568. Battle of Culloden, 1746. Obv. Head of Duke of Cumberland r. CUMBERLAND. YEO F. Rev. Apollo l., leaning on bow and pointing at dragon pierced by arrow. ACTUM EST ILICET PERIIT. (cf. Ter. Eun. I. i. 9); in ex., PRŒL. COLOD. AP. XVI. MDCCXLVI: ornamental border. Gold. Oval. Size 1·85: loop for suspension. By R. Yeo. Struck to commemorate the defeat of Prince Charles Edward at Culloden, 16 Ap. 1746, by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. 569. Naval Victory of 1st June, 1794. Obv. Britannia with spear standing on prow l., crowned by Victory; at her side, shield. Rev. Wreath of laurel and oak branches. Silver. Size 2. Copy in silver of the gold medal presented by the Lords of the Admiralty to Lord Howe and the other admirals who commanded in the action with the French, 1st June, 1794, off Brest. On the reverse was inscribed the recipient's name. Smaller medals, also in gold, were presented to the Captains. (See next medal.) 570. Another. Similar, but reverse plain. Silver. Size 1·25. 571. Campaign in Egypt: Battle of Alexandria, 1801. Obv. Sphinx l., displaying Union Jack above French tricolour on the same staff. EGYPT; engraved; in ex., XXI. MARCH, MDCCCI. I. G. H. K. & K. Rev. Within wreath of palm, QUEEN'S GERMAN REGIMENT; on edge, FRENCH DEFEATED; engraved. Silver. Size 1·85. By J. G. Hancock. This is a regimental medal and was struck by order of the officers of the 97th or Queen's German Regiment, for presentation to the men of the regiment who were engaged in the battle of Alexandria, 21 Mar. 1801. 572. Another. Turkish Award, 1801. Obv. Crescent and star; ornamental border. Rev. Cypher of SultÁn Selim III.; ornamental border, in which 1801. Gold. Size 1·6. Loop for suspension. Ribbon, dark orange. After the defeat of the French in Egypt 1801, the SultÁn instituted an order of Knighthood designated the Crescent, which he conferred on the general officers of the English forces. At the same time he presented gold medals of three sizes: the largest (size 2.) to the Generals and Admirals; the middle size (as above) to Field Officers and Captains R.N.; and the smallest (see next medal) to Captains and Subalterns and Lieutenants R.N. 573. Another. Same, but smaller. Gold. Size 1·4. This is a medal of the smallest size. 574. Campaign in Southern Italy and Sicily: Battle of Maida, 1806. Obv. Head of George III. l., laur. GEORGIVS TERTIVS REX; on neck, G. F. P. Rev. Britannia l., as Pallas, brandishing spear; on l. arm, shield; above, Victory r. with wreath; behind, triquetra, symbol of Sicily. MAIDA. IVL. IV. MDCCCVI. PIDGEON F. Gold. Size 1·4. By G. F. Pidgeon. The whole within gold band. Ribbon, red with blue edges. This medal commemorates the battle of Maida, 4 July, 1806, in which the French under Regnier were defeated by the English under Sir John Stuart. It was only given to the Commander-in-chief of the forces engaged; to officers in command of brigades, of battalions or of corps equivalent to a battalion, or to the officers who succeeded when the original commander was disabled; and to the Deputy Quartermaster-General. 575. Peninsular War: Battles of the Pyrenees, 1813—1814. Obv. Hibernia seated l., holding wreath; at her side, harp. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, ORTHES. TOULOUSE. PYRENEES. NIVELLE. NIVE; engraved: above, 88; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·2. Clasp: PENINSULA. Ribbon, red with blue edges. There were medals of three distinct classes for the Peninsular War struck at the expense of the officers of the 88th Regiment, Connaught Rangers. That of the first 576. Waterloo Medal, 1815. Obv. Head of Prince Regent l., laur. GEORGE P. REGENT. T. WYON JUN. S. Rev. Victory, holding palm and olive-branch, seated l., on pedestal inscribed, WATERLOO; beneath, JUNE 18. 1815; above, WELLINGTON. T. WYON S. Wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By T. Wyon and T. Wyon Junior. Ribbon, crimson edged with blue. By order of the Prince Regent, 10 Mar. 1816, this medal was conferred upon every officer and soldier present at the battle of Waterloo. The reverse type is adapted from an ancient coin of Elis. (Guide to Greek Coins, p. 28, No. 31.) 577. Service in India, 1799—1826. Obv. Head of Queen l., wearing coronet. VICTORIA REGINA; on neck, W. WYON R.A. Rev. Victory seated l., holding olive-branch and wreath; at her side, lotus; in the distance, trophy of arms at base of palm-tree. TO THE ARMY OF INDIA; in ex., 1799—1826. W. W. Wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Clasp: BHURTPOOR. Ribbon, pale blue. On 21 March, 1851, a general order was issued announcing that the Queen had signified her assent to a measure proposed by the East India Company, of granting a medal to the surviving officers and soldiers of the Crown who had served in India between 1799—1826. This medal carries 21 clasps, and with it were worn those of Mysore and Seringapatam (Nos. 609—611), previously given by the East India Company. 578. Campaign in Syria, 1840: Turkish Award. Obv. Fortress of Acre, from which floats Turkish ensign; above, six stars; beneath, Arabic inscription, "The country of Syria and the fortress of Acre, 1256." Rev. Cypher of SultÁn Abd-el-Mejeed surrounded by laurel-wreath. Silver. Size 1·15. Ribbon, red edged with white. This medal was bestowed by the SultÁn upon the English naval forces engaged in the war in Syria, 1840: 579. Afghan War, 1839—42. Ghuznee, 1839. Obv. View of fortress; beneath, GHUZNEE. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, mural crown; above, 23? JULY; below, 1839; wearer's name in field and regiment on border. Silver. Size 1·45. Ribbon, crimson and green. This medal was presented by the Shah Shuja'a el-Mulk, Sovereign of Afghanistan, to the officers and soldiers present at the storming of Ghuznee, 22—23 July, 1839, Sir John Keane commanding. The Queen sanctioned the wearing of this medal, 22 Mar. 1841. 580—581. Another. Khelat-i-Ghilzee, 1841—2. Obv. Within laurel-wreath, shield inscribed, KELAT I GHILZIE; above, mural crown. Rev. Trophy of arms on tablet inscribed, INVICTA. MDCCCXLII. Silver and copper. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, military ribbon of India, rainbow-pattern. Presented by the Governor-General of India, Lord Ellenborough, to the defenders of the fortress of KhelÁt-i-Ghilzee, who 21 May, 1842, repulsed the attack of 4000 Ghazees. The defenders were natives, with the exception of Captain J. H. Craigie commanding and a few English artillerymen in the service of the Shah, so that no Queen's regiment received this medal. This is a proof. 582. Another: Candahar, Ghuznee, and Cabul, 1842. Obv. Head of Queen l., wearing coronet. VICTORIA VINDEX. W. WYON R.A. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, CANDAHAR GHUZNEE CABUL. 1842; above, crown; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, rainbow-pattern. This medal was given to the soldiers who served under General Nott during the whole of the campaign, and accompanied him from Candahar to Cabul, viz. from 1 Jan. to 17 Sept. 1842. 583. Another: Ghuznee and Cabul, 1842. Obv. Same. Rev. GHUZNEE CABUL, each within laurel-wreath; above, crown; below, 1842; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, rainbow-pattern. The soldiers who accompanied General Nott from Ghuznee to Cabul, viz. from 6 to 17 Sep., received this medal. 584. Another. Cabul, 1842. Obv. Same. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, CABUL. 1842; above, crown. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, rainbow-pattern. Those who reached Cabul subsequent to 16 Sept. 1842 were awarded the above medal. This is a proof. 585—586. First Chinese War, 1840—2. Obv. Head of Queen l., wearing coronet. VICTORIA REGINA. W. WYON. R.A. Rev. Palm-tree, against which are placed shield, arms of Great Britain, cannon, anchor, flags, &c. ARMIS EXPOSCERE PACEM. CHINA. 1842; wearer's name on edge. Silver and copper (proof). Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, crimson with yellow edges. This medal was awarded to the army and navy which served in the First Chinese War, Sir Hugh Gough and Adm. Sir William Parker commanding. 587. Another: Design for Medal. Obv. Same. Rev. British lion r., crowned, trampling on Chinese dragon. ARMIS EXPOSCERE PACEM. NANKING. 1842. Copper. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. A pattern. This was Wyon's first design for the Chinese medal, but it was not adopted, as it was thought that the reverse type might be displeasing to the Chinese. 588. Sinde Campaign, 1843: Meeanee and Hyderabad. Obv. Same. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, MEEANEE HYDERABAD. 1843; above, crown; wearer's name on edge. Silver, Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, rainbow-pattern. Given to those who served at Meeanee, 17 Feb., and Hyderabad, 22 Mar. 1843. The expedition was commanded by Sir Charles Napier, and both victories were mainly due to the bravery of the men of the 22nd Regiment, who were authorized to place MEEANEE, HYDERABAD, and SCINDE on their colours. 589. Another. Hyderabad, 1842. Obv. Same. Rev. Similar; but HYDERABAD. 1843; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4, By W. Wyon. Ribbon, rainbow-pattern. This medal was awarded to those who were engaged in the battle of Hyderabad; a similar medal being struck for those who served at Meeanee only. It was also given to officers and men of the Indian Navy. 590. First Sikh War, 1845—6: Moodkee, Ferozeshuhur, Aliwal, and Sobraon. Obv. Same. Rev. Victory l., holding The great battles of this campaign, Sir Hugh Gough and Sir Henry Hardinge commanding, were Moodkee, 18 Dec. 1845; Ferozeshuhur, 21 Dec. 1845; Aliwal, 28 Jun. 1846; and Sobraon, 10 Feb. 1846. If a soldier was present at only one of the four actions, the decoration was awarded to him without a clasp, the name of such action being inscribed in the exergue on the reverse; but if the recipient served in more battles than one, then for each engagement he received an additional clasp. (See next medal.) This is a proof. 591. Another: Aliwal and Sobraon, 1846. Same: but on reverse ALIWAL. 1846; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Clasp: SOBRAON. Ribbon, as previous. This medal shows that the recipient was present at two engagements, Aliwal and Sobraon. 592. Military Services, 1793—1814: Peninsular War. Obv. Same: but beneath head, 1848. Rev. Queen on pedestal r., placing wreath on head of Duke of Wellington, who kneels before her; at her feet, recumbent lion. TO THE BRITISH ARMY 1793—1814. W. W. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Clasps: ROLEIA, VIMIERA, CORUNNA, TALAVERA, BUSACO, FUENTES D'ONOR, CIUDAD RODRIGO, BADAJOZ, SALAMANCA, VITTORIA, PYRENEES, NIVELLE, NIVE, ORTHES, and TOULOUSE. Ribbon, crimson edged with blue. Great disappointment having been expressed that no medal had been awarded either to the army or navy for the numerous victories achieved between 1793—1814, the Queen, 1st June, 1847, ordered that a medal should be struck and bestowed upon any surviving officer or private present at any battle or siege between those dates. For this purpose, the above medal was struck. It carries 28 clasps, and the earliest military service thus decorated is the campaign in Egypt 1801, which was, however, not included in the general order, but was afterwards granted under an order 12 Feb. 1850. A similar order was issued regarding naval services, commencing with the capture of the French frigate "Cleopatra," 18 June, 1793, and for which a separate medal was struck, having on the reverse, 593. Indian General Service, 1848. "For Meritorious Service." Obv. Same: but no date. Rev. Shields, arms, and flags of East India Company; above, crest; beneath, motto on scroll, AUSPICIO REGIS ET SENATUS ANGLIÆ; around, FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Ribbon, dark crimson. This medal was given by the East India Co. for "meritorious service" in India before 1848. This is a proof. 594. Second Sikh War, 1848—1849: Punjab Medal. Obv. Same. Rev. Surrender of the Sikh army: Lord Gough on horseback l., before the British army drawn up in line; before him, the enemy laying down their arms. TO THE ARMY OF THE PUNJAB. MDCCCXLIX; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Clasps: CHILIANWALA and GOOJERAT. Ribbon, blue with narrow stripes of yellow. This medal carries three clasps: Mooltan, 7 Sept. 1848—2 Jan. 1849; Chilianwala, 13 Jan. 1849; and Goojerat, 21 Feb. 1849: Lord Gough Comm.-in-chief. 595. Second Burmese War, 1852: Pegu. Obv. Same. Rev. Victory r., crowning warrior seated on arms, holding sword and sheath; beneath, lotus; wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. and L. C. Wyon. Clasp, PEGU. Ribbon, alternate stripes of scarlet and blue. Only one clasp was given for this war, which was for the defence of Pegu, Major Hill commanding. 596. Campaigns in South Africa, 1834—1853. Obv. Same. Rev. Lion crouching l. under bush. SOUTH AFRICA; in ex., 1853. L. C. WYON. Wearer's name on edge. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. and L. C. Wyon. Ribbon, orange with dark blue stripes. On 22 Nov. 1854 the Queen ordered that a medal should be struck and awarded to the surviving officers and privates of the regular forces who served in South Africa in the years 1834—5, Sir Benjamin D'Urban Comm.-in-chief; in 1846—7, Colonel Robert Richardson and Colonel H. Somerset commanding; and in 1850—1853, Sir Harry Smith and aft. Sir G. Cathcart commanding. This medal has no clasp. 597. War with Russia, 1854—1855: Crimea. Obv. Same: beneath head, 1854. Rev. Ancient warrior facing, holding sword and shield, and crowned by Victory. CRIMEA. B. WYON SC. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. & B. Wyon. Clasps formed of oak-leaves with acorns: ALMA, BALAKLAVA, INKERMANN, AZOFF, and SEBASTOPOL. Ribbon, pale blue edged with yellow. In Dec. 1854 the Queen ordered that a medal should be struck to be awarded, with clasps for ALMA and INKERMANN, to all such as were present in either of those battles; that of BALAKLAVA was added in Feb. 1855; and that of SEBASTOPOL was given to all who served at the siege between Oct. 1854 and Sep. 1855. The clasp for AZOFF is naval, and was given to those who served under Sir Edmund Lyons and took part in the capture of Kertch, Yenikale, &c. This is a proof. 598. Another: Service in the Baltic, 1854—1855. Obv. Same: but no date. Rev. Britannia seated l. on low pedestal, looking back, holding trident; in the distance, sea and forts Sveaborg and Bomarsund. BALTIC; in ex., 1854—1855. L. C. WYON. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. & L. C. Wyon. Ribbon, yellow with blue edges. Awarded to those who served in the Baltic fleet during 1854—1855. It has no clasp. 599. Another: Anglo-Turkish Award, 1855. Obv. Trophy of arms, with flags of Turkey, England, France, and Sardinia; on gun, map of Crimea. CRIMEA. 1855. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, cypher of SultÁn Abd-el-Mejeed; beneath in Turkish, CRIMEA. 1271. Silver. Size 1·4. Ribbon, pink with green edges. This medal was distributed by the SultÁn to all the forces of the Allies, but varied for France and Sardinia, by their flags being placed to r. of that of Turkey instead of the English one. 600. Persian War, 1856—1857. Same as No. 595, but on rev. L. C. WYON. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. and L. C. Wyon. Clasp: PERSIA. Ribbon, alternate stripes of scarlet and blue. For the Persian War 1856—7, Sir J. Outram Comm.-in-chief, the same medal was used as for the Second Burmese War (No. 595), but with a different clasp. 601. Indian Mutiny, 1857—1858. Obv. Same as No. 585. Rev. Britannia standing l., holding wreath in each hand; on l. arm, shield; at her side, lion. INDIA; in ex., 1857—1858. This medal was awarded to all engaged in the operations during the Mutiny in India 1857—8, and was also conferred on non-military persons who had borne arms as volunteers. It carries only the five clasps above given. This specimen is a proof. 602. Arctic Discoveries, 1818—1855. Obv. Head of Queen l., wearing diadem. VICTORIA REGINA. L. C. WYON F. Rev. Ship l., in the ice; icebergs on either side; in foreground, sailors drawing sledge r. FOR ARCTIC DISCOVERIES; in ex., 1818—1855. Silver. Size 1·3. By L. C. Wyon. An octagonal medal surmounted by star with ribbon, white. This medal was given to all engaged in the Arctic expeditions between 1818—1855. This is a proof. 603. New Zealand, 1846—1866. Obv. Bust of Queen l., crowned and veiled. VICTORIA D. G. BRITT. REG. F. D. J. S. & A. B. WYON SC. Rev. Within laurel-wreath, 1846 TO 1866; around, NEW ZEALAND. VIRTUTIS HONOR. Silver. Size 1·4. By J. S. and A. B. Wyon. Ribbon, blue with red stripe in centre. Given to those who had served in the wars in New Zealand between 1846—1866. It was awarded to both services. 604. Second Chinese War, 1855—1860. Same as No. 585, but no date on reverse. Silver. Size 1·4. By W. Wyon. Clasps: CHINA 1842, FATSHAN 1857, CANTON 1857, TAKU FORTS 1858, TAKU FORTS 1860 and PEKIN 1860. Ribbon, crimson with yellow edges. This medal is the same, with the exception of the omission of the date, as the one given for the First Chinese War (No. 585). It was given for services in the campaign of 1856—8, Major-Gen. Van Straubenzee and Adm. Sir M. Seymour commanding; and of 1860, Sir James Hope-Grant commanding. The clasps for FATSHAN 1857 and TAKU FORTS 1858 were awarded to the navy and marines, and that of CHINA 1842 to recipients of the first medal who were engaged in the Second Chinese War. This is a proof. 605. Abyssinian War, 1867—1868. Obv. Within ornamented star of nine points, bust of Queen l., veiled and crowned. ABYSSINIA, (letter in each angle formed by points of star). J. S. & A. B. Awarded to those who served in the Abyssinian War 1867—8, Sir Robert Napier (Lord Napier of Magdala) commanding. It was given to both services. The reverse of the medal is inscribed BRITISH MUSEUM. 606. Ashantee War, 1873—1874. Obv. Head of Queen l., veiled, wearing coronet. VICTORIA REGINA. L. C. WYON. Rev. Battle scene in bush; in centre, tree, on right of which are negroes fighting or wounded; on left, British soldiers advancing firing, one fallen. Silver. Size 1·4. By L. C. Wyon. Ribbon, alternate stripes of yellow and black. This medal carries a clasp for COOMASSIE, and was issued to both services. The obverse is the work of Leonard C. Wyon, and the reverse from a design by E. J. Poynter, R.A. It was given for services in the Ashantee War 1873—4, Sir Garnet Wolseley Commander-in-chief. This is a proof. |