l#Page_404" class="pginternal">404. Duties: Right to impose, on goods in transit, 97. Duty of citizen to prevent war, 286. Eliminium, 351. Enemies: Furnishing aid to, 293-321. - Public, 314.
- Killing of, 325, 327, 359.
- Foreign residents may become, 327.
- Property of, right to destroy, 332, 365, 366.
- Forbearance toward, 373.
- Good faith between, 379.
Engagements, 167. - Of sovereigns or states, 387.
Epictetus, 22. Equity: A species of justice, 190. - In interpreting treaties, 191.
- In matters of arbitration, 398.
Euripides, 22, 78. Exchange, contracts of, 145. Extradition, 258, 259. Factors: Acts of, bind merchants, when, 139, 412. Faculty, definition of, 19. Falsehood, discussed, 299 et seq. Fecial law of Rome, 319. Federal Union, 62, 121. Ferae naturae, 86. - Rights of sovereign as to, 91.
Fishing, a common right, 101. Florentinus, 19, 35. Foreign residents, rights of, 98, 327. Free passage through countries, right of, 95, 97. - Permission first asked, 96.
Funeral rites, 214. Galen, 33, 62. Good faith, foundation of all treaties, 385, 417. Goods in enemy's ships, title to, 337. Government: Change of form of, effect upon debts, 121. - Effects on treaties, 185.
- Mixed, 349.
Governments, established for what, 68. Gregory of Tours, 69. Guaranty of performance by another, 143. Heraclitus, 24. Hermogenianus, 36. Herodotus, 66, 68. Hesiod, 23, 24, 68. Hiring, 401. Pliny, 36, 254. Plutarch, 23, 24, 66, 93, 221, 226, 227, 235. Polybius, 23, 73, 208. Pomponius, 159. Ponds, when property, 90. Porphyry, 24. Possession: Uninterrupted, transfers property, 114. - Of property, at conclusion of war, 390.
- Right of, 399.
Posthumous rights to property, 114. Postliminium: Definition of, 169, 331. - Right of, 314, 336, 351, 354, 390, 405.
- Horses, mules, and ships under law of, 352, 405.
- Deserters, 355, 390.
- Lands, 355.
- Movable property, 356.
- Things useful in war, 356.
Premium of insurance, 156. Prescription, law of, as applied to a sovereign, 115. Price, governed by demand, 151. Prisoners: Surrender of, 258, 259. - Killing of, 328, 363.
- As slaves, 345.
- Ransom of, 347, 410.
- Right of postliminium, 352, 390.
- Rights of, on release, 353.
- Right of making, 357.
Privateers, 200. Private right, 20. Privileges of bodies politic, 262. Prizes: By right of war, 337, 343, 346. Prohibitions in treaties, 193. Promises: Obligation of, 131, 135, 379, 381. - Perfect, 135, 194.
- Interpretation of, 137.
- Obtained by fraud or fear, 137.
- Erroneous,