Abeele, Pieter van;
notice, p. 37;
medals, 160, 189, 190, 192, 217.
Abraham, Jakob;
notice, p. 113;
medal, 514.
Adolfszoon, Christoffel;
notice, p. 44;
medals, 218, 221.
Arondeaux, R.;
notice, p. 54;
medals, 270, 325, 358, 380—382, 399, 415.
Barber, J.;
medal, 550.
Barnett, —;
medals, 519, 531.
Bernard, Thomas;
medal, 447.
Blum, Johann;
notice, p. 17;
medal, 81.
Boskam, Jan;
notice, p. 70;
medals, 344, 348, 383, 387, 388, 392, 393, 395—398, 401, 404, 406—408, 413, 419, 420, 422, 423, 425, 426, 430, 438, 439, 455, 458.
Bower or Bowers, George;
notice, p. 39;
medals, 194, 203—205, 207, 234—240, 242—244, 256, 257, 262, 264, 265, 267, 268, 273, 274, 277, 278, 327, 329, 332, 333, 337.
Brenet, —;
medal, 547.
Briot, Nicholas;
notice, p. 14;
medals, 68—72, 74, 75, 80, 85—87.
Brunner, Martin;
notice, p. 98;
medals, 453, 461, 463, 466.
Bylaer, J. M.;
medal, 53.
Chevalier, Nicholas;
medal, 231.
Couriguer, —;
medal, 554.
Crocker or Croker, Johann;
notice, p. 72;
medals, 352, 353, 409, 416, 418, 428, 435, 436, 440, 444, 445, 451, 457, 464, 465, 467, 469, 470, 475, 476, 481—483, 488—490, 492.
Dadler, Sebastian;
notice, p. 17;
medals, 82, 162.
Daniell, W.;
medal, 615.
Dassier, James Anthony;
notice, p. 107;
medals, 491, 508—510.
Drapentier, D.: see Trapentier.
Droz, Jean Pierre;
notice, p. 118;
medals, 529, 551.
Du Four, —;
medal, 254.
Du Vivier, Benjamin;
notice, p. 116;
medal, 523.
Du Vivier, Jean;
notice, p. 96;
medal, 448.
Dubois, —;
medal, 546.
DuprÉ, Augustin;
notice, p. 116;
medals, 522, 567.
Furst, —;
medal, 549.
Gayrard, R.;
medal, 434.
Gayrard, —;
medal, 555.
Gosset, C.;
medals, 512, 513.
Haesling, Daniel;
notice, p. 108;
medals, 495, 496.
Halliday, —;
medal, 564.
Hamerani, Giacomo;
notice, p. 64;
medals, 318, 319.
Hamerani, Otto;
notice, p. 62;
medals, 309, 310, 312—314.
Hancock, J. G.;
medals, 534, 536—538, 543, 561, 562, 571.
Hannibal, Ehrenreich;
notice, p. 104;
medals, 479, 480, 487.
Hautsch, G.;
notice, p. 68;
medals, 336, 361, 374, 424, 427, 450.
Holtzhey, Johann Georg;
notice, p. 111;
medals, 506, 517, 526.
Kirk, John;
notice, p. 112;
medals, 507, 512, 516.
Kleinert, F.;
notice, p. 70;
medals, 343, 347, 368, 417, 429, 441.
Koene, D.;
medals, 365, 377.
KÜchler, C. H.;
notice, p. 119;
medals, 533, 539—541, 544, 611.
Lafitte, —;
medal, 545.
Lauffer, K. G.;
notice, p. 70;
medals, 343, 347, 368, 417, 429, 441, 462.
Luder, Jan;
notice, p. 66;
medals, 326, 331, 350, 356, 357, 373, 384, 403.
Marteau, F.;
notice, p. 109;
medal, 497.
Mauger, J.;
medals, 208, 226, 289, 391, 400.
Meier, Barthold;
notice, p. 72;
medal, 349.
Mills, —;
medals, 545, 554—557.
Molart, —;
medals, 386, 389.
Mossop, W.;
medal, 535.
Mudie, James;
notice, p. 123;
medals, 545—547, 551, 554—557.
MÜller, "Der Meister";
notice, p. 44;
medal, 220.
MÜller, Philip Heinrich;
notice, p. 70;
medals, 343, 347, 368, 417, 429.
Natter, Johann Lorenz;
notice, p. 114;
medal, 515.
NÜrnberger, G. F.;
notice, p. 90;
medals, 424, 427.
Passe, Simon;
notice, p. 12;
medals, 58—67.
Pidgeon, G. F.;
medal, 574.
Pingo, Lewis;
notice, p. 115;
medals, 520, 528.
Pingo, Thomas;
notice, p. 109;
medals, 499, 501, 511.
Pistrucci, Benedetto;
notice, p. 125;
medal, 552.
Pool, Jerian, or Juriaen van;
notice, p. 33;
medals, 163, 213, 215, 222, 229.
Primavera, Giacomo;
notice, p. 6;
medal, 27.
Puymaurin, De;
medal, 434.
Rawlins, Thomas;
notice, p. 18;
medals, 89, 92, 103, 109, 112, 124, 127—132, 135, 136, 171—172, 179.
Reitz, Heinrich;
notice, p. 16;
medal, 79.
Roettier Family, notice of the, p. 38.
Roettier James;
medal, 411.
Roettier, John;
medals, 101, 102, 140, 193, 195—197, 206, 209—211, 214, 223, 224, 227, 228, 245, 255, 258—261, 271.
Roettier, Joseph;
medals, 386, 389.
Roettier, Norbert;
medals, 139, 292—298, 300—304.
RÖg, Michael,
notice, p. 89;
medal, 421.
Rouw, P.;
medal, 557.
Simon, Abraham;
notice, p. 23;
medals, 113, 114—123, 145—147, 246, 248—253.
Simon, Thomas;
notice, p. 22;
medals, 106, 107, 110, 141—143, 148—159, 164, 165, 173—177, 182, 183, 198—201, 212, 246, 248—250.
Smeltzing, Jan;
notice, p. 53;
medals, 266, 269, 272, 276, 284, 285, 287, 290, 330, 334, 335, 338, 339, 351, 354, 360, 362—364, 369, 371, 372, 379, 442.
Smeltzing, Martin;
notice, p. 75;
medals, 366, 412, 414, 452, 460.
Stephen of Holland;
notice, p. 7;
medals, 31—37.
Tanner, Johann Sigmund;
notice, p. 107;
medal, 490.
Trapentier, D.;
notice, p. 78;
medals, 375, 378.
Trezzo, Giacomo da;
notice, p. 4;
medals, 15—18.
Varin or Warin, Jean;
notice, p. 12;
medals, 57, 85—87.
Warin: see above.
Webb, —;
medals, 556, 557, 563, 566.
Wermuth, Christian;
notice, p. 95;
medals, 446, 449, 456.
Whitley, —;
medal, 532.
Winter, F. D.;
notice, p. 76;
medal, 370. ,
Wyon Family, notice of the, p. 124.
Wyon, A. B.;
medals, 603, 605.
Wyon, Benjamin;
medal, 597.
Wyon, J. S.;
medals, 603, 605.
Wyon, Leonard C.;
medals, 595, 596, 598, 600—602, 606.
Wyon, Peter;
medals, 548, 560.
Wyon, Thomas;
medals, 548, 576.
Wyon, Thomas, Junr.;
medals, 553, 559, 576.
Wyon, William;
medals, 577, 580—598, 600, 601, 604, 615, 617.
Yeo, Richard;
notice, p. 109;
medals, 498, 568.