VOL. XLVIII. A Gossip on the Fashions, | 56 | A Great Mulrooney Story, by Sylvanus Urban, the Younger, | 27 | Amateur Gardening, | 89 | Amor, Vivax, Fragilis, by H. H., M. D., | 32 | An Incident, by J. M. C., | 64 | A Portrait, by Paul H. Hayne, | 64 | A Sketch, by "Leonora," | 63 | Babylon, Nineveh, and Mr. Layard, | 51 | Be of Good Cheer; it is I, by R. T. Conrad, | 64 | Boardman & Gray's Dolce Campana Attachment Piano-Fortes, | 5 | Caps, | 69 | Celestial Phenomena, by D. W. Belisle, | 60 | Centre-Table Gossip, | 89 | Chemisettes, | 69 | Chemistry for Youth, | 81 | Child's Dress, | 71 | Children's Dresses, | 1, 92 | Cottage Furniture, | 74 | Directions to Ladies for Shopping, | 83 | Dress—as a Fine Art, by Mrs. Merrifield, | 25 | Editors' Table, | 75 | Editors' Table-Drawer, | 77 | Embroidery for Petticoats, | 68 | Embroidery for Shirts, | 74 | Enigmas, | 87 | Fashions, | 90 | Female Accomplishments, | 89 | Godey's Arm-Chair, | 82 | Godey's Course of Lessons in Drawing, | 36 | Instructions for making Ornaments in Rice Shell-Work, | 22 | Letters Left at the Pastry Cook's, Edited by Horace Mayhew, | 58 | Literary Notices, | 78 | Love's Elysium, by J. A. Bartley, | 55 | Mantillas, from the celebrated Establishment of G. Brodie, New York, | 4, 72 | My Grandmother's Stand, by H. B. Wildman, | 65 | "My Experience in Babies, Sir!" by Mary Neal, | 63 | Ode from Horace, by Edw. Newton Van Sant, | 66 | Oh, Lay Her to Rest, by Florus B. Plimpton, | 40 | On the Porch of the Cataract House, by Helen Hamilton, | 62 | Parlor Work, | 89 | Preparations for Company, | 26 | Receipts, &c., | 87 | Sleeves, | 69 | Song to C. G. D., by William P. Mulchinock, | 66 | Sonnets, by Wm. Alexander, | 66 | The Borrower's Department, | 87 | The Good Time Coming, | 75 | The Hortense Mantelet and Victoria, | 70 | The Lloyds, by Mrs. S. J. Hale, | 41 | The Philosophy of Shopping, by Mrs. Alaric Watts, | 33 | The Pleiades, | 21 | The School-Mistress Married, | 77 | The Stolen Match, by Hon. Caleb Cushing, | 13 | The Toilet, | 92 | The Vork-'Ouse Boy, | 83 | The Wives Of England, | 76 | To Caroline in Heaven, by Annie B. Clare, | 65 | Toilet Cover in Crochet, | 73 | To Laura.—The Friend, by Beata, | 65 | To Morning, by Blanche Bennairde, | 57 | To the New Year, | 62 | Work-Table for Juveniles, | 67 |