Unicellular animals (Protozoa) | 1. Unnucleated | Bacteria ProtamÆbÆ | Monera | 2. Nucleated | a. Rhizopoda | Amoebina Radiolaria | b. Infusoria | Flagellata Ciliata | 3. Cell-colonies | Catallacta BlastÆada | | Unicellular animals (Protozoa) | I Coelenterata, or Zoophytes. Animals without body-cavity, blood, or anus. | a. GastrÆads | Gastremaria Cyemaria | | b. Sponges | ProtospongiÆ MetaspongiÆ | | c. Cnidaria (stinging animals) | Hydrozoa Polyps MedusÆ | | d. Platodes (flat-worms) | Platodaria Turbullaria Trematoda Cestoda | | II Coelomaria or Bilaterals. Animals with body-cavity and anus, and generally blood. | a. Vermalia (worm-like) | Rotatoria Strongylaria Prosopygia Frontonia | | b. Molluscs | Cochlides Conchades Teuthodes | | c. Articulates | Annelida Crustacea Tracheata | | d. Echinoderms | Monorchonia Pentorchonia | | e. Tunicates | Copelata AscidiÆ ThalidiÆ | | f. Vertebrates | I. Acrania-Lancelet (without skull) II. Craniota (with skull) a. Cyclostomes (“round-mouthed”) | | b. Fishes | Selachii Ganoids Teleosts Dipneusts | c. Amphibia d. Reptiles e. Birds | | f. Mammal | Monotremes Marsupials Placentals: Rodents Edentates Ungulates Cetacea Sirenia Insectivora Cheiroptera Carnassia Primates |