| Introductory | I. | Organization and Early Movements Outpost Duty at Franklin, Tenn.—Battle of Murfreesboro—Retreat to Shelbyville. | II. | From Fort Donelson to Chickamauga Fort Donelson—Woodbury, Tenn.—Trousdale’s Ferry on Caney Fork River—Resisting Rosecrans’s Advance on Shelbyville and Tullahoma—Bragg’s Retreat to Chattanooga—Wheeler’s Cavalry at Rome, Ga.—Battle of Chickamauga. | III. | Wheeler’s Raid into Middle Tennessee in 1863 | IV. | In East Tennessee Return to the Army of Tennessee at Missionary Ridge—Report of Lieutenant Colonel Anderson on the Battle of Chickamauga—Battles of Lookout Mountain and Orchard Knob—Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, Ga. | V. | Campaigning in Georgia Gen. Joseph E. Johnston Succeeds General Bragg as Commander in Chief—Remarks about General Bragg—General Sherman Advances on Dalton, Ga.—March to Atlanta, Ga.—Battles of Resaca and Kingston—New Hope Church—Kennesaw Mountain—Marietta and Atlanta—General Johnston Superseded by General Hood. | VI. | General Wheeler’s Capture of the Commands of Generals McCook and Stoneman Raid of General Wheeler into Tennessee in 1864—Behind the Lines. | VII. | In Tennessee, Virginia, and Harassing Sherman March through East Tennessee—Battle of Saltville, Va.—Return to Atlanta, Ga.—Sherman’s March to the Sea. | VIII. | The South Carolina Campaign Remarks about General Hood—Battle of Aiken, S.C.—Battle of Fayetteville, N.C. | IX. | In North Carolina Change in Brigade Officers—Gen. Joseph E. Johnston Succeeds General Hood and Assumes Command in North Carolina—Battle of Averyboro, N.C.—Bentonville, N.C. | X. | Further Movements in North Carolina, and the Beginning of the End Reorganization of the Army at Smithfield, N.C.—General Johnston Ordered to Greensboro, N.C.—Meets Confederate States Officials—General Johnston Confers with General Sherman, and an Agreement Made to End the War. | XI. | The End of the Struggle Surprise of the Army at Information of Surrender—Sherman-Johnston Capitulation Rejected at Washington—Another Agreement Looking to a Surrender on Terms Given General Lee at Appomattox—General Johnston’s Farewell Address to the Army—General Wheeler’s Address to the Cavalry. | XII. | Casualty Lists | XIII. | Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Other Officers | XIV. | An Address and a Speech | XV. | A Few Facts from History | XVI. | After the War | XVII. | General Bragg’s Kentucky Campaign in 1862 (By Baxter Smith) | XVIII. | Members of the Regiment Now Living | | Appendix | | Index | |