
  1. Chap. Page
  2. I. The Beginning 1
  3. II. Odin 16
  4. III. Frigga 42
  5. IV. Thor 59
  6. V. Tyr 85
  7. VI. Bragi 95
  8. VII. Idun 103
  9. VIII. NiÖrd 111
  10. IX. Frey 117
  11. X. Freya 131
  12. XI. Uller 139
  13. XII. Forseti 142
  14. XIII. Heimdall 146
  15. XIV. Hermod 154
  16. XV. Vidar 158
  17. XVI. Vali 162
  18. XVII. The Norns 166
  19. XVIII. The Valkyrs 173
  20. XIX. Hel 180
  21. XX. Ægir 185
  22. XXI. Balder 197
  23. XXII. Loki 216
  24. XXIII. The Giants 230
  25. XXIV. The Dwarfs 239
  26. XXV. The Elves 246
  27. XXVI. The Sigurd Saga 251
  28. XXVII. The Frithiof Saga 298
  29. XXVIII. The Twilight of the Gods 329
  30. XXIX. Greek and Northern Mythologies—A Comparison 342
  31. Index to Poetical Quotations 367
  32. Glossary and Index 369

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