- Theodore Roosevelt on the Round-up, 1885
Photograph by Ingersoll, Buffalo, Minnesota Frontispiece - Maltese Cross Ranch-House 16
- View from the Door of the Ranch-House 16
- The Prairie at the Edge of the Bad Lands
Photograph by Holmboe, Bismarck, N. D. 32 - "Broken Country"
Photograph by Holmboe 32 - Roosevelt in 1883 48
- Medora in the Winter of 1883-84 48
- "Dutch Wannigan" and Frank O'Donald 64
- Scene of the Killing of Riley Luffsey 64
- Antoine de Vallombrosa, Marquis de Mores
By courtesy of L. A. Huffman, Miles City, Montana 76 - Sylvane Ferris 92
- A. W. Merrifield 92
- The Maltese Cross Ranch-House as it was when Roosevelt lived in it
Photograph by C. R. Greer, Hamilton, Ohio 92 - The Ford of the Little Missouri near the Maltese Cross 108
- A. T. Packard 130
- Office of the "Bad Lands Cowboy" 130
- The Little Missouri just above Elkhorn 150
- Elkhorn Bottom 164
- A Group of Bad Lands Citizens 176
- Roosevelt's Brands
From the Stockgrowers Journal, Miles City 190 - Fantastic Formation at Medicine Buttes 202
- Medicine Buttes 202
- Poster of the Marquis de Mores's Deadwood Stage-Line
By courtesy of the North Dakota Historical Society 212 - Theodore Roosevelt (1884) 236
- Elkhorn Ranch Buildings from the River
Photograph by Theodore Roosevelt 252 - Gregor Lang 262
- Mrs. Lang 262
- The Maltese Cross "Outfit" 276
- The Maltese Cross "Chuck-Wagon" 276
- The Scene of the Stampede 296
- Elkhorn Ranch-House
Photograph by Theodore Roosevelt 310 - Site of Elkhorn (1919) 310
- Hell-Roaring Bill Jones Photographs of Bad Lands scenes, unless otherwise indicated, were made by the author.
The end-paper map is from a drawing made for the book by Lincoln A. Lang. The town of Mingusville is indicated on it under its present name—Wibaux.[Back to Contents]