Object of the book. Historical and comparative treatment. Sources of help. Modern scientific aids. Limitations to their value. The evidence of poetry itself. The curve of evolution
Definitions of poetry. The line between poetry and prose. Summary of the dispute. Rhythm fundamental and essential in poetry. Proofs from ethnology, psychology, and the history of poetry itself
Communal and individual. MediÆval and modern conditions. Evolution of sentimental lyric. Influence of Christianity. Reactions. Modern objective poetry. Humour
The making of communal poetry a closed account. Elements of the European ballad. Who made it. The “I” of ballads. Style of ballads. Incremental repetition. Variation. Siberian songs. Bridal songs. The vocero and kindred songs of mourning. The refrain. Refrains and songs of labour. Harvest-home. Processions. Flytings. Festal refrains. The dance
Science and theories of poetic origins. Invention and imitation. Comparative literature and the art of borrowing. The war against instinct. Instinct not set aside. The dualism in poetry. Greek drama. Homogeneity of savages and of primitive men
The poet. Improvisation in a throng. A study of the schnaderhÜpfl. Stanzas and poems. Differentiation of poetry. Lyric, drama, and epic. Myths. Poetic style