Transcriber's Notes

The following corrections have been made in the text:
1 ‘Stuart’ replaced with ‘Stewart’
(bugler of the Regiment, J. A. Stewart,)
2 ‘Claiborne’ replaced with ‘Cleburne’
(attack of Generals Cleburne and Cheatham.)
3 ‘or’ replaced with ‘of’
(51 pieces of artillery)
4 ‘we’ replaced with ‘he’
(that he was wasting his weakening strength)
5 ‘Gather’ replaced with ‘Gaither’
(W. P. Gaither,)
6 (Cfd ? Confederate; Fed ? Federal; Vic ? Victor.)
Line added by the transcriber.
7 ‘Murfeesboro’ replaced with ‘Murfreesboro’
(I have indicated the Murfreesboro)
8 ‘Baily’ replaced with ‘Bailey’
(Bailey, Jonathan, 164.)
9 ‘Bowles’ replaced with ‘Boles’
(Boles, Jeff, 243.)
10 ‘Claiborne’ replaced with ‘Cleburne’
(Cleburne, General, 23, 116.)
11 ‘Douglass’ replaced with ‘Douglas’
(Douglas, John, 65.)
12 ‘Gant’ replaced with ‘Gaut’
(Gaut, William, 163.)
13 ‘Gillihan’ replaced with ‘Gilliham’
(Gilliham, E., 158.)
14 ‘Porter B.’ replaced with ‘B. Porter’
(Harrison, B. Porter, 165, 243.)
15 ‘24’ replaced with ‘12’
(McMillin, Capt., 12.)
16 ‘Murry’ replaced with ‘Murray’
(Murray, D. D., 241.)
17 ‘Neely’ replaced with ‘Meely’
(Meely, T., 160.)

‘Nichols’ replaced with ‘Nichol’

(Nichol, Capt. J. W.)

19 ‘273’ replaced with ‘249’
(Smith, Col. Baxter, ... 186, 239, 249.)
20 ‘Strahl’ replaced with ‘Stahl’
(Stahl, General, 117.)
21 ‘Captain’ replaced with ‘Lieutenant’
(White, Lieutenant, 17.)


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