KEY TO DIACRITICAL MARKS | | ? | as in ale | ? | as in ill |  | as in care | ? | as in old | Ä | as in arm | o? | as in soft | ? | as in eve | ?? | as in food | Ñ | as in caÑon | addio (Äd d?´o?) Anacapri (Ä nÄ kÄ´pr?) Anita mia (Ä n?´tÄ m?´Ä) buon giorno (bwo?n jo?r´no?) Capri (kÄ´pr?) Giorgio (jo?r´jo?) grazie (grÄd´z? ?) il padre (?l pÄ´dr?) Luisa (l?? ?´sÄ) Maria (mÄ r?´Ä) piazza (p? Äd´zÄ) Pietro (p? ´tro?) Pippo (p?p´po?) | | polenta (p? lÂn´tÄ) Pompeii (po?m p´?) Ponte Vecchio (po?n´t? vÂk´k? o?) Rialto (r? Äl´to?) Salerno (sÄ lÂr´no?) si signor (s? s?Ño?r´) signora (s? Ño?r Ä) signorina (s? Ño?r ?´nÄ) signorine (s? Ño?r ?´n?) Solfatara (so?l fÄ tÄ´rÄ) Sorrento (s?r rÂn´to?) tarantella (tÄ rÄn tÂl´lÄ) Trevi (tr?´v?) Tessa mia (tÂs sÄ m?´Ä) una lira (??´nÄ l?´rÄ) un soldo (??n s?l´do?) |
Oh, Italy's land is a wonderful land, And we're all of us glad that we came, We've seen Florence and Naples and Venice and Rome, And sights too many to name. But the place we like best in all the wide world, Is our Homeland across the blue sea, And so we'll go back to the Stars and the Stripes. To the flag that protects you and me. |