
The following forms the English Bibliography of the Letters:—

‘Five " love-letters " from a " Nun " to a " Cavalier " .’ Done out of French into English. (By) Ro L’Estrange. London 1678. pp. 111-117, 12mo.

Here is the Preface:—

To the Reader. " You are to take this Translation very kind- " ly, for the Authour " of it has ventur’d his " Reputation to oblige " you: Ventur’d it " (I say) even in the very Attempt of Co " pying so Nice an " Original. It is, in French, one of the " most Artificial Pieces " perhaps of the Kind, " that is anywhere Ex- " tant: Beside the Pe- " culiar Graces, and " Felicities of that Lan-" guage; in the matter " of an Amour, which " cannot be adopted " into any other " Tongue without Ex- " tream Force, and Affectation. There was " (it seems) an Intrigue " of Love carry’d on " betwixt a French offi- " cer, and a Nun in " Portugal. The Cava- " lier forsakes his Mis- " tress, and Returns " for France. The La- " dy expostulates the " Business in five Let- " ters of complaint, " which she sends af- " ter him; and those " five Letters are here " at your Service. You " will find in them the " Lively Image of an " Extravagant, and an " Unfortunate Passion; " and that a woman may " be Flesh and Bloud, in a " Cloyster, as well as in a " Palace.

‘Five love-letters from a Nun to a Cavalier,’ etc., etc., 1693. 16mo. (2nd edition.)

‘Five love-letters from a Nun to a Cavalier,’ etc. etc., 1701. 16mo. (3rd edition.)

* ‘New Miscellaneous " Poems " with five " Love-Letters " from " a Nun to a Cavalier ". Done into Verse ".’ The Second Edition. London 1713. With frontispiece. 16mo. The Letters occupy pp. 3-43; the date of the 1st edition is unknown.

‘Letters " from a " Portuguese Nun " to " an Officer " in the " French Army.’ " Translated by " W. R. Bowles, Esqre. London, 1808. 12mo., with frontispiece. pp. xvi-125. This includes the so-called Second Part of the Letters.

‘Letters from a Portuguese Nun,’ etc., etc., 1817. (2nd edition.)

‘Letters from a Portuguese Nun,’ etc., etc., 1828. (3rd edition.)

‘The Love Letters of a " Portuguese Nun " being the letters written by Marianna " Alcaforado to NoËl Bouton de Cha-milly, Count of St. Leger (later " Marquis of Chamilly), in " the year 1668.’ " Translated by " R. H. " New York 1890. 12mo. 148 p.

‘Five love-letters written by a Cavalier (the Chevalier Del) in answer to the five love-letters written to him by a Nun.’ London 1694. 12mo.

* ‘Seven " Portuguese Letters; " being a " second part " to the " Five Love-Letters " from a " Nun " to a " Cavalier " .’ London 1681. pp. iii-78. 8vo.

* ‘Seven " Love-Letters " from a " Nun " to a " Cavalier,’ " etc., etc., 1693. Small 4to. (2nd edition.)

N.B.—The translations marked with an asterisk are not mentioned by Senhor Cordeiro in his Bibliography.


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