Genealogical table showing relationships between mythological figures {Transcription: Chaos (M) married Nyx (F). Erebus (M) married Nyx (F). Hemera (F) married Æther (M). GÆa (F) had a child, Uranus (M). Uranus (M) married GÆa (F). Oceanus (M) married Thetis (F). Achelous (M) married Calliope (F). Alpheus (M) married Arethusa (F). Peneus (M) married GÆa (F). Inachus (M) had a child, Io (F). Doris (F) married Nereus (M). Amphitrite (F) married Neptune (M). Dione (F) married Jupiter (M). Galatea (F) married Acis (M). Thetis (F) married Peleus (M). Achilles (M) had a child, Pyrrhus (M). Pyrrhus (M) married Hermione (F). Clymene (F) married Apollo (M). Metis (F) married Jupiter (M). Clymene (F) married Iapetus (M). Æthra (F) married Atlas (M). Maia (F) married Jupiter (M). Mercury (M) married Penelope (F). Calypso (F) married Ulysses (M). Electra (F) married Jupiter (M). Dardanus (M) married Batea (F), whose parent was Teucer (M). Laomedon (M) had three children, Priam (M), Hesione (F) and Tithonus (M). Priam (M) married Hecuba (F). Hector (M) married Andromache (F). Paris (M) married Helen (F). Deiphobus (M) married Helen (F). Hesione (F) married Telamon (M). Tithonus (M) married Aurora (F). Themis (F) married Capys (M). Anchises (M) married Venus (F). Æneas (M) married Lavinia (F). Æneas Silvia’s (M) descendant was Numitor (M). Numitor (M) had a child, Ilia (F). Ilia (F) married Mars (M). Coeus (M) married Phoebe (F). Latona (F) married Jupiter (M). Apollo (M) married Diana (F). Æsculapius (M) had two children, Machaon (M) and Hygeia (F). Pirithous married Hippodamia (F). Iapetus (M) married Clymene (F). Hesperus (M) had a child, Hesperides (F). Epimetheus (M) married Pandora (F). Prometheus (M) had a child, Deucalion (M). Pyrrha (F) married Deucalion (M). Hellen (M) had three children, Æolus (M), Dorus (M) and Xuthus (M). Æolus (M) had two children, Salmoneus (M) and Sisyphus (M). Salmoneus (M) had a child, Tyro (F). Tyro (F) married Neptune (M). Æson (M) had a child, Jason (M). Jason (M) married Medea (F). Neleus (M) had a child, Nestor (M). Sisyphus (M) had a child, Glaucus (M). Glaucus (M) had a child, Bellerophon (M). Bellerophon (M) married PhilonoË (F). Xuthus (M) had two children, Ion (M) and AchÆus (M). Hyperion (M) married GÆa (F). Aurora (F) married Æolus (M). Boreas (M) married Orithyia (F). Zephyrus (M) married Flora (F). Themis (F) married Jupiter (M). Cronus (M) married Rhea (F). Juno (F) married Jupiter (M). Mars (M) married Venus (F). Cupid (M) married Psyche (F). Harmonia (F) married Cadmus (M). Vulcan (M) married Medusa (F). Hebe (F) married Hercules (M). Jupiter (M) married Io (F). Epaphus (M) had a child, Libya (F). Libya (F) married Neptune (M). Agenor (M) married Telephassa (F). Cadmus (M) married Harmonia (F). Ino (F) married Athamas (M). Autonoe (F) married AristÆus (M). Agave (F) had a child, Pentheus (M). Semele (F) married Jupiter (M). Bacchus (M) married Ariadne (F). Polydorus (M) had a child, Labdacus (M). Labdacus (M) had a child, Laius (M). Laius (M) married Jocasta (F). Œdipus married Jocasta (F). Europa (F) married Jupiter (M). Minos’ (M) descendant was Minos (M). Minos (M) married Pasiphae (F). Phaedra (F) married Theseus (M), whose parents were Ægeus (M) and Æthra (F). Ariadne (F) married Bacchus (M). Belus (M) had four children, Pygmalion (M), Dido (F), Danaus (M) and Ægyptus (M). Dido (F) married SychÆus (M). Danaus’ (M) children were the Danaides (F). Ægyptus (M) had 50 sons. The Danaides (F) married the 50 sons. Acrisius (M) had a child, Danae (F). Danae (F) married Jupiter (M). Perseus (M) married Andromeda (F), whose parents were Celeus (M) and Cassiopeia (F). AlcÆus (M) had a child, Amphitryon (M). Electryon (M) had a child, Alcmene (F). Amphitryon (M) married Alcmene (F). Iphicles (M) had a child, Iolaus (M). Alcmene (F) also married Jupiter (M). Hercules (M) married Deianeira (F), whose sibling was Meleager (M), and whose parents were Œneus (M) and AlthÆa (F). Sthenelus (M) had a child, Eurystheus (M). Eurystheus (M) had a child, Admete (F). Neptune (M) married Amphitrite (F). Ceres (F) married Jupiter (M). Pluto (M) married Proserpina (F). Mnemosyne (F) married Jupiter (M). Clio (F) had a child, Hymen (M). Calliope (F) had a child, Orpheus (M). Orpheus (M) married Eurydice (F). Typhoeus (M) had three children, Hydra (M), Cerberus (M) and ChimÆra (M). ChimÆra (M) had two children, Nemean Lion (M) and Sphinx (F). Pontus (M) had a child, Phorcys (M). Phorcys (M) had four children, Bellona (F), Stheno (F), Euryale (F) and Medusa (F). Medusa (F) married Neptune (M). Somnus (M) had a child, Morpheus (M).} |