#Page_144" class="pginternal">144
a>, 321, 323;Church, property, seizure of, 118 Cinq Ports, political importance of the, 365 Cities, defenders of, appointed, 199; duties of, 242 Citizenship, Roman, terms of admission to, 182, 185 Civil list, origin of the, 496 Civil courts, powers of the, established, 276 Civilization, effects of, on society, 32, 33; its aid to power, 39; progress of, 155; chief aim of, 161 Civilization, in England, 282 Civilization, European, unity of, 257 Clarendon, constitution of, 276-278, 292 Clarissimi, 193, 194 Classification of persons, principles of, 134, 135, 137, 138, 193 Classification of members, 421, 422, Classification of governments, 61, 75 Clement V., bull of, 332, 333; letter of, to Edward I., 332 Clergy, influence of the, 98, 162, 177, 190, 205, 212; privileges of the, 194; political predominance of, 220; incompetency of, for government, 232; powers of the, 276, 310; decline of, in England, 282, 491; contests of, with royalty, 310; charters granted to, 311; statutes in favour of, 499 Clovis, wars of, 84; death of, 85; successors of, 86 Code of English laws, 286 Code of the Visigoths, 177 Colonies, Roman, 25; state of the, 179 Comitia, the, in Rome, 184, 185 Commons, admission of the, to Parliament, 370-373, 451; formation of the, 422; intervention of, in matters of peace or war, 485; political influence of, 452, 487, 495; progressive rights of the, 400, 476, "@public@vhost@g@html@files@61250@61250-h@61250-h-12.htm.html#Page_380" class="pginternal">380, 419; by the sheriff, 354 Elections, under the Merovingians, 159 Elections, by vote, limited power of, 339 Elections, character and power of, 63; introduction of, 80; forms of, 387; necessity for, 265; effects of, on feudalism, 422; advantages of, 408; fundamental law of, struggles of, with the barons, 355, 356, 359; Parliaments convoked by, 360, 362; political character of, 368 Henry IV., reign of, 518 Henry V., parliamentary character of the reign of, 518 Hierarchy of feudalism, 175 Hincmar, Archbishop, letter of, on national assemblies, 164 History, simultaneous development of, 1, 2, 11; aspects of, 259, 260; adoption of, to the present age, 261 History, of the Anglo-Saxons, 29, 37 History, of England, sketch of, 270; remarkable fact in the, 494 History, of English towns, 364 History, European, epochs of, 13, 258 History, of free nations, 260 History, philosophic, 260 History, poetical, 259 History, political, 262 History, practical, 260 Honorati, the, under the Roman empire, 243 Honorius III., decrees of, 321 House of Commons, origin of the, 268, 419-423, 437; early importance of, 424; rights of the, 480; participation of, in the legislature, 481 House of Commons, in the 14th century, 388 House of Commons, in the reign of Henry III., 484 House of Commons, in the reign of Edward II., 458 House of Commons, speaker of the, first chosen, 478 House of Lords, origin of the, 419-423, 435; results of the establishment of the, 437; increasing powers of, 486; struggles of, with the Commons, 498 House of Lords, in the 15th century, 515 Houses of Parliament, origin of the separation of the, 314, 418; distinct characters of, 372, 478 Hubert de Burgh, 322 Hugh Capet, 101, 160; succession of, 171 Hullman, Dr., views of, on the social state, 104 Hume, history by, 259, 260 I. Independence under the feudal system, 130 Independence, individual, 156 Industry, national, protection of, 491 Inequal division of the, into three branches, 514 Legislature, English, 30, 41 Leovigild, reign of, 210 Leudes, appointment of, 141; offices held by, ib.; duties and emoluments of, 142; rise of the, 160 Liberalism, progress of, 369 Liberty, demands of, on society, 133; character of, in the early ages, 135; aspects of, 154, 155; principles of, 201, 205; guarantees of, Plurality, definition of, by Pascal, 62 Police regulations, 42, 271 Poll-tax levied, 497, 498 Politics, art of, 443 Popes, origin of the right of, to make and unmake kings, 96; powers of the, 311, 317, 321; resistance of the Commons to the, 490 Power, derivation of, 346; legitimacy of, 349 absolute, characteristics of, 58, 59, 233, 299, 346; fallibility of, 77; theory of, 341; causes which led to the establishment of, in France, 424; bulwarks against, 442; struggles of, in England, 495-502 Power, administrative, division of, in England, 289 Power, central, division of, 444; relation of, to representative government, 445 Power, ecclesiastical, 275, 276; decline of, in England, 282 Power, electoral, 264; division of, in England, 266 Power, executive, 288; tendency of, 289; theory of, 340 Power, judicial, 288, 441; division of, 289, 517; concentration of, in the person of Henry II., 296 Power, legislative, 288; division of, in England, 418-424; effects of, 446 Power, monarchical, progress of, 15 Power, regal, extension of, 148, 151; causes of the, 160, 276; theory of, 218, 446; origin of, 219; struggles of, with feudal powers, 308-325; restrictions to, 361; resistance of the Commons to, 477 Powers, division of, essential to government, 79, 289; results of, in England, 268 Powers, emancipation of, in France, 289 Powers, which rule society, 288 Precaria, origin of the, 117 Prerogative, royal origin of, 300; maintenance of, 503 Problem of government, 67; theories of, 263, 264; opinions of Bracton and Fortescue on, 267 Sovereignty, individual, theory of, 336-338, 242; results of, 443; division of, 445 Sovereignty, of the majority, 340 Sovereignty, of reason, 343 Sovereignty, of will, 341, 344 Spain, under the Roman Empire, 206; invasion of, 209; monarchy in, 210; fall of the, 214; division of, into dioceses, 213; Gothic laws of, 246, 247; institutions of, 235 Speaker of the House of Commons, first appointed, 478; functions of the, 511 Printed By Harrison And Son, London Gazette Office, St. Martin's-lane; and Orchard-street, Westminster. End of Main Text[Transcriber's note: The prices listed use the £sd system (or Lsd), "pounds, shillings and pence," from librae, solidi, and denarii. 12d (pence) is a shilling. 20s (shillings), or 240d (pence), is a pound. The purchasing power of one pence is 1852 is about US$.58 in 2020. A common price of 3s. 6d. is about $40.] Publisher's Advertisements |