- A-cha´i-a.
- Ad-ra-my?t´ti-um.
- Æ-ne´as.
- Æ-ni-a´nes.
- A-ga´si-as.
- A-ges-i-la´us.
- A´gi-as.
- Aid-de-camp, 217.
- Ajaccio (A-yat´cho).
- Alexander the Great, 149.
- Al-ki-bi´a-des.
- Altar, 75.
- Amnesty, 13.
- Am-phip´o-lis.
- A-nab´a-sis, 150.
- An-ax-ib´i-us.
- An-tal´ki-das.
- An-tan´drus.
- An-til´e-on.
- Ap-ol-lon´i-des.
- Arcadian, 27.
- A-ri-Æ´us.
- Ar-is-tar´chus.
- A-ris´te-as.
- A-ris´ton.
- Ar-is-ton´y-mus.
- Ar´me-ne.
- Ar´mis-tice, 211.
- Array, 7.
- Ar´te-mis.
- Ar-te-mis-i´on, 146.
- Ar-tax-erx´es.
- A-si´da-tes.
- A-tar´neus.
- Athenian catastrophe, 38.
- Augereau (Ozh-ro´).
- Augury, 57.
- Banished, 145.
- Barbarians, 14.
- Barras (Bar-rah´).
- Bas´i-as.
- Beauharnais (Bo-ar-na´).
- BÉranger (Ba-ron-zha´).
- Berthier (Ber-te-a´).
- BessiÈres (Bes-se-air´).
- Billeted, 132.
- Bi-san´the.
- Bi-thy?n´i-a.
- Bi´ton.
- Bitumen (Be-tu´men), 15.
- Bivouac (Biv´wak), 60, 187.
- Boe-o´ti-a.
- Boeotian dialect, 31.
- Bo-is´kus.
- Bo´re-as, 62.
- Borizoff, 271.
- Borodino, 242.
- Bo-ry?s´the-nes.
- Bos´pho-rus.
- Boulogne (Boo-lon´).
- Boyars, 179.
- Bras´i-das.
- Bras-i-di´as.
- Brienne (Bri-en´).
- Burial, 56.
- By-zan´ti-um, 80, 116.
- Carbines, 43.
- Car-pÆ´an dance, 103.
- Cashier, 31.
- Caulaincourt (Ko-lan-koor´).
- Chal-ke´don.
- Chal´y-bes.
- Char-mi´nus.
- Charpentier (Shar-pon-te-a´).
- Cheir-is´o-phus.
- Cher-so-ne´sus, 119.
- Chry-sop´o-lis.
- Cities, 113.
- ClaparÈde (Clap-ar-aid´).
- Compans (Con-pan´).
- Convention, 12.
- Corn, 9.
- Corselet, 52.
- Cossacks, 171.
- Covenant, 11.
- Cubit, 52.
- Cuirass, 48.
- Cy-re´ian Greeks, 10.
- Cy-re´ian Persians, 13.
- Czar, 160.
- Dance, CarpÆan, 103.
- Dance, Pyrrhic, 104.
- Dar´da-nus.
- Dar´ic, 71.
- Da-ri´us.
- Daru´, 179.
- Davoust (Da-voo´).
- De-in´ar-chus.
- Dek-e-li´a.
- Delta, 125.
- Delzons (Del-zon´).
- Demagogues, 66.
- Dem-a-ra´tus.
- Democrat and Philosopher, 29.
- De-mok´ra-tes.
- Deployed, 265.
- Der-ky?l´li-das.
- Dex-ip´pus.
- Di-a´si-a, 139.
- Di-o-do´rus.
- Dnieper (Nee´per).
- Dombrowna, 268.
- Dorogobouje, 254.
- Dorogomilow, 178.
- Dra-kon´ti-us.
- Dri´lÆ.
- Dumas (Du-mah´).
- Duroc (Du-rok´).
- Eagles, 308.
- Ears bored, 32.
- EblÉ (Eb-la´).
- EckmÜhl (Ek´mil).
- Ek-bat´a-na.
- E-le´i-ans.
- Ephesus, Temple of, 143.
- E-pis´the-nes.
- E-re´tri-a.
- E-re´tri-an, 141.
- Erfurt, 204.
- Es-tho´ni-a.
- E-te-o-ni´kus.
- Eu-klei´des.
- Eu-ry?l´o-chus.
- ÉvÉ (A-va´).
- Expresses, 205.
- Festivals, Olympic, 145.
- Fishery, Thunny, 76.
- Friedland (Freed´land).
- GÉrard (Zha-rar´).
- GlÛs (Gloos).
- Gods, The, 89.
- Gon´gy-lus.
- Gor´gi-on.
- Gracious, Zeus The, 139.
- Great King, The, 124.
- Greaves, 69.
- Grenadiers, 269.
- Guard, The Old, 199.
- Guilleminot (Gweel-me-no´).
- Gy-lip´pus.
- Gym´ni-as.
- Ha´lys.
- Har´pa-sus.
- Hek-a-ton´y-mus.
- Hellas, 89.
- Hellen´ic, 3.
- Her-a-klei´des.
- Her-ak-le´ot-ic.
- Her´a-kles, 74.
- Herald, 7.
- Heralds, 2.
- He-rod´o-tus.
- Inflated skins, 19.
- Invalides (An-val-eed´), 214.
- I-o´ni-a, 21.
- Irrigation, 9.
- Javelin, 43.
- Jomini (Zho-me-ne´).
- Judges, 67.
- KÆ´nÆ.
- Ka-i´kus.
- Kal´pe.
- Kal-lim´a-chus.
- Kar-du´ki-a.
- Ken-tri´tes.
- Ker´a-sus, 83.
- Ki-lik´i-a, 32.
- King, The Great, 124.
- Kle-an´der.
- Kle-a´nor.
- Kle-ar´chus.
- Kle-ar´e-tus.
- Kle-on´y-mus.
- Knidus (Ni´dus).
- Knight, 148.
- Koe-ra´ti-das.
- Kolomna gate, 173.
- Kor-o-ne´a.
- Kor´y-las.
- Ko-rys-the´ni-a.
- Ko-ty-o´ra.
- KrasnoË (Kras-no´e).
- Kretan, 56.
- Kremlin, 238.
- Ktesias (Te´si-as).
- Ku-nax´a, 1.
- Kutusoff, 163.
- Ky-nis´kus.
- Ky?z´i-kus.
- LaÇ-e-dÆ´mon.
- LaÇ-e-dÆ-mo´ni-ans.
- Lamp´sa-kus.
- La-ris´sa.
- Latour-maubourg (La-toor´-mo-boor´).
- Lebure´.
- Ledru´.
- Lefebvre (Le-fev´vr).
- Libations, 58.
- Lithuania, 194.
- Lobau (Lo-bo´).
- Lon-ti´ni.
- Lotos-eaters, 35.
- Lyd´i-a.
- Ly´kon.
- Machiavel (Mak´i-a-vel).
- MÆ-sa´des.
- Mag-ne´tes.
- Ma-kro´-nes.
- Malodeczno, 292.
- Malo-jaro-slavetz, 233.
- Man-ti-ne´a.
- Man-ti-nei´a.
- Marchand (Mar-shon´).
- Ma-ri-an-dy´ni.
- Mar-o-nei´a.
- Marshal Ney (Nay), 311.
- Mazeppa, 178.
- Media, Wall of, 15.
- Me-dos´ar-des.
- Meg-a-by´zus.
- Meg´a-ra.
- Meg-a´rian, 76.
- Mercenaries, 75.
- Merchant ships, 80.
- Mi-le´sians, 76.
- Mi-le´tus, 24.
- Miloradovitch, 177.
- Mil-ti´a-des.
- Mil-to-ky´thes.
- Mi´nÆ, 99.
- Minsk, 277.
- Mith-ri-da´tes.
- Mojaisk, 241.
- Mortier (Mor-te-a´).
- Moscow, 157.
- Moskwa, 171.
- Mos-y-noe´ki.
- Munich (Mu´nik).
- Murat (Mu-rah´).
- Muscovite, 163.
- My?´si-a.
- Mysian, 104.
- Mysians, 35.
- Ne´on.
- NeufchÂtel (Nuf-shah-tel´).
- Ney, Marshal (Nay), 311.
- Niemen (Nee´men).
- Ni-kar´chus.
- Ni´ki-as.
- Ni-kom´a-chus.
- Nineveh, 44.
- Od´ry-sÆ.
- Od-rys´ian, 135.
- O-dys´seus, 80.
- Old Guard, 199.
- Olympic Festivals, 145.
- O-ly?m´pi-a, Temple of, 147.
- O-neir´us, 29.
- Oph-ry-ne´um.
- O´pis.
- O-ron´tas.
- Oudinot (Oo-de-no´).
- PÆ´an, 34.
- Paphlagonian horse, 87
- Pa´ri-um.
- Partisans, 211.
- Partouneaux (Par-too-no´).
- Pa-rys´a-tis.
- Pel-o-pon-ne´si-ans, 37.
- Pel-o-pon-ne´sus.
- Per´ga-mus, 140.
- Peraldi (Per-al´di).
- Pe-rin´thus.
- Per´i-kles, 39.
- Phalanx, 8.
- Pha-li´nus.
- Phar-na-ba´zus.
- Pha-si-a´ni.
- Pha´sis, 93.
- Phe´rae.
- Phi-le´si-us.
- Phil-hellen´ic, 22.
- Philo-Laco´ni-an, 113.
- Phli-a´si-an, 139.
- Phol´o-e.
- Phry-nis´kus.
- Phys´kus.
- Pino (Peno´).
- Pipe, 103.
- Pi-sid´i-a.
- Pisid´ians, 35.
- Pol-y-Æ´nus.
- Po-ly?k´ra-tes.
- Pol-y-ni´kus.
- Poniatowski (Po-ni-a-tow´ski).
- Pontoons, 18.
- Postern-gate, 190.
- Prok´les.
- Pro-pon´tis, 125.
- Prox´e-nus.
- Pyrrhic Dance, 104.
- Reggio (Red´jo).
- Regnier (Ra-ne-a).
- Reins, 52.
- Rhodian, 43.
- Rostopchin, 163, 164.
- Ru´ble, 162.
- Sacrifice, 2, 91.
- Sacrificed, 50.
- St. Cyr (San Seer´).
- Sam´o-las.
- Sar´dis.
- Sa´trap, 10.
- Scu-ta´ri.
- Scythians, 188.
- SÉgur (Sagur´).
- Se-li´nus.
- Se-lym´bri-a.
- Serfs, 160.
- Ses´a-me, 61.
- Seu´thes.
- Sikon´yan.
- Si-la´nus.
- Si-le´si-a, 296.
- Si-no´pe.
- Sit´ta-ke.
- Skil´lus.
- Skins, Inflated, 19.
- Sky-thi´ni.
- Smorgoni, 293.
- Sneeze, 34.
- Sok´ra-tes, 143.
- So-phÆn´e-tus.
- Sophists, 40.
- So-ter´i-das.
- Stat´ers, 107.
- Strelitzes, 190.
- Strike our tents, 14.
- Sy-ko´ni-ans.
- Talent, 7.
- Ta´o-chi.
- Targeteers, 83.
- Tchitchakoff (Chich´a-kof).
- Te-leb´o-as.
- Temple of Ephesus, 143.
- Temple of Olympia, 147.
- The´be.
- The´ches.
- Ther-mo´don.
- Tho´rax.
- Thra´ki-on, 123.
- Thunny fishery, 76.
- Thu-ri´an, 79.
- Ti-a´ra, 21.
- Tib-a-re´ni.
- Til´sit, 204.
- Ti-ma´si-on.
- Ti-me-sil-a´us.
- Tim-e-sith´e-us.
- Tir-i-ba´zus.
- Tis-sa-pher´nes.
- Tra-pe´zus.
- Traverse, 90.
- Tribute, 13.
- Tri-phy?l´i-a.
- Tri´reme, 105.
- Tro´ad, 140.
- Tuileries (Tweel´re).
- Turrets, 84.
- Twer (Wer).
- Ve-re´i-a, 238.
- Viazma, 243.
- Viceroy, 229.
- Wall of Media, 15.
- War, The, 39.
- Witepsk, 194.
- Wittgenstein, 237.
- Xan´thi-kles.
- Xen´o-phon.
- Zab´a-tus.
- Za-kyn´thus.
- Zeus, 29.
- Zeus, The Gracious, 139.
FOOTNOTES: [182] In the classical names ch has the sound of k, e.g. Achaia (A-ka´i-a); the diphthong Æ has the sound of long e, e.g. Æneas (E-ne´as), KÆnÆ (Ke´ne); es at the end of a word has the sound of eez, e.g. Apollonides (Ap-ol-lon´i-deez); ti in Boeotia has the sound of she, e.g. (Be-o´she-ah). The Russian names may be pronounced as English.
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