I. Retreat of the Ten Thousand.
Sketch of Cyrus the Younger (Introductory to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand) v
§ 1. Effect of the death of Cyrus on the Greeks; they resolve to retreat 1
§ 2. Commencement of the Retreat 6
§ 3. Negotiations with TissaphernÊs 10
§ 4. Treachery of TissaphernÊs 19
§ 5. Xenophon's Dream and its results 29
§ 6. The Greeks cross the Zab 42
§ 7. The Greeks fight their way across the Karduchian Mountains 50
§ 8. March through Armenia; great suffering from cold and hunger 60
§ 9. The Greeks come in sight of the Black Sea 70
§ 10. The Greek cities on the Black Sea; their feelings toward the Ten Thousand 75
§ 11. Plans of the army for the future 79
§ 12. The Ten Thousand begin their march westward 82
§ 13. Plan of Xenophon for founding a city on the Black Sea 88
§ 14. Xenophon defends himself against false accusations 95
§ 15. The army passes by sea to SinÔpÊ 104
§ 16. The army crosses the Bosphorus to Byzantium; false promises of Anaxibius and their results 116
§ 17. Mutiny of the army in leaving Byzantium 120
§ 18. Xenophon's speech to the soldiers 123
§ 19. The army finally leaves Byzantium; SeuthÊs offers to hire them 128
§ 20. The army enters the service of SeuthÊs 135
§ 21. Xenophon crosses over with the army to Asia 138
§ 22. Xenophon takes leave of the army. Conclusion. 143
II. Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow.
Sketch of Napoleon (Introductory to the Retreat from Moscow) 152
§ 1. Description of Moscow; arrival of the Czar 157
§ 2. Alarm in Moscow at the advance of the French army; preparations for the destruction of the city 162
§ 3. Departure of the Russian governor from Moscow 168
§ 4. Napoleon's first view of Moscow; the French enter the city 175
§ 5.


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