The first and greatest Cunning to be observed in Bowling, is the right chusing your Bowl, which must be suitable to the Grounds you design to run on, thus: For close Alleys, your best choice is the Flat Bowl: 2. For open Grounds of Advantage, the Round-byassed-bowl. 3. For Green Swarths, that are plain and level, the Bowl that is Round as a Ball. The next thing requires your Care is, the chusing out your Ground, and preventing the Windings, Hangings, and many turning Advantages of the same, whether it be in open wide places, as Bares & Bowling-greens, or in close Bowling-alleys. Lastly, Have your Judgment about you to observe and distinguish the Risings, Fallings and Advantages of the Places where you Bowl: Have your Wits about you to avoid being rookt of your Money: And have your Understanding about you, to know your best Time and Opportunity for this Recreation; and finally a studious Care of your Words and Passions, and then Bowl away, and you may deserve, Well have you bowled indeed. But methinks I cannot conclude here, without admiring how aptly a Bowling-green is by the Divine Quarles characterized, in the following Verses, thus, Thus much for Bowling. |