April seemed a restless pain, June a phantom in the rain; Weary Autumn without grain Turned her home, full of tears. O my year, the most in vain Of the years! While the furrowed field was red, While the roses rioted, While a leaf was left to shed, There was storm in the air. Now that troubled heart is dead, All is fair. 'Neath a glow of copper-grey Spreads the stubble far away, And the hilltop cedars play Interludes in accord, And the sun adorns the day Like a sword. Even, usual, and slow, Blue enchanted breakers go Over carmine reefs in snow, With a sail in the lee: There's the godhead that we know On the sea. Ah, let be a promise vast So mysteriously downcast! I will love this year that passed To her grave in the wild, And is clear of stain at last As a child.