| PAGE | Homer | 2 | Amor | 14 | Fountain of Cybele (Rhea) | 19 | Minerva and Prometheus | 26 | Pandora | 30 | Hope | 34 | Olympian Zeus | 40 | Ganymede and the Eagle | 42 | The Abduction of Europa | 46 | Juno | 50 | Iris | 53 | Minerva | 56 | Apollo Belvedere | 66 | Apollo and Daphne | 69 | Orpheus and Eurydice | 78 | Farnese Bull | 81 | Aurora | 86 | Apollo and the Muses | 89 | Diana of Versailles | 92 | Niobe | 95 | Venus de Milo | 102 | Fourth Hour of the Night | 104 | Sleeping Love | 109 | Hero and Leander | 115 | Cupid awakening Psyche | 125 | Charon and Psyche | 129 | Flying Mercury | 133 | Venus de Milo and Mars | 141 | The Forge of Vulcan | 146 | Fountain of Neptune | 150 | Father Nile | 157 | The Furies | 162 | The Three Fates | 164 | Bacchus | 175 | Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne | 180 | Abduction of Proserpina | 185 | Ceres | 189 | A Nymph | 191 | School of the Vestal Virgins | 199 | The Vestal Tuccia | 201 | Genius of Death | 209 | Hercules an Infant | 217 | Hercules and Centaur | 222 | Mounted Amazon going to the Chase | 225 | Hercules at the Feet of Omphale | 231 | Fortuna | 233 | Farnese Hercules | 237 | Perseus | 245 | Perseus
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