@60637-h@60637-h-10.htm.html#Page_170" class="pginternal">170 “By the North Sea.” 341-3 354 Earth made for Man. 116 Earth, Mother. 209-12 Earth, Presiding Spirit of the. 278 Earth, The Wholesome. 201 East, The Unchanging. 152 “Ecce Homo.” 16 Economy. 284 Education. 143, 180, 358 Effective Literature. 6, 48, 352 Effort. 250 Electricity and Plant Life. 72 Eliot, George. 327-8, 343 Elizabethan Authors. 357 Emerson’s Heaven. 205 Emotion and Intellect. 202 Emotions, The Blunting of. 274-5 Empire and Adventure. 358 Empire and Democracy. 5 Empty Heads. 233 Enduring Literature. 227 England. 1, 2, 178 English and Classics. 291 English as Dreamers and Idealists. 358 English Characteristics. 358 English Conservatism. 181 English Constitution. 181 English Delusions. 358 English Faults. 358 English Superiority. 358 English Visitors. 178 English Wealth of Poetry. 358 Enough. 204 Enthusiasm, Early. 24 Epigrams. 144, 226-28, 251 Epitaphs. 96, 178, 287, 339, 354 Epitaphs, Exaggeration In. 178 Equality. 280 Error dies. 132 Essays. 347 Estrangement. 280-1, 301 Eternal Life. 214 Eternal Love. 122 Eternal Punishment. 123 Eternity. 166 Ethics, Ancient. 207-9 Et in Arcadia Ego. 148 Eugenics. 25 Independent Thinkers. 51, 54 Indexes, Want Of. 291 Industry, Satan’s. 137 Infant, Dead. 316 Infanticide. 172-74 Influence of undistinguished Lives. 333 Influence of Women. 242, 333, 354 Influence of Wordsworth. 176-8 Ingratitude, Public. 1 “In Memoriam.” 253 Innocence, Lost. 97 Insight. 323 Insomnia. 240 Inspiration. 10, 125, 214, 240 Insults, Emperors and. 338 Intellect and Morality. 323 Intention, Counts with God. 194 Interests, Conflicting. 282 Interests, Vested. 96 Intimacy and Indifference. 264 Inventors. 72 Invisible, Tidings of the. 90 Inquisition, The. 16 Irony. 183 Irrevocable. 97 Iscariot, Judas. 74 Isocrates. 202 Isolation. 265-66, 280-1, 301-2 I, What Am? 103 Jansenists, The. 349 Jennie Kissed Me. 278 “Jest Book, Death’s.” 305-6 Jester’s Plea, The. 289 Jesus, Logia Of. 331 Johnson, Dr., and the Scots. 196-7 Jonah and the Whale. 7 Judas Iscariot. 74-7 Judges, Competent. 132 Justice and Empire. 5 Justice and Money. 182-3 Justice and Power. 166 Justice of God, The. 287 Kaiser. 3, 338 Keats. 74 Kind, Make Haste to Be. 201 Kindred Souls, Failure to Recognise. 187 Kipling, Rudyard. 131-2 Know, What do the Wisest? 110 Knowledge. 101, 110-11 165 Many Fools. 146 Marcus Aurelius. 215 Marriage. 90-1, 236 Marriage, only Game of Chance Clergy Favour. 91 Marriage, Wife Requires to be Courted, after. 236 Martineau, James. xi Martyr, The. 155 Master of All. 160 Master, Our. 143 Marvel, A Two-fold. 131 Materialism. xi, 64-6, 102, 303-5, 316, 327, 330 Materialism, Modern. 303-4 Matter. 104 Matter, Mind and. 102 Medical Prescriptions, Wesley’s. 320 Meditations. 110-113 Melrose Abbey. 69 Memories. 161-2, 255, 314 Memories of This Life Hereafter. 170 Memories, Sweet. 255 Memory. 33, 159 Men and Beasts. 113 Men and Dogs. 241 Men before Angels. 348 Men, Great. 51-2 Men, Sameness of. 150 Men, Tall. 233 Men, Women made Foolish to Match. 80 Menzies, P. S. Sermons of. 271-3 Mercy. 287 Mercies, Small. 221, 222 Mermaid Tavern, The. 313-14 Micawber’s Advice. 284 “Milk of Paradise.” 313 Mill, James. 101 Mill, John Stuart. 116 Milton. 155, 343 Milton, Parody on. 274 Miltons, Mute. 357, 376 Mimnermus in Church. 347-8 Mind Affected by Age. 179 Mind and Body. 283 Mind and Matter. 102 Miracles. 315, 349 Miscellaneous. 48, 51, Pyrrhus and Cineas. 197-8 Quakers. 247 “Queen, My, Sequel to.” 57 Query. 215-16 Quest. 156 “Question, A.” 127 Questions. 325, 328-9, 341, 350 Quixotism, One of Satan’s Pet Words. 159 Raleigh, Sir Walter. 357 Rank and Precedence. 280 Reapers, Sowers and. 107 Reason and Tradition. 159 Reasoning, The Art of. 34-6 Receptivity. 146 Record, History’s. 2 Reform. 255 Regret. 139 “Reinforcements,” Children as. 52-3 Rejuvenation. 160 “Religio Medici.” 108 Religion. 122-4, 134, 159, 227, 272-3 Religion and Love, Heralds of Heaven. 149 Religion and Reason. 159 Religion and Science, Conflict Between. xi, 64-8 Remember Me. 60 Remember or Forget. 27-30 Reminiscence of Past Existence. 203-4 Renaissance, The. 365 Repentance. 41 Reputation, and Character. 196 “Requiem, A.” 234 Requiem, Carlyle’s. 332 Research, Society for Psychical. xi, 172, 329, 339, 340, 347, 348 Rest. 63-4, 161, 285, 329 Reticence, Safety in. 250 Retribution. 137-8 Reunion after Death. 348 “Revelation, The.” 147 Reverence. 349 Rhymed Ends. 284 Riches. 188, 204 “Rights of Man, The.” 6 “Rime of Redemption, The.” 295 285 Sowing and Reaping. 107 Space, Terror of Infinite. 11 “Spasmodic School.” 231 Special Creation. 303-5 Spell, for the Dying, A. 279 Spencer, Herbert. 101, 103-4, 105 “Spider, Noiseless Patient, A.” 360 Spirit, Adventurous, Created Empire. 358 Spirit, A Parting. 279 Spirit of Paradise. 39, 40, 278 Spirit of the Age. 266 Spirit of the Universe. 246 Spiritualism. 171-2 “Spiritual Laws.” 25 Spiritual World. 272 Spiritual World’s Realities. 272 Spring. 253, 350 “Star, My.” 8-10, 131 Star to Star. 12 Stars and Duty, The. 350 Stars and Fates. 40 Stars, Silence of. 39 Stars, Speech of. 12 Stars, Tasks of the. 108 State and Man. 166 Stephen, Sir Leslie. 171 Sterne’s “Sentimental Journey.” 283 Strange Verses. 230 Struggle, The, Availeth. 257 Struggle, Life’s. 257, 260 Stupidity, as Protection. 274 Style. 291 Success, Wisdom and. 34 Sunshine to us is Darkness to others. 282 Superstition. 15 Supreme Power Produces Mind, The. 304-5 Surroundings, Familiar. 62 Survival after Death. 151, 250, 329, 346-8 Swinburne. xi., 49-51, 219-21, 259, 341-3, 347 Swiveller, Dick. 69 “Sword, Apotheosis of the.” 3 Swords and Ledgers. 1 Sydney, Sir Philip. 357 Sympathy with the Living, not the Dead. 192 Symposium, Plato’s.