
Whosoever would become an accurate Master of this excellent Art and Pleasure, and is very desirous to be esteemed an Elaborate and Ingenious Ringer, and be enrolled amongst that Honoured Society of =College Youths=; I must beg leave to instruct him before he enters the Bell-free, in these ensuing short Rules; which he must strictly observe, viz.

1. That as all Musick consists in these six plain Notes, La Sol Fa Mi Re Ut; so in Ringing, a Peal of Bells is Tuned according to these Principles of Musick: For as each Bell takes its Denomination from the Note it Sounds, by its being flatter or deeper, as, First, or Treble, second, third, fourth, &c. as they are in number to ten or twelve Bells, the last being called the Tenor; So must they successively strike one after another both Fore-stroke and Back-stroke, in a due Musical time or Equi-distance, to render their Harmony the more Pleasant, and to make the Young Practitioner the better informed to observe the Life of Musick, and indeed of true Ringing, Time; and therefore is called, Round-ringing.

2. As in Musick, so in Ringing there are three Concords, so called from their Melodious Harmony and Agreement, which Principally are these; Thirds, viz. 1 3, 2 4, &c. Fifths 1 5, 2 6, &c. Eights 1 8, 2 9, 3 10, &c. and these are the more pleasant according to the Number of Bells they are struck on, and as they are struck, whether separately or mutually. From hence Changes are made, which is only a Changing place of one Note with another, so variously, as Musick may be heard a thousand ways of Harmony; which being so obvious to common Observation, I shall not go about to demonstrate; for that if two may be varied two ways, surely by the Rule of Multiplication, a Man may easily learn how many times 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 12 Bells Notes may be varied; which will run almost ad infinitum.

3. For the better observing the Ringing of Changes or Rounds, these three things are to be noted.

1. The Raising true in Peal.
2. Ringing at a low Compass
; and
3. Ceasing in true Peal; all which three are the most essential Parts to render a Practitioner Excellent.

1. For Raising a Peal of Bells true, the modern and best Practice recommends the swiftest and quickest possible, every one taking Assistance to raise his Bell, as its going requires: the lesser Bells as Treble, &c. being by main strength held down in their first Sway (or pull) to get time for the striking of the rest of larger Compass; and so continued to be strong pulled till Frame-high, and then may be slackned: The bigger, as Tenor, &c. must be pincht or checkt overhead, that the Notes may be hard to strike roundly and hansomely. Observe that all the Notes strike round at one Pull: I do not mean the first; but 'tis according to the Bigness and Weightiness of your Bells: However in raising a Peal, do not let one Bell strike before the rest, or miss when the rest do; this is contrary to the Strict Rules of true Ringing: And this is called Round-ringing. Now if you design to raise a Peal of Bells for Changes, you ought to raise them to a Set-pull, as the most proper for commanding the Notes, and he who is not well skilled to manage his Bell at a Set-pull, will be apt to drop or overturn it, be in a Wood, and fruitlessly toil and moil himself. Therefore in practising the Setting of a Bell, cast your Eye about the other Bell-Ropes, during your managing your own, that you may accustom your self to manage it according to the Change.

2. For Ringing at a low Compass, is thus observed: By keeping a due punctum or beat of time, in the successive striking one after another of every Bell; the best Ringer being set to the Treble, that may guide and direct the rest of the Notes in their due Measure.

3. For Ceasing a Peal of Bells; let them fall gradually from a set Peal, checking them only at Sally, till the low Compass renders it useless; and when so low, that for want of Compass, they can scarce strike at Back-stroak; then let the Treble-Ringer stamp, as a Signal, to notify, that the next time they come to strike at the Fore-stroke, to check them down, to hinder their striking the Back-stroke; yet Fore-stroke continued, till brought to a neat and graceful Chime, which may be the Finis to that Peal.

Thus much in short, for Raising, Round-ringing, and Ceasing a Peal of Bells; I come next to lead you forth into that spacious Field of Variety of Changes, and present you with Instructions that may be meerly necessary, for the right Understanding the several kinds of them.

Now in Ringing Changes, two of our best Senses, are to be employed, viz. The Ear, and the Eye: The Ear, hearing when to make a Change; and the Eye directing the Bell in making it: The Bells being the Object of the Former, and the Bell-ropes the Object of the Latter: And to render both the Eye and Ear Useful in Ringing Changes, these Five things are throughly to be Understood.

First, Endeavour to distinguish the Notes of a Peal of Bells, one from another while Ringing.

Secondly, Learn to apprehend the places of the Notes.

Thirdly, Understand the Precedency of Notes.

Fourthly, How to make a Change in Ringing.

Fifthly, and Lastly, How to Practice the four fore-going Notions, in General.

1. To know the Notes of a Peal of Bells asunder (which is easy in Round-Ringing) in Changes is thus: Get the skill of Tuning them with your Voice, by imitating their Notes while Ringing. Or if you are acquainted, either by your self or Friend, with some Singing-Master, or one who has skill in Singing, get him to instruct you in the true Pitch of any Note, and aid your distinguishing them; otherwise you may be puzzled in this, to know which is Treble, which Second, &c. as in 532641, &c.

2. To know the places of the Notes, is no way better to be apprehended than thus: The Practitioner ought to form an Idea in his Head of the place of each Note, whether in a direct Line, or Obliquely; and representing them by a Figure in his Mind, see (as it were) by the Eye of the Understanding, each stroke of the Bell, as the Treble, 1. Second 2. Third 3. &c. so that as the Ear is to direct him, when to make the Change, so a right Apprehension of the Motion and Places of the Notes, ought to be a means to guide his Ear.

3. The Precedency of Notes, is of a very obvious Demonstration; thus: In Ringing Changes the Fore and Back-stroke, successively following one another, are properly said to Lye behind one another, according to their places of striking. Or in short, in 12345, the Note that leads either at Fore or Back-stroke, is said to Lye before the rest, and the last to be behind, As the 2 is said to lye behind the 1, so it lyeth before the 3, as the 3 lyeth behind 2, so it lyeth before the 4. And so of as many as are Rung.

4. The manner of making a Change, is very common, and needs no particular, but general Rule; That it is made by moving one Note into anothers place, Up and Down, as Occasion requires; but usually made by two Notes standing one next the other, as hereafter may be observed.

Lastly, In your Ringing Changes, these two things (in which consists the practick part of this Art) are to be rightly considered, First, Readily to know which two Bells are to make the succeeding Change. And Secondly, to consider (if you are concerned in it) what Bell you are to follow in making it. To understand which the more perfectly, you must imprint in your Memory, the Method of the Changes prick'd in Figures, and to be expert likewise in setting them down divers ways, and making any Figure a Hunt at Pleasure; and thus without pausing or hesitating to consider the Course, you may throughly understand the Methods; the Four preceding Observations being first perfectly understood.

There are two ways of Ringing Changes, viz. By Walking them, as the Artists stile it; or by Whole Pulls or Half-pulls: Walking is, when in one Change the Bells go round, Four, Six, or Eight times; which is a most incomparable way to improve a Young Practitioner, by giving him time to consider, which two Bells do make the next succeeding Change, and in making it, what Bell each is to follow; so that by this means (by his Industry) he may be capable of Ringing at Whole pulls; which is, when the Bells go round in a Change at Fore and Back-stroke; and a New Change is made every time they are pulled down at Sally: This was an Ancient Practice, but is now laid aside, since we have learnt a more advantageous way of hanging our Bells, that we can manage a Bell with more ease at a Set-pull than formerly: So that Ringing at Half-Pulls is now the modern general Practice; that is, when one Change is made at Fore-stroke, another at Back-stroke, &c.

He that Rings the slowest Hunt, ought to notify the extream Changes; which is, when the Leading Bell is pulling down, that he might make the Change next before the extreme, he ought to say, Extreme. By this means, betwixt the Warning and the Extreme there will be one compleat Change.

Of Changes, &c.

There are two kinds of Changes, viz. Plain Changes, and Cross-peals; which Terms do denote the Nature of them; for as the first is stiled Plain, so are its methods easy; and as the second is called Cross, so are its Methods cross and intricate: The First have a general Method, in which all the Notes (except Three) have a direct Hunting-Course, moving gradually under each other, plainly and uniformly: Plain are likewise termed single Changes, because there is but one single Change made in the striking all the Notes round, either at Fore or Back-stroke. But the Second is various, each Peal differing in its Course from all others; and in Cross-peals as many changes may be made as the Notes will permit. In short, as to Plain-changes, I shall not dilate on them here, it being so plainly understood by every one that lately have rung a Bell in peal; all therefore I shall add is this, that any two Notes that strike next together may make a Change, which may be done either single or double, as you list. The single, by changing two Notes; and the double, by changing Four, i.e. Two to make one Change and two another; which is however called One double Change, and not two Changes; because tis made in striking the Notes of the Bells once round.

Of Cross-peals.

Or in these Cross-peals we must Observe the prime Movement, which sets the whole Frame a going, and that is called the Hunt, which hath one constant Uniform Motion throughout the Peal, and different from that of the other Notes; and indeed by this the whole Course of the Peal is Steered. This keeps a continual motion through the other Notes, i.e. from leading, to strike behind, and from thence again to Lead; which is called one compleat Course.

Some Peals upon five Bells consist of single Courses, wherein are ten Changes, and twelve Courses make the Peal. Others upon five consist of double Courses, wherein are twenty Changes to every Course, and six Courses in the Peal.

Upon six Bells there are likewise single and double Courses, viz. Twelve Changes in every single Course, as in Grandsire-bob, &c. and Twenty-four Changes in every double Course, as in College Bobs, that being the first Change of every Course, wherein the Hunt leaves Leading: In short, judiciously observe the first Course of any Cross-peal, and you will soon see the general Method of the whole Peal: All Courses in Cross-Peals agreeing in these following three Respects. First, In the Motion of the Hunt. Secondly In the motion of the rest of the Notes: And Thirdly, In making the Changes. Which three things being well (to omit Instance of Demonstration) and narrowly observed, will be very helpful both in pricking and ringing Courses; the first and third for directing you in Pricking them, and the first and second in Ringing them.

There is one Difficulty to be removed e're I can come to prick down those Peals I design to be the Subject of the Discourse of this Epitome, and that is, How to make the first Changes at the beginning of each Peal; I mean to make the Second, Third, Fourth, &c. whole Hunts; and this In short is thus directed: In any Cross-peal the whole Hunt may move either up or down at the beginning; and the Motion of the whole Hunt, in the first Course of each of the following Peals will direct the first Motion of any Cross-Hunt, and by Consequence of making the first Changes in that Peal. Taking along with you this Observation.

That whensoever the first Change of any Peal happens to be single, it must be made at the back-stroke, to prevent cutting Compass, and the like when a double Change happens first in a Peal of Triples and doubles: But when it happens, that the first Change is made at the Back-stroke, then Consequently the Bells at the end of the Peal will come round at a Fore-stroke Change.

I shall omit speaking to any of the several Peals on four or five Bells; for that in my opinion little Musick is heard, though much Practical Observation is made, from them; and therefore shall begin with Grandsire-bob, as having mentioned it but just before in my general View I made of Cross-peals.

Grandsire Bob.

Bob Changes take their Name from this; viz. When the Treble leads in the Second and Third, and the Fifth and Sixth's places, then they are called Bob-changes. In Ringing which you are to observe these Rules, viz.

Whatsoever Bells you follow when you Hunt up, the same Bells in the same order you must follow in Hunting down; as in the Changes here prickt, where the Treble hunting up First follows Second, then Fourth, and then Sixth; when it comes behind, First follows Second, in hunting down Fourth; and when hunting up follows Sixth in the same Order: The like may be observed in Ringing any other Bell, with this Difference betwixt the whole Hunt and the rest, viz. Every time the Whole hunt leaves the Treble's place, and hunts up, it followeth different Bells, from what it did at its first hunting up.

In the ensuing Peal here prickt are Eighteen-score Changes, wanting one. It may be Rung with any Hunts, and begin the Changes Triple and Double: You may make your extream at the first, second, or third single Bob; or the first, second, or third time, that the half and Quarter-hunts dodge behind; the single must be made behind in either of these.

123456 bob. 134256 143265 126435
——— 156423 312465 142356 ———
214365 514632 321645 ——— 162345
241635 541362 236154 124536 163254
426153 453126 263514 125463 ———
462513 435216 625341 ——— 136524
645231 342561 652431 152643 135642
654321 324651 564213 156234 ———
563412 236415 546123 ——— 153462
536142 263145 451632 165324 bob.
351624 621354 415362 163542 135426
315264 612345 143526 ——— ———
132546 165243 bob. 136452 153246
135264 162534 134562 bob. 152364
312546 615243 315426 163425 ———
321456 651423 351246 ——— 125634
234165 564132 532164 136245 126543
243615 546312 523614 132654 ———
426351 453621 256341 ——— 162453
462531 435261 265431 123564 164235
645213 342516 624513 125346 ———
654123 324156 642153 ——— 146325
561432 231465 461235 152436 bob.
516342 213645 416325 154263 164352
153624 126354 143652 ——— ———
156342 123645 bob. 145623 146532
513624 216354 134625 bob. bob.
531264 261534 316452 154632 164523
352145 625143 361542 ——— ———
325416 652413 635124 145362 146253
234561 564231 653214 bob. 142635
243651 546321 562341 154326 ———
426315 453612 526431 ——— 124365
462135 435162 254613 145236 ———
641253 341526 245163 142563 123456
614523 314256 421536 ——— ======
165432 132465 412356 124653

Thus much for the Grandsire-bob; I shall next collect what London Peals I think most Harmonious, and agreeable, without troubling my self to go to Oxford, or Nottingham, or Redding, to enquire after their different Methods of Peals, as indeed needless; and my reason is this: Because I think the same Rules for Peals that are suitable to our London Genius, may challenge likewise an Acceptance amongst other Cities; provided their Steeples are furnished with as many, and as good Bells, and their Belfree's with as ingenious and elaborate Ringers as here in London.

I shall begin then with Peals upon six Bells, and herein in order, measure out the Delights on Peals from Six to Eight Bells, and setting out early, present you with

The Morning Exercise.

Doubles and singles. The whole Hunt is the Treble, which Hunteth up into the Second, Third, and Fourth places, lying twice in each; and then lyeth still in the Sixth place, having dodged behind, and makes another, and then Hunts down as it Hunted up, and then leads four times. Observing the manner of its Pricking, and its Practice, may excuse any further defining it.

——— 265143 163425 125643 143256
213465 265134 ——— 125634 134265
213456 265143 165243 ——— 134256
231465 261534 165234 124365 ———
231456 216543 156243 124356 136524
234165 216534 156234 142365 136542
234156 126543 ——— 142356 bob.
243516 126534 154326 ——— 135624
243561 162543 154362 146532 135642
245316 162534 bob. 146523 ———
245361 ——— 153426 bob. 132465
254631 164352 153462 145632 132456
254613 164325 ——— 145623 123465
256431 bob. 152643 ——— 123456
256413 163452 152634 143265 ———

This will go a 120 Changes, and by making Bobs, 240, 360, 270.

A Cure for Melancholy.

Doubles and Singles.

I should think it needless to explain the method of prick'd Peals, and give a large Definition of them, when their plain Demonstration might be sufficient; However, as the Old Phrase is, Because 'tis usual, something shall be said of this too.

The Treble is the whole Hunt, as in the former, and leads four times, and lyeth behind as many, and twice in every other place; the two Bells in the 3d. and 4th. places continue dodging, when the Treble moves out of the 4th. place, until it comes down there again, and then the two hindmost dodge, till the Treble displaceth them; who maketh every double Change, except when it lieth behind, and then the double is on the four first, and on the four last when it leads. Every single (except when the Treble lies there) is in the 5th. and 6th. places; or if possessed by the Treble, then in the 3d. and 4th. places: Every Bell (except the Treble) lies four times in the Second place: But enough; a word is enough to the Wise. See it here Deciphered.

——— 452136 165432 126534 156432
213465 452163 ——— 126543 bob.
213456 451236 143652 ——— 165423
231465 451263 143625 154263 165432
231456 415236 bob. 154236 ———
234165 415263 134652 152463 132654
234156 145236 134625 152436 132645
243516 145263 ——— ——— 136254
245316 142536 162345 143526 136245
243561 142563 162354 143562 ———
245361 ——— 163245 bob. 124365
423561 156423 163254 134526 124356
425361 156432 ——— 134562 123465
423516 bob. 125634 ——— 123456
425316 165423 125643 156423 ———

This will go Six-score Changes, but by making bobs, it will go 240, 360, or 720. The Bob is a double Change at the leading of the Treble, in which the Bell in the 4th. place lyeth still.

London Nightingale.

Doubles and Singles.

The Whole-hunt is the Treble, who lyeth four times before, and as many behind, and twice in every other place: The two hind Bells continue dodging, when the Treble moves down out of the Fifth place, till he comes there again, the Bell in the Fourth place lying still all the while: When the two hind Bells aforesaid leave dodging, then the two First Bells take their dodging places, till dispossessed again, by the return of the said Hind Bells to their dodging; and then they Cease.

——— 425316 162534 142365 164532
213465 452136 ——— 124356 bob.
213456 452163 153624 124365 165423
231465 451236 153642 ——— 165432
231456 451263 bob. 136245 ———
234165 415236 156324 136254 143652
234156 415263 156342 163245 143625
243516 145236 ——— 163254 bob.
423516 145263 134562 ——— 146352
243561 154236 134526 125634 146325
243561 154263 bob. 125643 ———
423561 ——— 135462 152634 132465
245361 126543 135426 152643 132456
425361 126534 ——— ——— 123465
245316 162543 142356 164523 123456

This will go 120, and by making Bobs, 240, 360, or 720.

College Bobs.

In this Bob, when the Treble leaves the two Hind Bells, they dodge till it comes there again, and till the Treble gives way for the dodging again of the said two Hind Bell, the two First Bells dodge, but after Cease dodging, when the two Hind Bells dodge.

——— 243651 421635 152364 165324
214365 426315 246153 135246 bob.
124356 462135 241635 153246 156342
213465 641253 426153 ——— ———
231456 642135 462513 126543 132546
324165 461253 &c. 125634 135264
321456 416235 165432 ——— ———
234165 142653 bob. 164235 124365
243615 412635 156423 162453 123456
426351 146253 ——— ——— ———
246315 142635 143526 143652
423651 416253 bob. bob.
246351 146235 134562 134625
423615 412653 ——— ———


Here, every Bell, when it comes to lead, makes a dodge before, then after one Change, it lyeth still; after it has made another dodge, it moves up into the 4th. place, where twice it lyeth still; and down again; except the Treble happens to dodge with it in the 4th. place, then it hunts up behind. When the Treble moves down out of the 3d. place, the two Bells in the 3d. and 4th. place continue there, till the Treble comes up thither again, the two hind Bells dodging in the mean time.

——— 265314 132564 135426 164352
214365 625341 315246 ——— ———
124356 263514 351426 153246 146532
213465 236154 534162 152364 bob.
231645 321645 351462 ——— 164523
326145 236145 534126 125634 ———
231654 321654 &c. 126543 146253
326154 312564 153624 ——— 142635
362415 135246 bob. 162453 ———
634251 315264 135642 164235 124365
364215 132546 ——— ——— 123456
632451 135264 153462 146325 ———
623541 312546 bob. bob.

Both these bobs will go One Hundred and Twenty Changes, and by making of bobs, they will go, 240, 360, or 720. And thus with little Variation, there are other bobs may be made after the same manner, and afford as Admirable Musick, as possibly can be made on Bells. I shall therefore hasten to finish this days Work, only first present you with this one more called,

The City Delight:

Doubles and Singles.

The whole Hunt is the Treble, and lieth as before in the Nightingale: When the Treble moves out of the 3d. place, the Singles are made in the 2d. and 3d. place, till the Treble repossesses his 3d. place, and then behind, till it moves up again out of the 3d. place. The two hind Bells dodge, when the Treble moves out of the 4th. place, till he returns again; the Bell in the 4th. place lying still all the while.

123456 264351 154362 162534 143265
——— 265413 bob. 162543 143256
213465 256413 153426 126534 134265
213456 265143 153462 126543 134256
231465 256143 ——— ——— ———
231456 251634 156234 124365 135642
234165 251643 156243 124356 135624
234156 215634 165234 142365 bob.
243156 215643 165243 142356 136542
234615 125634 ——— ——— 136524
243615 125643 164352 145623 ———
243615 152634 164325 145632 132465
246351 152643 bob. bob. 132456
264351 ——— 163452 146523 123465
246531 154326 163425 146532 123456

This will go as many Changes as the last mentioned, by making Bobs. And here I will shut up this days Peal upon Six Bells with

The Evening Delight.

Doubles and Singles.

The Whole Hunt is the Treble, and lyes as before specified, with this exception only: That it dodges in the 2d. and 3d. places, every time it Hunts up, and down. Observe when Treble goes to lead, and leaves of leading, the Bells in the 3d. and 4th places lye still, &c. Note the pricking this Peal.

——— 254163 164235 145326 156324
213465 245163 ——— 154326 bob.
231465 241536 162453 ——— 165342
213645 214536 126453 153462 156342
231645 241356 bob. 135462 ———
236154 214356 162435 153642 153624
263154 124365 126435 135642 135624
236514 142365 ——— ——— 153264
263514 124635 124653 136524 135264
265314 142635 142653 163524 ———
256341 ——— 124563 bob. 132546
265431 146253 142563 136542 123546
256431 164235 ——— 163542 132456
254613 bob. 145236 ——— 123456
245163 146253 154236 165324 ———

This Peal will go 120 Changes, and by making Bobs, as many as above.

Note that in all the foregoing Peals upon Six Bells, the Bobs are double Changes, and made always at the leadings of the Whole-Hunt. He that Rings the Half-Hunt, may best call Bob in all Peals.

I come now to the Changes upon Seven Bells, which though the seldom Practice of them might excuse my omitting them; yet, because I promised to say somewhat of them, I shall be as good as my Word, (the Character of an Honest man) and present you with a couple of Examples, and then proceed to Peals upon Eight: But this I must crave leave to premise, That Variety of Changes may be prick'd upon Seven Bells, as Triples, and Doubles, Triples Doubles, and Single Doubles, &c. and the same Methods may be prick'd upon Seven, as may be upon Five, the true difference of Proportion being observed; but to proceed.

Dodging Triples.

Triples and Doubles, and indeed all Peals upon Six, may likewise go upon Seven Bells, thus,

2143576 4523671 3514276
2415367 5432761 3152467
4251376 4523716 1325476
4523167 5432176 1352746
5432617 5341267
Plain Triples.
2143657 6745231 3517264
2416375 7654321 3152746
4261735 7563412 1325476
4627153 5736142
6472513 5371624

In this all the Bells have a Hunting Course.

College Triples, dodging before, and behind,

2143576 2467315 4176235
2415367 4276135 4712653
4251376 2471653 7421635
2453167 4217635 4726153
4235617 4126753 7462513
2436571 1462735 4765231
4263751 1467253

This Peal thus prick't, will go, 84 Changes, and the Treble leading, and the Half Hunt lying next it, and a parting Change (which is a double on the four middlemost of the Six hind Bells) being made, it will go 420, and by making Bobs 5040.

Thus much shall suffice for Peals upon Seven Bells, I proceed to Changes upon Eight.

Peals of Eight Bells.

Without amusing our selves with what Notes are most Musical, to lye behind, we will come to the matter of Fact; for those Methods of Peals that are prick'd on six, may be the same upon Eight, Observing only, that Triples and Doubles upon Six, must be Quadruples, and Triples upon Eight.

The Imperial Bob.

Quadruples and Triples.

The Treble hath a dodging Course, the two first, and two last Bells always dodge, till hindered by the Treble, the two next to these, lying still one Change, dodge the next, till the Treble hinders them too, Those in the 5th. and 6th. places dodge (the Treble being behind) and those in the 3d. and 4th. places likewise dodge (the Treble being before) and so till hindered by the Treble.

———— 42361875 16847253 14283675
21436587 24368157 16482735 ————
12346578 42631875 ———— 18645273
21436587 24613857 18765432 18462537
24136578 42168375 bob. ————
42315687 24618357 17864523 16587432
24135678 42163857 ———— bob.
42316587 41268357 16573824 15684732
24361578 14623875 bob. ————
42635187 41263857 15678342 18753624
24631578 14628375 ———— bob.
42365187 14263857 17352648 17856342
24635817 41628375 17536284 ————
42368571 14268357 ———— 15372846
24365817 41623875 13274586 15738264
42638571 46128357 13725468 ————
24365871 64213875 ———— 13254768
42638517 46123857 12438765 13527486
24635871 64218375 12347856 ————
42368517 46281357 ———— 12436587
24638157 &c. 14826357 12345678

By this method the Peal will go 224 Changes, and by making of Bobs it will go 448, 672, 1344. The Bob is a Triple Change at the leading of the Treble, wherein the Bell in the Fourth place lies still.

The next that comes to our Observation, and answers to what we first hinted at in the beginning of this discourse of Peals upon Eight Bells, I mean Precedency in Title, is the

Bob Major.

Plain Quadruples and Triples.

In this all the Bells have a direct Hunting Course, until the Treble leads, and then the six hindmost Bells dodge.

21436587 86745231 35172846
24163857 87654321 31527486
42618375 78563412 13254768
46281735 75836142 31527486
64827153 57381624
68472513 53718264

By this method this will go 112. And by making Bobs, 224, 336, or 672. The Bob is a Triple Change, as in the foregoing Imperial is specified. By making two Extreams, it will go 1344, and with four Extreams, 2688.

All Peals upon Six Bells, wherein half the Changes are Triples, will go upon Eight according to the method before-going, thus; If it be a Peal upon Six consisting of 360, or 720 Changes, then there must be five Hunts in the Ringing of it upon Eight, the Treble being the first, 2 the Second, &c.

College Bob Major.

Quadruples and Triples.

There is four ways of pricking these. The first hath single Dodging behind, and is thus Peal'd.

The First.

21436587 56348271 78136524
24163578 53684721 71863542
42615387 35867412 17685324
46251378 38576142 16758342
64523187 83751624
65432817 87315642

The Second.

This hath Single Dodging before and behind, thus prickt.

21436587 42358671 42173865
24163578 24385761 41237856
42615387 42837516 14328765
24651378 24873156 13482756
42563187 42781365
24536817 24718356

The Third.

This hath double Dodging behind, thus Prickt.

21436587 63548271 78153624
24135678 65384721 71856342
42316587 56837412 17583624
43261578 58673142 15786342
34625187 85761324
36452817 87216342

The Fourth.

This hath double Dodging before and behind both, thus.

21436587 42638571 42167358
24135678 24368751 41263785
42316587 42637815 14627358
24361578 24367185 16423785
42635187 42631758
24365817 24613785

These may be prick't several other ways, but that I Omit here for Brevities sake; The Dodging is without Intermission, except an hinderence comes by the Treble; as likewise between two Bells, until Treble parts the Fray. The Bobs are Triple Changes, as the Treble leads; in the 1st. 2d. and 6th. the Bell in the 4th. place lies still at the Bobs, and in the 3d. 4th. and 5th. that in the 2d. place lies still.

Each of these will go 112 Changes, and by making Bobs 224, 336, or 672.

College Triples Dodging both before and behind.

This Peal is the same for Bobs, as the Bob Major, and will go as many Changes by making Bobs, or otherwise, as any of the foregoing Four, and is thus Peal'd.

21436587 42568371 42157836
24153678 24586731 41275863
42513687 42587613 14725836
24531678 24578163 17452863
42536187 42571836
24563817 24517863

The Wild-Goose Chase


The Explanation shall follow the Peal; intending here to put an end to my Epitome of the Art of Ringing, and therefore shall first present you with this Prick't thus.

21536784 37625481 15327684
25163748 73265418 13572648
52613784 72356148 31752684
56231748 27531684 37125648
65327184 25713648 73215684
63572814 52173684 72351648
36758241 51237648

In this Change the 4th. Bell must first hunt up into the Sevenths place, and then the 4 and 8 always dodge behind throughout the Peal, unless when obstructed by the Treble. The Bell that moves up into the 6th. place, when the Treble moves thence down, lies still there, till displaced by the Treble; during which time the two hind Bells dodge, and the five first go a perfect Hunting-course: And when likewise the Treble moveth out of the 5ths. place the five first Bells go a Hunting-course, till it comes down there again: By this method it will go 80 changes, and by Bobs 160, 240, or 480. The Bob is made as in the foregoing Changes.

And here I thought to make an end of the Art of Ringing, but Cynthius aurem vellit, the young Practitioner, whose only Information is hereby aimed at, plucks me by the Sleeve, and tells me in the Ear, that tho' Peals upon six, as Triples and Doubles, &c. make excellent Musick upon Eight Bells, 4 8, 6 8, 4 1, or 1 8 lying behind: Or, Triples and Doubles upon the six middle Bells, the Tenor lying behind; yet for him who is not arrived to such a perfection of Skill, as to Ring these compleat Peals, the most proper and easy for him are Set-changes, which are founded on these Grounds.

First, Placing the Bells Fifths; thus the 4 must hunt up behind the 7, the 3 behind the 6, and the 2 behind the 5; or the one may Hunt down under the other, as the 5 under the 2, the 6 under 3, and 7 under 4: Or if you will, first let a Single, next a Double, and then a Triple Change be made on the middle Bells, all coming to the same effect; for then the Changes will lye Fifths thus: 1 5, 2 6, 3 7, 4 8. In the Peal four Concords are to be regarded, The first 1 5, the Second 2 6, the third 3 7, and the fourth 4 8.

These four Concords may go the Methods of any Changes upon four Bells; 1, 5 being taken for the Treble; 2, 6 for the Second; 3, 6 for the Third; and 4, 8 for the Fourth; and the Concords may Change places with one another, as you lift. In which this Observation is highly necessary, that the two Notes of every Concord must constantly attend each other in their Motion; that is, whenever one of the two Notes moves, the other must follow it.

Or Secondly, Place the Bells Thirds; thus: The 6 4 and 2 must hunt up, or else the 3 5 7 down; or otherwise on the middlemost Bells let a Triple, Double or Single Change be made, are to one effect; and then the Bells will lye Thirds thus, 1 3. 5 7. 2 4. 6 8. Herein are four Concords observable; as in the former Peal, viz. 1 3. 5 7. 2 4. 6 8. These Concords may go the Methods of any Changes upon Four Bells, 1, 3 being taking for the Treble, 5, 7 for the Second; 2, 4 for the Third; and 6, 8 for the Fourth; moving in the same manner; as before shewed.

By these Grounds Variety of excellent and Musical Changes are to be Rung; any Concord may be made a Hunt, and to move up and down at the beginning.

In Ringing these Set-changes, the Note will lye sometimes Fifths, sometimes Thirds and both, and then to Clam them, is admirable Musick: Clamming is, when each Concord strike together; which being done true the 8 will strike as but four Bells, and make a Melodious Harmony. You may Clam two or three bouts, and then strike as many times Open, alternatively, one Clam one Pull, and Open the next, &c.



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