Personal activity now prevalent among the Athenian citizens — empire of Athens again exclusively maritime, after the Thirty years’ truce. — Chios, Samos, and Lesbos, were now the only free allies of Athens, on the same footing as the original confederates of Delos — the rest were subject and tributary. — Athens took no pains to inspire her allies with the idea of a common interest — nevertheless, the allies were gainers by the continuance of her empire. — Conception of PeriklÊs — Athens, an imperial city, owing protection to the subject-allies; who, on their part, owed obedience and tribute. — Large amount of revenue laid by and accumulated by Athens, during the years preceding the Peloponnesian war. — Pride felt by Athenian citizens in the imperial power of their city. — Numerous Athenian citizens planted out as kleruchs by PeriklÊs. — Chersonesus of Thrace. SinÔpÊ. — Active personal and commercial relations between Athens and all parts of the Ægean. — Amphipolis in Thrace founded by Athens. — Agnon is sent out as Œkist. — Situation and importance of Amphipolis. — Foundation, by the Athenians, of Thurii, on the southern coast of Italy. — Conduct of the refugee inhabitants of the ruined Sybaris — their encroachments in the foundation of Thurii: they are expelled, and Thurii reconstituted. — Herodotus and Lysias — both domiciliated as citizens at Thurii. Few Athenian citizens settled there as colonists. — Period from 445-431 B.C. Athens at peace. Her political condition. Rivalry of PeriklÊs with ThucydidÊs son of MelÊsias. — Points of contention between the two parties: 1. Peace with Persia. 2. Expenditure of money for the decoration of Athens. — Defence of PeriklÊs perfectly good against his political rivals. — Pan-Hellenic schemes and sentiment of PeriklÊs. — Bitter contention of parties at Athens — vote of ostracism — ThucydidÊs is ostracized about 443 B.C. — New works undertaken at Athens. Third Long Wall. Docks in PeirÆus — which is newly laid out as a town, by the architect Hippodamus. — Odeon, Parthenon, PropylÆa. Other temples. Statues of AthÊnÊ. — Illustrious artists and architects — Pheidias, IktÎnus, KallikratÊs. — Effect of these creations of art and architecture upon the minds of contemporaries. — Attempt of PeriklÊs to convene a general congress at Athens, of deputies from all the Grecian states. — Revolt of Samos from the Athenians. — Athenian armament against Samos, under PeriklÊs, SophoklÊs the tragedian, etc. — Doubtful and prolonged contest — great power of Samos — it is at last reconquered, disarmed, and dismantled. — None of the other allies of Athens, except Byzantium, revolted at the same time. — Application of the Samians to Sparta for aid against Athens — it is refused, chiefly through the Corinthians. — Government of Samos after the reconquest — doubtful whether the Athenians renewed the democracy which they had recently established. — Funeral oration pronounced by PeriklÊs upon the Athenian citizens slain in the Samian war. — Position of the Athenian empire — relation of Athens to her subject allies — their feelings towards her generally were those of indifference and acquiescence, not of hatred. — Particular grievances complained of in the dealing of Athens with her allies. — Annual tribute — changes made in its amount. Athenian officers and inspectors throughout the empire. — Disputes and offences in and among the subject-allies, were brought for trial before the dikasteries at Athens. Productive of some disadvantages, but of preponderance of advantage to the subject-allies themselves. — Imperial Athens compared with imperial Sparta. — Numerous Athenian citizens spread over the Ægean — the allies had no redress against them, except through the Athenian dikasteries. — The dikasteries afforded protection against misconduct both of Athenian citizens and Athenian officers. — The dikasteries, defective or not, were the same tribunals under which every Athenian held his own security. — Athenian empire was affected for the worse by the circumstances of the Peloponnesian war: more violence was introduced into it by that war than had prevailed before. — The subject-allies of Athens had few practical grievances to complain of. — The Grecian world was now divided into two great systems; with a right supposed to be vested in each, of punishing its own refractory members. — Policy of Corinth, from being pacific, becomes warlike. — Disputes arise between Corinth and Korkyra — case of Epidamnus. — The Epidamnians apply for aid in their distress to Korkyra; they are refused — the Corinthians send aid to the place. — The KorkyrÆans attack Epidamnus — armament sent thither by Corinth. — Remonstrance of the KorkyrÆans with Corinth and the Peloponnesians. — Hostilities between Corinth and Korkyra — naval victory of the latter. — Large preparations made by Corinth for renewing the war. — Application of the KorkyrÆans to be received among the allies of Athens. — Address of the KorkyrÆan envoys to the Athenian public assembly. Principal topics upon which it insists, as given in ThucydidÊs. — Envoys from Corinth address the Athenian assembly in reply. — Decision of the Athenians — a qualified compliance with the request of Korkyra. The Athenian triremes sent to Korkyra. — Naval combat between the Corinthians and KorkyrÆans: rude tactics on both sides. — The KorkyrÆans are defeated. — Arrival of a reinforcement from Athens — the Corinthian fleet retires, carrying off numerous KorkyrÆan prisoners. — Hostilities not yet professedly begun between Athens and Corinth. — Hatred conceived by the Corinthians towards Athens. — They begin to stir up revolt among the Athenian allies — PotidÆa, colony of Corinth, but ally of Athens. — Relations of Athens with Perdikkas king of Macedonia, his intrigues along with Corinth against her — he induces the Chalkidians to revolt from her — increase of Olynthus. — Revolt of PotidÆa — armament sent thither from Athens. — Combat near PotidÆa, between the Athenian force and the allied Corinthians. PotidÆans, and Chalkidians. — Victory of the Athenians. — PotidÆa placed in blockade by the Athenians.
State of feeling in Greece between the Thirty years’ truce and the Peloponnesian war — recognized probability of war — Athens at that time not encroaching — decree interdicting trade with the Megarians. — Zealous importunity of the Corinthians in bringing about a general war, for the purpose of preserving PotidÆa. — Relations of Sparta with her allies — they had a determining vote, whether they would or would not approve of a course of policy which had been previously revived by Sparta separately. — Assembly of the Spartans separately addressed by envoys of the allied powers, complaining that Athens had violated the truce. — The Corinthian envoys address the assembly last, after the envoys of the other allies have inflamed it against Athens. — International customs of the time, as bearing upon the points in dispute between Athens and Corinth. — Athens in the right. — Tenor of the Corinthian address — little allusion to recent wrong — strong efforts to raise hatred and alarm against Athens. — Remarkable picture drawn of Athens by her enemies. — Reply made by an Athenian envoy, accidentally present in Sparta. — His account of the empire of Athens — how it had been acquired, and how it was maintained. — He adjures them not to break the truce, but to adjust all differences by that pacific appeal which the truce provided. — The Spartans exclude strangers, and discuss the point among themselves in the assembly. — Most Spartan speakers are in favor of war. King Archidamus opposes war. His speech. — The speech of Archidamus is ineffectual. Short, but warlike appeal of the Ephor SthenelÄidas. — Vote of the Spartan assembly in favor of war. — The Spartans send to Delphi — obtain an encouraging reply. — General congress of allies at Sparta. Second speech of the Corinthian envoys, enforcing the necessity and propriety of war. — Vote of the majority of the allies in favor of war, B.C. 432. — Views and motives of the opposing powers. — The hopes and confidence, on the side of Sparta; the fears, on the side of Athens. Heralds sent from Sparta to Athens with complaints and requisitions meanwhile the preparations for war go on. — Requisitions addressed by Sparta to Athens — demand for the expulsion of the AlkmÆonidÆ as impious — aimed at PeriklÊs. — Position of PeriklÊs at Athens: bitter hostility of his political opponents: attacks made upon him. — Prosecution of Aspasia. Her character and accomplishments. — Family relations of PeriklÊs — his connection with Aspasia. License of the comic writers in their attacks upon both. — Prosecution of Anaxagoras the philosopher as well as of Aspasia — Anaxagoras retires from Athens — PeriklÊs defends Aspasia before the dikastery, and obtains her acquittal. — Prosecution of the sculptor Pheidias for embezzlement — instituted by the political opponents of PeriklÊs. — Charge of peculation against PeriklÊs himself. — Probability that PeriklÊs was never even tried for peculation, certainly that he was never found guilty of it. — Requisition from the LacedÆmonians, for the banishment of PeriklÊs — arrived when PeriklÊs was thus pressed by his political enemies — rejected. — Counter-requisition sent by the Athenians to Sparta, for expiation of sacrilege. — Fresh requisitions sent from Sparta to Athens — to withdraw the troops from PotidÆa — to leave Ægina free — to readmit the Megarians to Athenian harbors. — Final and peremptory requisition of Sparta — public assembly held at Athens on the whole subject of war and peace. — Great difference of opinion in the assembly — important speech of PeriklÊs. — PeriklÊs strenuously urges the Athenians not to yield. — His review of the comparative forces, and probable chances of success or defeat, in the war. — The assembly adopts the recommendation of PeriklÊs — firm and determined reply sent to Sparta. — Views of ThucydidÊs respecting the grounds, feelings, and projects of the two parties now about to embark in war. — Equivocal period — war not yet proclaimed — first blow struck, not by Athens, but by her enemies. — Open violation of the truce by the Thebans — they surprise PlatÆa in the night. — The gates of PlatÆa are opened by an oligarchical party within — a Theban detachment are admitted into the agora at night — at first apparently successful, afterwards overpowered and captured. — Large force intended to arrive from Thebes to support the assailants early in the morning — they are delayed by the rain and the swelling of the AsÔpus — they commence hostilities against the PlatÆan persons and property without the walls. — Parley between the PlatÆans and the Theban force without — the latter evacuate the territory — the Theban prisoners in PlatÆa are slain. — Messages from PlatÆa to Athens — answer. — Grecian feeling, already predisposed to the war, was wound up to the highest pitch by the striking incident at PlatÆa. — Preparations for war on the part of Athens — intimations sent round to her allies — Akarnanians recently acquired by Athens as allies — recent capture of the Amphilochian Argos by the Athenian Phormio. — Strength and resources of Athens and her allies — military and naval means — treasure. — Ample grounds for the confidence expressed by PeriklÊs in the result. — Position and power of Sparta and the Peloponnesian allies — they are full of hope and confidence of putting down Athens speedily. — Efforts of Sparta to get up a naval force. — Muster of the combined Peloponnesian force at the isthmus of Corinth, under Archidamus, to invade Attica. — Last envoy sent to Athens — he is dismissed without being allowed to enter the town. — March of Archidamus into Attica — his fruitless siege of ŒnoÊ. — Expectation of Archidamus that Athens would yield at the last moment. — Difficulty of PeriklÊs in persuading the Athenians to abandon their territory and see it all ravaged. — Attica deserted — the population flock within the walls of Athens. Hardships, privations, and distress endured. — March of Archidamus into Attica. — Archidamus advances to AcharnÆ, within seven miles of Athens. — Intense clamor within the walls of Athens — eagerness to go forth and fight. — Trying position, firmness, and sustained ascendency, of PeriklÊs, in dissuading them from going forth. — The Athenians remain within their walls: partial skirmishes only, no general action. — Athenian fleet is despatched to ravage the coasts of Peloponnesus — first notice of the Spartan Brasidas — operations of the Athenians in Akarnania, KephallÊnia, etc. — The Athenians expel the Æginetans from Ægina, and people the island with Athenian kleruchs. The Æginetans settle at Thyrea in Peloponnesus. — The Athenians invade and ravage the Megarid: sufferings of the Megarians. — Measures taken by Athens for permanent defence. — Sum put by in the acropolis, against urgent need, not to be touched unless under certain defined dangers. — Capital punishment against any who should propose otherwise. — Remarks on this decree. — Blockade of PotidÆa — SitalkÊs king of the Odrysian Thracians — alliance made between him and Athens. — PeriklÊs is chosen orator to deliver the funeral discourse over the citizens slain during the year. — Funeral oration of PeriklÊs. — Sketch of Athenian political constitution, and social life, as conceived by PeriklÊs. — Eulogy upon Athens and the Athenian character. — Mutual tolerance of diversity of tastes and pursuits in Athens. — It is only true partially and in some memorable instances that the state interfered to an exorbitant degree with individual liberty in Greece. — Free play of individual taste and impulse in Athens — importance of this phenomenon in society. — Extraordinary and many-sided activity of Athens. — Peculiar and interesting moment at which the discourse of PeriklÊs was delivered. Athens now at the maximum of her power — declining tendency commences soon afterwards.
Barren results of the operations during the first year of war. — Second invasion of Attica by the Peloponnesians — more spreading and ruinous than the first. — Commencement of the pestilence or epidemic at Athens. — Description of the epidemic by ThucydidÊs — his conception of the duty of exactly observing and recording. — Extensive and terrible suffering of Athens. — Inefficacy of remedies — despair and demoralization of the Athenians. — Lawless recklessness of conduct engendered. — Great loss of life among the citizens — blow to the power of Athens. — Athenian armament sent first against Peloponnesus, next, against PotidÆa — it is attacked and ruined by the epidemic. — Irritation of the Athenians under their sufferings and losses — they become incensed against PeriklÊs — his unshaken firmness in defending himself. — Athenian public assembly — last speech of PeriklÊs — his high tone of self-esteem against the public discontent. Powerful effect of his address — new resolution shown for continuing the war — nevertheless, the discontent against PeriklÊs still continues. He is accused and condemned in a fine. — Old age of PeriklÊs — his family misfortunes and suffering. He is reËlected stratÊgus — restored to power and to the confidence of the people. — Last moments and death of PeriklÊs. His life and character. — Judgment of ThucydidÊs respecting PeriklÊs. — Earlier and later political life of PeriklÊs — how far the one differed from the other. — Accusation against PeriklÊs of having corrupted the Athenian people — untrue, and not believed by ThucydidÊs. — Great progress and improvement of the Athenians under PeriklÊs. — PeriklÊs is not to blame for the Peloponnesian war. — Operations of war languid, under the pressure of the epidemic. — Attack of the Ambrakiots on the Amphilochian Argos: the Athenian Phormio is sent with a squadron to Naupaktus. — Injury done to Athenian commerce by Peloponnesian privateers — The LacedÆmonians put to death all their prisoners taken at sea, even neutrals. — LacedÆmonian envoys seized in their way to Persia and put to death by the Athenians. — Surrender of PotidÆa — indulgent capitulation granted by the Athenian generals. — Third year of the war — king Archidamus marches to PlatÆa — no invasion of Attica. — Remonstrance of the PlatÆans to Archidamus — his reply — he summons PlatÆa in vain. — The PlatÆans resolve to stand out and defy the LacedÆmonian force. — Invocation and excuse of Archidamus on hearing the refusal of the PlatÆans. — Commencement of the siege of PlatÆa. — Operations of attack and defence — the besiegers make no progress, and are obliged to resort to blockade. — Wall of circumvallation built round PlatÆa — the place completely beleaguered and a force left to maintain the blockade. — Athenian armament sent to PotidÆa and Chalkidic Thrace — it is defeated and returns. — Operations on the coast of Akarnania. — Joint attack upon Akarnania, by land and sea, concerted between the Ambrakiots and Peloponnesians. — Assemblage of the Ambrakiots, Peloponnesians, and Epirotic allies — divisions of Epirots. — They march to attack the Akarnanian town of Stratus. — Rashness of the Epirots — defeat and repulse of the army. — The Peloponnesian fleet comes from Corinth to Akarnania — movements of the Athenian Phormio to oppose it. — Naval battle between Phormio and the Peloponnesian fleet — his complete victory. — Reflections upon these two defeats of the Peloponnesians. — Indignation of the LacedÆmonians at the late naval defeat: they collect a larger fleet under KnÊmus to act against Phormio. — Inferior numbers of Phormio — his manoeuvring. — The Peloponnesian fleet forces Phormio to a battle on the line of coast near Naupaktus. Dispositions and harangues on both sides. — Battle near Naupaktus. The Peloponnesian fleet at first successful, but afterwards defeated. — Retirement of the defeated Peloponnesian fleet. — Phormio is reinforced — his operations in Akarnania — he returns to Athens. — Attempt of KnÊmus and Brasidas to surprise PeirÆus, starting from Corinth. — Alliance of the Athenians with the Odrysian king SitalkÊs. — Power of the Odrysians in Thrace — their extensive dominion over the other Thracian tribes. — SitalkÊs, at the instigation of Athens, undertakes to attack Perdikkas and the Chalkidians of Thrace. — His vast and multifarious host of Thracians and other barbarians. — He invades and ravages Macedonia and ChalkidikÊ. — He is forced to retire by the severity of the season and want of Athenian coÖperation.
Fourth year of the war — internal suffering at Athens. — Renewed invasion of Attica. — Revolt of MitylÊnÊ and most part of Lesbos from Athens. — Proceedings of Athens — powerful condition of MitylÊnÊ — Athenian fleet sent thither under KleÏppidÊs. — KleÏppidÊs fails in surprising MitylÊnÊ — carries on an imperfect blockade. — He receives reinforcements, and presses the siege with greater vigor — want of resolution on the part of the MitylenÆans. — The MitylenÆan envoys address themselves to the Spartans at the Olympic festival, entreating aid. — Tone and topics of their address. — Practical grounds of complaint on the part of the MitylenÆans against Athens few or none. — The Peloponnesians promise assistance to MitylÊnÊ — energetic demonstrations of the Athenians. — AsÔpius son of Phormio in Akarnania. — The accumulated treasure of Athens exhausted by her efforts — necessity for her to raise a direct contribution. — Outbreak of the PlatÆans from their blockaded town. — Their plan of escape — its extraordinary difficulty and danger. Half of the garrison of PlatÆa escapes to Athens. — Blockade of MitylÊnÊ closely carried on by the Athenian general PachÊs — the MitylenÆans are encouraged to hold out by the LacedÆmonians, who send thither SalÆthus. — MitylÊnÊ holds out till provisions are exhausted — SalÆthus arms all the people of MitylÊnÊ for a general sally — the people refuse to join — the city is surrendered to Athens, at discretion. — The Peloponnesian fleet under Alkidas arrives off the coast of Ionia — astonishment and alarm which its presence creates. — PachÊs, after the capture of MitylÊnÊ, pursues the fleet of Alkidas, which returns to Peloponnesus without having done anything. — PachÊs at Notium — he captures the place — his perfidy towards Hippias, the leader of the garrison. — Notium recolonized from Athens as a separate town. — PachÊs sends to Athens about a thousand MitylenÆan prisoners, the persons chiefly concerned in the late revolt, together with SalÆthus. — Important debate in the Athenian assembly upon the treatment of the prisoners. — First mention of Kleon by ThucydidÊs — new class of politicians to which he belonged. — EukratÊs, Kleon, LysiklÊs, Hyperbolus, etc. — Character of Kleon. — Indignation of the Athenians against MitylÊnÊ — proposition of Kleon to put to death the whole male population of military age is carried and passed. — Repentance of the Athenians after the decree is passed. A fresh assembly is convened to reconsider the decree. — Account of the second assembly given by ThucydidÊs — speech of Kleon in support of the resolution already passed. — Remarks on the speech of Kleon. — Speech of Diodotus in opposition to Kleon — second decree mitigating the former. Rapid voyage of the trireme which carries the second decree to MitylÊnÊ — it arrives just in time to prevent the execution of the first. — Those MitylenÆans whom PachÊs had sent to Athens are put to death — treatment of MitylÊnÊ by the Athenians. — Enormities committed by PachÊs at MitylÊnÊ — his death before the Athenian dikastery. — Surrender of PlatÆa to the LacedÆmonians. — The PlatÆan captive garrison are put upon their trial before LacedÆmonian judges. — Speech of the PlatÆan deputies to these judges on behalf of themselves and their comrades. — Reply of the Thebans. — The PlatÆans are sentenced to death by the LacedÆmonian judges, and all slain. — Reason of the severity of the LacedÆmonians — cases of PlatÆa and MitylÊnÊ compared. — Circumstances of Korkyra — the KorkyrÆan captives are sent back from Corinth, under agreement to effect a revolution in the government and foreign politics of the island. — Their attempts to bring about a revolution — they prosecute the democratical leader Peithias — he prosecutes five of them in revenge — they are found guilty. — They assassinate Peithias and several other senators, and make themselves masters of the government — they decree neutrality — their unavailing mission to Athens. — The oligarchical party at Korkyra attack the people — obstinate battle in the city — victory of the people — arrival of the Athenian admiral Nikostratus. — Moderation of Nikostratus — proceedings of the people towards the vanquished oligarchs. — Arrival of the LacedÆmonian admiral Alkidas, with a fleet of fifty-three triremes. Renewed terror and struggle in the island. — Naval battle off Korkyra between Nikostratus and Alkidas. — Confusion and defenceless state of Korkyra — Alkidas declines to attack it — arrival of the Athenian fleet under Eurymedon — flight of Alkidas. — Vengeance of the victorious Demos in Korkyra against the prostrate oligarchs — fearful bloodshed. — Lawless and ferocious murders — base connivance of Eurymedon. — Band of oligarchical fugitives escape to the mainland — afterwards land again on the island and establish themselves on Mount IstÔnÊ. — Political reflections introduced by ThucydidÊs on occasion of the KorkyrÆan massacre. — The political enormities of Korkyra were the worst that occurred in the whole war. — How these enormities began and became exaggerated. Conduct of the opposing parties. — Contrast between the bloody character of revolutions at Korkyra and the mild character of analogous phenomena at Athens. — Bad morality of the rich and great men throughout the Grecian cities.
Capture of MinÔa, opposite Megara, by the Athenians under Nikias. — Nikias — his first introduction, position, and character. — Varying circumstances and condition of the oligarchical party at Athens. — Points of analogy between Nikias and PeriklÊs — material differences. — Care of Nikias in maintaining his popularity and not giving offence; his very religious character. — His diligence in increasing his fortune — speculations in the mines of Laurium — letting out of slaves for hire. — Nikias first opposed to Kleon — next to AlkibiadÊs. — Oligarchical clubs, or HetÆries, at Athens, for political and judicial purposes. — Kleon — his real function that of opposition — real power inferior to Nikias. — Revival of the epidemic distemper at Athens for another year — atmospheric and terrestrial disturbances in Greece. LacedÆmonian invasion of Attica suspended for this year. — Foundation of the colony of Herakleia by the LacedÆmonians, near ThermopylÆ — its numerous settlers, great promise, and unprosperous career. — Athenian expedition against Melos, under Nikias. — Proceedings of the Athenians under DemosthenÊs in Akarnania. — Expedition of DemosthenÊs against Ætolia — his large plans. — March of DemosthenÊs — impracticability of the territory of Ætolia. — rudeness and bravery of the inhabitants. — He is completely beaten and obliged to retire with loss. — Attack of Ætolians and Peloponnesians under Eurylochus upon Naupaktus. — Naupaktus is saved by DemosthenÊs and the Akarnanians. — Eurylochus, repulsed from Naupaktus, concerts with the Ambrakiots an attack on Argos. — DemosthenÊs and the Athenians, as well as the Akarnanians, come to the protection of Argos. — March of Eurylochus across Akarnania to join the Ambrakiots. — Their united army is defeated by DemosthenÊs at OlpÆ — Eurylochus slain. — The surviving Spartan commander makes a separate capitulation for himself and the Peloponnesians, deserting the Ambrakiots. — The Ambrakiots sustain much loss in their retreat. — Another large body of Ambrakiots, coming from the city as a reinforcement, is intercepted by DemosthenÊs at IdomenÊ and cut to pieces. — Despair of the Ambrakiot herald on seeing the great number of slain. — Defenceless and feeble condition of Ambrakia after this ruinous loss. — Attempt to calculate the loss of the Ambrakiots. — Convention concluded between Ambrakia on one side, and the Akarnanians and Amphilochians on the other. — Return of DemosthenÊs in triumph to Athens. — Purification of Delos by the Athenians. Revival of the Delian festival with peculiar splendor.
Seventh year of the war — invasion of Attica. — Distress in Korkyra from the attack of the oligarchical exiles. A Peloponnesian fleet and an Athenian fleet are both sent thither. — DemosthenÊs goes on board the Athenian fleet with a separate command. — He fixes upon Pylus in Laconia for the erection of a fort. Locality of Pylus and Sphakteria. — Eurymedon the admiral of the fleet insists upon going on to Korkyra, without stopping at Pylus. The fleet are driven into Pylus by a storm. — DemosthenÊs fortifies the place, through the voluntary zeal of the soldiers. He is left there with a garrison while the fleet goes on to Korkyra. — Slow march of the LacedÆmonians to recover Pylus. — Preparations of DemosthenÊs to defend Pylus against them. — Proceedings of the LacedÆmonian army — they send a detachment to occupy the island of Sphakteria, opposite Pylus. — They attack the place by sea and land — gallant conduct of Brasidas in the attack on the sea-side. — Return of Eurymedon and the Athenian fleet to Pylus. — He defeats the LacedÆmonian fleet in the harbor of Pylus. — The LacedÆmonian detachment is blocked up by the Athenian fleet in the island of Sphakteria — armistice concluded at Pylus. — Mission of LacedÆmonian envoys to Athens, to propose peace and solicit the release of their soldiers in Sphakteria. — The Athenians, at the instance of Kleon, require the restoration of NisÆa, PegÆ, Troezen, and Achaia, as conditions of giving up the men in Sphakteria and making peace. — The envoys will not consent to these demands — Kleon prevents negotiation — they are sent back to Pylus without any result. — Remarks on this assembly and on the conduct of Athens. — The armistice is terminated, and war resumed at Pylus. Eurymedon keeps possession of the LacedÆmonian fleet. — Blockade of Sphakteria by the Athenian fleet — difficulty and hardships to the sea men of the fleet. — Protracted duration and seeming uncertainty of the blockade — DemosthenÊs sends to Athens for reinforcements to attack the island. — Proceedings in the Athenian assembly on receiving this news — proposition of Kleon — manoeuvre of his political enemies to send him against his will as general to Pylus. — Reflections upon this proceeding and upon the conduct of parties at Athens. — Kleon goes to Pylus with a reinforcement — condition of the island of Sphakteria — numbers and positions of the LacedÆmonians in it. — Kleon and DemosthenÊs land their forces in the island, and attack it. — Numerous light troops of DemosthenÊs employed against the LacedÆmonians in Sphakteria. — Distress of the LacedÆmonians — their bravery and long resistance. They retreat to their last redoubt at the extremity of the island. They are surrounded and forced to surrender. — Astonishment caused throughout Greece by the surrender of LacedÆmonian hoplites — diminished lustre of Spartan arms. — Judgment pronounced by ThucydidÊs himself — reflections upon it. — Prejudice of ThucydidÊs in regard to Kleon. Kleon displayed sound judgment and decision, and was one of the essential causes of the success. — Effect produced at Athens by the arrival of the LacedÆmonian prisoners. — The Athenians prosecute the war with increased hopefulness and vigor. The LacedÆmonians make new advances for peace without effect. — Remarks upon the policy of Athens — her chance was now universally believed to be most favorable in prosecuting the war. — Fluctuations in Athenian feeling for or against the war: there were two occasions on which Kleon contributed to influence them towards it. — Expedition of Nikias against the Corinthian territory. — He reËmbarks — ravages Epidaurus — establishes a post on the peninsula of Methana. — Eurymedon with the Athenian fleet goes to Korkyra. Defeat and captivity of the KorkyrÆan exiles in the island. — The captives are put to death — cruelty and horrors in the proceeding. — Capture of Anaktorium by the Athenians and Akarnanians. — Proceedings of the Athenians at Chios and Lesbos. — The Athenians capture Artaphernes, a Persian envoy, on his way to Sparta. — Succession of Persian kings — Xerxes, Artaxerxes Longimanus, etc., Darius Nothus.
Important operations of the eighth year of the war. — Capture of KythÊra by the Athenians. Nikias ravages the Laconian coast. — Capture of Thyrea — all the Æginetans resident there are either slain in the attack or put to death afterwards as prisoners. — Alarm and depression among the LacedÆmonians — their insecurity in regard to the Helots. — They entrap, and cause to be assassinated, two thousand of the bravest Helots. — Request from the Chalkidians and Perdikkas that Spartan aid may be sent to them under Brasidas. — Brasidas is ordered to go thither, with Helot and Peloponnesian hoplites. — Elate and enterprising dispositions prevalent at Athens. Plan formed against Megara. Condition of Megara. — The Athenians, under HippokratÊs and DemosthenÊs, attempt to surprise NisÆa and Megara. — Conspirators within open the gate, and admit them into the Megarian Long Walls. They master the whole line of the Long Walls. — The Athenians march to the gates of Megara — failure of the scheme of the party within to open them. — The Athenians attack NisÆa — the place surrenders to them. — Dissension of parties in Megara — intervention of Brasidas. — Brasidas gets together an army, and relieves Megara — no battle takes place — the Athenians retire. — Revolution at Megara — return of the exiles from PegÆ, under pledge of amnesty — they violate their oaths, and effect a forcible oligarchical revolution. — Combined plan by HippokratÊs and DemosthenÊs for the invasion of Boeotia on three sides at once. — DemosthenÊs, with an Akarnanian force, makes a descent on Boeotia at SiphÆ in the Corinthian gulf — his scheme fails and he retires. — Disappointment of the Athenian plans — no internal movements take place in Boeotia. HippokratÊs marches with the army from Athens to Delium in Boeotia. — HippokratÊs fortifies Delium, after which the army retires homeward. — Gathering of the Boeotian military force at Tanagra. Pagondas, the Theban boeotarch, determines them to fight. — Marshalling of the Boeotian army — great depth of the Theban hoplites — special Theban band of Three Hundred. — Order of battle of the Athenian army. — Battle of Delium — vigorously contested — advantage derived from the depth of the Theban phalanx. — Defeat and flight of the Athenians — HippokratÊs, with one thousand hoplites, is slain. — Interchange of heralds — remonstrance of the Boeotians against the Athenians for desecrating the temple of Delium — they refuse permission to bury the slain except on condition of quitting Delium. — Answer of the Athenian herald — he demands permission to bury the bodies of the slain. — The Boeotians persist in demanding the evacuation of Delium as a condition for granting permission to bury the dead. Debate on the subject. Remarks on the debate. — Siege and capture of Delium by the Boeotians. — SokratÊs and AlkibiadÊs, personally engaged at Delium. — March of Brasidas through Thessaly to Thrace and Macedonia. Rapidity and address with which he gets through Thessaly. — Relations between Brasidas and Perdikkas — Brasidas enters into an accommodation with ArrhibÆus — Perdikkas is offended. — Brasidas marches against Akanthus. State of parties in the town. — He is admitted personally into the town to explain his views — his speech before the Akanthian assembly. — Debate in the Akanthian assembly, and decision of the majority voting secretly to admit him, after much opposition. — Reflections upon this proceeding — good political habits of the Akanthians. — Evidence which this proceeding affords, that the body of citizens (among the Athenian allies) did not hate Athens, and were not anxious to revolt. — Brasidas establishes intelligences in Argilus. He lays his plan for the surprise of Amphipolis. — Night-march of Brasidas from ArnÊ, through Argilus to the river Strymon and Amphipolis. — He becomes master of the lands round Amphipolis, but is disappointed in gaining admission into the town. — He offers to the citizens the most favorable terms of capitulation, which they accept. — Amphipolis capitulates. — ThucydidÊs arrives at Eion from Thasus with his squadron — not in time to preserve Amphipolis — he preserves Eion. — Alarm and dismay produced at Athens by the capture of Amphipolis — increased hopes among her enemies. — Extraordinary personal glory, esteem, and influence acquired by Brasidas. — Inaction and despondency of Athens after the battle of Delium, especially in reference to arresting the conquests of Brasidas in Thrace. — Loss of Amphipolis was caused by the negligence of the Athenian commanders — EuklÊs, and the historian ThucydidÊs. — The Athenians banish ThucydidÊs on the proposition of Kleon. — Sentence of banishment passed on ThucydidÊs by the Athenians — grounds of that sentence. — He justly incurred their verdict of guilty. — Preparations of Brasidas in Amphipolis for extended conquest — his operations against the AktÊ, or promontory of Athos. — He attacks TorÔnÊ in the Sithonian peninsula — he is admitted into the town by an internal party — surprises and takes it. — Some part of the population, with the small Athenian garrison, retire to the separate citadel called LÊkythus. — Conciliating address of Brasidas to the assembly at TorÔnÊ. — He attacks LÊkythus and takes it by storm. — Personal ability and conciliatory efficiency of Brasidas.
Eighth year of the war — began with most favorable promise for Athens — closed with great reverses to her. — Desire of Spartans to make peace in order to regain the captives — they decline sending reinforcements to Brasidas. — King Pleistoanax at Sparta — eager for peace — his special reasons — his long banishment recently terminated by recall. — Negotiations during the winter of 424-423 B.C. for peace. — Truce for one year concluded, in March 423 B.C. — Conditions of the truce. — Resolution to open negotiations for a definitive treaty. — New events in Thrace — revolt of SkiÔnÊ from Athens to Brasidas, two days after the truce was sworn. — Brasidas crosses over to SkiÔnÊ — his judicious conduct — enthusiastic admiration for him there. — Brasidas brings across reinforcements to SkiÔnÊ — he conveys away the women and children into a place of safety. — Commissioners from Sparta and Athens arrive in Thrace, to announce to Brasidas the truce just concluded. Dispute respecting SkiÔnÊ. The war continues in Thrace, but is suspended everywhere else. — Revolt of MendÊ from Athens — Brasidas receives the offers of the MendÆans — engages to protect them and sends to them a garrison against Athens. He departs upon an expedition against ArrhibÆus in the interior of Macedonia. — Nikias and Nikostratus arrive with an Athenian armament in PallÊnÊ. They attack MendÊ. The LacedÆmonian garrison under Polydamidas at first repulses them. — Dissensions among the citizens of MendÊ — mutiny of the Demos against Polydamidas — the Athenians are admitted into the town. — The Athenians besiege and blockade SkiÔnÊ. Nikias leaves a blockading force there, and returns to Athens. — Expedition of Brasidas along with Perdikkas into Macedonia against ArrhibÆus. — Retreat of Brasidas and Perdikkas before the Illyrians. — Address of Brasidas to his soldiers before the retreat. — Contrast between Grecian and barbaric military feeling. — Appeal of Brasidas to the right of conquest or superior force. — The Illyrians attack Brasidas in his retreat, but are repulsed. — Breach between Brasidas and Perdikkas: the latter opens negotiations with the Athenians. — Relations between Athens and the Peloponnesians — no progress made towards definitive peace — LacedÆmonian reinforcement on its way to Brasidas, prevented from passing through Thessaly. — Incidents in Peloponnesus — the temple of HÊrÊ near Argos accidentally burnt. — War in Arcadia — battle between Mantineia and Tegea. — Boeotians at peace de facto, though not parties to the truce. — Hard treatment of the Thespians by Thebes. — Expiration of the truce for one year. Disposition of both Sparta and Athens at that time towards peace; but peace impossible in consequence of the relations of parties in Thrace. — No actual resumption of hostilities, although the truce had expired, from the month of March to the Pythian festival in August. — Alteration in the language of statesmen at Athens — instances of Kleon and his partisans to obtain a vigorous prosecution of the war in Thrace. — Brasidas — an opponent of peace — his views and motives. — Kleon — an opponent of peace — his views and motives as stated by ThucydidÊs. Kleon had no personal interest in war. — To prosecute the war vigorously in Thrace was at this time the real political interest of Athens. — Question of peace or war, as it stood between Nikias and Kleon, in March 422 B.C., after the expiration of the truce for one year. — Kleon’s advocacy of war at this moment perfectly defensible — unjust account of his motive given by ThucydidÊs. — Kleon at this time adhered more closely than any other Athenian public man to the foreign policy of PeriklÊs. — Dispositions of Nikias and the peace-party in reference to the reconquest of Amphipolis. — Kleon conducts an expedition against Amphipolis — he takes TorÔnÊ. — He arrives at Eion — sends envoys to invite Macedonian and Thracian auxiliaries. — Dissatisfaction of his own troops with his inaction while waiting for these auxiliaries. — He is forced by these murmurs to make a demonstration — he marches from Eion along the walls of Amphipolis to reconnoitre the top of the hill — apparent quiescence in Amphipolis. — Brasidas, at first on Mount Kerdylium — presently moves into the town across the bridge. — His exhortation to his soldiers. — Kleon tries to effect his retreat. — Brasidas sallies out upon the army in its retreat — the Athenians are completely routed — Brasidas and Kleon both slain. — Profound sorrow in Thrace for the death of Brasidas — funeral honors paid him in Amphipolis. — The Athenian armament, much diminished by its loss in the battle, returns home. — Remarks on the battle of Amphipolis — wherein consisted the faults of Kleon. — Disgraceful conduct of the Athenian hoplites — the defeat of Amphipolis arose partly from political feeling hostile to Kleon. — Important effect of the death of Brasidas, in reference to the prospects of the war — his admirable character and efficiency. — Feelings of ThucydidÊs towards Brasidas and Kleon. — Character of Kleon — his foreign policy. Internal policy of Kleon as a citizen in constitutional life. — Picture in the Knights of AristophanÊs. — Unfairness of judging Kleon upon such evidence. — Picture of SokratÊs by AristophanÊs is noway resembling. — The vices imputed by AristophanÊs to Kleon are not reconcilable one with the other. — Kleon — a man of strong and bitter opposition talents — frequent in accusation — often on behalf of poor men suffering wrong. — Necessity for voluntary accusers at Athens — general danger and obloquy attending the function. — We have no evidence to decide in what proportion of cases he accused wrongfully. — Private dispute between Kleon and AristophanÊs. — Negotiations for peace during the winter following the battle of Amphipolis. — Peace called the Peace of Nikias — concluded in March 421 B.C. — Conditions of peace. — The peace is only partially accepted by the allies of Sparta. — The Boeotians, Megarians, and Corinthians, all repudiate it.