I. Our Country Long Ago 13
II. The Barbarous Indians 17
III. The Mounds 20
IV. Where the Northmen went 24
V. The Northmen in America 27
VI. Queer Ideas 31
VII. Prince Henry the Navigator 33
VIII. Youth of Columbus 36
IX. Columbus and the Queen 39
X. "Land! Land!" 44
XI. Columbus and the Savages 48
XII. Home Again 51
XIII. Columbus illtreated 54
XIV. Death of Columbus 57
XV. How America got its Name 60
XVI. The Fountain of Youth 62
XVII. "The Father of Waters" 66
XVIII. The French in Canada 70
XIX. French and Spanish Quarrels 73
XX. The Sky City 77
XXI. Around the World 80
XXII. Nothing but Smoke 83
XXIII. Smith's Adventures 87
XXIV. The Jamestown Men 91
XXV. Smith wounded 94
XXVI. The Visit of Pocahontas to England 97
XXVII. Hudson and the Indians 102
XXVIII. The Mayflower 105
XXIX. Plymouth Rock 109
XXX. The First American Thanksgiving 113
XXXI. The Snake Skin and the Bullets 118
XXXII. The Beginning of Boston 122
XXXIII. Stories of Two Ministers 126
XXXIV. Williams and the Indians 129
XXXV. The Quakers 134
XXXVI. The King-Killers 136
XXXVII. King Philip's War 138
XXXVIII. The Beginning of New York 142
XXXIX. Penn and the Indians 147
XL. The Catholics in Maryland

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