VOL. XLVIII. A Bloomer among us, by Pauline Forsyth, | 396 | Advice to a Bride, | 405 | A Few Words about Delicate Women, | 446 | A Great Duty which is Imposed upon Mothers, | 464 | A Lesson worth Remembering, | 478 | Annoyance, by Beata, | 452 | Blessington's Choice, by Fitz Morner, | 424 | Bright Flowers for her I Love, by Wm. Roderick Lawrence, | 450 | Celestial Phenomena, by D. W. Belisle, | 403 | Centre-Table Gossip, | 477 | Charity Envieth Not, by Alice B. Neal, | 417 | Cottage Furniture, | 454 | Directions for a Letter-Band, | 458 | Directions for Knitting a Work-Basket, | 458 | Directions for taking Leaf Impressions, | 443 | Disappointed Love, by W. S. Gaffney, | 449 | Dress—as a Fine Art, by Mrs. Merrifield, | 412 | Editors' Table, | 462 | Embroidery with Cord, | 458 | Enigmas, | 474 | Evangeline and Antoinette.—Mantillas, | 457 | Everyday Actualities.—No. XIX | 393 | Farm House, | 444 | Fashions, | 479 | Female Medical Education, | 462 | For the Lovers of Jewelry, | 478 | Godey's Arm-Chair, | 467 | Godey's Course of Lessons in Drawing, | 410 | House Plants, from Mrs. Hale's New Household Receipt-Book, | 472 | Instructions in Knitting, | 472 | Intellectual Endowments of Children, | 409 | Interesting Discovery at Jerusalem, | 395 | Lace Mantilla and Tablet Mantilla, | 457 | Letters Left at the Pastry Cook's, Edited by Horace Mayhew, | 414 | Literary Notices, | 465 | Mantillas, from the celebrated Establishment of G. Brodie, New York, | 458 | Manufacture of Pins, | 404 | Marquise and Navailles.—Mantillas, | 389, 457 | May-Day, | 423 | May First, | 477 | New Revelations of an Old Country, | 427 | Ode to the Air in May, by Nicholas Nettleby, | 452 | Our Fashion Department, | 478 | Our Practical Dress Instructor, | 453 | Painting on Velvet, | 393 | Patterns for Embroidery, | 456 | Plain Work, | 460 | Poetry. | 449 | Receipts, &c., | 475 | Remembered Happiness, | 433 | Silent Thought, by Willie Edgar Tabor, | 440 | Sonnets, by Wm. Alexander, | 450 | Spring, | 464 | Spring Bonnets, | 459 | Spring Fashions, | 390, 457 | Stanzas, by H. B. Wildman, | 450 | Stanzas, by Helen Hamilton, | 450 | Teaching at Home.—Language, | 442 | The Borrower's Department, | 475 | The Economics of Clothing and Dress, | 421 | The Gleaner, by Richard Coe, | 449 | The Mother's Lesson, by Elma South, | 441 | The Practical, | 463 | The Spring-time Cometh, | 463 | The Toilet, | 477 | The Trials of a Needle-Woman, by T. S. Arthur, | 434 | They say that she is Beautiful, by Mary Grace Halping, | 451 | 'Tis O'er, by I. J. Stine, | 452 | To Miss Laura, | 416 | To one who Rests, by Winnie Woodfern, | 451 | To our Friend Godey, by Mrs. A. J. Williams, | 468 | Treasures, | 420 | Truth Stranger than Fiction, | 406 | Work-Table for Juveniles, | 455 | Yankee Doodle with Variations, | 473 | May. - The Gleaner.
- Godey's Colored Spring Fashions.
- Embroidered Dress Undersleeve.
- Preparing for Church.
- MUSIC.—Let us be Friends. Words by David Bates, Esq. Music by P. K.
- MANTILLAS.—Evangeline and Antoinette; Lace Mantilla and Tablet Mantilla; Marquise and Navailles Shawl-Mantelet; The Albuera.
- Spring Fashions.
- Design for a Letter-Band.
- Painting on Velvet.
- Godey's Course of Lessons in Drawing.
- New Revelations of an Old Country.
- Farm House.
- Ladies' Dresses and Diagrams.
- Cottage Furniture.
- Back of a Watch-Pocket.
- Dice Pattern for Slippers.
- Patterns for Embroidery.
- Embroidery with Cord.
- Spring Bonnets.
- Night Dresses.
- The Broken Bust.
Preparing for Church
EVANGELINE. ANTOINETTE. The latest French fashions. From the establishment of Messrs. T. W. Evans & Co., Philadelphia.
A pattern of either of the above will be sent on receipt of 62½ cents. Post-office stamps received in payment. These patterns are exact counterparts of the original, with trimmings, etc. (Description on page 457.)