Decoration - Accadian Magic, 249
- Adze-god Tane, 82, 274
- Adzes of Hervey Islands, 80
- Ægean spirals, 142
- Ægina, tortoise-money, 230, 232, 233
- Æsthetics, definition of, 200
- African, axes as money, 226;
- baskets, 91;
- fylfot, 287
- Alaskan carving, 210, 211;
- pictograph, 207, 208
- Algerian designs, 156
- Alligator, 167;
- drawings of, in America, 168-173
- (see Crocodile)
- Alphabet, evolution of, 216
- Ament, W. S., 227
- American cross, 174, 279;
- fylfot, 287;
- pictographs, 204-213
- Ancestor worship, 264-267;
- Polynesia, 81, 265, 270-274
- Animal forms in art, 164-183;
- Samian, Gaul, Pompeii, Tuscany, New Mexico, 179;
- Torres Straits, 15;
- Eskimo, 181;
- in Melanesia, Polynesia, Africa, Eskimo, French caves, 166
- Animals, human souls in, 129, 313
- Collier, J., 1, 2
- Collins, Mr., Australian art, 260
- Colours, symbolic, 123, 124
- Combs, magic, 237-241;
- Torres Straits, 14
- Comrie, Dr., 63, 64
- Concentric circles, 93;
- ovals, 55
- Consciousness in designing patterns, 315, 316
- Cook, A. B., 265
- Cook, Captain, 83
- Copying of patterns, 311
- Corbula, the Roman, 91
- Crete spirals, 142
- Crocodile in art, New Guinea, Torres Straits, 16-25;
- Massim, 56, 181;
- Papuan Gulf, 30;
- cult of, in New Guinea, 167;
- Malay Archipelago, 167;
- Madagascar, 168
- (see Alligator)
- Cross, from alligator, 172;
- gibbet, 277, 279;
- in America, 174, 279;
- St. Anthony, 277
- Crux ansata, 278, 298
- Cushing, F. H., 107, 248;
- on pottery, 98, 99, 102-104;
- on life-exit trail, 128;
- on symbolism, 119-123
- Cyprus bronze shield, 92;
- pottery, 137, 158;
- lotus designs, 158
- Cyrene plant money, 230, 233
- Cyzicus, fish money, 230-232
- Dakota Winter Counts, 206
- D’Albertis, 27, 63
- D’Alviella, Goblet, 275-300
- Danish food-vessel, 91
- Darfour, hoes as money, 226
- Daudai and Torres Straits, art of, 13-25
- Daula (frigate-bird), 265-267
- Daumori, wooden slabs, 26
- Designs, geographical distribution of, 92, 93, 162, 163
- GuttÆ, 115
- Haida totemism, 257
- Hall Sound, 42, 46
- Hammer of Thor, 278
- Hamy, Professor E. T., 47, 325
- Harvest formula, 247
- Hawaii, gods of, 186
- Heraldic designs, 262, 263
- Hervey Islands, symbolic adzes, 80-84;
- decoration on symbolic adzes and paddles, 270-274;
- totemism, 255;
- anthropomorphic patterns, 185, 186, 265, 270-274
- Heteromorphs, 192
- Hickson, Prof. S. J., 69
- Hieratic writing, 220
- Hill tribes, New Guinea, 46
- Hissarlik, 282, 284
- (see Troy)
- Hjaltalin, A., 285
- Hoes as money, 226
- Hoffman, Dr. W. J., pictographs, 206, 207
- Holmes, W. H., 107, 110, 114, 168-173;
- on pottery, 98, 101, 102;
- on symbolism, 122;
- shell pottery, 91, 190
- Homomorph, 215
- Honeysuckle pattern, 162
- Hornbill design, 58
- Horses, drawings of, 166, 167;
- zoomorph from, 180
- House-building formula, 246, 247
- HÜgel, Baron A. von, 71
- Hulme, F. E., egg-and-dart moulding, 163, 164
- Human, face on wooden belts, 32;
- figures in plait-work, 198, 199
- (see Anthropomorphs)
- Hunter, J. D., on pottery, 100
- Hunting pictograph, 206-208
- Hut urn, 115, 283
- Iceland, fylfot in, 285
- scroll designs, 67, 68, 71, 72;
- tongue thrusting, 186, 187
- North American totems, 257
- Oceania pottery, 97
- Olbia, fish money, 230, 231, 233
- Orang-hÛtan, 242, 334
- Ornaments as money, 224, 228, 229
- Osiris, lotus offering to, 136
- Paddle with fish designs, 176, 177
- Pagan and Christian overlap in art, 195-197
- Painting on body, 253, 254
- Palstave, 85
- Pannaet axe-money, 225;
- canoes, 48
- Papuan, use of term, 60;
- ethnology and handicraft, 60-66
- Papuan Gulf, 29-41;
- classification of wooden belts, 32
- Patterns, copying of, 311;
- invention of, 309;
- in New Guinea, 314;
- magic, 237-248
- Perrot and Chipiez, 75;
- on lotus, 143;
- Phoenician art, 153, 154
- Persian fylfot, 286, 298
- Petrie, Flinders, Prof., 89, 221;
- on spiral symbols, 141;
- on rosettes, 148, 149;
- on the study of art, 336
- Petroglyphs, 215
- Phoenician art, 153, 154;
- commerce, 154;
- writing, 220
- Phonograms, 216-218
- Phyllomorphs, 130-164
- (see Plant)
- Physicomorphs, 118-126
- Pictographs, 204-218
- Pictorial signs, 212
- Picture-writing, 178
- Pipe, Torres Straits, 13<
ge_245" class="pginternal">245
- Smyth, Brough, 259, 261
- Snake arrow, 25;
- designs, Australia, 260;
- patterns in Brazil, 174-178;
- Scandinavian Sun-, 194;
- totems, 251-253
- Solomon Islands, 66;
- frigate bird, 66, 265, 267, 325;
- canoe charm, 266, 267
- Soul, emblems of, 129, 141
- South Cape axes, 79;
- ethnography of, 65, 66
- Southesk, Earl of, 180, 195, 278
- Spatula, lime, 48, 49, 52-54, 57
- Spirals, 28, 49, 93, 94, 141, 163;
- early European art, 73;
- bird, 49-57;
- lotus, 139-142;
- on pottery, 111
- (see Scroll)
- Squier and Davis on pottery, 100;
- gourd pottery, 188
- Stag, Sun-, 194
- Star-symbols, 288, 289, 291, 292
- Stater, 198
- Steinen, Prof. K. von den, 97, 130, 131, 173-179, 332
- Stevens, Prof. G., 196
- Stevens, H. V., 332;
- on magic patterns, 236;
- on totemism, 252, 254
- Stokes, Dr. W., on colour symbols, 123
- Stolpe, Dr. H., 9, 81, 185, 186, 270, 271, 334
- Stone-axe, fastenings of, 26;
- Papuan Gulf, 31
- Woodlark, Group, art of, 58;
- trade of, 47;
- spatulas of, 54
- Worm-knot, Scandinavian, 94
- Writing, evolution of, 216-221;
- reversed, 125