"See that smoking mountain, Molly! Look! I believe it is a volcano. It is Mount Vesuvius. Yes, I know it is Mount Vesuvius!" May, the Sunbonnet Baby, was talking with Molly, her little Sunbonnet Baby sister. They were standing on the deck of a great ocean steamer. They had been sailing on the steamer for days and days. They had sailed more than four thousand miles away from their home in America. Now they were almost at the end of their journey. They would very soon be in Italy. The big steamer was moving slowly up the beautiful Bay of Naples, straight toward the He told them that Mount Vesuvius was like a great kettle full of boiling rock, that sometimes the fire under the kettle becomes so hot it boils over, covering the mountain sides and even the plains with melted rock and hot ashes. Such mountains, he said, are called volcanoes. Molly and May stood on the deck of the steamer eagerly watching the smoking volcano, wondering if it would ever boil over again. "I almost wish it would boil over now!" cried Molly. "Wouldn't it be wonderful to see red-hot rock come right out of the top of the mountain and fall down all around it!" "Yes, it would be wonderful," said May, "but I am sure I don't want to see it. The hot ashes might even reach us here on the steamer." "Father says he will take us to see the old city of Pompeii, which was buried by Vesuvius nearly two thousand years ago. Men two babies on boat, one pointing to shore "Pompeii must be right over there," said May "Pompeii must be right over there near the foot of the mountain," said May. "Isn't it strange to think that those trees and farms may be growing on top of an old, old city?" "Look at the big city just ahead of our boat!" cried Molly. "It is Naples. We are almost there!" "Why, the city is the shape of a big, new moon," said May. "It curves right around "O May! Do you suppose it is snowing at home to-day? It seems like summer here, but it is really the middle of March. The trees and the grass are all green. And there is a boat full of oranges and lemons just being unloaded." "See that basketful of beautiful roses! I hope we can go ashore quickly. I want to buy a lovely red rose for mother to wear." Not many minutes later the happy travelers were hurrying from the big steamer. There were other travelers going ashore, too, and a crowd of noisy, jolly people seemed to be waiting for them. Most of the women and little girls were bareheaded and wore gay-colored dresses and aprons. They were very much interested in the strange travelers, especially in the two little Sunbonnet Babies. A smiling, brown-eyed Italian girl ran along beside them, peeping at the two happy faces hidden under the big sunbonnets, and talking very fast in a soft, sweet voice. girl smiling at sunbonnet babies They knew she liked them because she smiled so sweetly The Sunbonnet Babies could not understand one word she said, but they knew she liked them because she smiled so sweetly. If it had not been for this kind little girl, Molly and May might easily have been frightened. A great many men and boys were standing close about them shouting and swinging their arms, trying to get passengers for their carriages. Even the Sunbonnet Babies' father did not quite know what to do, so many men wanted to carry his bags for him. girl taking Molly and May by the hand by carriage She took Molly and May each by the hand The little girl, seeing his trouble, looked up with a smile and asked him to follow her. She then took Molly and May each by the hand and led them through the crowd to a long line of carriages. In a moment a smiling, brown-eyed man was beside them, bowing and offering to drive them to their hotel. The little girl called the man il padre, which means "father," and he spoke to her as Tessa mia, which means "my Tessa." Indeed, the little girl looked so much like the brown-eyed family in carriage, Molly and May tipping the girl They each took a big brown penny out of their bags The travelers gladly stepped into the man's low carriage and told him where to drive them, saying a pleasant grazie to the little girl whom they were leaving behind. Yes, they did something more than just say "thank you." They each took a big brown penny from their bags and dropped the pennies into Tessa's hand. Then they all three said grazie again, and laughed and waved their good-bys. The driver cracked his long whip, and the horses dashed away up the busy street. driver holding out hand two young men eating spaghetti standing The First Drive family in carriage in city