| Page | On the Rabid versus the Harmless Scholar | 3 | The Great Playground | 13 | On the Ethics of Descent | 29 | Some Impressions from the Tudor Exhibition | 39 | On the Delights of an Incognito | 63 | The Puppy: A Portrait | 73 | On Dying Considered as a Dramatic Situation | 83 | A Bitter Complaint of the Ungentle Reader | 99 | Animum non Coelum | 109 | The Precept of Peace | 117 | On a Pleasing Encounter with a Pickpocket | 131 | Reminiscences of a Fine Gentleman | 139 | Irish | 153 | An Open Letter to the Moon | 169 | The Under Dog | 181 | Quiet London | 191 | The Captives | 205 | On Teaching One's Grandmother How to Suck Eggs | 223 | Wilful Sadness in Literature | 233 | leaf | An Inquirendo into the Wit and Other Good Parts of His Late Majesty, King Charles the Second | 247 |