Invasion by Mosilikatze?—?Arrival of the emigrant Boers?—?Establishment of the South African Republic?—?The Sand River Convention?—?Growth of the territory of the republic?—?The native tribes surrounding it?—? Capabilities of the country?—?Its climate?—?Its inhabitants?—?The Boers ?—?Their peculiarities and mode of life?—?Their abhorrence of settled government and payment of taxes?—?The Dutch patriotic party?—?Form of government previous to the annexation?—?Courts of law?—?The commando system?—?Revenue arrangements?—?Native races in the Transvaal
Mr. Burgers elected president?—?His character and aspirations?—?His pension from the English Government?—?His visit to England?—?The railway loan?—?Relations of the republic with native tribes?—?The pass laws?—?Its quarrel with Cetywayo?—?Confiscation of native territory in the Keate Award?—?Treaty with the Swazi king?—?The Secocoeni war?—?Capture of Johannes' stronghold by the Swazi allies?—?Attack on Secocoeni's mountain?—?Defeat and dispersion of the Boers?—?Elation of the natives?—?Von Schlickmann's volunteers?—? Cruelties perpetrated?—?Abel Erasmus?—?Treatment of natives by Boers ?—?Public meeting at Potchefstroom in 1868?—?The slavery question?—? Some evidence on the subject?—?Pecuniary position of the Transvaal prior to the annexation?—?Internal troubles?—?Divisions amongst the Boers?—?Hopeless condition of the country
Anxiety of Lord Carnarvon?—?Despatch of Sir T. Shepstone as Special Commissioner to the Transvaal?—?Sir T. Shepstone, his great experience and ability?—?His progress to Pretoria, and reception there?—?Feelings excited by the arrival of the mission?—?The annexation not a foregone conclusion?—?Charge brought against Sir T. Shepstone of having called up the Zulu army to sweep the Transvaal?—?Its complete falsehood?—?Cetywayo's message to Sir T. Shepstone?—?Evidence on the matter summed up?—?General desire of the natives for English rule?—?Habitual disregard of their interests?—?Assembly of the Volksraad?—?Rejection of Lord Carnarvon's Confederation Bill and of President Burgers' new constitution?—?President Burgers' speeches to the Raad?—?His posthumous statement?—?Communication to the Raad of Sir T. Shepstone's intention to annex the country?—?Despatch of Commission to inquire into the alleged peace with Secocoeni?—?Its fraudulent character discovered?—?Progress of affairs in the Transvaal?—?Paul Kruger and his party?—?Restlessness of natives?—?Arrangements for the annexation?—?The annexation proclamation
Reception of the annexation?—?Major Clarke and the Volunteers?—?Effect of the annexation on credit and commerce?—?Hoisting of the Union Jack?—?Ratification of the annexation by Parliament?—?Messrs. Kruger and Jorissen's mission to England?—?Agitation against the annexation in the Cape Colony?—?Sir T. Shepstone's tour?—?Causes of the growth of discontent among the Boers?—?Return of Messrs. Jorissen and Kruger ?—?The Government dispenses with their services?—?Despatch of a second deputation to England?—?Outbreak of war with Secocoeni?—?Major Clarke, R.A.?—?The Gunn of Gunn plot?—?Mission of Captain Paterson and Mr. Sergeaunt to Matabeleland?—?Its melancholy termination?—?The Isandhlwana disaster?—?Departure of Sir T. Shepstone for England?—?Another Boer meeting?—?The Pretoria Horse?—?Advance of the Boers on Pretoria?—? Arrival of Sir B. Frere at Pretoria and dispersion of the Boers?—? Arrival of Sir Garnet Wolseley?—?His proclamation?—?The Secocoeni expedition?—?Proceedings of the Boers?—?Mr. Pretorius?—?Mr. Gladstone's Mid-Lothian speeches, their effect?—?Sir G. Wolseley's speech at Pretoria, its good results?—?Influx of Englishmen and cessation of agitation?—?Financial position of the country after three years of British rule?—?Letter of the Boer leaders to Mr. Courtney
Accession of Mr. Gladstone to power?—?His letters to the Boer leader and the loyals?—?His refusal to rescind the annexation?—?The Boers encouraged by prominent members of the Radical party?—?The Bezeidenhout incident?—?Despatch of troops to Potchefstroom?—?Mass meeting of the 8th December 1880?—?Appointment of the Triumvirate and declaration of the republic?—?Despatch of Boer proclamation to Sir O. Lanyon?—?His reply?—?Outbreak of hostilities at Potchefstroom ?—?Defence of the court-house by Major Clarke?—?The massacre of the detachment of the 94th under Colonel Anstruther?—?Dr. Ward?—?The Boer rejoicings?—?The Transvaal placed under martial law?—?Abandonment of their homes by the people of Pretoria?—?Sir Owen Lanyon's admirable defence organisation?—?Second proclamation issued by the Boers?—?Its complete falsehood?—?Life at Pretoria during the siege?—?Murders of natives by the Boers?—?Loyal conduct of the native chiefs?—?Difficulty of preventing them from attacking the Boers?—?Occupation of Lang's Nek by the Boers?—?Sir George Colley's departure to Newcastle?—?The condition of that town?—?The attack on Lang's Nek?—?Its desperate nature?—?Effect of victory on the Boers?—?The battle at the Ingogo?—? Our defeat?—?Sufferings of the wounded?—?Major Essex?—?Advance of the Boers into Natal?—?Constant alarms?—?Expected attack on Newcastle?—? Its unorganised and indefensible condition?—?Arrival of the reinforcements and retreat of the Boers to the Nek?—?Despatch of General Wood to bring up more reinforcements?—?Majuba Hill?—?Our disaster, and death of Sir George Colley?—?Cause of our defeat?—?A Boer version of the disaster?—?Sir George Colley's tactics
The Queen's Speech?—?President Brand and Lord Kimberley?—?Sir Henry de Villiers?—?Sir George Colley's plan?—?Paul Kruger's offer?—?Sir George Colley's remonstrance?—?Complimentary telegrams?—?Effect of Majuba on the Boers and English Government?—?Collapse of the Government?—?Reasons of the surrender?—?Professional sentimentalists ?—?The Transvaal Independence Committee?—?Conclusion of the armistice ?—?The preliminary peace?—?Reception of the news in Natal?—?Newcastle after the declaration of peace?—?Exodus of the loyal inhabitants of the Transvaal?—?The value of property in Pretoria?—?The Transvaal officials dismissed?&