PART I. | FIRST PERIOD—ANTIQUITY. | CHAPTER I. | Dental Art among the Egyptians | 19 | CHAPTER II. | The Hebrews | 32 | CHAPTER III. | Dentistry among the Chinese | 34 | CHAPTER IV. | Customs Relating to the Teeth among Different Primitive Peoples | 42 | CHAPTER V. | The Greeks | 45 | CHAPTER VI. | Dental Art among the Etruscans | 67 | CHAPTER VII. | The Romans | 77 | PART II. | SECOND PERIOD—THE MIDDLE AGES. | CHAPTER VIII. | The Arabians | 121 | CHAPTER IX. | Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries | 140 | PART III. | THIRD PERIOD—MODERN TIMES. | CHAPTER X. | The Sixteenth Century | 161 | CHAPTER XI. | The Seventeenth Century | 218 | CHAPTER XII. | The Eighteenth Century | 255 |