Montezuma I., 92, 98, 100
Montezuma II., 101, 124;
coronation of, 125;
court of, 128;
interview with CortÉs, 147, 157;
a prisoner, 159;
death of, 161
Montezuma, Conde de, 220
Montezuma's Cypress, 129
Morales, General, 328
Morelia, 194, 251
Morelos, JosÉ Manuel, birth of, 250;
education of, 251;
joins the Independents, 251;
defends Cuautla, 252;
calls first Mexican congress, 252;
appointed captain-general, 253;
defeated at Valladolid, 254;
captured, 254;
shot, 254;
his character, 255
Morelos, state of, 41
Mound Builders, 20
Moyotla, 88
Mozarabic liturgy, 413
Nachan, 71
Nahuas, 19, 20
Nahuatl, language, 19, 27;
legends, 22;
family, 70
Napoleon I., 235
Napoleon III., 349, 360, 366, 368
Naranjan, Princess of, 65
Nata and Nana, legend of, 23
National Museum of Mexico, 33
Nevada de Toluca, 29
New Mexico, 313, 338
New Spain, extent of, 190
Nezahualcoyotl, 44-61, 96, 98
Nezahualpilli, 105, 125, 130
Noche Triste, La, 163
Nopal, 87
Noriega, General, 384
Northers, 1, 3
Novella, Francisco, 263, 264
Nueva Leon, 316
Oaxaca, 275, 392
Obregon, 229
O'DonojÚ, Don Juan, 223, 263-266
Oidores, 185
Olid, Christobal de, 137, 173, 176, 177
Olmedo, Father, 182
Orizaba, 1
Ortega, General, 346, 356
Otomis, tribe of, 19, 152
Otoncapolco, 164
Otumba, battle of, 168, 170
PaÏnala, 145, 183
Palenque, ruins at, 17, 72-76
Palo Alto, battle at, 311
Paredes, Don Maria, 284, 285, 307, 319
Parian, The, 275
Paseo, 291
Patzcuaro, 63, 68, 194, 230
Payne and Zarate, quoted, 37
Pedraza, Manuel Gomez, 275, 276, 278, 282
Peones, 256
Philip II., 9, 199, 214, 219
Philip III., 219
Philip IV., 219
Philip V., 233
Pillow, General, 336
Pita, 35
Popocatapetl, 6
Popotla, 164
Pottery of Mexico, 405
Prieto, Guillermo, 346, 416
Princess of Cloth, 92
Puebla, 204, 206, 262, 330, 333, 354, 356
Puebla, state of, 41
Pulque, 23, 35
Quemadero, 216
QuerÉtaro, 19, 246, 262, 374, 375
Quetzalcoatl, 29;
legends of, 30, 33, 131;
influence of, 32;
statue of, 34
Quinames, 18
Quinatzin, 42
Quiroga, Vasco de, 197, 238
Railways in Mexico, 418
Rebozos, 296, 406
Reclamacion de los Pasteles, 281
Revillagigedo, Don Juan Vicente de GÜemes Pacheco de Padilla, Conde de, 220-222
Robbers, 297
Royal University, founded, 203
Rubio, Manuel Romero, 399
Sabine River, 305
Sacramento, 323
Salanueva, Don Antonio, 345
Salm-Salm, Prince of, 375;
Princess of, 378
SalomÉa, Pass of, 393
Saltillo, 316
San Christobal, Lake, 12
San Diego, 252
San Juan de UlÓa, 137, 236, 281, 330
San Juan Teotihuacan, 168
San Luis, 19
San Nicholas, Colegio de, 230, 238, 251
Sandoval, Gonzalo de, 173
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 267;
his connection with Yturbide, 273;
at Oaxaca, 275;
defeats a Spanish force, 277;
becomes president, 278;
in Texas, 279;
a prisoner, 280;
defeats a French squadron, 281;
his home at Manga la Clava, 282;
rivalry with Pedraza, 283;
with Meija, 284;
president again, 287;
at the head of the army, 308;
returns from Cuba, 320;
in the war with the United States, 330-338;
retires to Jamaica, 340;
made Dictator, 344;
conspires against the government, 387;
banished, 388;
death of, 388, 398
Schools of Mexico, 415
Scott, Winfield, 323, 324, 328, 330, 337, 339
Serape, 406
Shining Serpent, see Quetzalcoatl
Sicuiracha, 354
Zoquipan, 88
Zovanga, 67
ZumÁrraga, Fray Juan de, 207
Zumpango, Lake, 12
ZuÑiga, DoÑa Juana de, 183
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