vhost@g@html@files@42968@42968-h@42968-h-1.htm.html#Page_56" class="pginternal">56, 133. Ergonomy of matter, 229. Eternity of the world, 242. Ether, 225. Etheric souls, 199. Ethics, fundamental law of, 350. Evolution, theory of, 54, 239, 243. chief element in, 267. Experience, 16. Extra-mundane God, 288. Faith, confession of, 303. of our fathers, 304. Family, the, and Christianity, 357. Fate, 272. Fechner, 97, etc. Fecundation, 63. Fetishism, 276. Feuerbach (Ludwig), 295. Flechsig, 183. Foetal membranes, 66. Folk-psychology, 103. Forces, conversion of, 231. Frederick the Great, 194, 315. Galen, 23, 40. Gaseous souls, 199. vertebrates, 288. GastrÆa, 160. theory of the, 60. GastrÆads, 159. Gastrula, 61. Gegenbaur, 25, 30. Generation, theory of, 55. Genus, 73. Geology, periods of, 270. progress of, 373. Germinal disk, 57. Gills, 65. God, 275. the father, 277. the son, 277, 328. Goethe, 20, etc. Goethe’s monism, 331. Golden Rule, the, 351. Gospels, 312. Gravitation, theory of, 217. Gut-layer, 159. Haller, 42. Harvey, 42. Helmholtz (Hermann), 213, 230. Heredity, psychic, 138. Hertz (Heinrich), 225. Hippocrates, 23. Histology, 51. systematic, 81. Physiology, 39. Phytopsyche, 157. Pithecanthropus, 87. Pithecoid theory, 82, etc. Pithecometra-thesis, 69, 85. Placenta, 32, 68. Placentals, 32, 86. Plasmodoma, 153. Plasmogony, 257. Plasmophaga, 154. Plato, 99, 197. Plato’s theory of ideas, 269. Platodaria, 160. Platodes, 160. PlatyrrhinÆ, 35. Pneuma zoticon, 40. Polytheism, 276. Ponderable matter, 222. Preformation theory, 54. Primaria, 33. Primates, 33, 86. Primitive Christianity, 311. gut, 61, 161. Prodynamis, 216. Progaster, 161. Proplacentals, 85. ProsimiÆ, 34. Prostoma, 161. Prothyl, 223. Protoplasm, 90. Protozoa, 60. ProvertebrÆ, 166. Pseudo-Christianity, 321. Psychade theory, 178. Psyche, 88. Psychogeny, 135. phyletic, 149. post-embryonic, 146. Psychology, 88 et seqq. ontogenetic, 104. phylogenetic, 104. Psychomonism, 226. Psychophysics, 97. Psychoplasm, 91, 110. Pupa, sleep of the, 146. Pyknosis, 218. Pyknotic theory of substance, 218. Reason, 17, 125. Reflex action, 112. arches, 114. Reformation, the, 319. Religion THE END Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. (12) Consequently, the so-called history of the world" (12) Consequently, the so-called "history of the world" structure of the primates forces us to distingiush two structure of the primates forces us to distinguish two of the geneaology of our race; for man bears all the of the genealogy of our race; for man bears all the world of which we have direct and certain cognizanze world of which we have direct and certain cognizance the law of substance by Robert Mayer and Helmholz the law of substance by Robert Mayer and Helmholtz The more impotant of these works we owe to Romanes The more important of these works we owe to Romanes Formerly assistant and pupil of Helmholz, Wundt had early Formerly assistant and pupil of Helmholtz, Wundt had early all other viviporous animals, precisely because the complete all other viviparous animals, precisely because the complete recent students of the protists, afford conlcusive evidence recent students of the protists, afford conclusive evidence a thinker is very striking; in explaning it, it is not a thinker is very striking; in explaining it, it is not "have no individuals and no generations in the matazoic sense." "have no individuals and no generations in the metazoic sense." in his Species and Studies in his eighty-fouth year in his Species and Studies in his eighty-fourth year Chief Forms of Theism—Polytheism—Tritheism—Ampitheism Chief Forms of Theism—Polytheism—Triplotheism—Amphitheism faith, and that all these insiduous institutions are faith, and that all these insidious institutions are nor in the narnow prisons of our jail-like schools, nor in the narrow prisons of our jail-like schools, And it was done in many, and sometimes very romatic, ways. And it was done in many, and sometimes very romantic, ways. |