href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@42388@42388-h@42388-h-15.htm.html#Page_241" class="pginternal">241. Cacones, Isles of, 243. CÆsalpinia nuga, 289. California, Old, 243. Calophyllum, 66, 189, 287, 295, 305. Calophyllum inophyllum, 290, 291, 292, 305. Calvert, Rev. J., 63. Canarium, 85, 87, 189, 285, 287, 291, 293, 295. Canarium commune, 85, 189. Candelaria Shoals, 199, 262, 273, 275. Canna indica, 305. Cannibalism, 35, 260. Canoes, 67, 71, 146; canoe-deities, 149. Cap Oriental, 262. Cape Prieto, 206. Cape Satisfaction, 278. Capron, Mr. Rand, on the visual powers of savages, 123. Careri, Gemelli, 257. Carter, Mr. Brudenell, on the visual powers of savages, 122. Carteret, Captain, 80, 258. Cartographers, the early, 255. Caryota, palm, 284, 285, 287, 305; edible top or cabbage, 88; sago-yielding, 91. Casuarina trees, 290, 292. Catarrhal diseases, 176. Caulerpa, 89. Cerbera, 25, 288. Cerbera odollam, 289, 290, 292. CeratobatrachidÆ, 315. Cetacean, a rare, 335. Chalcedony, 78. Chalk, 79. Chalmers, Rev. J., 325. Chamisso, 132, 138. Dynamite, use of, in fishing, 158. E. Ear ornaments, 133. Earl, G. W., 189; on the hair of Papuans, 117; on the prevailing skin eruption, 172. Echoes, superstition concerning, 54. Eddystone Island, see Simbo Island. ElÆocarpus, 287, 293. Elephantiasis, 176. Elevation, see Upheaval. Ellis, 153, 175; on the deification of sharks, 71. Emerald, H.M.S., 26. Emotions, expressions of, 125. Epalle, Monsignor, murder of, 270. Epidemic diseases, 176. Epiphytes, 282, 285, 289. Epilation, 118. Eranthemum variabile, 305. Erosion of freshwater shells, 340. Erythrina, 289. Escondido Harbour, 219. Espiritu Santo, 252. Estrella Harbour, 202. Eugenia, 291, 293. Eugenio, Point, 243. Evered, Mr., 106. Evodia hortensis, 135, 305. F. Facial angle, 115. FagrÆa Berteriana, 188, 288. Fanarite, district of St. Christoval, 19. Fan-palms, seeLicuala. Fans, 66. Faro Island, see Fauro Island. Farquhar, Dr., on Tokelau ringworm, 171. Fat, fondness of, 92. Fauro Island, chiefs of, 25, 46; villages, 60, 82; tambu-houses, 71; canoes, 149; physical characters of natives, 103, 113; vegetation, 287, 289; geology, vii, 280. Feasts, 50, 68, 93. Features, 115. Female sex, their drudgery, 191, 312; monitors, 91, 313. Lomlom Island, 277. Longmore, Prof., on testing vision, 122. Lopez Vaz, 246, 247. Lumnitzera coccinea, 292. Luther, Dr., R.N., 158. Lycopods, 285. Lygonia, 148, 285. Lyonsia, see Awi-sulu. M. Macaulay’s Archipelago, 266. Macdonald, Capt. J., vii., 15, 17, 36, 79, 131, 163, 335. Macdonald, Mr. W., 42, 70, 306. Macgillivray, Mr., 135, 344. Maclay, Miklouho, 86, 97; anthropological observations and measurements, 105, 111, 116, 118; on the introduction of tobacco, 94. Maclay Coast, 86, 94, 105, 111, 189. Mai, Santa Anna chief, 17-20, 36, 39. Maize, 84. Makira, 36, 147, 277; cannibalism, 36; murder of missionaries, 270. Malaita, head-hunting, 18; characters of natives of north coast, 103, 113, 114, 120, 136; legends of apes, 335; first discovery of the island, 205, 219, 220, 274, 275. Malan, Lieut., R.N., 24, 52, 53, 180. Mallicolo Island, 277. Man, Mr., on the Andaman pottery, 52. Oldham, Lieut., ix., 24, 29, 36, 55, 279, 291. Oliver, Prof., 289, 294. Onomatopoeia, 190. Ontong-Java, 92, 200, 262, 273, 275. Opossums, see Cuscus. Orchids, 285, 289. Orika Island, see Santa Catalina. Orion’s Belt, 56. Ornaments, personal, 131. Ortega, 195, 203. Outrigger-canoes, 146, 147, 149. Ovulum ovum, 131, 147. P. Pachyma, 306. Pacific races, see Polynesians. Paddles, 150; modes of paddling, 150. Pagurus, 332. Palms, 285, 303; palm-tops as food, 88. Pandanus trees, 290, 291, 292, 305; different species, 302; native names widely spread, 101, 186; new genus, 289, 302; fruits eaten by natives, 87, and by the Birgus, 323; leaves made into mats, 61. Pandean-pipes, 141. Papal Bull, 255. Papaw-tree, 84. Papuans, 98, 105, 117. Parinarium laurinum, 62, 146, 148, 296, 305. Parrot, M, on syphilis in prehistoric times, 178. Path-finding, 162. Patterns, decorative, 139. Patterson, Bishop, 15, 148. Paubro, St. Christoval, 124, 157, 176, 306, 335. Stewart Islands, see Sikyana. Stirling Island, viii. Stone, Mr. O. C, 80, 135. Stone-boiling, 86. Stone implements, polished, 76, 120. Stones, grinding, 6, 77; cooking-stones, 58, 77. Strabismus, 177. Submersion, experiments on, of Iuli, 329; of NeritinÆ, 339; of Littorina scabra, 351; of a monitor-lizard, 313. Suenna, 57. Sugar-cane, 84. Sulagina Bay, 38. Sun-burns, 362. Sun-shades, 139. Superior, barque, massacre of crew of, 23. Superstitions, 53, 78, 124, 153, 165. Surville, 33, 56, 80, 149, 261, 269. Suspicion, an inherent quality, 31. Swallow Islands, 277. Symonds, Lieut., 314. Syphilis, 177. T. Taboo or Tambu ban, 32; tambu marks, 32. Tacca pinnatifida, 89, 290. Tactics in war, 75. Taki, the Wano chief, 15, 20. Tambu-house, 35, 53, 67. Taro, 82, 84. Tattooing, 135. Taucalo Island, 277. Taumaco Island, islands in the vicinity of, 251, 276. Temperature, 361, 366, 367; susceptibility of natives to slight changes, 178. Temples, see Tambu-house. Terminalia catappa, 85, 273. Wilkes, Commodore, 63, 76, 170, 173, 276. Williams, Mr., 63. Winchelsea Island, 259. Winds, 362; registers of, 367. Wind-prophets, 55. Withrington, Capt., 248. Women, measurements of, 102, 115. Wood, Mr. C. F., 69, 330. Wounds, see Injuries. Y. Yams, 82, 84, 88. Z. Zephyr, massacre of portion of crew of, 26. S. Cowan & Co., Strathmore Printing Works, Perth. |