I am a famous mouser. I have caught more mice than any other cat. I can see them afar off. I can hear them afar off. I can scent them afar off. They are all afraid of me. They scurry away whenever they see me coming. I wear soft pads on the bottom of my feet so they cannot hear me. I keep my teeth white and sharp. My friends call me ‘the Mouse Trap.’ But I know a Kitty who is not a good mouser. I will tell you about her. This is my story:— A LONG TIME AGO Once there was a little Kitty, White as the snow; In the barn she used to frolic, Long time ago. In the barn a little Mousie, Ran to and fro; For she heard the Kitty coming, Long time ago. Nine pearl teeth had little Kitty, All in a row; And they bit the little Mousie, Long time ago. When the teeth bit little Mousie, Mousie cried, Oh! But she got away from Kitty, Long time ago. No mouse ever slipped through my paws like that, I am glad to say. I am a great mouser. Yes, I am a famous mouser, O Queen! ‘THE MOUSE TRAP’ |