Genealogical table showing relationships between mythological figures


Chaos (M) married Nyx (F).
Their child was Erebus (M).

Erebus (M) married Nyx (F).
Their children were Hemera (F), Æther (M), Charon (M), Eris (F), Somnus (M) and Mors (M).

Hemera (F) married Æther (M).
Their children were GÆa (F), Eros (M) and Pontus (M).

GÆa (F) had a child, Uranus (M).

Uranus (M) married GÆa (F).
Their children were Oceanus (M), Thetis (F), Coeus (M), Phoebe (F), Iapetus (M), Hyperion (M), Crius (M), Themis (F), Ilia (F), Cronus (M), Rhea (F), Mnemosyne (F), Brontes (M), Steropes (M), Arges (M), Briareus (M), Cottus (M), Gyes (M), Typhoeus (M), Enceladus (M), AntÆus (M), Harpies (F), Tityus (M) and Nereus (M).

Oceanus (M) married Thetis (F).
Their children were Achelous (M), Alpheus (M), Peneus (M), Inachus (M), Proteus (M), Doris (F), Metis (F), Clymene (F), Æthra (F), Calypso (F), Clytie (F) and Electra (F).

Achelous (M) married Calliope (F).
Their children were Sirens (F).

Alpheus (M) married Arethusa (F).

Peneus (M) married GÆa (F).
Their child was Daphne (F).

Inachus (M) had a child, Io (F).

Doris (F) married Nereus (M).
Their children were Amphitrite (F), Dione (F), Arethusa (F), Galatea (F), Thetis (F) and Clymene (F).

Amphitrite (F) married Neptune (M).
Their child was Triton (M).

Dione (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Venus (F).

Galatea (F) married Acis (M).

Thetis (F) married Peleus (M).
Their child was Achilles (M).

Achilles (M) had a child, Pyrrhus (M).

Pyrrhus (M) married Hermione (F).
Hermione’s parents were Menelaus (M) and Helen (F).
Menelaus (M) had a sibling, Agamemnon (M).
Their parent was Atreus (M).
Atreus’ (M) parent was Pelops (M).
Pelops (M) had a sibling, Niobe (F).
Their parent was Tantalus (M).
Niobe (F) married Amphion (M).
Amphion (M) had a sibling, Zethus (M).
Their parents were Jupiter (M) and Antiope (F).
Antiope (F) also married Lycus (M), and Lycus (M) also married Dirce (F).
Agamemnon (M) married ClytÆmnestra (F).
Their children were Iphigenia (F), Electra (F) and Orestes (M).
Electra (F) married Pylades (M).
ClytÆmnestra (F) had three siblings, Helen (F), Castor (M) and Pollux (M)
Their parents were Tyndareus (M) and Leda (F).
Leda (F) also married Jupiter (M).

Clymene (F) married Apollo (M).
Their children were Heliades (F) and Phaeton (M).

Metis (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Minerva (F).

Clymene (F) married Iapetus (M).

Æthra (F) married Atlas (M).
Their children were Pleiades (F) and Maia (F).

Maia (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Mercury (M).

Mercury (M) married Penelope (F).
Their child was Pan (M).
Penelope (F) also married Ulysses (M).
Their child was Telemachus (M).

Calypso (F) married Ulysses (M).

Electra (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Dardanus (M).

Dardanus (M) married Batea (F), whose parent was Teucer (M).
Their descendants were Laomedon (M) and Themis (F).

Laomedon (M) had three children, Priam (M), Hesione (F) and Tithonus (M).

Priam (M) married Hecuba (F).
Their children were Hector (M), Paris (M), Cassandra (F), Polites (M), Polyxena (F) and Deiphobus (M).

Hector (M) married Andromache (F).

Paris (M) married Helen (F).

Deiphobus (M) married Helen (F).

Hesione (F) married Telamon (M).
Their child was Ajax (M).

Tithonus (M) married Aurora (F).

Themis (F) married Capys (M).
Their child was Anchises (M).

Anchises (M) married Venus (F).
Their child was Æneas (M).

Æneas (M) married Lavinia (F).
Their child was Æneas Silvia (M).
Æneas (M) also married Creusa (F).
Their child was Iulus (M).

Æneas Silvia’s (M) descendant was Numitor (M).

Numitor (M) had a child, Ilia (F).

Ilia (F) married Mars (M).
Their children were Remus (M) and Romulus (M).

Coeus (M) married Phoebe (F).
Their child was Latona (F).

Latona (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their children were Apollo (M) and Diana (F).

Apollo (M) married Diana (F).
Apollo (M) also married Coronis (F).
Their child was Æsculapius (M).
Coronis (F) had a sibling, Ixion (M)
Their parent was Mars (M).
Ixion (M) married Dia (F).
Their children were Centaurs (M) and Pirithous (M).

Æsculapius (M) had two children, Machaon (M) and Hygeia (F).

Pirithous married Hippodamia (F).

Iapetus (M) married Clymene (F).
Their children were Menetius (M), Atlas (M), Hesperus (M), Epimetheus (M) and Prometheus (M).

Hesperus (M) had a child, Hesperides (F).

Epimetheus (M) married Pandora (F).
Their child was Pyrrha (F).

Prometheus (M) had a child, Deucalion (M).

Pyrrha (F) married Deucalion (M).
Their child was Hellen (M).

Hellen (M) had three children, Æolus (M), Dorus (M) and Xuthus (M).

Æolus (M) had two children, Salmoneus (M) and Sisyphus (M).

Salmoneus (M) had a child, Tyro (F).

Tyro (F) married Neptune (M).
Their children were Æson (M), Pelias (M) and Neleus (M).

Æson (M) had a child, Jason (M).

Jason (M) married Medea (F).
Medea (F) had a sibling, Absyrtus (M).
Their parent was Æetes (M).
Æetes (M) had two siblings, PasiphÆ (F) and Circe (F).
Their parent was Sol (M).

Neleus (M) had a child, Nestor (M).

Sisyphus (M) had a child, Glaucus (M).

Glaucus (M) had a child, Bellerophon (M).

Bellerophon (M) married PhilonoË (F).

Xuthus (M) had two children, Ion (M) and AchÆus (M).

Hyperion (M) married GÆa (F).
Their child was Aurora (F).

Aurora (F) married Æolus (M).
Their children were Boreas (M), Corus (M), Eurus (M), Notus (M), Aquilo (M) and Zephyrus (M).

Boreas (M) married Orithyia (F).
Their children were Zetus (M), Calais (M), Cleopatra (F) and Chione (F).

Zephyrus (M) married Flora (F).

Themis (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their children were ParcÆ (F) and HorÆ (F).

Cronus (M) married Rhea (F).
Their children were Vesta (F), Juno (F), Jupiter (M), Neptune (M), Ceres (F) and Pluto (M).

Juno (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their children were Mars (M), Vulcan (M) and Hebe (F).

Mars (M) married Venus (F).
Their children were Anteros (M), Cupid (M) and Harmonia (F).

Cupid (M) married Psyche (F).

Harmonia (F) married Cadmus (M).

Vulcan (M) married Medusa (F).
Their children were Cacus (M), Periphetes (M) and Cercyon (M).

Hebe (F) married Hercules (M).

Jupiter (M) married Io (F).
Their child was Epaphus (M).

Epaphus (M) had a child, Libya (F).

Libya (F) married Neptune (M).
Their children were Agenor (M) and Belus (M).

Agenor (M) married Telephassa (F).
Their children were Cadmus (M), Cilix (M), Phoenix (M) and Europa (F).

Cadmus (M) married Harmonia (F).
Their children were Ino (F), Autonoe (F), Agave (F), Semele (F) and Polydorus (M).

Ino (F) married Athamas (M).
Their children were PalÆmon (M) and Learchus (M).
Athamas (M) also married Nephele (F).
Their children were Phryxus (M) and Helle (F).

Autonoe (F) married AristÆus (M).
Their child was ActÆon (M).

Agave (F) had a child, Pentheus (M).

Semele (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Bacchus (M).

Bacchus (M) married Ariadne (F).

Polydorus (M) had a child, Labdacus (M).

Labdacus (M) had a child, Laius (M).

Laius (M) married Jocasta (F).
Their child was Œdipus (M).

Œdipus married Jocasta (F).
Their children were Eteocles (M), Polynices (M), Antigone (F) and Ismene (F).

Europa (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their children were Sarpedon (M), Rhadamanthus (M) and Minos (M).

Minos’ (M) descendant was Minos (M).

Minos (M) married Pasiphae (F).
Their children were PhÆdra (F) and Ariadne (F).

Phaedra (F) married Theseus (M), whose parents were Ægeus (M) and Æthra (F).
Theseus (M) also married Hippolyte (F).
Their child was Hippolytus (M).

Ariadne (F) married Bacchus (M).

Belus (M) had four children, Pygmalion (M), Dido (F), Danaus (M) and Ægyptus (M).

Dido (F) married SychÆus (M).

Danaus’ (M) children were the Danaides (F).

Ægyptus (M) had 50 sons.

The Danaides (F) married the 50 sons.
Their descendant was Acrisius (M).

Acrisius (M) had a child, Danae (F).

Danae (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Perseus (M).

Perseus (M) married Andromeda (F), whose parents were Celeus (M) and Cassiopeia (F).
Their children were AlcÆus (M), Electryon (M) and Sthenelus (M).

AlcÆus (M) had a child, Amphitryon (M).

Electryon (M) had a child, Alcmene (F).

Amphitryon (M) married Alcmene (F).
Their child was Iphicles (M).

Iphicles (M) had a child, Iolaus (M).

Alcmene (F) also married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Hercules (M).

Hercules (M) married Deianeira (F), whose sibling was Meleager (M), and whose parents were Œneus (M) and AlthÆa (F).
Their child was Hyllus (M), who married Iole (F).

Sthenelus (M) had a child, Eurystheus (M).

Eurystheus (M) had a child, Admete (F).

Neptune (M) married Amphitrite (F).
Their child was Triton (M).

Ceres (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their child was Proserpina (F).

Pluto (M) married Proserpina (F).

Mnemosyne (F) married Jupiter (M).
Their children were Clio (F), Calliope (F), Thalia (F), Euterpe (F), Urania (F), Melpomene (F), Terpsichore (F), Polyhymnia (F) and Erato (F).

Clio (F) had a child, Hymen (M).

Calliope (F) had a child, Orpheus (M).

Orpheus (M) married Eurydice (F).

Typhoeus (M) had three children, Hydra (M), Cerberus (M) and ChimÆra (M).

ChimÆra (M) had two children, Nemean Lion (M) and Sphinx (F).

Pontus (M) had a child, Phorcys (M).

Phorcys (M) had four children, Bellona (F), Stheno (F), Euryale (F) and Medusa (F).

Medusa (F) married Neptune (M).
Their children were Pegasus (M) and Polyphemus (M).

Somnus (M) had a child, Morpheus (M).}


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