i>Dalli Osso, archÆologist, 78 Damocrates, Servilius, 106 Daremberg, “Histoire des sciences mÉdicales,” 80, 99 De Lavauguyon, 253, 255 DÉcorative medicine, 244 Dekkers, Friederich, 241 Delphi, temple of Apollo at, 46, 114 Deneffe, “La prothÈse dentaire dans l’antiquitÉ,” 67, 75, 102 Dental appliance, Etruscan, found at Tarquinii, 71 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnear Teano, Italy, 79
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxat Valsiarosa, 70
- art among the ancient Germans, 162
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe Etruscans, 67
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe Romans, 77, 102
- xxxxxxxxfirst beginnings of, 17
- xxxxxxxxpractised by specialists in ancient Egypt, 25
- caries, 110, 122, 147, 251, 269, 319
- irregularities, 280, 290, 303, 320
- maladies given in Ebers’ papyrus, 21
- surgery not mentioned in Ebers’ papyrus, 25
- and surgical instruments of the Romans, 86
- terminology found in Vesalius, 176
Dentateurs, 199 Dentator, 144, 147 Dentiduces, 226 Dentifrices, 35, 38, 51, 87, 93, 94, 96, 97, 105, 112, 124, 141, 148, 154, 247, 322 Dentine, structure of, 237, 319 Dentisculpia (toothpicks), 98, 226 Dentispices, 219 Dentist, the word itself, 102, 144 - Cascellius the first, 102
Dentista, 144 Dentistry, condition of, before Fauchard, 157, 167, 207, 211, 226, 278, 292, 293, 325, 330, 334 Foreest, Peter, 157, 202 Foucou, 321, 346, 347 Fracture of lower jaw, 59, 137, 190, 342 Fractures and dislocations, Celsus on, 87 Fredericus, Rinaldus, 235 Frogs, use of, for dental maladies, 95, 107, 125, 138 xxxxxxxxxxG Gaddesden, John, 140 Gagliardi, Domenico, 238 Gaillardot, Dr., researches in necropolis of Sidon, 29 Galen, Claudius, 52, 63, 65, 80, 82, 108, 109, 121 Garengeot, Croissant de, 257 Gebauer, Ernst Ferdinand, 259 Geist-Jacobi, 23, 59, 78, 102, 114, 157, 163, 166, 169, 220, 306, 311, 314 Genga, Bernardo, 235 Gerauldy, Fr. A., 302, 338 Gerbi, Ranieri, 332 “German key,” 257 Germans, dentistry among the, 161 Ghent, University of, Etruscan appliance in museum of, 74 Gilles, Arnauld, 222 Gingivitis, treatment of, by Galen, 111 Giovanni of Arcoli, 153, 168, 199 Glaubrecht, F. E., 314 Gold appliances of the Etruscans, 71 - of the Romans, 101
- bands, mentioned in law of the Twelve Tables, 305
- Pfolsprundt, Heinrich von, 163
- Phoenicia, ancient dental appliance found at Sidon, 29
- influence of, on Etruscan dentistry, 67
- Phoenician vase, with portrayal of dental operation, 47
- Pietro of Albano, 144
- Pig, teeth of the, 62
- Pincers, ligature, 295
- Plaster models, 306
- Plateario, Giovanni, 152
- Pliny, 89, 102
- Pluggers, 288
- Pomaret, Denis, 223
- Portal, 245
- Poteleret, Alexandre, 262
- Pregnancy, extraction of teeth during, 301, 339
- Prescriptions, Chinese, 35
- Priesthood, ancient, treatment of sick by, 17
- Primitive peoples, customs relating to teeth of, 42
- Prosthesis, dental, 146, 211, 296
- Prosthetic pieces, movable, 256
- Pulp-capping, 306
- Pulp, inflammation of, recognized by Archigenes, 107
- Pumice stone in dentifrices, 96, 97, 141, 203
- Purland, T., 28
- Purmann, Matthias Gottfried, 241
- Pyorrhea (alveolar), 96, 237
- xxxxxxxxxxQ
- Quacks, 159, 162, 277, 310
- Quill toothpicks mentioned by Martial, 98
xxxxxxxxxxR - Ranula, Abulcasis on the cure of, 137
- Renan, “Mission de PhÉnicie,” 29
- Replantation, 136, 191, 251, 281, 293, 305, 309, 316, 321, 334, 335
- Rhazes, 84, 121, 122, 153
- Riccio, Tommaso Antonio, 242
- Richter, A. G., 329
- RiviÈre Lazare (Riverius), 301
- Verduc, Jean, 253
- Vesalius, Andreas, 172
- Vigo, Giovanni of, 159
- Virchow, 29
- Votive offerings, dental, of Etruscans, 68
- tables in ancient temples, 18, 46
xxxxxxxxxxW - Weapons, teeth of animals as, 62
- Wecker, Johann Jacob, 200
- Westphal, A., 304
- Weyland, Fr. L., 318
- White, Samuel S., 348
- Wichmann, J. E., 336
- Wildman, Elias, 348
- Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, 28
- Willich, 321
- Wooffendale, Robert, 316
- Worms, dental, 104, 125, 126, 141, 148, 150, 153, 158, 199, 203, 214, 220, 228, 229, 231, 232, 247, 268, 307, 309
- Wurfbein, Paul, 241
xxxxxxxxxxZ - Znamenski, 295
- Zwinger, Theodor, 240