Abiogenesis, 339-358;
may still occur, 357.
Abiology, 27, 78.
Abortion, 325.
Abstraction, power of, 316.
Achromin, 140, 142.
Acquired characters, inheritance of, 367-369, 376.
Actinal beauty, 185.
Active movements in organisms, 262.
Adaptation, 415.
Æsthesis, 296, 308.
Æsthetal cells, 14.
Æsthetic selection, 422.
Agassiz on the creation of species, 30.
Agnostic position on the origin of life, 338.
Albumin, 39, 126, 128.
Albuminoids, the, 39, 125, 126.
AlgÆ, 161, 195, 220.
Alimentary system, the, 227.
Allopola, 174.
Alternation of generations, 253.
Altmann on the structure of plasm, 134.
Altruism, sources of, 115.
Ambulacral system, 280.
Amoeboid movements, 268.
Amphigony, 240.
Amphimixis, 244.
Amphithecta, 176.
Angiophyta, 220.
Animal states, 36, 148, 150, 168.
Animals, kindness to, 115;
younger than plants, 216.
Animism, 58.
Annelids, motor apparatus of the, 281.
Antheridia, 249.
Anthophyta, 162, 220.
Anthropogeny, The, 283, 320.
Anthropogeny, the science of, 321, 332.
Anthropologists and evolution, 321.
Anthropology, 86, 478.
Antivitalism, 50.
Ape, mind in the, 332, 333.
Apes and men, common structure of, 285.
Aphanocapsa, 32, 130, 182, 196, 205.
Apostles' Creed, the, 60-65.
Apotelia, 163.
Apposition, 42.
Archegonia, 249.
Archigony, 341-358;
formulation of, 355, 356;
repetition of, 356;
statement of grounds, 341;
theories of, 343-348.
Archiplasm, 129, 142, 158.
Aristotle, 66.
Art, modern development of, 407.
Articulates, motor apparatus of the, 282.
Articulation, 281.
Asexual generation, 241-244.
Assimilation, 42, 211.
Association-centres, 12, 13.
Associational beauty, 185.
Astrolarva, 279.
Astronomy, monism of, 457.
Astrozoon, 280.
Asymmetrical types, 179.
Auditory vesicles, 311.
Autogony, 341.
Autonomous movement, 262.
Bacilli, 200, 201, 202.
Bacon, the founder of empiricism, 7.
Bacteria, the, 157, 198-206, 218, 234, 235;
absence of nucleus in the, 200, 201.
Bacteriology, 198.
Baptism, 425, 426.
Barbarians, higher, 395;
life of, 394;
lower, 394;
mental life of, 58;
middle, 395;
religion of, 58.
BarÆsthesis, 309.
Barotaxis, 309.
Bathybius Haeckelii, 207.
Beauty, evolution of the sense of, 188;
sources of, 184;
stages of, 184-187.
Beggiatoa, 199, 205, 218.
Berzelius on catalysis, 44.
Bilateral-radial types, 177.
Bilateral symmetry, 177.
Bioblasts, 134.
Bio-crystals, 41.
Biogen-hypothesis of Verworn, 46, 137, 138.
Biogens, 102, 128, 137, 192.
Biogenetic law, the, 380-382, 384.
Biogeny, 94, 360.
Biology, division of, 94;
sphere of, 27, 78.
Bionomy, 78, 95.
Bionta, 149, 151;
virtual, 151;
partial, 151.
Biophora, 137.
Biotonus, 103.
Blastoderm, the, 161.
Botanists and zoologists, divergence of, 374.
Brain, as an organ of mind, 25;
evolution of the, 22, 327, 328.
Brownian movement, 260.
Bryophyta, 162.
Budding, 242, 243.
Bunge, as vitalist, 50.
BÜtschli on the monera, 31;
on the structure of plasm, 132.
Calymma, the, 270.
Canon law, the, 324, 325.
Carbon assimilation, 34, 130, 212, 213, 342.
Carbon, importance of, 37, 38.
Caryokinesis, 139, 267.
Caryolymph, 141, 142.
Caryolysis, 268.
Child, mind of the, 90, 323.
Child-soul, study of the, 20.
Children, destruction of incurable, 21, 120.
Chitine, 282.
Chlorophyll, 33, 141, 195, 214.
Chorology, 95.
Chromacea, 32, 130, 137, 157, 182, 194-197;
description of the, 194;
structure of the, 197.
Chromatella, 33, 343.
Chromatin, 140, 142.
Chromatophora, 33, 343.
Chromoplasts, 141, 196.
Chroococcacea, the, 32, 182.
Chroococcus, 32, 130, 182, 196, 197, 208.
Ciliary movement, 272, 276.
Circulation of the blood, 228.
Civilization, characteristics of 58-59;
evils of, 114;
growth of, 334;
modern, 335, 402;
shades of, 401, 408;
stages of, 398;
progress of, 469;
value of, 309.
Civilized races, higher, 397;
life of, 396;
lower, 396;
middle, 396;
mind in, 334.
Cleanliness in antiquity, 464.
Clothing, beginning of, 423;
fashions in, 430.
Cnidaria, 224;
generation of the, 250, 253.
Coelenteria, 166, 221, 223, 225.
Coeloma, the, 223, 225.
Coelomaria, 166, 221, 225.
Coenobia, 160, 161.
Colloids, nature of, 39.
Colon, the, 226.
Coloring methods, 208.
Conjugation, 246.
Consciousness a function of the brain, 331;
development of, 331;
nature of, 19, 23, 290, 291.
Conservatism of governments, 73.
Contact-action, 45.
Copulation, 251.
Cormophyta, 165, 167.
Cormus, 36, 148, 150, 154, 168, 184.
Corset, the, 430.
Cortex of the brain, 12, 323, 327, 329.
Cosmic intelligence, 30;
monism, 37.
Cosmogony, 360.
Cosmokinesis, 266.
Craniota, mind in the, 326.
Creationism, 337.
Crustacea, parasitic, 237.
Crystals, 41;
forms of, 172;
growth of, 42, 43;
life of, 41;
and organisms compared, 35, 40, 41, 43, 44;
reproduction of, 44.
Crystallization, 265, 266.
Crystalloids, nature of, 39.
Culmus, the, 165, 183.
Cultivated races, definition of, 397;
higher, 400;
lower, 398;
middle, 399.
Custom, tyranny of, 421.
Cuticle, 146.
Cyanogen, 346.
---- theory, 347.
Cytodes, 33, 157, 192, 194.
Cytology, 128, 190.
Cytophyta, 220.
Cytoplasm, 35, 122, 138, 139, 142, 158, 191.
Cytosoma, 122, 138.
Cytotheca, 145.
Cytula, 244.
Darwin on the origin of life, 338.
Darwinism, 50, 80, 361, 363, 364, 373.
De Bries on heredity, 373.
Death, nature of, 98;
of the unicellulars, 99;
of the histona, 100;
real cause of, 101;
total and partial, 105.
Decomposability of plasm, 345.
Descartes' idea of the soul, 16, 18.
Descriptive science, 4, 5, 6.
Design, argument for, 388.
Dialysis, 39.
Diatomes, 41, 182.
Diclinism, 247.
Dioecia, 248.
Disassimilation, 212.
Disease, nature of, 106.
Dissogony, 252.
Division of labor, 35;
in the cell, 143, 158;
in the organism, 149, 167;
in the state, 150, 169.
Divorce, 428, 429.
Dogmatic sciences, 470.
Dominants, the, of Reinke, 264.
Driesch, as vitalist, 51.
Dualism, 81, 91, 433.
Dualistic view of life, 337, 348, 366;
of the mind, 332;
of morality, 411;
of sensation, 446, 447.
Dumas, Louis, as vitalist, 47.
Duty an evolved sense, 413.
Dwarf races, 422.
Dynamism, 85, 110.
Ear, canals in the, 311;
the, 312.
Echinoderms, motor organs of the, 279-281.
Ectogenesis, 369.
Education, reform of, 471;
struggle over, 465.
Egoism, 115, 403;
and altruism, 419.
Elasticity, 310.
Eleatic philosophers, the, 66.
Electric organs, 313.
Electricity, sensation of, 312, 313.
Elements, chemical, 37, 38.
Embryo, legal view of the, 325, 326;
mind in the, 325.
Embryology, 20, 21;
mechanical, 383.
End of life, 387.
Energism, 85.
Energy as attribute of substance, 446, 449;
definition of, 449.
Enzyma, 46, 128.
Epicureanism, 83.
Epitelia, 163.
Epithelium, ciliated and flagellated, 276.
Erect posture, the, 285.
Ergology, 95.
Ergonomy, 35, 150.
Erotic chemotropism, 306.
Eternity hypothesis of life, 338.
Ethic, the perfect, 400.
Ethics, 411.
Eucharist, the, 426.
Excretion, 232, 233.
Experience, importance of, 3, 4.
Experiment, limited use of, 352, 353, 383;
nature of, 7, 8.
Experimental science, 4, 8.
Extension, 446, 448.
Eye, the, 298;
evolution of, 298, 299.
Faith, 437, 439;
natural and supernatural, 54.
Family, evolution of the, 402.
Fashion, 422.
Fechner on sensation, 295;
on the universality of life, 340.
Feeling, 296, 308.
Fetichism, 57, 58.
Filar theory of plasm, 134.
Fistella, 344.
Flagelliform movement, 271, 276.
Flame, analysis of the, 28.
Flat-fishes, metamorphosis of, 178.
Flechsig, discoveries of, 13.
Flemming on the structure of plasm, 113.
Food, artificial production of, 400.
Forms of organic structure, 173-184.
Frommann on plasm, 133.
Frothy theory of plasm, 132, 133.
Fungi, 162, 204, 215, 234, 236.
Fungilli, 204, 235.
Gameta, the, 244.
GastrÆa theory, the, 223.
GastrÆads, 223.
Gastric canal, 228.
Gastro-canal system, 222, 223.
Gastrula, the, 166.
Gemmation, 242, 243.
Genealogy of organisms, 304, 305, 376.
Generation, sexual and asexual, 241-251.
Geogeny, 360.
Geology, historical nature of, 378;
monism of, 458.
Geotropism, 310.
Germ-plasm, 143;
the theory of, 367, 372.
German mind, Janus character of, 441.
Gills, 229, 230.
Globular shape, origin of, 34.
Gloeocapsa, 32, 196, 205.
Goethe, monism of, 442;
realism of, 440;
scientific studies of, 440, 441.
Gonades, 249.
Gonochorism, 246.
Gonoducts, 250.
Granular theory of plasm, 134.
Gravitation, sensation in, 309.
Growth, 241.
Growth movements, 264.
Habit, 415-417;
in inorganic bodies, 417.
Heart, the, 228;
work of the, 277.
Heat, sensation of, 300, 301.
Heaven, 109.
Hedonism, 84.
Heliotropism, 298.
Helmholtz on the origin of life, 339.
Heraclitus on life, 28.
Heredity, conservative and progressive, 368;
cumulative, 369;
theories of, 135, 136, 366.
Hermaphrodism, 245, 246, 258, 259.
Hermaphroditic glands, 249.
Hertwig, O., on the biogenetic law, 382;
on the monera, 31.
Heterogenesis, 254.
His, W., theories of, 383.
Histolysis, 106.
Histona, the, 36.
Histonals, 165, 166, 171, 182.
Historical waves, 389.
History, 461;
nature of, 9;
sources of, 9.
Hofmeister on organic chemistry, 45.
HolosphÆra, 173.
Honor, false sense of, 430.
Huxley on organic individuality, 152.
Hyaloplasm, 130, 143.
Hybrids, 255, 256;
fertility of, 255.
Hydrostatic movements, 270.
Hygiene, 401, 464.
Hylonism, 82.
Hylozoism, 81, 86, 451.
Hypogenesis, 255.
Hypotheses, nature of, 54;
necessity for, 86, 87, 89, 378, 439.
Idealism, theoretical and practical, 84, 92.
Idiocy, 20.
Idioplasm theory, the, 136, 137, 366, 367.
Ileum, the, 226.
Imagination, function of the, 87.
Imbibition energy of plasm, 39.
Imbibition in organisms, 261.
Immaterial world, the, 436, 437.
Immortality, the belief in, 64, 65, 71, 108;
of the unicellulars, 99-101.
Incurables and suicide, 118, 119.
Individuality, organic, 149, 152.
Infusoria, movement in the, 268, 269, 272.
Inoculation, 204.
Insanity, increase of, 114, 118, 119.
Insectivorous plants, 304, 305.
Instinct, 418.
Intelligence, 316, 317.
Intercellular matter, 145.
Intussusception, 42.
Ionic philosophers, the, 66.
Irritability, 287, 288, 291, 293.
Isopola, 174.
Kant as natural historian, 9;
biological ignorance of, 11, 318, 319;
critical views of, 438;
contradictory views of, 68, 434, 444;
influence of, 25;
mechanical views of, 435;
moral philosophy of, 412, 413;
mystic training of, 443;
narrow life of, 443;
philosophy of, 68, 69, 74, 434-440;
popularity of, 444;
theory of knowledge of, 9, 10, 69, 317-319, 332.
Kassowitz on archigony, 355.
Kelvin, Lord, on the origin of life, 339.
Kidneys, the, 233.
Kirchhoff on the work of science, 6.
Knowledge, a priori and a posteriori, 11, 24, 317;
and faith compared, 54;
theory of, 24;
monistic theory of, 12-14.
Kusamaul on the child-soul, 30.
Lamarck, 79.
Lamarck's transformism, 363.
Landscape beauty, 187.
Lange on Kant, 439.
LarvÆ, 253.
Law, beginning of idea of, 420;
reaction in science of, 401.
Leibnitz, philosophy of, 110.
Leucocytes, 228;
and bacteria, 305.
Lichens, 238.
Life, artificial production of, 352, 358;
as a flame, 28, 29;
constant change of, 386, 387;
evolution of, 360-365;
length of, 101;
nature of, 27, 343;
origin of, 337-358;
value of, 386-410.
Light, action of, 297-300.
Living substance, 36, 123.
Lobmonera, 206.
Localization of functions, 17, 19, 20;
of mental functions, 328, 329.
Locomotion, 275-285;
modern progress in, 404.
Lord's Supper, the, 426.
Love, progressive refinement of, 402.
Luminous animals, 312.
Lungs, 230, 231.
Machine-theory of life, the, 29, 30, 102.
Macrogameton, 244.
Mammals, common descent of the, 284;
motor apparatus of the, 283.
Manners and morals, 421.
Marriage, development of, 402, 403;
evolution of, 427;
priestly control of, 428.
Materialism, 82, 451.
Mathematics, 456.
Matrimony, 427, 428.
Matter as attribute of substance, 448.
Mechanical embryology, 103.
Mechanics, 259.
Medicine, development of, 462.
Membranes, cellular, 144, 145, 155, 157. 194.
Memory, 416.
Mental disease, evidential value of, 19.
Metabolism, 28,38, 44, 46, 103, 130, 210, 211, 217;
a mechanical process, 259, 260;
in the metaphyta, 219-221;
in the metazoa, 221, 233;
in the protophyta, 217-219;
in the protozoa, 219, 220.
Metagenesis, 253.
Metamerism, 167, 168, 281.
Metamorphology, 94.
Metaphysicians disdain physical science, 16.
Metaphysics, nature of, 10, 88, 89.
Metaphyta, 161, 165.
Metaplasm, 106, 129.
Metaplasmosism, 107.
Metasitism 217.
Metazoa, 163.
Micella, 137, 344.
Micrococcus, 201, 202.
Microgameton, 244.
Middle Ages, thought in the, 66, 67.
Mimicry, 421, 422.
Mind, the, 315, 316;
a function of the brain, 328-330;
evolution of the, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326.
Miracles, 60;
in biology, 55;
nature of, 54.
Mohl, Hugo, 122.
Molecular structure of the monera, 34, 137;
theories of plasm, 342-346.
Molecules, 126, 127.
Monaxonia, 174.
Monera, the, 31-33, 40, 157, 182, 190-209, 342.
Monism, 81, 433-445.
Monobia, 160, 196.
Monoclinism, 247.
Monoecia, 248.
Monogamy, 240.
Morality, 411, 412;
a social instinct, 419, 420;
conventional, 430;
evolution of, 413, 414, 430-432;
a form of adaptation, 414.
Morphology, 94, 171.
Morphonta, 149, 152.
Motion in metabolism, 259.
MÜller, Johannes, on the nature of life, 49;
on sensation, 288.
Muscles, the, 273, 276-279;
forms of in lower animals, 278;
striated and non-striated, 277.
Muscular cells, 277.
Mutation theory, the, 365, 373.
MyophÆna, 269.
NÄgeli on evolution, 365;
on plasm, 137;
on the origin of life, 343, 344, 354, 356;
on universality of sensation, 450.
Natural history, 9.
Naturalism, 86, 87.
Necrobiosis, 106, 349.
Neo-Darwinism, 375, 376.
Neo-Lamarckism, 375, 376.
Neovitalism, 48;
sceptical and dogmatic, 50.
Neurona, 12, 13, 328.
Nitrobacteria, 201, 215, 218.
Nuclein, 156.
Nucleolus, 140.
Nucleus of the cell, 122, 139, 155.
Nutrition, progress in supply of, 401.
Observation, subjective and objective, 7.
Occultism, 74, 75.
Œcology, 78, 95.
Oken, Lorentz, 79, 80.
Olfactory region, 303.
Ontogeny, 94, 361, 376, 379.
Optimism, 109, 110.
Organella, 35, 130, 159, 163, 191.
Organic chemistry, 37;
and inorganic, differences between, 27, 28, 40;
meaning of, 37;
sensations, 302, 308.
Organism, nature of an, 29, 30, 36.
Organization, nature of, 29;
progress of, 338;
stages of, 149, 150, 151.
Organs, 159, 163;
apparatus of, 164;
systems of, 164;
of sense and thought, 12.
Osmosis, 39.
Ostwald, as a monist, 38;
on enzyma, 46;
on growth, 44;
on mental energy, 330;
system of, 85.
Ovary, 325.
Ovoplasm, 245.
Ovulum, the, 245, 247, 250.
PÆdogenesis, 253.
Palavitalism, 48, 49.
Palingenesis, 382.
Pangenesis theory, the, 366.
Panpsychism, 340.
Pantheism, 82.
Paranuclein, 141.
Parasites, 235-238.
Parasitology, 235.
Paratonic movement, 262, 274.
Parthenogenesis, 251, 252.
Passive movements in organisms, 262.
Pasteur disproves spontaneous generation, 350-352.
Paulospores, 244.
Peptones, 45.
Perception of stimuli, 292, 293, 296.
Perigenesis of the plastidules, 136.
Perpetual motion of universe, 258.
Persons, 36, 148, 150, 154, 166, 183.
Pessimism, 109, 110, 111.
PflÜger on origin of life, 345, 346, 356.
Philology, 461.
Philosophy, history of, 81;
modern, defects of, 453;
nature of, 2, 3, 453, 454.
Phoronomy, 259.
Photo-synthesis, 214, 217.
Phototaxis, 298.
Phronema, the, 14, 15-17;
structure of the, 329.
Phroneta, the, 13, 329, 331.
Phronetal cells, 14, 17.
Phylogeny, 94, 361, 376, 379;
sources of, 377.
Physicians, liberal views of, 116-118.
Physics, monism of, 455; nature of, 89, 454.
Physiologists, dualism of, 18.
Physiology, 93.
Phytomonera, 193.
Phytoplasm, 213, 217.
Piano theory of the soul, 16.
Pineal gland, the, 16.
Planospores, 244.
Plants, spontaneous movement in, 274, 275.
Plasm, 121, 123, 128-146;
chemical constituents of, 125, 126;
differentiation of the, 138;
molecules of, 136;
nature of, 27, 28, 159;
structure of, 128, 129, 130-138.
Plasma products, 144.
Plasmodomism, 33, 34, 130, 193, 197, 212, 213, 343, 357.
Plasmogony, 354.
Plasmophaga, 193, 196, 200, 212.
Plasson, 158.
Plassonella, 355, 358.
Plastids, 138, 192.
Plastidules, 136.
Plastin, 141.
Plate on Darwinism, 364.
PlatnosphÆra, 174.
Plato, dualism of, 436;
philosophy of, 66.
Platodes, 225.
Pleuronectides, 178.
Poetry, pedagogical value of, 439.
Poisonous bacteria, 221, 305;
fungi, 236.
Polioplasm, 130, 143.
Politics, 467.
Polytomy, 243.
Powder, 31.
Pressure, sense of, 310.
Preyer on the child-soul, 20;
on the earth as an organism, 37;
on universality of life, 340.
Principle of individuation, 153.
Probionta, 354.
Promorphology, 94, 172.
Protamoeba, 206.
Proteids, 126, 127.
Protestants, liberalism among, 73.
Protists, the, 34, 35, 131, 160, 171, 182, 190-209;
can endure extreme temperatures, 300;
movements of the, 267, 271;
science of the, 92, 93;
sensitiveness to electricity, 313.
Protoplasm, 32;
nature of, 121, 122, 125.
Providence, belief in, 107, 108.
Pseudopodia, 268.
Psychiatry, 19, 329, 463.
Psychogenesis, 21.
Psychology, 461;
comparative, 21, 22;
modern, errors of, 71;
monistic, 322;
nature of, 18.
Psycho-monism, 92.
Psychophysics, 330.
Pteridophyta, 162, 220.
Ptomaines, 203.
Purposive movement, 264, 265.
Pyramidal types, 176.
Radiolaria, 41, 156, 172, 181;
movement in the, 322.
Ranke, J., on evolution, 322.
Rational sciences, 470.
Reaction, 293.
Realism, 90, 91.
Reason, 316, 317;
pure and practical, 317.
Reason and authority, 423.
Redemption, dogma of, 62.
Reflex movement, 262, 263.
Regeneration, organic, 101-105.
Reinke, as vitalist, 51;
dualism of, 30;
on the monera, 31;
on the origin of life, 337;
theory of dominants, 264;
works of, 80, 81.
Release of energy, 294.
Religion, evolution of, 57-65, 420, 421, 424.
Reproduction a monistic process, 257;
by division, 242;
nature of, 241.
Respiration, 228-232.
Resurrection, the, 64.
Resurrection plants, 262.
Rhizomonera, 206.
Rhizopods, 129, 192, 193, 219;
movement in the, 270.
Rhodocytes, 228.
Rhumbler, L., on the cell-life, 132.
Rhythmic beauty, 185.
Richter, H. E., on life, 339.
Rindfleisch, as vitalist, 51.
Romanes, conversion of, 22, 23.
Romanism, 63, 425, 426.
Sacraments, 425, 426.
Saposites, 234.
Saprobiosis, 349, 350.
Sarcode, 155.
Savage, mind in the, 56, 57, 90, 333, 391, 405, 406, 424;
religion of the, 57;
sense-life in the, 406, 407;
views of the, 390.
Savages, higher, 394;
life of the, 392-394;
lower, 398;
middle, 393.
Schiller, idealism of, 439, 440-442.
Schizpphyta, 201.
Schleiden, 154.
Schleiermacher, 72.
Schopenhauer, as pessimist, 111, 112;
on the categorical imperative, 412;
on suicide, 114.
Schultze, Max, on the cell, 155.
Schwann, 154.
Science, confusion in, 77;
nature of, 4;
schools of, 4;
work of, 5, 6;
value of, 407, 408.
Science and tradition, conflict of, 70, 71.
Secretory movement, 271.
Selection, theory of, 361, 363.
Self-cleavage, 942.
Self-consciousness, beginning of, 323, 324.
Semi-dogmatic sciences, 470.
Senility, causes of, 106.
Sensation and consciousness, 290, 291, 295.
Sensation as attribute of substance, 447, 448;
analysis of, 293;
common to all bodies, 295, 296, 309;
evolution of, 450;
in atoms, 83;
in plants, 292, 304; nature of, 287-293;
neglected by physiologists, 289, 292;
of matter, 302;
universal, 449.
Sensations in savage and civilized man, 405, 406;
organic, 302, 308.
Sense-centres, 13, 329.
Senses, finer development of the, 406.
Sensibility, 287, 288, 293.
Sensitiveness, 293.
Sensorium, the, 14.
Sensualism, 4, 14, 15.
Sentiment and reason, 120.
Sex sense, the, 245.
Sexual beauty, 186.
---- characters, secondary, 251.
---- generation, 244-253.
---- selection, 251.
---- sense, the, 306, 307.
Shame, feeling of, 423.
Sight, evolution of, 24.
Silicon, 40.
Skeletal theory of plasm, 113.
Skeleton, common type of the, 371.
---- the, 378, 379, 283, 284.
Sleep of flowers, 274.
Smell, 303, 304.
Snails, evolution of the, 279;
muscles of the, 278.
Sociology, 467.
Soul, the, 315, 324;
dualistic idea of the, 15, 16;
found in all substance, 397;
seat of the, 15-18.
Space, nature of, 70;
sense of, 311.
Spallanzani and spontaneous generation, 350.
Spartan selection, 22, 119.
Specialism, dangers of, 92.
Species, nature of the, 204.
Speech, 461.
Sperm-plasm, 245.
Spermatozoon, the, 245;
movement of the, 271, 272.
Spinoza, system of, 82;
monism of, 445.
Spirilla, 202.
Spiritism, 74, 75,
Spiritualism, 451.
Spontaneous generation, 348;
conflict over, 349, 350;
older belief in, 349.
Sporangia, 244.
Spores, 244.
Sporozoa, 235.
Sprouts, 36, 148, 151, 154, 165, 183.
State and the individual, the, 409.
States, modern, defects of, 409, 410.
Stationary life in animals, 275.
Stauraxonia, 175.
Stimuli, acoustic, 311;
action of, 295;
chemical, 301-309;
conduction of, 295, 396;
electric, 312, 313;
gravitational, 309-312;
optic, 297-300;
thermic, 299-302.
Stock, the, 168, 184.
Strauss, D. F., 72.
Strophogenesis, 254.
Substance, attributes of, 446, 448;
eternity, of, 97;
the problem of, 2.
Suicide, contradictory views of, 112;
occasional justice of, 112, 113, 116.
Sun-dew, action of the, 304.
Supernatural, the, 87, 88.
Superstition, 56.
Sutherland, A., on morality, 392.
Swimming-bladder, the, 231.
Symbiosis, 238.
Symmetry, 171, 172.
Sympathy, 115.
Tailor theory, the, 383.
Tape-worms, 237.
Taste, 302, 303.
Technical science, progress of, 465.
Tectology, 94.
Teleology, 181, 366.
Teleology in movement, 265.
Teleology, mechanical, 362, 363.
Temperature, perception of, 299-301.
Thallophyta, 161, 165.
Thallus, the, 165, 195.
Theology, 468.
Thermotaxis, 301.
Thigmotaxis, 310.
Thought as attribute of substance, 445.
Thought centres, 13, 329.
Time, nature of, 70.
Tissue animals, 163;
plants, 162.
Tissues, primary and secondary, 161, 162.
Tocogony, 240.
Touch, sense of, 309;
in plants, 300, 310.
Tracheata, the, 231.
Tradition, power of, 423.
Transgressive growth, 42, 44, 240, 241.
Transubstantiation, 426.
Treviranus, 79.
Tropesis, 296, 308.
Trophoplasts, 143.
Truth, nature of, 1, 2, 4.
TÜbingen school, the, 72.
Turgescence movements, 274, 275.
Turgor, 273-275.
Types of organic structure, 173-184.
Unequal value of life, 390.
Value of modern life, 408, 409.
Variability in species, 373.
Variation movements, 274.
Veddahs, the, 393.
Vegetal diet, 227.
Vertebrates, mind in the, 328;
motor apparatus of the, 283, 284;
succession of the, 327.
Verworn, Max. on enzyma, 46;
on the nature of life, 28;
on the origin of life, 348.
Vibratory movement, 271.
Virchow and evolution, 322;
on the aim of science, 5.
Vital force, the, 47-51.
---- movement, 266-286.
Vitalism, 47-51, 459.
Voluntary movement mechanical, 262-264.
War, 400, 409.
Watch compared with organism, 30.
Water-feet, 280.
Water-vessels, 230.
Weismann on immortality, 90-101;
on selection, 364;
on the structure of plasm, 137.
Will, freedom of the, 263, 265, 286.
Wind-pipe, the, 232.
Woman, improvement in position of, 402.
Zehnder on the origin of life, 344.
Ziegler on instinct, 418.
Zoomonera, 193, 219.
Zooplasm, 213.