AMERICA, bride of Change!
Thy cloistral hour is done;
Thy shy and innocent foot
Is white on the stranger’s stair:
Unto what end?—Beloved!
I have heard thee sigh.
As the heliotrope in the dusk
Close under, but unespied,
Delivers one slow breath,
Pained, poignant-sweet,
Into the neutral air,
Because she inly feels
At some light shock of a bud
That would issue forth, and expand,
How coronals fall, and old
Dear purples wither away;
(While the friendly leaves o’erhead
Moan, and the redwing there
Aches in his delicate sleep;)
Even so,
Freedom’s exempted flower!
In the rhythm, the interplay
Of the terrors of budding life
Or death,
I have heard thee sigh.
As the clear mid-channel wave,
That under a Lammas dawn
Her orient lanthorn held
Steady and beautiful,
Through the trance of the sunken tide,
Sudden leaps up, and spreads
Her signal round the sea:
Time, time!
Time to awake; to arm;
To scale the difficult shore!
Even so,
Thou Heart of the dual deep,
Ere the plash of the onset came,
In the vortices
I have heard thee sigh.
What if now
Thou failest, our saint, our star!
Between thy Father’s tomb,
And the throne of the glittering world,
The febrile world,
Ah, Child! (have I lived too long?)
I have heard thee sigh.

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