I. List of Twenty-two Deep-Sea Radiolarians from the Banda Sea. P. Harting (L. N. 18) published in 1863 the description of 14 Spumellaria and 8 Nassellaria, taken in depths between 900 and 4000 fathoms, in the Banda Sea. The figures of them are, however, for the most part not complete enough. The names are the following:— I. Spumellaria. 01. Haliomma nitidum, figs. 13, 14 = Heliodiscus? 02. Haliomma gracile, fig. 15 = AcanthosphÆra? 03. Haliomma lens, fig. 16 = Stylodiscus? 04. Haliomma pyriforme, fig. 17 = Cenellipsis? 05. Haliomma scutum, fig. 18 = Botryocella? 06. Haliomma polyacanthum, fig. 40 = Druppocarpus? 07. Haliomma inerme, fig. 41 = ThecosphÆra? 08. Haliomma oblongum, fig. 42 = Druppula? 09. Haliomma amphiaspis, fig. 43 = Monozonium? 10. Tetrapyle polyacantha, fig. 44 = Larcarium? 11. Flustrella cyclica, fig. 19 = Porodiscus. 12. Flustrella micromma, fig. 47 = Porodiscus. 13. Rhopalastrum bandaicum, fig. 45 = Dictyastrum. 14. Lithocyclia reticulata, fig. 20 = Spongodiscus? II. Nassellaria. 15. Lithocircus annulus, fig. 50 = Lithocircus. 16. Acanthodesmia arcuata, fig. 25 = Zygostephanus. 17. Acanthodesmia inermis, fig. 26 = Dictyospyris? 18. Cladospyris moluccana, fig. 48 = Cyphonium? 19. Podocyrtis brevipes, fig. 24 = Podocyrtis. 20. Podocyrtis micracantha, fig. 49 = Podocampe? 21. Lithocampe corbula, fig. 21 = Lithomitra. 22. Lithocampe sinuosa, fig. 22 = Lithocampe? II. List of Fossil Radiolaria (probably Jurassic) found in the "Diaspri della Toscana," and described in 1880 by Dante Pantanelli (L. N. 36). (Compare § 243, Note B, p. clxviii). The figures are too small and too incomplete for certain determination. I. Spumellaria. 01. EthmosphÆra minuta. 02. EthmosphÆra vulgaris. 03. EthmosphÆra siphonophora. 04. HeliosphÆra echinoidites. 05. Rhaphidococcus lusianensis. 06. Heliodiscus simplex. 07. Histiastrum lusianense. 08. Trematodiscus soritoides. 09. Euchitonia muellerites. 10. Euchitonia amoena. 11. Euchitonia clathrata. 12. Euchitonia crevolensis. 13. Euchitonia grandis. 14. Euchitonia dubia. II. Nassellaria. 15. Lithocircus haeckelii. 16. Lithocircus truncatus. 17. Lithocircus rhombus. 18. Cornutella pseudoprofunda. 19. Cornutella pseudoclathrata. 20. Lithopera ovata. 21. Lithopera elongata. 22. Polystichia ehrenbergii. 23. Polystichia haeckelii. 24. Polystichia muelleri. 25. Urocyrtis emmÆ. 26. Urocyrtis amaliÆ. 27. Urocyrtis stephanii. 28. Adelocyrtis cometa. 29. Adelocyrtis pala. 30. Adelocyrtis spinosa. |