16">Brinton, D. G., 190, 253, 313 f. Broadwood and Maitland, 294 f., 302. Brown, Baldwin, 251, 367 f. Brown, Dr. John, 96. Brown, T. E., 410. Browning, R., 30, 347. Bruchmann, 64, 70, 171, 428 f. BrÜcke, 81. Brugmann, 445. Brugsch, 236. BrunetiÈre, 6, 26 f., 377, 389. BÜcher, 10, 63, 107 ff., 270 ff., 345, 369, 373, 386, 459 f., 462, 464. Buck, Dr. Gertrude, 446, 448. Buckle, 127, 175. Budde, 62, 186, 218, 226 f., 262. Bugge, 180. Bujeaud, 166, 258. Burckhardt, 141, 144, 158, 160, 425, 455. Burdach, 432. Burden, 275, 316 ff. Burette, 346. Burns, 170, 209, 308, 410. Bushmen, 90. C CÆdmon, 403. Calmet, 124 f. Campbell, J. F., 72, 179, 192, 400. Cante-fable, 71 f., 97. Caracolu, 367, 370, 409, 412 f., 415, 428 ff., 431, 441, 443, 463 f., 466 f.; Dances, panic, 338; D’Annunzio, 60 f., 206, 230 f. Dante, 45, 122 f., 142 f., 145, 341 f., 361, 468. Darmesteter, 259, 395. Darwin, 8, 24, 88, 357 f., 428, 431. Daudet, 433. Declamation, 82, 86 f., 99. Degeneration, 16, 18. Dekker, 47. DÉor, song of, 147, 266. De Quincey, Thomas, 58. Dialect, 190. Dickens, 276 f. Dilthey, 141. Dithyramb, 66, 370. Dixon, J. H., 294 f. Donovan, 104 ff., 186, 345, 365, 368 f., 386, 392. Don Quixote, 425. DÖring, 370, 420. Douglas, Sir George, 167 f., 173. Drack, M., 424. Drama, 468 ff. Imitation, 352, 362, 369, 375, 386 f. Improvisation, 92, 95, 97, 113, 180, 199, 212 f., 222, 227, 234, 240, 273, 275, 287 ff., 292, 311, 355, 369 f., 394 ff., 396 ff., 401 ff., 404, 415 ff., 418 f., 421, 424 ff., 428 f., 432, 441, 455 ff.; Inarticulate sounds, 30, 253, 260. Indians, American, 93, 189, 245 ff., 253 ff., 273, 309 ff., 313 f., 333 f., 394. Individual, 139, 141 ff., 151, 153, 155, 183, 212, 371 ff., 377 ff., 381, 382 ff., 389, 391 ff., 393 f., 407, 421, 429, 432, 452, 464; Infant, 206. Magic, 67, 283. Mahomet, 1. Maine, Sir H., 379. Mallery, 428, 430. Malmesbury, William of, 301. Malory, 56. Maneros, 238, 285. Manley, J. M., 337. Mannhardt, 238, 283, 294, 310, 343, 437. MansÖngvar, 401. Marcaggi, 229, 231 ff. Marching-songs, 204, 269. Masing, 119 f., 256. Masson, 57. Matriarchate, 10. May songs, 281, 305 f. Meier, John, 164. Mendelssohn, Moses, 119. Meredith, 114. MÉrimÉe, 231. Metaphor, 161 f., 190 ff., 444 f. Metre, 180. Metres, origin of, 110. Meumann, 81 ff., 88, 99. Mexico, songs of, 334. Meyer, E. H., 166 f., 216, 272, 279, 283, 300, 306, 417. Meyer, Gustav, 172, 181, 405, 407 ff. Meyer, R. M., 176, 188, 209, 256 f., 259 f., 267, 447, 452. Michel, F., 183, 234, 395. Milieu, the, 358. Mill, J. S., 51 f. Milton, 151, 157, 389. RÜckert, 315. Rudimentary growths in literature, 17. RundÂs, 406. Ruodlieb, 341. Ruscelli, 456. Russia, ballads of, 166, 188, 198, 327. S Sachs, Hans, 281. Sainte-Beuve, 6, 148 f., 388, 453, 465, 468. St. Evremond, 447. St Francis, prayer of, 155, 469. St. Victor, 231, 233 f. Saintsbury, Professor, 55. Sandys, 303. Sappho, 464. Sarcasm, songs of, 288 f. Satire, 404 f. Satura Menippea, 73. Saturnian verse, 68. Savages, 9, 11, 13 ff., 19 ff., 65, 82, 90 ff., 95 f., 127, 374 ff.; Scaliger, J. C., 3, 34, 43 f., 122 f. Scandinavia, songs of, 188, 191, 270, 353 f. ScÉaf, 284 f. Scherer, 8, 88 f., 133 f., 178, 336, 349, 381, 441, 446 f., 452, 454, 459 f. Schiller, 49, 113, 169. Style of poetry, 35, 54, 161 f., 189 ff., 434, 444 ff. Sublime, the, 53. Sully, 365. Summer and winter, songs of, 306 f. Swift, 61, 375. Sword-dance, 268, 336 f. Symonds, J. A., 426. Sympathy, 115, 471 ff. Syria, poetry of, 218, 227, 236. T Tacitus, 86, 205, 299, 336 f., 392. Taine, 6, 359, 388. Talvj, 167, 182, 395. Tammuz, 237. Tarde, 137, 348, 351, 356 ff., 362 f., 374, 376 f., 380, 423, 460. Tartars, songs of the, 71. TÉlÉmaque, 38, 46, 60. Temple, Sir William, 46, 467. Ten Brink, 176, 213, 306, 326, 361, 403, 424. Tennyson, 82, 156, 190, 220, 388. Texte, 359, 389. Theocritus, 405, 418. Thought, 83, 113, 139, 152, 374 f., 383, |