
Let us now recapitulate the ancestral chain of man, as it is set forth in the accompanying diagram (p. 55), which represents our present knowledge of our descent. For simplicity's sake the many side-issues or branches which lead to groups not in the main line of our descent have been left out, or have been indicated merely. Many of the stages are of course hypothetical, arrived at by the study of comparative anatomy and ontogeny; but an example for each of them has been taken from those living or fossil creatures which seem to be their nearest representatives.

1. The most remote ancestors of all living organisms were living beings of the simplest imaginable kind, organisms without organs, like the still existing Monera. Each consisted of a simple granule of protoplasm, a structureless mass of albuminous matter or plasson, like the recent ChromaceÆ and BacteriÆ. The morphological value of these beings is not yet that of a cell, but that of a cytode, or cell without a nucleus. Cytoplasm and nucleus were still undifferentiated.

I assume that the first Monera owe their existence to spontaneous creation out of so-called anorganic combinations, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. An explanation of this hypothesis I have given in my 'Generelle Morphologie.'

The Monera probably arose early in the Laurentian period. The oldest are the Phytomonera, with vegetable metabolism. They possessed the power (characteristic of plants) of forming albumin by synthesis from carbon, water, and ammonia. From some of these plasma-forming Monera arose the plasmophagous Zoomonera with animal metabolism, living directly upon the produce of their plasmodomous or plasma-forming sisters. This is the first instance of the great principle of division of labour.

2. The second stage is that of the simple and single cell, a bit of protoplasm with a nucleus. Such unicellular organisms are still very common. The AmoebÆ are their simplest representatives. The morphological value of such beings is the same as that of the egg of any animal. The naked egg cells of the sponges creep about in an amoeboid fashion, scarcely distinguishable from Amoeba. The same remark applies to the egg-cell of man himself in its early stages before it is enclosed in a membrane. The first unicellular organisms arose from Monera through differentiation of the inner nucleus from the outer protoplasm.

3. Repeated division of the unicellular organism produces the Synamoebium, or community of AmoebÆ, provided the divisional products, or new generations of the original cell, do not scatter, but remain together. The existence of such a Coenobium, a number of equal and only loosely-connected cells, as a separate stage in the ancestral history of animals, is made highly probable by the fact that the eggs of all animals undergo after fertilization such a process of repeated self-division, or 'cleavage,' until the single egg cell is transformed into a heap of cells closely packed together, not unlike a mulberry (morula)—hence morula stage in ontogeny.

4. The morula of most animals further changes into a Blastula, a hollow ball filled with fluid, the wall being formed by a single layer of cells, the blastoderm or germinal layer. This modification is brought about by the action of the cells—they conveying nourishing fluid into the interior of the whole cell colony and thereby being themselves forced towards the surface. The Blastula of most Invertebrata, and even that of Amphioxus, is possessed of fine ciliÆ, or hair-like processes, the vibrating motion of which causes the whole organism to rotate and advance in the water. Living representatives of such BlastÆads, namely, globular gelatinous colonies of cells enclosing a cavity, are Volvox and MagosphÆra.

5. The Blastula of most animals assumes a new larval form called Gastrula, in which the essential characteristics are that a portion of the blastoderm by invagination converts the Blastula into a cup with double walls, enclosing a new cavity, the primitive gut. This invagination or bulging-in obliterates the original inner cavity of the Blastula. The outer layer of the Gastrula is the ectoderm, the inner the endoderm; both pass into each other at the blastoporus, or opening of the gut cavity. The Gastrula is a stage in the embryonic development of the various great groups of animals, and some such primitive form as ancestral to all Metazoa is thus indicated. This hypothetical GastrÆa is still very essentially represented by the lower Coelenterates—e.g., Olynthus, Hydra.

6. The sixth stage—that of the Platodes, or flat-worms—is very hypothetical. They are bilateral gastrÆads, with a flattened oblong body, furnished with ciliÆ, with a primitive nervous system, simple sensory and reproductive organs, but still without appendages, body cavity, vent, and blood-vessels. The nearest living representatives of such creatures are the acoelous Turbellarians—e.g., Convoluta, a free-swimming, ciliated creature.

7. The next higher stage is represented by such low animals as the Gastrotrichae.g., ChÆtonotus among the Rotatoria, which differ from the rhabdocoelous Turbellarians chiefly by the formation of a vent and the beginnings of a coelom, or cavity, between gut and body wall. The addition of a primitive vascular system and a pair of nephridia, or excretory organs, is first met with in the Nemertines.

8. These, together with the Enteropneusta (Balanoglossus), are comprised under the name of Frontonia, or Rhynchelminthes, and form the highest group of the Vermalia.

The Enteropneusta especially fix our attention, because they alone, although essentially 'worms,' exhibit certain characteristics which make it possible to bridge over the gulf which still separates the Invertebrata from the vertebrate phylum. The anterior portion of the gut is transformed into a breathing apparatus—hence Gegenbaur's term of Enteropneusta, or Gut-breathers. Moreover, Balanoglossus and Cephalodiscus possess another modification of the gut—namely, a peculiar diverticulum, which, in the present state of our knowledge, may be looked upon as the forerunner of the chorda dorsalis.

9. Stage of Prochordonia, as indicated by the larval form, called Chordula, which is common to the Tunicata and all the Vertebrata. These two groups possess three most important features: (a) A chorda dorsalis, a stiff rod lying in the long axis of the body, dorsally from the gut and below the central nervous system. This latter, for the first time in the animal kingdom, appears in the shape of a spinal cord. (b) The use of the anterior portion of the gut for respiratory purposes. (c) The larval development of the Tunicata is essentially the same as that of the Vertebrata in its early stages. Only the free-swimming Copelata or Appendicularia among the Tunicates retain most of these features. The others, which become sessile—namely, the AscidiÆ, or sea-squirts—degenerate and specialize away from the main line.

Abridged from 'Systemat. Phylogenie,' § 15.
Names underlined refer to hypothetical groups.

Aves Mammalia
" Reptilia "
'——— ———" "
"——— ———'
Pisces " Amphibia
" "——— ———'
" "
" Stegocephali Dipnoi
" "——— ———'
'——— ———"
Proselachii Cyclostomata
" "
"——— ———'
Tunicata Archicrania Acrania
" "——— ———'
" Prospondylia
" "
'——— ———"

10. Stage of the Acrania, represented by Amphioxus. The early development of this little marine creature agrees closely with that of the Tunicates; but one important feature is added to its organization—namely, metamerism, segmentally arranged mesoderm. Amphioxus still possesses neither skull nor vertebrÆ, neither ribs nor jaws, and no limbs. But it is a member of the Vertebrata if we define these as follows: Bilateral symmetrical animals with segmentally arranged mesoderm, with a chorda dorsalis between the tubular nervous system and the gut, and with respiratory organs which arise from the anterior portion of the gut. We do not assume that Amphioxus stands in the direct ancestral line; it is probably much specialized, partly degenerated, and represents a side-branch; but it is, nevertheless, the only creature, hitherto known, which satisfactorily connects the Vertebrata with their invertebrate ancestors. Many other efforts have been made to solve the mystery of the origin of the Vertebrata—all less satisfactory than the present suggestion, or even absolutely futile. This remark applies especially to the attempts to derive them from either Articulata or Echinoderms. The other great and highly developed phylum, the Mollusca, is quite out of the question. We have to go back to a level at which all these principal phyla meet, and there we find the Vermalia, the lower of which alone permit connection in an upward direction with the higher phyla.

11. Stage of Cyclostomata. This now small group of Lampreys and Hagfishes represents the lowest Craniota; and although much specialized as a side-branch of the main-stem from which the other Craniota have sprung, they give us an idea of what the direct ancestors of the latter must have been like:—still without visceral arches, without jaws and without paired limbs; with a persistent pronephros; the ear with one semicircular canal only; mouth suctorial; cranium very primitive; and the metamerism of the vertebral column indicated only by little blocks of cartilage in the perichordal sheath. Such creatures must have existed at least as early as the Lower Silurian epoch; but until 1890 fossil Cyclostomes were unknown. Their life in the mud, or as endoparasites of fishes, coupled with their soft structure, makes them very unfit for preservation. This gives all the greater importance to Traquair's discovery, in 1890, of many little creatures, called by him PalÆospondylus gunni, in the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness, which seem to be very closely allied to Cyclostomata.

12. The Elasmobranchi (sharks and skates), with their immediate forerunners, the Acanthodi of the Devonian and Carboniferous age, are the first typical fishes. That they existed as far back as the Silurian age is proved by many enamelled spines of the dermal armour, chiefly from the dorsal fins. This higher stage is characterized by the possession of typical jaws, by visceral or gill-bearing arches, and by two pairs of limbs. None of the Elasmobranchs, fossil or recent, stands in the direct ancestral line; but they are the lowest Gnathostomata, jaw-and-limb-possessing creatures, known.

13. Closely connected with the Elasmobranchs in a wider sense are the Crossopterygii, which begin in the Devonian age as a large group, but have left only two survivals, the African Polypterus and Calamoichthys. They are possessed of dermal bones and other ossifications, and are characterized by their lobate paired fins, which have a thick axis beset with biserial fin rays. Their gill-clefts are covered by an operculum, and they have a well-developed air-bladder. Whilst they are in many respects more highly developed than the Elasmobranchs, and are intimately connected with the typical Ganoids and other bony fishes (all of which form a great, manifold side-branch of the general vertebrate stem), they stand in many other respects (notably, the structure of the paired fins, the vertebral column, and the air-bladder) nearer the main-stem of our own ancestral line.

14. This is shown by their intimate relation to the Dipnoi, which are still represented by the Australian, African, and South American mud-fishes: Ceratodus, Protopterus, and Lepidosiren. The genus Ceratodus existed in the Upper Trias, whence various other unmistakably dipnoous forms lead down through the Carboniferous (e.g., Ctenodus) to the Devonian strata—e.g., Dipterus. They are characterized as follows: The paired fins still retain the archipterygial form (namely, one axis with biserial rays); the heart is already trilocular, and receives blood which is mixed arterial and venous, owing to the gills being retained, while the air-bladder has been modified into a lung. In fact, the generalized Dipnoi form the actual link between fishes and Amphibia.

15. Amphibia. The earliest amphibian fossils occur in the Carboniferous strata. They alone—the Stegocephali or Phractamphibia—stand in the ancestral line, while the Lissamphibia, to which all the recent forms belong, are side-branches. The Stegocephali are the earliest Tetrapoda, the archipterygial paired fins having been transformed into the pentadactyle fore and hind limbs, which are so characteristic of all the higher Vertebrata. The cranium is roofed over by dermal bones, of which, besides others, supra-occipitals, supra-orbitals, and supra-temporals are always present. The lowest members (Branchiosauri) still retained gills besides the lungs, while others (Microsauri) have lost the gills. Be it remembered that all the recent Amphibia still undergo the same metamorphosis during their ontogenetic development.

In the very important Temnospondyli, a subgroup of the Stegocephali—e.g., Trimerorhachis of the Lower Red Sandstone or Lower Permian—the component cartilaginous or bony units which compose the vertebrÆ still remained in a separate, unfused state, showing at the same time an arrangement whence has arisen that which is typical of the Amniota. The same applies to the limbs and their girdles. In fact, the Stegocephali, taken as a whole, lead imperceptibly to the Proreptilia.

16. Proreptilia are represented by the Permian genera Eryops and Cricotus. Until quite recently these and many other fossils from the Carboniferous strata were looked upon as Amphibia, while many undoubted fossil Amphibia were mistaken for reptiles, as indicated by the frequent termination '-saurus' in their names.

The nearest living representative of these extinct Proreptilia is the New Zealand reptile Hatteria, or Sphenodon, close relations of which are known from the Upper Trias; while others—e.g., PalÆohatteria—have been discovered in the Permian. Anyhow, Sphenodon is the reptile which stands nearest to the main stem of our ancestry.

The most important characteristics of the Reptilia, which mark a higher stage or level, are (1) The entire suppression of the gills—although during the embryonic development the gill-clefts still appear in all reptiles, birds, and mammals; (2) The development of an amnion and an allantois, both for the embryonic life only, but so characteristic that all these animals are comprised under the name of Amniota; (3) The articulation of the skull with the first neck vertebrÆ by well-developed condyles, either single (really triple) or double (such a condylar arrangement begins with the Amphibia, but only the two lateral condyles are developed, while the middle portion, belonging to the basi-occipital element, remains rudimentary[22]); (4) The formation of centra, or bodies of the vertebrÆ, mainly by a ventral pair of the original quadruple constituents, or arcualia.

17. Between the Proreptilia and the Mammalia, which latter occur in the Upper Triassic epoch, we have necessarily to intercalate a group of very low reptiles, which are still so generalized that their descendants could branch off either into the Reptilia proper or into the Mammalia. The changes concerned chiefly the brain and the heart; of the skeleton, the skull and the pelvis; and, of the tegumentary structures, the formation of a hairy covering. Many such creatures existed in the Triassic epoch—namely, the Theromorpha—some of which indeed possess so many characteristics which otherwise occur in the Mammalia only, that these creatures have been termed Sauro-Mammalia. However, it has to be emphasized that none of the Theromorpha hitherto discovered fulfils all the requirements which would entitle them to this important linking position. They only give us an approximate idea of what this link was like.

18. Stage of the Promammalia, or Prototheria. The only surviving members are the famous duck-bill, Ornithorhynchus, and the spiny ant-eaters, Echidna and Proechidna, of the Australian region. These few genera, however, differ so much from one another in various important respects that they cannot but be remnants of an originally much larger group. Indeed, many fossils from the Upper Triassic and from the Jurassic strata have without much doubt to be referred to the Prototheria. The Prototheria are typical mammals, because they possess the following characteristics: The heart is completely quadrilocular; the blood is warm, and its red corpuscles have, owing to the loss of their nucleus, been modified from biconvex into biconcave discs; they have a hairy coat and sweat glands, and two occipital condyles; the ilio-sacral connection is preacetabular; the ankle-joint is cruro-tarsal; the quadrate bone of the Reptilia has ceased to carry the under jaw, which now articulates directly with the squamosal portion of the skull. Their low position is shown by the retention of the following reptilian features: Complete coracoid bones and a T-shaped interclavicle; a cloaca, or common chamber for the passage of the fÆces, the genital and the urinary products; they are still oviparous; the embryo develops without a chorion, and is therefore not nourished through a placenta. Even the milk glands, which are absolutely peculiar to the Mammalia, are still in a very primitive stage, and do not yet produce milk proper; and there is only a temporary shallow marsupium.

19. Stage of Metatheria, or Marsupialia, are direct descendants of Prototheria; but they show higher development by the reduction of the coracoid bones and the interclavicle. The original cloaca is divided into a rectal chamber and a uro-genital sinus, completely separated, at least in the males; they are viviparous; the young are received into a permanent marsupium, in the walls of which are formed typical milk glands and nipples, but the embryo is still devoid of a placenta, although some recent marsupials show indications of such an organ. The corpus callosum in the brain is still very weak.

Most of the marsupials are extinct. They occur from the Upper Trias onwards, and had in the Jurassic epoch attained a wide distribution both in Europe and in America. Since the Tertiary epoch they have been restricted to America and to the Australian region, and are now represented by about 150 species.

20. Stage of Prochoriata, or early Placentalia: a further development of the Metatheria by the development of a placenta, loss of the marsupium and the marsupial bones, complete division by the perineum of the anal and uro-genital chambers, stronger development of the corpus callosum, or chief commissure of the two hemispheres of the brain.

Placentalia must have come into existence during the Cretaceous epoch. Up to that time all the Mammalia seem to have belonged to either Prototheria or to Metatheria; but in the early Eocene we can distinguish the main groups of Placentalia—namely, (1) Trogontia, now represented by the rodents; (2) Edentata, or sloths, armadilloes, etc.; (3) Carnassia, or Insectivora and Carnivora; (4) Chiroptera, or bats; (5) Cetomorpha, or whales and dugongs; (6) Ungulata; (7) Primates. Of these groups, the first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, can perhaps, to judge from palÆontological evidence, be combined into three greater groups, as indicated by the fossil Esthonychida, Ictopsida, and Condylarthra, in addition to the ancestral Primates, or Lemuravida, as the fourth large branch of the ancestral-tree where this has reached the placental level. Among none of the first three branches can we look for the ancestors of the Primates. The Lemuravida, therefore, represent a branch equivalent to the three other branches.

21. Stage of Lemures, or ProsimiÆ, comprising the older members of the Primates, consequently approaching most nearly to the Lemuravida. The limbs are modified into pentadactyle hands and feet of the arboreal type, and are protected by nails. The dentition is of the frugivorous or omnivorous type, with an originally complete series of teeth,

with milk teeth and with permanent. The orbit is surrounded by a complete bony ring, posteriorly by a fronto-jugal arch, but still widely communicating with the temporal fossa. The placenta is diffuse and non-deciduous.

'Systematische Phylogenie,' § 386.

Perissodactyla Homo Carnivora
Artiodactyla " (Litopterna) " " Pinnipedia
" " " Anthropoidae "—— ——'
" "—— ——' " "
'—— ——" CatarhinÆ Carnassia
'—— ——, " " Chiroptera
(Amblypoda) Proboscidea " PlatyrhinÆ Insectivora " "
'—— ——" " " "—— ——' "
'—— ——" SimiÆ " "
Cetacea Sirenia " " "—— ———— ——'
"—— ——' " Lemures " Rodentia
Cetomorpha " " " "
" Hyracoidea " " Ictopsales (Tillodontia)
" " " LemuravidÆ " "
'—— ——'—— ——" " " Trogontia Edentata
Condylarthrales " " "—— ——'
" " " Esthonychales
'—— ——"—— ——'—— ——'
Eutheria s. Placentalia
Marsupialia diprotodontia " Marsupialia polyprotodontia
'—— ———— ——"—— ———— ——'
" Monotremata (Allotheria)
Prototheria " "
"—— ——'—— ———— ——'
Hypotheria s. Promammalia

Names in brackets indicate extinct groups.
Names underlined indicate hypothetical groups or combinations.

22. Stage of SimiÆ. Orbit completely separated from the temporal fossa by an inward extension of the frontal and malar bones meeting the alisphenoid. Placenta consolidated into a disc, and with a maternal deciduous portion. MammÆ pectoral only. The dental formula is All the fingers and toes are protected by flat nails. The tail is long. The American prehensile-tailed monkeys are a lower side-branch.

23. Stage of CatarrhinÆ CercopithecidÆ. The dental formula is, owing to the loss of one pair of premolars in each jaw. The frontal and alisphenoid bones are in contact, separating the parietal from the malar bone; this feature is correlated with the enlarged brain. The internarial septum is narrow, and the nostrils look forwards and downwards instead of sidewards—hence the term 'CatarrhinÆ.' The external auditory meatus is long and bony. The tail is long, with the exception of Macacus inuus. The body is covered with a thick coat of furry hair. Catarrhine monkeys have existed, we know with certainty, since the Miocene.

24. Stage of CatarrhinÆ AnthropoidÆ, or Apes. Now represented by the large apes—namely, the Hylobates or gibbon of South-Eastern Asia, Simia satyrus, the orang-utan of Sumatra and Borneo, Troglodytes gorilla, T. niger and T. calvus, the gorilla and the chimpanzees from Western Equatorial Africa. Of fossils are to be mentioned Pliopithecus and Dryopithecus from European Miocene, and Troglodytes sivalensis from the Pliocene of the Punjaub. The tail is reduced to a few caudal vertebrÆ, which are transformed into a coccyx, not visible externally; but in the embryos of apes and man the tail is still a conspicuous feature. The walk is semierect; in adaptation to the prevailing arboreal life, the arms are longer than the legs. The hair of the body is considerably more scanty than in the tailed monkeys. Troglodytes calvus, a species or variety of chimpanzee, is bald-headed. None of the recent genera of apes can lay claim to a place in the ancestry of mankind.

25. Stage of Pithecanthropi. Hitherto the only known representative is Pithecanthropus erectus, from the Upper Pliocene of Java. In adaptation to a more erect gait, the legs have become stronger and the hind-hand has been turned into a flat-soled walking 'foot.' The brain is considerably enlarged. Presumably it is still devoid of so-called articulate speech; this is indicated by the fact that children have to learn the language of their parents, and by the circumstance that comparative philology declares it impossible to reduce the chief human languages to anything like one common origin.

26. Man. Known with certainty to have existed as an implement-using creature in the last Glacial epoch. His probable origin cannot, therefore, have been later than the beginning of the Plistocene. The place of origin was probably somewhere in Southern Asia.

Whilst we have to admit that there are great defects in the older (invertebrate) portion of our pedigree, we have all the more reason to be satisfied with the positive results of our investigation of the more recent (vertebrate) part of it. All modern researches have confirmed the views of Lamarck, Darwin, and Huxley, and they allow of no doubt that the nearest vertebrate ancestors of mankind were a series of Tertiary Primates.

Particularly valuable are the admirable attempts of the two zoologists, Paul and Fritz Sarasin,[23] to throw light upon the human phylogeny by painstaking comparison of all the skeletal parts of man with those of the anthropoid apes. They have shown that among the lower races of man the primitive Veddahs of Ceylon approach the apes most nearly, and that among the latter the chimpanzee stands nearest to man.

The direct descent of man from some extinct ape-like form is now beyond doubt, and admits of being traced much more clearly than the origin of many another mammalian order. The pedigrees of the Elephants, the Sirenia, the Cetacea, and, above all, of the Edentata, for example, are much more obscure and difficult to explain. In many parts of their organization—for example, in the number and structure of his five digits and toes—man and monkeys have remained much more primitive than most of the Ungulata.

The immense significance of this positive knowledge of the origin of man from some Primate does not require to be enforced. Its bearing upon the highest questions of philosophy cannot be exaggerated. Among modern philosophers no one has perceived this more deeply than Herbert Spencer.[24] He is one of those older thinkers who before Darwin were convinced that the theory of development is the only way to solve the 'enigma of the world.' Spencer is also the champion of those evolutionists who lay the greatest weight upon progressive heredity, or the much combated heredity of acquired characters. From the first he has severely attacked and criticised the theories of Weismann, who denies this most important factor of phylogeny, and would explain the whole of transformism by the 'all-sufficiency of selection.' In England the theories of Weismann were received with enthusiastic acclamation, much more so than on the Continent, and they were called 'Neo-Darwinism,' in opposition to the older conception of Evolution, or 'Neo-Lamarckism.' Neither of those expressions is correct. Darwin himself was convinced of the fundamental importance of progressive heredity quite as much as his great predecessor Lamarck; as were also Huxley and Spencer.

Three times I had the good fortune to visit Darwin at Down, and on each occasion we discussed this fundamental question in complete harmony. I agree with Spencer in the conviction that progressive heredity is an indispensable factor in every true monistic theory of Evolution, and that it is one of its most important elements. If one denies with Weismann the heredity of acquired characters, then it becomes necessary to have recourse to purely mystical qualities of germ-plasm. I am of the opinion of Spencer, that in that case it would be better to accept a mysterious creation of all the various species as described in the Mosaic account.

If we look at the results of modern anthropogeny from the highest point of view, and compare all its empirical arguments, we are justified in affirming that the descent of man from an extinct Tertiary series of Primates is not a vague hypothesis, but an historical fact.

Of course, this fact cannot be proved exactly. We cannot explain all the innumerable physical and chemical processes, all the physiological mutations, which have led during untold millions of years from the simplest Monera and from the unicellular Protista upwards to the chimpanzee and to man. But the same consideration applies to all historical facts. We all believe that Aristotle, CÆsar, and King Alfred did live; but it is impossible to give a proof within the meaning of modern exact science. We believe firmly in the former existence of these and other great heroes of thought, because we know well the works they have left behind them, and we see their effects in the history of human culture. These indirect arguments do not furnish stronger evidence than those of our history as vertebrates. We know of many Jurassic mammals only a single bone, the under jaw. We all believe that these mammals possessed also an upper jaw, a skull, and other bones. But the so-called 'exact school,' which regards the transformation of species as a hypothesis not proven, must suppose that the mandibula was the only bone in the body of these curious animals.

Looking forward to the twentieth century, I am convinced that it will universally accept our theory of descent, and that future science will regard it as the greatest advance made in our time. I have no doubt that the influence of the study of anthropogeny upon all other branches of science will be fruitful and auspicious. The work done in the present century by Lamarck and Darwin will in all future times be considered one of the greatest conquests made by thinking man.


{1. Acrania. I. Leptocardia.
I. Adactylia { Cold-blooded; heart
s. Impinnata. { with one chamber;
Without jaws { without lungs.
and limbs. {
{2. Cyclostomata. }II. Ichthyocardia.
}Cold-blooded; heart
}two-chambered, with
}one atrium and one
}ventricle; heart
}containing venous
II. Polydactylia {3. Pisces. }blood only; without lungs
s. Pinnata. {
With two {
pairs of fins. { 4. Dipnoi. }III. Amphicardia.
}Cold-blooded; heart
}with three complete
}chambers, namely, with
}two atria and one
{ 5. Amphibia. } ventricle, or (Reptilia)
{ }two ventricles with still
{ }incomplete septum; heart
{ }containing mixed venous
{ }and arterialized
III. Pentadactylia { 6. Reptilia. }blood; with lungs.
s. Tetrapoda. {
With two { {IV. Thermocardia.
pairs of { {Warm-blooded; heart
pentadactyle { {with four complete
limbs (unless {7. Aves. {chambers, namely, two
they have { {auricles and two
been lost by { {ventricles; right half
reduction). { {of the heart with venous,
{ {left half with arterialized,
{8. Mammalia. {blood; with lungs.



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