If we measure the importance of the systems of organs in the animal frame according to the richness and variety of their phenomena and the physiological interest that this implies, we must regard as one of the principal and most interesting systems the one which we are now going to examine—the system of the reproductive organs. Just as nutrition is the first and most urgent condition for the self-maintenance of the individual organism, so reproduction alone secures the maintenance of the species—or, rather, the maintenance of the long series of generations which the totality of the organic stem represents in their genealogical connection. No individual organism has the prerogative of immortality. To each is allotted only a brief span of personal development, an evanescent moment in the million-year course of the history of life. Hence, reproduction and the correlative phenomenon, heredity, have long been regarded, together with nutrition, as the most important and fundamental function of living things, and it has been attempted to distinguish them from “lifeless bodies” on this very score. As a matter of fact, this division is not so profound and thorough as it seems to be, and is generally supposed to be. If we examine carefully the nature of the reproductive process, we soon see that it can be reduced to a general property that is found in inorganic as well as organic bodies—growth. Reproduction is a nutrition and growth of the organism beyond the individual limit, which raises a part of it into the whole. This is most clearly seen when we study it in the simplest and lowest organisms, especially the Monera (Figs. 226–228) and the unicellular AmoebÆ (Fig. 17). There the simple individual is a single plastid. As soon as it has reached a certain limit of size by continuous feeding and normal growth, it cannot pass it, but divides, by simple cleavage, into two equal halves. Each of these halves then continues its independent life, and grows on until it in turn reaches the limit of growth, and divides. In each of these acts of self-cleavage two new centres of attraction are formed for the particles of bodies, the foundations of the two new-formed individuals. There is no such thing as immortality even in these unicellulars. In many other Protozoa reproduction takes place not by cleavage, but by budding (gemmation). In this case the growth that determines reproduction is not total (as in segmentation), but partial. Hence in gemmation also we may oppose the local growth-product, that becomes a new individual in the bud, as a child-organism to the parent-organism from which it is formed. The latter is older and larger than the former. In cleavage the two products are equal in age and morphological value. Next to gemmation we have, as other forms of asexual reproduction, the forming of embryonic buds and the forming of embryonic cells. But the latter leads us at once to sexual generation, the distinctive feature of which is the separation of the sexes. I have dealt fully with these various types of reproduction in my History of Creation (chap. viii) and my Wonders of Life (chap. xi). The earliest ancestors of man and the higher animals had no faculty of sexual reproduction, but multiplied solely by asexual means—cleavage, gemmation, or the formation of embryonic buds or cells, as many Protozoa still do. The differentiation of the sexes came at a later stage. We see this most plainly in the Protists, in which the union of two individuals precedes the continuous cleavage of the unicellular organism (transitory conjugation and permanent copulation of the Infusoria). We may say that in this case the growth (the condition of reproduction) is attained by the coalescence of two full-grown cells into a single, disproportionately large individual. At the same time, the mixture of the two plastids causes a rejuvenation of the plasm. At first the copulating cells are quite homogeneous; but natural selection soon brings about a certain contrast between them—larger female cells (macrospores) and smaller male cells (microspores). It must be a great advantage in the struggle for life for the new individual to have inherited different qualities from the two cellular parents. The further advance of this contrast between the generating cells led to sexual differentiation. One cell became the female ovum (macrogonidion), and the other the male sperm-cell (microgonidion). The simplest forms of sexual reproduction among the living Metazoa are seen in the GastrÆads p. 233, the lower sponges, the common fresh-water polyp (Hydra), and other Coelenteria of the lowest rank. Prophysema (Fig. 234), Olynthus (Fig. 238), Hydra, etc., have very simple tubular bodies, the thin wall of which consists (as in the original gastrula) only of the two primary germinal layers. As soon as the body reaches sexual maturity, a number of the cells in its wall become female ova, and others male sperm-cells: the former become very large, as they accumulate a considerable quantity of yelk-granules in their protoplasm (Fig. 235 e); the latter are very small on account of their repeated cleavage, and change into mobile cone-shaped spermatozoa (Fig. 20). Both kinds of cells detach from their source of origin, the primary germinal layers, fall either into the surrounding water or into the cavity of the gut, and unite there by fusing together. This is the momentous process of fecundation, which we have examined in Chapter VII (cf. Figs. 23–29). From these simplest forms of sexual propagation, as we can observe them to-day in the lowest Zoophytes, the GastrÆads, Sponges, and Polyps, we gather most important data. In the first place, we learn that, properly speaking, nothing is required for sexual reproduction except the fusion or coalescence of two different cells—a female ovum and male sperm-cell. All other features, and all the very complex phenomena that accompany the sexual act in the higher animals, are of a subordinate and secondary character, and are later additions to this simple, primary process of copulation and fecundation. But if we bear in mind how extremely important a part this relation of the two sexes plays in the whole of organic nature, in the life of plants, of animals, and of man; how the mutual attraction of the sexes, love, is the mainspring of the most remarkable processes—in fact, one of the chief mechanical causes of the highest development of life—we cannot too greatly emphasise this tracing of love to its source, the attractive force of two erotic cells. Throughout the whole of living nature the greatest effects proceed from this very small cause. Consider the part that the flowers, the sexual organs of the flowering plants, play in nature; or the exuberance of wonderful phenomena that sexual selection produces in animal life; or the The lowest Metazoa throw light on this very simple origin of the intricate phenomena of reproduction, and they also teach us that the earliest sexual form was hermaphrodism, and that the separation of the sexes (by division of labour) is a secondary and later phenomenon. Hermaphrodism predominates in the most varied groups of the lower animals; each sexually-mature individual, each person, contains female and male sexual cells, and is therefore able to fertilise itself and reproduce. Thus we find ova and sperm-cells in the same individual, not only in the lowest Zoophytes (GastrÆads, Sponges, and many Polyps), but also in many worms (leeches and earthworms), many of the snails (the common garden and vineyard snails), all the Tunicates, and many other invertebrate animals. All man’s earlier invertebrate ancestors, from the GastrÆads up to the Prochordonia, were hermaphrodites; possibly even the earliest Acrania. We have an instructive proof of this in the remarkable circumstance that many genera of fishes are still hermaphrodites, and that it is occasionally found in the higher Vertebrates of all classes (as atavism). We may conclude from this that gonochorism (separation of the sexes) was a later stage in our development. At first, male and female individuals differ only in the possession of one or other kind of gonads; in other respects they were identical, as we still find in the Amphioxus and the Cyclostomes. Afterwards, accessory organs (ducts, etc.) are associated with the primary sexual glands; and much later again sexual selection has given rise to the secondary sexual characters—those differences between the sexes which do not affect the sexual organs themselves, but other parts of the body (such as the man’s beard or the woman’s breast). The third important fact that we learn from the lower Zoophytes relates to the earliest origin of the two kinds of sexual cells. As in the GastrÆads (the lowest sponges and hydroids), in which we find the first beginnings of sexual differentiation, the whole body consists merely of the two primary germinal layers, it follows that the sexual cells also must have proceeded from the cells of these primary layers, either the inner or outer, or from both. This simple fact is extremely important, because the first trace of the ova as well as the spermatozoa is found in the middle germinal layer or mesoderm in the higher animals, especially the Vertebrates. This arrangement is a later development from the preceding (in connection with the secondary formation of the mesoderm). If we trace the phylogeny of the sexual organs in our earliest Metazoa ancestors, as the comparative anatomy and ontogeny of the lowest Coelenteria (Cnidaria, Platodaria) exhibit it to us, we find that the first step in advance is the localisation or concentration of the two kinds of sexual Fig. 383—Embryos of Sagitta, in three earlier stages of development. (From Hertwig.) A gastrula, B coelomula with open primitive mouth, C the same primitive mouth closed, ua primitive gut, bl primitive mouth, g progonidia (hermaphroditic primitive sexual cells), cs coelom-pouches, pm parietal layer, vm visceral layer of same, d permanent gut (enteron), st mouth-pit (stomodÆum). In the great majority of the Bilateria or Coelomaria it is the mesoderm from which the gonads develop. Probably the first traces of them are the two large cells that appear at the edge of the primitive mouth (right and left), as a rule during gastrulation or immediately afterwards—the important promesoblasts, or “polar cells of the mesoderm,” or “primitive cells of the middle germinal layer” (p. 194). In the real Enterocoela, in which the mesoderm appears from the first in the shape of a couple of coelom-pouches, these are very probably the original gonads (p. 194). This is seen very clearly in the arrow-worm (Sagitta). In the gastrula of Sagitta (Fig. 383 A) we find at an early stage a couple of entodermic cells of an unusual size (g) at the base of the primitive gut (ud). These primitive sexual cells (progonidia) are symmetrically placed to the right and left of the middle plane, like the two promesoblasts of the bilateral gastrula of the Amphioxus (Fig. 38 p). A little outwards from them the two coelom pouches (B, cs) are developed out of the primitive gut, and each progonidion divides into a male and a female sexual cell (B, g). The two male cells (at first rather the larger) lie close together within, and are the parent-cells of the testicles (prospermaria). The two female cells lie outwards from these, and are the parent-cells of the ovary (protovaria). Afterwards, when the coelom-pouches have detached from the permanent gut (C, d) and the primitive mouth (A, bl) is closed, the female cells advance towards the mouth (C, st), and the male towards the rear. The foremost pair of ovaries are then separated by a transverse partition from the hind pair. Thus the first structures of the sexual glands of the Sagitta are a couple of hermaphroditic entodermic cells; each of these divides Fig. 384—A, Part of the kidneys of Bdellostoma. a prorenal duct (nephroductus), b segmental or primitive urinary canals (pronephridia), c renal or Malpighian capsules. B Portion of same, highly magnified. c renal capsules with the glomerulus, d afferent artery, e efferent artery. From Johannes MÜller (Myxinoides). The sexually-mature Amphioxus is not hermaphroditic, as its nearest invertebrate relatives, the Tunicates, are, and as the long-extinct pre-Silurian Primitive Vertebrate (Prospondylus, Figs. 98–102) probably was. The actual lancelet has gonochoristic structures of a very interesting kind. As we saw in the anatomy of the Amphioxus, we find the ovaries of the female and the spermaries of the male in the shape of twenty to thirty pairs of elliptical or roundish four-cornered sacs, which lie on either side of the gut on the parietal surface of the respiratory pore (Fig. 219 g). According to the important discovery of RÜckert (1888), the sexual glands of the earliest fishes, the Selachii, are similarly arranged. They only unite afterwards to form a pair of simple gonads. These have been transmitted by heredity to all the rest of the Craniotes. In every case they lie originally on each side of the mesentery, underneath the chorda, at the bottom of the body-cavity. The first traces of them are found in the coelom-epithelium, at the spot where the skin-fibre layer and gut-fibre layer meet in the middle of the mesenteric plate (Fig. 93 mp). At this point we observe at an early stage in all craniote embryos a small string-like cluster of cells, which we may call, with Waldeyer, the “germ epithelium,” or (in harmony with the other plate-shaped rudimentary organs) the sexual plate (Fig. 173 g). This germinal or sexual plate is found in the fifth week in the human embryo, in the shape of a couple of long whitish streaks, on the inner side of the primitive kidneys (Fig. 183 t). The cells of this sexual plate are distinguished by their cylindrical form and chemical composition from the rest of the coelom-cells; they have a different purport from the flat cells which line the rest of the body-cavity. As the germ epithelium of the sexual plate becomes thicker, and supporting tissue grows into it from the mesoderm, it becomes a rudimentary sexual gland. This ventral gonad then develops into the ovary in the female Craniotes, and the testicles in the male. In the formation of the gonidia or erotic sexual cells and their conjunction at fecundation we have the sole essential features of sexual reproduction; but in the great majority of animals we find other organs taking part in it. The chief of these secondary sexual organs are the gonoducts, which serve to convey the mature sexual cells out of the body, and the copulative organs, which bring the fecundating male sperm into touch with the ovum-bearing female. The latter organs are, as a rule, only found in the higher animals, and are much less widely distributed than the gonoducts. But these also are secondary formations, and are wanting in many animals of the lower groups. In the lower animals the mature sexual cells are generally ejected directly from Fig. 385—Transverse section of the embryonic shield of a chick, forty-two hours old. (From KÖlliker.) mr medullary tube, ch chorda, h horny plate (skin-sense layer), ung nephroduct, vw episomites (dorsal primitive segments), hp skin-fibre layer (parietal layer of the hyposomites), dfp gut-fibre layer (visceral layer of hyposomites), ao aorta, g vessels. (Cf. transverse section of duck-embryo, Fig. 152.) The original and genetic relation of these two kinds of ducts is just the same in man as in the rest of the higher Vertebrates, and quite different from what we find in most of the Invertebrates. In the latter, as a rule, the gonoducts develop directly from the embryonic glands or from the outer skin; but in the Vertebrates an independent organic system is employed to convey the sexual products, and this had originally a totally different function—namely, the system of urinary organs. These organs have primarily the sole duty of removing unusable matter from the body in a fluid form. Their liquid excretory product, the urine, is either evacuated directly through the skin or through the last section of the gut. It is only at a later stage that the tubular urinary passages also convey the sexual products from the body. In this way they become “urogenital ducts.” This remarkable secondary conjunction of the urinary and sexual organs into a common urogenital system is very characteristic of the Gnathostomes, the six higher classes of Vertebrates. It is wanting in the lower classes. In order to appreciate it fully, we must give a comparative glance at the structure of the urinary organs. The renal or urinary system is one of the oldest and most important systems of organs in the differentiated animal body, as I have pointed out on several previous occasions (cf. Chapter XVII). We find it not only in the higher stems, but also very generally distributed in the earlier group of the Vermalia. Here we meet it in the lowest worms, the Rotatoria (Gastrotricha, Fig. 242), and in the instructive stem of the Platodes. It consists of a pair of simple or branching canals, which are lined with one layer of cells, absorb unusable juices from the tissue, and eject them by an outlet in the outer skin (Fig. 240 nm). Not only the free-living Turbellaria, but also the parasitic Suctoria, and even the still more degenerate tapeworms, which have lost their alimentary canal in consequence of their parasitic life, are equipped with these renal canals Fig. 386—Rudimentary primitive kidneys of a dog-embryo. The hind end of the embryonic body is seen from the ventral side and covered with the visceral layer of the yelk-sac, which is torn away and folded down in front in order to show the nephroducts with the primitive urinary canals (a). b primitive vertebrÆ, c spinal cord, d entrance into the pelvic-gut cavity. (From Bischoff.) Fig. 387—Primitive kidneys of a human embryo. u the urinary canals of the primitive kidneys, w Wolffian duct, w uppermost end of the same (Morgagni’s hydatid), m Mullerian duct. m uppermost end of same (Fallopian hydatid), g gonad (sexual gland). (From Kobelt.) In these lowest, unsegmented worms, and in the unsegmented Molluscs, there is only one pair of renal canals. They are more numerous in the higher Articulates. In the Annelids, the body of which is composed of a large number of joints, there is a pair of these pronephridia in each segment (hence they are called segmental canals or organs). Even here they are still simple tubes; on account of their coiled or looped form they are often called “looped canals.” In most of the Annelids, and many of the Vermalia, we can distinguish three sections in the nephridium—an outer muscular duct, a glandular middle part, and an inner part that opens by a ciliated funnel into the body-cavity. This opening is furnished with whirling cilia, and can, therefore, take up the juices to be excreted directly from the body-cavity and convey them from the body. But in these worms the sexual cells, which develop in very primitive form on the inner surface of the body-cavity, also fall into it when mature, and are sucked up by the funnel-shaped inner ciliated openings of the renal canals, and ejected with the urine. Thus the urine-forming looped canals, or pronephridia, serve as oviducts in the female Annelids and as spermaducts in the male. The renal system of the Vertebrates is similar to, yet materially different from, these segmental canals of the Annelids. The peculiar development of it and its relations to the sexual organs are among the most difficult problems in the morphology of our stem. If we examine briefly the vertebrate renal system from the phylogenetic point of view, as confirmed by recent discoveries, we may distinguish three forms of it: (1) Fore-kidneys or head-kidneys (pronephros); (2) primitive or middle kidneys (mesonephros); (3) permanent kidneys (metanephros). These three systems of kidneys are not fundamentally and completely distinct, as earlier students (such as Semper) wrongly supposed; they represent three different generations of one and the same excretory apparatus; they correspond to three phylogenetic stages, Fig. 388—Pig-embryo, three-fifths of an inch long, seen from the ventral side. a fore leg, z hind leg, b ventral wall, r sexual prominence, w nephroduct, n primitive kidneys, n1 their inner part. (From Oscar Schultze.) Fig. 389—Human embryo of the fifth week, two-fifths of an inch long, seen from the ventral side (the anterior ventral wall, b, is removed, the body-cavity, c, opened). d gut (cut off), f frontal process, g cerebrum, m middle brain, e after brain, h heart, k first gill-cleft, l pulmonary sac, n primitive kidneys, r sexual region, p phallus (sexual prominences), s tail. (From Kollmann.) As in the morphology of any other system of organs, so in the case of the urinary and sexual organs the Amphioxus is the real typical primitive Vertebrate; it affords the key to the mysteries of the structure of man and the higher Vertebrates. The kidneys of the Amphioxus—first discovered by Boveri in 1890—are typical “fore kidneys,” composed of a double row of short segmental canals (Fig. 217 x). The inner aperture of these pronephridia opens into the mesodermic body-cavity (the middle part of the coeloma, B); the external aperture into the ectodermic mantle or peribranchial cavity (C). Their position, their Figs. 390, 391, 392—Primitive kidneys and rudimentary sexual organs. Figs. 390 and 391 of Amphibia (frog-larvÆ); Fig. 390 earlier, 391 later stage. Fig. 392 of a mammal (ox-embryo). u primitive kidney, k sexual gland (rudiment of testicle and ovary). The primary nephroduct (ug in Fig. 390) divides (in Figs. 391 and 392) into the two secondary nephroducts—the Mullerian (m) and Wolffian (ug) ducts, joined together behind in the genital cord (g). l ligament of the primitive kidneys. (From Gegenbaur.) Figs. 393, 394—Urinary and sexual organs of an Amphibian (water salamander or Triton). Fig. 393 of a female, 394 of a male. r primitive kidney, ov ovary, od oviduct and c Rathke’s duct, both developed from the MÜllerian duct, u primitive ureter (also acting as spermaduct [ve] in the male, opening below into the Wolffian duct [u apostrophe]), ms mesovarium. (From Gegenbaur.) The next higher Vertebrates, the Cyclostomes, yield some very interesting data. Both orders of this class, the hags and lampreys, have still the fore kidneys inherited from the Acrania—the former permanently, the latter in their earlier stages. Behind these the primitive kidneys soon develop, and in a very characteristic form. The remarkable structure of the mesonephros of the Cyclostomes, discovered by Johannes MÜller, explains the intricate formation of the kidneys in the higher Vertebrates. We find in the hag-fishes (Bdellostoma) a long tube, the prorenal duct (nephroductus, Fig. 384 a). This opens with its anterior end into the coeloma by a ciliated aperture, and externally with its posterior end by an outlet in the skin. Inside it open a large number of small transverse canals (“segmental or primitive urinary canals,” b). Each of these terminates blindly in a vesicular capsule (c), and this encloses a coil of blood-vessel (glomerulus, an arterial network, Fig. 384 B, c). Afferent branches of arteries conduct arterial blood into the coiled branches of the glomerulus (d), and efferent arterial branches conduct it away from the net (c). The primitive renal canals (mesonephridia) are distinguished by this net-formation from their predecessors. In the Selachii also we find a longitudinal row of segmental canals on each side, which open outwards into the primitive renal ducts (nephrotomes, p. 149. The segmental canals (a pair in each segment of the middle part of the body) open internally by a ciliated funnel into the body-cavity. From the posterior group of these organs a compact primitive kidney is formed, the anterior group taking part in the construction of the sexual organs. In the same simple form that remains Fig. 395—Primitive kidneys and germinal glands of a human embryo, three inches in length (beginning of the sixth week), magnified. k germinal gland, u primitive kidney, z diaphragmatic ligament of same, w Wolffian duct (opened on the right), g directing ligament (gubernaculum), a allantoic duct. (From Kollmann.) In the Myxinoides the primitive kidneys retain this simple comb-shaped structure, and a part of it is preserved in the Selachii; but in all the other Craniotes it is only found for a short time in the embryo, as an ontogenetic reproduction of the earlier phylogenetic structure. In these the primitive kidney soon assumes the form (by the rapid growth, lengthening, increase, and serpentining of the urinary canals) of a large compact gland, of a long, oval or spindle-shaped character, which passes through the greater part of the embryonic body-cavity (Figs. 183 m, 184 m, 388 n). It lies near the middle line, directly under the primitive vertebral column, and reaches from the cardiac region to the cloaca. The right and left kidneys are parallel to each other, quite close together, and only separated by the mesentery—the thin narrow layer that attaches the middle gut to the under surface of the vertebral column. The passage of each primitive kidney, the nephroduct, runs towards the back on the lower and outer side of the gland, and opens in the cloaca, close to the starting-point of the allantois; it afterwards opens into the allantois itself. The primitive or primordial kidneys of the amniote embryo were formerly called the “Wolffian bodies,” and sometimes “Oken’s bodies.” They act for a time as Figs. 396–398—Urinary and sexual organs of ox-embryos. Fig. 396, female embryo one and a half inches long; Fig. 397, male embryo, one and a half inches long. Fig. 398 female embryo two and a half inches long. w primitive kidney, wg Wolffian duct, m MÜllerian duct, m upper end of same (opened at t), i lower and thicker part of same (rudiment of uterus), g genital cord, h testicle, (h, lower and h, upper testicular ligament), o ovary, o lower ovarian ligament, i inguinal ligament of primitive kidney, d diaphragmatic ligament of primitive kidney, nn accessory kidneys, n permanent kidneys, under them the S-shaped ureters, between these the rectum, v bladder, a umbilical artery. (From KÖlliker.) In all the Anamnia (the lower amnionless Craniotes, Cyclostomes, Fishes, Dipneusts, and Amphibia) the urinary organs remain at a lower stage of development to this extent, that the primitive kidneys (protonephri) act permanently as urinary glands. This is only so as a passing phase of the early embryonic life in the three higher classes of Vertebrates, the Amniotes. In these the permanent or after or secondary (really tertiary) kidneys (renes or metanephri) that are distinctive of these three classes soon make their appearance. They represent the third and last generation of the vertebrate kidneys. The permanent kidneys do not arise (as was long supposed) as independent glands from the alimentary tube, but from the last section of the primitive kidneys and the nephroduct. Here a simple tube, the secondary renal duct, develops, near the point of its entry into the cloaca; and this tube grows considerably forward. With its blind upper or anterior end is connected a glandular renal growth, that owes its origin to a differentiation of the last part of the primitive kidneys. This rudiment of the Though in man and all the other Amniotes the primitive kidneys are thus early replaced by the permanent kidneys, and these alone then act as urinary organs, all the parts of the former are by no means lost. The nephroducts become very important physiologically by being converted into the passages of the sexual glands. In all the Gnathostomes—or all the Vertebrates from the fishes up to man—a second similar canal develops beside the nephroduct at an early stage of embryonic evolution. The latter is usually called the MÜllerian duct, after its discoverer, Johannes MÜller, while the former is called the Wolffian duct. The origin of the MÜllerian duct is still obscure; comparative anatomy and ontogeny seem to indicate that it originates by differentiation from the Wolffian duct. Perhaps it would be best to say: “The original primary nephroduct divides by differentiation (or longitudinal cleavage) into two secondary nephroducts, the Wolffian and the MÜllerian ducts.” The latter (Fig. 387 m) lies just on the inner side of the former (Fig. 387 w). Both open behind into the cloaca. Fig. 399—Female sexual organs of a Monotreme (Ornithorhynchus, Fig. 269). o ovaries, t oviducts, u womb, sug urogenital sinus; at u is the outlet of the two wombs, and between them the bladder (vu). cl cloaca. (From Gegenbaur.) However uncertain the origin of the nephroduct and its two products, the MÜllerian and the Wolffian ducts, may be, its later development is clear enough. In all the Gnathostomes the Wolffian duct is converted into the spermaduct, and the MÜllerian duct into the oviduct. Only one of them is retained in each sex; the other either disappears altogether, or only leaves relics in the shape of rudimentary organs. In the male sex, in which the two Wolffian ducts become the spermaducts, we often find traces of the MÜllerian ducts, which I have called “Rathke’s canals” (Fig. 394 c). In the female sex, in which the two MÜllerian ducts form the oviducts, there are relics of the Wolffian ducts, which are called “the ducts of Gaertner.” We obtain the most interesting information with regard to this remarkable evolution of the nephroducts and their association with the sexual glands from the Amphibia (Figs. 390–395). The first structure of the nephroduct and its differentiation into MÜllerian and Wolffian ducts are just the same in both sexes in the Amphibia, as in the mammal embryos (Figs. 392, 396). In the female Amphibia Figs. 400, 401—Original position of the sexual glands in the ventral cavity of the human embryo (three months old). Fig. 400, male. h testicles, gh conducting ligament of the testicles, wg spermaduct, h bladder, uh inferior vena cava, nn accessory kidneys, n kidneys. Fig. 401, female. r round maternal ligament (underneath it the bladder, over it the ovaries). r kidneys, s accessory kidneys, c cÆcum, o small reticle, om large reticle (stomach between the two), l spleen. (From KÖlliker.) In the mammals these permanent amphibian features are only seen as brief phases of the earlier period of embryonic development (Fig. 392). Here the primitive kidneys, which act as excretory organs of urine throughout life in the amnion-less Vertebrates, are replaced in the mammals by the permanent kidneys. The real primitive kidneys disappear for the most part at an early stage of development, and only small relics of them remain. In the male mammal the epididymis develops from the uppermost part of the primitive kidney; in the female a useless rudimentary organ, the epovarium, is formed from the same part. The atrophied relic of the former is known as the paradidymis, that of the latter as the parovarium. Fig. 402—Urogenital system of a human embryo of three inches in length. h testicles, wg spermaducts, gh conducting ligament, p processus vaginalis, b bladder, au umbilical arteries, m mesorchium, d intestine, u ureter, n kidney, nn accessory kidney. (From Kollman.) The MÜllerian ducts undergo very important changes in the female mammal. The oviducts proper are developed only from their upper part; the lower part dilates into a spindle-shaped tube with thick muscular wall, in which the impregnated ovum develops into the embryo. This is the womb (uterus). At first the two wombs (Fig. 399 u) are completely separate, and open into the cloaca on either side of the bladder (vu), as is still the case in the lowest living mammals, the Monotremes. But in the Marsupials a communication is opened between the two MÜllerian ducts, and in the Placentals they combine below with the rudimentary Wolffian ducts to form a single “genital cord.” The original independence of the two wombs and the vaginal canals formed from their lower ends are retained in many of the lower Placentals, but in the higher they gradually blend and form a single organ. The conjunction proceeds from below (or behind) upwards (or forwards). In many of the Rodents (such as the rabbit and squirrel) two separate wombs still open into the simple and single vaginal canal; but in others, and in the Carnivora, Cetacea, and Ungulates, the lower halves of the wombs have already fused into a single piece, though the upper halves (or “horns”) are still separate (“two-horned” womb, uteris bicornis). In the bats and lemurs the “horns” are Figs. 403–406—Origin of human ova in the female ovary. Fig. 403. Vertical section of the ovary of a new-born female infant, a ovarian epithelium, b rudimentary string of ova, c young ova in the epithelium, d long string of ova with follicle-formation (PflÜger’s tube), e group of young follicles, f isolated young follicle, g blood-vessels in connective tissue (stroma) of the ovary. In the strings the young ova are distinguished by their considerable size from the surrounding follicle-cells. (From Waldeyer.) In the male mammals there is the same fusion of the MÜllerian and Wolffian ducts at their lower ends. Here again they form a single genital cord (Fig. 397 g), and this opens similarly into the Fig. 407—A ripe human Graafian follicle. a the mature ovum, b the surrounding follicle-cells, c the epithelial cells of the follicle, d the fibrous membrane of the follicle, e its outer surface. The internal sexual organs of the mammals undergo very distinctive changes of position. At first the germinal glands of both sexes lie deep inside the ventral cavity, at the inner edge of the primitive kidneys (Figs. 386 g, 392 k), attached to the vertebral column by a short mesentery (mesorchium in the male, mesovarium in the female). But this primary arrangement is retained permanently only in the Monotremes (and the lower Vertebrates). In all other mammals (both Marsupials and Placentals) they leave their original cradle and travel more or less far down (or behind), following the direction of a ligament that goes from the primitive kidneys to the inguinal region of the ventral wall. This is the inguinal ligament of the primitive kidneys, known in the male as the Hunterian ligament (Fig. 400 gh), and in the female as the “round maternal ligament” (Fig. 401 r). In woman the ovaries travel more or less towards the small pelvis, or enter into it altogether. In the male the testicles pass out of the ventral cavity, and penetrate by the inguinal canal into a sac-shaped fold of the outer skin. When the right and left folds (“sexual swellings”) join together they form the scrotum. The various mammals bring before us the successive stages of this displacement. In the elephant and the whale the testicles descend very little, and remain underneath the kidneys. In many of the rodents and carnassia they enter the inguinal canal. In most of the higher mammals they pass through this into the scrotum. As a rule, the inguinal canal closes up. When it remains open the testicles may periodically pass into the scrotum, and withdraw into the ventral cavity again in time of rut (as in many of the marsupials, rodents, bats, etc.). The structure of the external sexual organs, the copulative organs that convey the fecundating sperm from the male to the female organism in the act of copulation, is also peculiar to the mammals. There are no organs of this character in most of the other Vertebrates. In those that live in water (such as the Acrania and Cyclostomes, and most of the fishes) the ova and sperm-cells are simply ejected into the water, where their conjunction and fertilisation are left to chance. But in many of the fishes and amphibia, which are viviparous, there is a direct conveyance of the male sperm into the female body; and this is the case with all the Amniotes (reptiles, birds, and mammals). In these the urinary and sexual organs always open originally into the last section of the rectum, which thus forms a cloaca Even before this partition has been formed in the Marsupials and Placentals, we see the first trace of the external sexual organs. First a conical protuberance rises at the anterior border of the cloaca-outlet—the sexual prominence (phallus, Fig. 402 A, e, B, e). At the tip it is swollen in the shape of a club (“acorn” glans). On its under side there is a furrow, the sexual groove (sulcus genitalis, f), and on each side of this a fold of skin, the “sexual pad” (torus genitalis, h l). The sexual protuberance or phallus is the chief organ of the sexual sense (p. 282); the sexual nerves spread on it, and these are the principal organs of the specific sexual sensation. As erectile bodies (corpora cavernosa) are developed in the male phallus by peculiar modifications of the blood-vessels, it becomes capable of erecting periodically on a strong accession of blood, becoming stiff, so as to penetrate into the female vagina and thus effect copulation. In the male the phallus becomes the penis; in the female it becomes the much smaller clitoris; this is only found to be very large in certain apes (Ateles). A prepuce (“foreskin”) is developed in both sexes as a protecting fold on the anterior surface of the phallus. Fig. 408—The human ovum after issuing from the Graafian follicle, surrounded by the clinging cells of the discus proligerus (in two radiating crowns). z ovolemma (zona pellucida, with radial porous canals), p cytosoma (protoplasm of the cell-body, darker within, lighter without), k nucleus of the ovum (embryonic vesicle). (From Nagel.) (Cf. Figs. 1 and 14.) The external sexual member (phallus) is found at various stages of development within the mammal class, both in regard to size and shape, and the differentiation and structure of its various parts; this applies especially to the terminal part of the phallus, the glans, both the larger glans penis of the male and the smaller glans clitoridis of the female. The part of the cloaca from the upper wall of which it forms belongs to the proctodÆum, the ectodermic invagination of the rectum (p. 311); hence its epithelial covering can develop the same horny growths as the corneous layer of the epidermis. Thus the glans, which is quite smooth in man and the higher apes, is covered with spines in many of the lower apes and in the cat, and in many of the rodents with hairs (marmot) or scales (guinea-pig) or solid horny warts (beaver). Many of the Ungulates have a free conical projection on the glans, and in many of the Ruminants this “phallus-tentacle” grows into a long cone, bent hook-wise at the base (as in the goat, antelope, gazelle, etc.). The different forms of the phallus are connected with variations in the structure and distribution of the sensory corpuscles—i.e. the real organs of the sexual sense, which develop in certain papillÆ of the corium of the phallus, and have been evolved from ordinary tactile corpuscles of the corium by erotic adaptation (p. 282). The sexual groove on the under side of the phallus receives in the male the mouth of the urogenital canal, and is changed into a continuation of this, becoming a closed canal by the juncture of its parallel edges, the male urethra. In the female this only takes place in a few cases (some of the lemurs, rodents, and moles); as a rule, the groove remains open, and the borders of this “vestibule of the vagina” develop into the smaller labia (nymphÆ). The large labia of the female develop from the sexual pads (tori genitales), the two parallel folds of the skin that are found on each side of the genital groove. They join together in the male, and form the closed scrotum. These striking differences between the two sexes cannot yet be detected in the human embryo of the ninth week. We begin to trace them in the tenth week of development, and they are accentuated in proportion as the difference of the sexes develops. Sometimes the normal juncture of the two sexual pads in the male fails to take place, and the sexual groove may also remain open (hypospadia). In these cases the external male genitals resemble the female, and they are often wrongly regarded as cases of hermaphrodism. Other malformations of various kinds are not infrequently found in the human external sexual organs, and some of them have a great morphological interest. The reverse of hypospadia, in which the penis is split open below, is seen in epispadia, in which the urethra is open above. In this case the urogenital canal opens above at the dorsal root of the penis; in the former case down below. These and similar obstructions interfere with a man’s generative power, and thus prejudicially affect his whole development. They clearly prove that our history is not guided by a “kind Providence,” but left to the play of blind chance. We must carefully distinguish the rarer cases of real hermaphrodism from the preceding. This is only found when the essential organs of reproduction, the genital glands of both kinds, are united in one individual. In these cases either an ovary is developed on the right and a testicle on the left (or vice versa); or else there are testicles and ovaries on both sides, some more and others less developed. As hermaphrodism was probably the original arrangement in all the Vertebrates, and the division of the sexes only followed by later differentiation of this, these curious cases offer no theoretical difficulty. But they are rarely found in man and the higher mammals. On the other hand, we constantly find the original hermaphrodism in some of the lower Vertebrates, such as the Myxinoides, many fishes of the perch-type (serranus), and some of the Amphibia (ringed snake, toad). In these cases the male often has a rudimentary ovary at the fore end of the testicle; and the female sometimes has a rudimentary, inactive testicle. In the carp also and some other fishes this is found occasionally. We have already seen how traces of the earlier hemaphrodism can be traced in the passages of the Amphibia. Man has faithfully preserved the main features of his stem-history in the ontogeny of his urinary and sexual organs. We can follow their development step by step in the human embryo in the same advancing gradation that is presented to us by the comparison of the urogenital organs in the Acrania, Cyclostomes; Fishes, Amphibia, Reptiles, and then (within the mammal series) in the Monotremes, Marsupials, and the various Placentals. All the peculiarities of urogenital structure that distinguish the mammals from the rest of the Vertebrates are found in man; and in all special structural features he resembles the apes, particularly the anthropoid apes. In proof of the fact that the special features of the mammals have been inherited by man, I will, in conclusion, point out the identical way in which the ova are formed in the ovary. In all the mammals the mature ova are contained in special capsules, which are known as the Graafian The follicle-epithelium of the mammal has at first one stratum (Fig. 404 1), but afterwards several (2). It is true that in all the other Vertebrates the ova are enclosed in a membrane, or “follicle,” that consists of smaller cells. But it is only in the mammals that fluid accumulates between the growing follicle-cells, and distends the follicle into a large round capsule, on the inside wall of which the ovum lies, at one side (Figs. 405, 406). There again, as in the whole of his morphology, man proves indubitably his descent from the mammals. In the lower Vertebrates the formation of ova in the germ-epithelium of the ovary continues throughout life; but in the higher it is restricted to the earlier stages, or even to the period of embryonic development. In man it seems to cease in the first year; in the second year we find no new-formed ova or chains of ova (PflÜger’s tubes). However, the number of ova in the two ovaries is very large in the young girl; there are calculated to be 72,000 in the sexually-mature maiden. In the production of the ova men resemble most of the anthropoid apes. Generally speaking, the natural history of the human sexual organs is one of those parts of anthropology that furnish the most convincing proofs of the animal origin of the human race. Any man who is acquainted with the facts and impartially weighs them will conclude from them alone that we have been evolved from the lower Vertebrates. The larger and the detailed structure, the action, and the embryological development of the sexual organs are just the same in man as in the apes. This applies equally to the male and the female, the internal and the external organs. The differences we find in this respect between man and the anthropoid apes are much slighter than the differences between the various species of apes. But all the apes have certainly a common origin, and have been evolved from a long-extinct early-Tertiary stem-form, which we must trace to a branch of the lemurs. If we had this unknown pithecoid stem-form before us, we should certainly put it in the order of the true apes in the primate system; but within this order we cannot, for the anatomic and ontogenetic reasons we have seen, separate man from the group of the anthropoid apes. Here again, therefore, on the ground of the pithecometra-principle, comparative anatomy and ontogeny teach with full confidence the descent of man from the ape. |