
Abduction (Apagoge), 202.

Abstract, and Concrete, appellatives not used by Aristotle, 64.

Abstraction, belongs to the NoËtic function, 486, 487, 492.

Absurdum, Reductio ad, see Reductio.

Accentuation, Fallacy of 385; rare, 408.

Accidens, Ens per &c., see Accident, Ens.

Accidentis Fallacia, 386; not understood among Aristotle’s scientific contemporaries, 390; how to solve, 410.

Accident, Ens by, 60, 424, 561, 593; modern definition of 62; an individual, allowed by Aristotle, 63; no science of, 98; one of the Predicables, 276; thesis of, easiest to defend, hardest to upset, 284, 353; thirty-seven dialectical Loci bearing on, 285 seq.; why no science of, 425, 593, 594; one, cannot be accident of another, 586; opposed to the constant and the usual, 594; Chance, principle or cause of, 594; see Concomitants.

Action (Agere), Category, 65, 73.

Actuality, as opposed to Potentiality, 128, 456, 615 seq.

Adoxa, opposed to Endoxa, 269.

Æon, of the Heaven, 636.

Æther, derivation of the name, 632.

Affirmation, conjunction of predicate with subject, 111; constituents of, 118; ?? eta??se?? (Theophrastus), 122, 169.

Akroamatic books, opposed to Exoteric, 50.

Alcuin, followed Aristotle on Universals, 563.

Alexander of Macedon, taught by Aristotle from boyhood, 5; came to the throne, and went on his first Persian expedition, 6; his action towards Athens, 8; correspondent, protector, patron, of Aristotle at Athens, 7, 8; later change in his character and alienation from Aristotle, 9; his order for the recall of exiles throughout Greece, 10; his death, 7, 12.

Alexandrine, literati, their knowledge of Aristotle, 34, 38, 40, 42.

Aliquid, Ad, see Relation; Hoc, or the definite individual, see Essence.

AlkmÆon, his view of the soul, 449.

Ammonius, put Relation above all the Categories, 84; his opinion on last paragraph of De Interpretatione, 134.

Amphiboly, Fallacy of, 385; how to solve, 407.

Amyntas, king of Macedon, 2.

Analytica, referred to in Topica, 56; presuppose contents of CategoriÆ and De Interpretatione, 56; terminology of, differs from that of De Interpretatione, 141; purpose of, 141.

Analytica Priora, different sections of Book I., 157, 163; relation of the two books of, 171.

Analytica Posteriora, applies Syllogism to Demonstration, 142, 207; relation of, to the Metaphysica, 422.

Anaxagoras, doctrine of, inconsistent with Maxim of Contradiction, 429, 592; disregarded data of experience, 436; his view of the soul, 449; Maxim of Excluded Middle defended by Aristotle specially against, 581; made intelligence dependent on sense, 588; doctrine of, makes all propositions false, 592; must yet admit an infinite number of true propositions, 592; meant by his Unum — Ens PotentiÂ, and thus got partial hold of the idea of Matter, 620; in his doctrine of the NoÛs, makes Actuality prior to Potentiality, 623; declares Good to be the principle as Movent, 628; called fire Æther, 632; his reason for the stationariness of the Earth, 649.

Anaximander, his reason for stationariness of the Earth, 650.

Anaximenes, his reason for stationariness of the Earth, 649.

Andronikus of Rhodes, source of our Aristotle, 35; sorted and corrected the Aristotelian MSS. at Rome, 37, 39; Peripatetic Scholarch, 39; difficulties of his task — the result appreciated, 43; placed theological treatises first, 55; put Relation above all the Categories, 84.

AnimÂ, Treatise de, referred to in the De Interpretatione, 109.

Anonymus, his catalogue of Aristotle’s works, compared with that of Diogenes and with the extant works, 29 seq.

Antipater, friend and correspondent of Aristotle, 7, 8; victor in the Lamian war, occupied Athens, 12; letter to, from Aristotle at Chalkis, 16; letter of, in praise of Aristotle, 16; executor under Aristotle’s Will, 17.

Antiphasis, pair of contradictory opposites, 111; rule of, as regards truth and falsity, 112, 113; made up of one affirmation and one negation corresponding, 113; does not hold for events particular and future, because of irregularity in the Kosmos, 113 seq.; quaternions exhibiting each two related cases of, 118 seq., 170; forms of, in Modals, 127; involves determination of quantity, 135; not understood before Aristotle, 136; the two members of, can neither be both true nor both false, argued at length by Aristotle in Metaph. G., ii. 586-92.

Antisthenes, declared contradiction impossible, 136, 137; allowed definition only of compounds, 611.

Antonius, Marcus, authority for Stoical creed, 654; on active beneficence, 662.

Apagoge (Abduction), 202.

Apellikon, of Teos, a Peripatetic, bought Aristotle’s MSS., &c., from heirs of Neleus, 36; exposed them at Athens and had copies taken, 36; wrote a biography of Aristotle, 37; library of, composite, 43.

AplanÊs, exterior sphere of the Kosmos, 114, 623.

?p?fa?s??, Enunciation, name for Proposition in De Interpretatione, 141.

Appetite, the direct producing cause of movement in animals, 492.

Archytas, made Habere fifth Category, 80.

Arguments, how to find, for different theses, 157.

Arimnestus, brother of Aristotle, 19.

Aristippus, anticipated Epikurus, 654.

Aristomenes, friend of Aristotle, 17.

Aristophanes, of Byzantium, arranged dialogues of Plato, 34; on the style of Epikurus, 658.

Aristoteles Pseudepigraphus,’ work by V. Rose, 32.

Aristotle, birth and parentage, 1, 2; opportunities for physiological study, 2; an orphan in youth, became ward of Proxenus, 8; discrepant accounts as to his early life, 3; medical practice, 3; under Plato at Athens, 4; went to Atarneus, on Plato’s death, 4; married Pythias, 5; driven out to Mitylene, 5; invited by Philip of Macedon to become tutor to Alexander, 5; life in Macedon, 5; re-founded Stageira, 6; taught in the NymphÆum of Mieza, 6; returned to Athens, and set up his school in the Lykeium, 7; lecturing and writing, 7, 25; correspondence, 7; relation to Athenian polities, 8; protected and patronized at Athens by Alexander and Antipater, 8; in spite of estrangement between him and Alexander, regarded always as unfriendly to Athenian liberty, 9, 10; his relation to Nikanor, bearer of Alexander’s rescript to the Greek cities, 11; indicted for impiety in his doctrines and his commemoration of the eunuch Hermeias, 12, 13; retired to Chalkis, 14; died there, before he could return to Athens, 15; wrote a defence against the charge of impiety, 15; his judgment on Athens and Athenians, 16; his person, habits, manners, &c., 16; his second wife, son, and daughter, 17; last testament, 17-19; his character as therein exhibited, 19; reproaches against, 20; his opposition to Plato misrepresented by Platonists, 20, 21; a student and teacher of rhetoric, 22; attacked Isokrates, 24; assailed by three sets of enemies, 26; difficulty in determining the Canon of his works as compared with Plato’s, 27; extant works ascribed to, 27; ancient authorities for his works, 28; catalogue and extent of his works, according to Diogenes, 29; according to Anonymus, 29; the catalogues compared with each other, and with list of his extant works, 29, 30; ancient encomiums on his style, 30; his principal works unknown to Cicero and others, 31, 40; dialogues and other works of, lost to us, 31; works in the catalogue are declared by V. Rose not to belong to, 32; different opinion of E. Heitz, 32; allowance to be made for diversity of style, subject, &c., in the works of, 33; works in the catalogue to be held as really composed by, 34; extant works of, whence derived, 35; fate of his library and MSS. on his death, till brought to Rome and cared for by Andronikus, 35 seq.; through Andronikus, became known as we know him, 40; not thus known to the Alexandrine librarians, 42; so-called Exoteric works of, 44; his own use of the phrase “exoteric discourses,” 46 seq.; had not two doctrines — the Exoteric and Esoteric, 52; the order of his extant works uncertain, 54; his merit in noting equivocation of terms, 57; not free from fascination by particular numbers, 74; first made logical analysis of Ens, 97; first to treat Logic scientifically, 130; what he did for theory of Proposition, 136, 139; claimed the theory of Syllogism as his own work, 140, 153, 259, 420; his expository manner, novel and peculiar, 141; specialized the meaning of Syllogism, 143; first to ask if a proposition could be converted, 144; first used letters as symbols in exposition, 148; proceeded upon, but modified, Platonic antithesis of Science and Opinion, 207, 264; specially claimed to be original in his theory of Dialectic, 262, 418; attended to current opinion, drew up list of proverbs, 272, 440; started in his philosophy from the common habit of speech, 434, 440; continued the work of Sokrates, 439, 441; devised a First Philosophy conformable to the habits of common speech, starting from the definite individual or Hoc Aliquid, 445; psychology of, must be compared with that of his predecessors, 446; rejected all previous theories on Soul, 452; advance made in the Ontology of, 561; his view of pleasure, 660; ethical purpose of, 662.

Arithmetic, prÆcognita required in, 212; abstracted from material conditions, 234; simpler, and therefore more accurate, than geometry, 234.

Art, Generation from, 598, 620.

Asklepiads, traditional training of, 2.

Association of Ideas, principles of, 477; Aristotle’s account of, perplexed by his sharp distinction of Memory and Reminiscence, 478.

Astronomy, the mathematical science most akin to First Philosophy, 626.

Atarneus, Aristotle there, 4.

Attalid kings of Pergamus, Aristotle’s library at Skepsis buried, to be kept hidden from, 36.

Axioms, assumed in Demonstration, 212, 215, 220; a part of Demonstration, 219; not always formally enunciated, 221; those common to all sciences, scrutinized by Dialectic, 221, 575; and by First Philosophy, 221, 425, 575, 584; the common, not alone sufficient for Demonstration in the special sciences, 236; use of the word before, and by, Aristotle, 566, 575, 584.


Bees, partake in NoÛs, 483, 576.

Belief, at variance with Knowledge, 182; founded on evidence either syllogistic or inductive, 187.

Berlin edition of Aristotle, 27, 30.

Bernays, his view of “exoteric discourses,” 49, 52.

Body, animate and inanimate, 456; Matter with Aristotle may be, but is not necessarily, 456; thorough-going implication of Soul with, in animated subject, 458 seq.; has three and only three dimensions, 630; no infinite, 633.

BoËthius, translated Aristotle’s CategoriÆ and defended its position, 563.

BoÊthus the Sidonian, student of Aristotle, 38; his recommendation as to order of studying the works, 55.

Bonitz, his view of the canon of the Metaphysica, 583.

Brain, specially connected with the olfactory organ, 470; function of the, 480.

Brandis, refers catalogue of Diogenes to Alexandrine literati, 34, 40; his view of the canon of the Metaphysica, 583.

Bryson, his quadrature of the circle, 381.


Canon, Aristotelian, see Aristotle.

CategoriÆ, the treatise, not mentioned in Analytica or Topica, 56; subject of, how related to that of De Interpretatione, 57, 59, 108, 109; deals with Ens in a sense that blends Logic and Ontology, 62, 108; difference of Aristotle’s procedure in, compared with Physica and Metaphysica, 65, 103; probably an early composition, 80; remained known, when other works of Aristotle were unknown or neglected, 563.

Categories, Ten, assumed in Analytica and Topica, 56; led up to by a distinction of Entia (Enunciata), 59; blending together Logic and Ontology, 62; Ens according to the, 61, 425, 594 seq. (Metaph. Z., ?.); enumerated, 65; all embodied in First or Complete Ens, 66, 595; each a Summum Genus, and some wider still, 66; not all mutually exclusive, 66, 73, 81, 89; may be exemplified, not defined, 66; how arrived at, 66, 76 seq.; joined by later logicians with the Predicables, 73; stress laid by Aristotle upon the first four, 74; why Ten in number — might have been more, 74 seq.; obtained by logical, not metaphysical, analysis, 76; heads of information or answers respecting an individual, 77; inference as to true character of, from case of Habere and Jacere, 79; all, even the first, involve Relativity, 80 seq.; Mr. J. S. Mill on, 90 n.; capital distinction between the first and all the rest, 91 seq., 563, 594; Trendelenburg’s view of their origin, 99, likely and plausible, 99; compared with Categories of the Stoics, 100, 563, of Plotinus, 102, 563, of Galen, 103.

Cause, Knowledge of, distinguished from knowledge of Fact, 223; knowledge of, the perfection of cognition, 224, 235; one of the four heads of Investigation, 238; nature of the question as to, 239, 608; substantially the same enquiry with Cur, Quid, and the Middle Term, 240, 246; four varieties of, 245, 611, 621; relation among the varieties of, 246; how far reciprocal with the causatum, 247, 254; has an effect only one? 254; the General Notion viewed by Aristotle as a, 422.

Chance, source of irregularity in the Kosmos, 114, 206; affects the rule of Antiphasis, 115; Aristotle’s doctrine of, challenged, 116; objective correlate to the Problematical Proposition, 133, 205; principle or cause of Accidents, 594; Generations and Constructions proceeding from, 598, 620.

Change, four varieties of, 609.

Chrysippus, on the determination of will by motives, 661; his reverence for divination, &c., 662; a foreigner at Athens, without a sphere of political action, 662.

Cicero, his encomium on Aristotle’s style, 30, 41; how far he knew Aristotle’s works, 30, 31, 33, 40, 50; his use of the word “exoteric,” 44, 51.

Claudian, referred to, 13.

Coelo, Treatise de, connected with what other works, 54, 653.

Colour, object of vision, action of, 466; varieties of, proceeding all from white and black, 467.

Common Sense, or Opinion, opposed to Science in Plato and Aristotle, 207; Sir W. Hamilton on, 565; legitimate meaning of, 567; authoritative character of, in one place allowed by Aristotle, 569; Aristotle’s conception of, as devoid of scientific authority, 573, 574.

Compound, The (t? s??????), of Form and Matter, or the Individual, 445, 456, 599 seq.

Concealment, how to be practised by dialectical questioner, 356.

Conclusion, of Syllogism, indicates Figure, 152, 164, 167; when more than one, 171; true, from false premisses, 172 use to demonstrate premisses, 173; reversed to refute premisses, 174; kinds of, in Demonstration, compared, 231.

Concomitants, non-essential, no demonstration of, 219; no definition of, 220; near to Non-Entia, 561; little more than a name, 593; see Accident.

Concrete, and Abstract, appellatives not used by Aristotle, 65; the, as compound of Form and Matter, 456 seq.; see Compound.

Conjunction, Fallacy of, 385; how to solve, 408.

Consequentis Fallacia, 388; not understood before Aristotle, 390; how to solve, 412.

Construction, kind of Generation, 598.

Contradiction, Maxim or Axiom of, depends upon knowledge of quantity and quality of propositions, 137, 441; not self-evident, 144; among the prÆcognita of Demonstration, 212, 427; not formally enunciated in any special science, 221; discussion of, belongs to First Philosophy, 422, 425, why, 426, 579; enunciated, as highest and firmest of all principles, 425, 585; controverted by Aristotle’s predecessors, Herakleitus, Anaxagoras, &c., 427, 429, 441; Aristotle’s indirect proof of, 427 seq., 585 seq.; applied in the Sokratic Elenchus, 441; remarks on Aristotle’s defence of, 442; can be supported only by an induction of particular instances, 443; enunciated both as a logical and as an ontological formula, 579; defended by Aristotle specially against Herakleitus, 579.

Contradictory Opposites, pair of, make Antiphasis, 111; distinguished from Contrary Opposites, 111, 124, 134; rule of, as to truth and falsity, 112; related pairs of, set forth in quaternions, 118 seq., 170; distinction of from Contrary, fundamental in Logic, 137; see Antiphasis.

Contrariorum, Petitio, in Dialectic, 372.

Contrary Opposites (terms), 104; Opposites (propositions), distinguished from Contradictory, 111, 124, 134; rule of as to truth and falsity, 112.

Conversion (1) of Propositions, import of, 144; rules for, with Aristotle’s defective proof thereof, 144 seq.; can be proved only by Induction, 146, 147; (2) of Syllogism, 174.

Copula, Est as, 127, 591.

Courage, definition of, 525.


Debate, four species of, 377.

Definition, among the prÆcognita assumed in Demonstration, 212, 214, 220, 221; propositions declaring, attained only in First figure, 224; of Essence that depends on extraneous cause, 240-44; of Essence without such middle Term, 245; three varieties of, 245; how to frame a, 249; as sought through logical Division, 250; to exclude equivocation, 251; one of the Predicates, according to Aristotle, 276; thesis of, easiest to attack, hardest to defend, 285, 353; dialectical Loci bearing on, 329 seq.; how open to attack or defence, 330; defects in the setting out of, 330; faults in the substance of, 332-48; the genuine and perfect, 333; general rule for dialectically testing, 349; is primarily of Essences, of the other Categories not directly, 597; none, of particular Concretes, 602, 606; is of the Universal or Form, 603; whence the unity of the, 604, 612; none, of eternal Essences, 607; analogy of, to Number, 611.

Delboeuf, Prof., on indemonstrable truths, 229 n.

Demades, with Phokion at the head of the Athenian administration under Alexander, 12.

Demochares, nephew of Demosthenes, accuser of Aristotle, 14.

Demokritus, disregarded experience, 436; his view of the soul, 449; made intelligence dependent on sense, which is ever varying, 588; recognized one primordial body with three differences — figure, position, arrangement, 609; got partial hold of the idea of Ens Potenti or Matter, 620; atomic doctrine of, 634; his reason for the stationariness of the Earth, 649; how followed by Epikurus, 656-58.

Demonstrative Science, see Demonstration.

Demonstration, ultimately reducible to two first modes of First figure, 155; circular, 173, 215; subject of Analyt. Post. 207; how opposed to Dialectic, 209, 573; is teaching from prÆcognita assumed, 211, 214; undemonstrable principles of, 215; two doctrines of, opposed by Aristotle, 215, 228; necessary premisses of, 216; conclusion of, must be necessary, 218; none, of nonessential concomitants, 219; the parts of, 219; premisses of, must be essential and appropriate, 220; requires admission of universal predicates, 221; premisses for, obtained only from Induction, 226, 258, 260, 576; implies some truths primary or ultimate, 227, 230; the unit in, 231; of the Universal better than of the Particular, 231; Affirmative better than Negative, 233; Direct better than Indirect, 234; is of the necessary or customary, not of the fortuitous, 235, 606; none, through sensible perception, 235; in default of direct observation, 230; relation of, to Definition, 240; principia of, not innate, 256; principia of, how developed upon sensible perception, 256, 575.

Demophilus, joined in indicting Aristotle for impiety, 12.

Demosthenes, reproached for conversing with the bearer of Alexander’s rescript to the Greek cities, 11; suicide of, 12.

Desire, see Appetite.

Dexippus, vindicated Aristotle’s Categories, 103, 563.

Dialectic, how related to Science or Philosophy, 47, 210, 272, 273; form of putting questions in, 125, 275; theses in, variously liable to attack and defence, 156, 285, 352; as conceived by Plato, 208, 263; by Aristotle placed with Rhetoric in the region of Opinion, 208, 266, 573; opposed to Demonstrative Science and Necessary Truth, 209, 573; concerned about the Common Axioms of all Science, 221, 272, 574, 584; Aristotle claims to be specially original in his theory of, 262, 418; as conceived and practised by Sokrates, 263, 436; opposed by Aristotle to Didactic, 264, 377; province of, 266, 573; essentially contentious, 266, 378, 397; uses of, 271, 574; propositions, how classified in, 276; procedure of, in contrast with that of Philosophy, 353, 584; conditions and aims of the practice of, 354, 361, 378; to be practised as a partnership for common intellectual profit, 355, 367; part of the questioner in, 355 seq.; part of the respondent in, 361 seq.; respondent at fault in, 366; questioner at fault in, 367; four kinds of false argument in, 370; outfit for practice of, 372; one of four species of debate, 377; when and why called eristic or sophistic by Aristotle, 379; Aristotle’s distinction of Sophistic from, contested, 382, 393 seq.

Dialogues of Aristotle lost, 30, 32, 49.

Diaphanous, action of the, in vision, 466.

Dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter, Fallacia a, 386; how to solve, 412.

Didactic, confounded by Plato with Dialectic, 264; distinguished from Dialectic by Aristotle, 264, 377; species of Debate, 377; scope and conditions of, 377; see also Demonstration.

Differences, study of, an organon of debate, 280.

Differentia, not in, but predicated of, a Subject, 68; ranked with Genus in Aristotle’s list of Predicables, 276; discriminated from Genus, 313; definition of Species through Genus and, 333, 601; is Form in the definition, 604; logically prior to the Species, 607.

Diogenes of Apollonia, his view of the soul, 449.

Diogenes Laertius, his catalogue of Aristotle’s works, 28, compared with that of Anonymus, 29; ignorant of the principal works of Aristotle known to us, 31; catalogue of, probably of Alexandrine origin, 34, 41.

Dionysius, younger of Syracuse, visited by Plato, 4; corresponded with Plato, 7.

Dionysodorus, the Sophist, 383.

Dioteles, friend of Aristotle, 17.

???t?, ??, the Why, knowledge of, 223, one of the four heads of Investigation, 238; in search for a middle term, 239; relation of, to the question Quid, 239; see Cause.

Disjunction, Fallacy of, 385; how to solve, 408.

Division Logical, weakness of, 163, 242; use of, to obtain a definition, 250.


Ear, structure of the, 468.

Earth, opinions as to positions of, 648; opinions as to its state of motion or rest, figure, &c., 649 seq.; at rest in the centre of the Kosmos, 652; necessarily spherical, 652. 653; size of, 653.

Eclipse, lunar, illustration of Causation from, 254, 611.

Education of the citizen, 543.

Efficient Cause, 245.

Elenchus, of Sokrates, 263, 437; in general, 376; the Sophistical, 376, 404; directions for solving the Sophistical, 404.

Emotions, not systematically treated by Aristotle as part of Psychology, but in Ethics and Rhetoric, 492.

Empedokles, his disregard of experience, 436; his view of the soul, 449; criticized by Aristotle, 451; made intelligence dependent on sense, 588; got partial hold of the idea of Ens Potenti or Matter, 620; his principle of Friendship, 623, 628; held the Kosmos to be generated and destroyed alternately, 637; held the Heaven to be kept in its place by extreme velocity of rotation, 639, 650.

End, see Final Cause.

Endoxa, premisses of Dialectic, 269; not equivalent to the Probable, 270; collections to be made of, 275, as an organon of debate, 278.

Energy, see Entelechy.

Ens, four kinds of, viewed with reference to Proposition, and as introductory to the Categories, 59; quatenus Ens, subject of First Philosophy, 59, 422, 583; a homonymous, equivocal, or multivocal word, 60, 424, 594; not a Summum Genus, but a Summum Analogon, 60, 584; four main aspects of, in Ontology, 60, 424; (1) Per Accidens, 593; (2) in the sense of Truth, 108, 594, 618; (3) Potential and Actual, 614-18 (Metaph. T); (4) according to the Categories, 594 seq. (Metaph. Z, ?; relation among the various aspects of, 61, 424; aspects (1) and (2) lightly treated in Metaphysica, belonging more to Logic, 61; in aspect (4) Logic and Ontology blended, 62; in the fullest sense, 66, 67, 96; first analyzed in its logical aspect by Aristotle, 97; as conceived in earliest Greek thought, 97, 436; Plato’s doctrine of, 552 seq.; Aristotle’s doctrine of, 561.

Enstasis (Objection), 202.

Entelechy, Soul the first, of a natural organized body, 458; see Actuality.

Enthymeme, The, 202.

Enunciative speech, 109; see Proposition.

Epictetus, authority for Stoical creed, 654; his distinction of things in, and not in, our power, 661; his respect for dissenting conviction, 663.

Epikurus, doctrine of, imperfectly reported, 654; his standard of Virtue and Vice, 654; ethical theory of, anticipated, 654; subordinated bodily pain and pleasure to mental, 654; fragment of his last letter, 654; his views on Death and the Gods, 655, 657; founded Justice and Friendship upon Reciprocity, 655; specially inculcated Friendship, 656; duration and character of his sect, 656; his theory misnamed, and hence misunderstood, 656; modified atomic theory of Demokritus with an ethical purpose, 657; his writings, 657, 658; provided by atomic deflection (not for Freedom of Will but) for the unpredictable phenomena of nature, 658; his view of the nature of Truth, 658; disregarded logical theory, 658.

Equivocation, of terms, 57; detection of, an organon of debate, 279; Fallacy of, 385; how to solve Fallacy of, 407; perhaps most frequent of all fallacies, 414.

Eric, of Auxerre, followed Aristotle on Universals, 563.

Eristic, given as one of the four Species of Debate, 377; really a variety or aspect of Dialectic, 377, 379.

Error, liabilities to, in (the form of) Syllogism, 176; in the matter of premisses, 181; particular, within knowledge of the universal, 183; three modes of, 184, modes of, in regard to propositions as Immediate or Mediate, 225.

Esoteric doctrine, as opposed to Exoteric, 52.

Essence (Substance), degrees of, 63, 561; first and fundamental Category, 65, 67; First, or Hoc Aliquid, subject, never predicate, 67, 18, 561; Second, predicated of, not in, First, 68; Third, 68; has itself no contrary, but receives alternately contrary accidents, 69, 83; relativity of, as a subject for predicates, 83, 91 seq.; First, shades through Second into quality, 91; priority of, as subject over predicate, logical, not real, 93; treated in Metaphys. Z, 595 seq.

Essence (Quiddity), propositions declaring, attained only in First figure of Syllogism, 224; one of the four quÆsita in Science, 238; nature of the question as to, 239; how related to the question Cur, 240; in all cases undemonstrable, but declared through syllogism, where it has an extraneous cause, 244; variously given in the Definition, 245; a variety of Cause (Formal) 245, 611; treated in Metaphys. Z, 595 seq.

Essential predication, how distinguished by Aristotle from Non-Essential, 65.

Est, double meaning of, 126.

Ethics, Aristotle’s treatise on, analyzed, 495 seq.; uncertainty and obscurity of the subject, 497; Ethical science the supreme good of the individual citizen, 500; fundamental defect in Aristotle’s theory, 514, 519; first principles how acquired in, 578.

Eubulides, wrote in reproach of Aristotle, 20.

‘EudÊmus,’ Dialogue of Aristotle’s, 52.

EudÊmus, disciple of Aristotle, knew logical works of his now lost, 56; wrote on logic, 56; followed Aristotle in treating Modals, 144; his proof of the convertibility of Universal Negative, 146; on the negative function of Dialectic, 284.

Eudoxus, anticipated ethical theory of Epikurus, 654.

EumÊlus, asserted that Aristotle took poison, 15.

Eurymedon, the Hierophant, indicted Aristotle for impiety, 12.

Euthydemus, the Sophist, 383.

Example, the Syllogism from, 191; Induction an exaltation of, 197; results in Experience, 198.

Excluded Middle, Maxim of, not self-evident, 144; among the prÆcognita of Demonstration, 212; supplement or correlative of Maxim of Contradiction, 426; enunciated both as a logical, and as an ontological, formula, 579; vindicated by Aristotle specially against Anaxagoras, 581, 590 seq.

Existence, one of the four heads of Investigation, 238.

Exoteric, the works so called, how understood by Cicero, 44; how by the critics, 45; “discourse,” meaning of in Aristotle himself, 46 seq.; opposed to Akroamatic, 50; doctrine, as opposed to Esoteric, 52.

???te????? ?????, allusions to, in Aristotle, 46 seq.

Experience, inference from Example results in, 198; place of, in Mr. J. S. Mill’s theory of Ratiocination, 199; basis of science, 199; is of particular facts, 576.

Expetenda, dialectical Loci bearing on, 296 seq.

Eye, structure of the, 466.


Fact, knowledge of, distinguished from knowledge of Cause, 223, 235; one of the four heads of Investigation, 238; nature of question as to, 239; assumed in question as to Cause, 239, 608.

Fallacies, subject of Sophistici Elenchi, 377; incidental to the human intellect, often hard to detect, not mere traps, 383, 395, 404; operated through language, 384; classified, 385; (1) Dictionis or In Dictione, 385; (2) Extra Dictionem 385 seq.; may all be brought to Ignoratio Elenchi, 390; current among Aristotle’s contemporaries, 391; In Dictione, how to solve, 409 seq. Extra Dictionem, how to solve, 410 seq.

Falsehood, Non-Ens in the sense of, 60; &c.; see Truth and Ens.

Favorinus, 35.

Figura Dictionis, Fallacy of, 385; how to solve, 408.

Figure of Syllogism, 148; First, 148; alternative ways of enunciating, 148; Modes of, 149; valid modes of First, 149; invalid modes of First, how set forth by Aristotle, 150; Second and its modes, 151; Third and its modes, 152; superiority of First, 152, 153, 224; indicated by the Conclusion, 153, 164, 167; all Demonstration ultimately reducible to two first modes of First, 154; Reduction of Second and Third, 168; in Second and Third, conclusion possible from contradictory premisses, 175; knowledge of Cause, also propositions declaring Essence and Definition, attained in the first, 224.

Final Cause, 246, 611.

Forchhammer, his view of “exoteric discourse,” 49.

Form, joint-factor with Matter, a variety of Cause, 245, 611; in the intellectual generation of the Individual, 445, 598 seq.; and Matter, distinction of, a capital feature in Aristotle’s First Philosophy, 454, 594 seq. (from Metaph. Book Z onwards); relation of, to Matter, 455; as the Actual, 455, 616; the Soul is, 457, 460; the Celestial Body, the region of, 480.

Fugienda, dialectical Loci bearing on, 296 seq.


Galen, his list of Categories, 103.

Gellius, A., his distinction of Exoteric and Akroamatic books, 50.

Generable, the senses of, 637.

Generation, the doctrine of, 598 seq., 620.

Generatione et Corruptione, Treatise de, connected with what other works, 54, 653 n.

Genus, is Second Essence, 63; or more strictly Third Essence, 67; in a Demonstration, 219; division of a, 250; one of the Predicables, 276, 284; dialectical Loci bearing on, 302 seq.; not often made subject of debate, but important for Definition, 302; distinguished from Differentia, 312; perfect definition through, and DifferentiÆ, 333; easier to attack than to defend, 352; is Matter in a definition, 604; logically prior to the Species, 607.

Geometry, use of diagrams in, 167, 618; prÆcognita required in, 212.

Gorgias, style of, 22.

Gryllion, sculptor named in Aristotle’s will, 19.

Gymnastics, as part of education, 544.


Habere, Category, 66, 73; sometimes dropt by Aristotle, 74, 80; entitled with the others to a place, 78; refers primarily to a Man, 79; is also understood more widely by Aristotle, 79, 103; exclusively so by some Aristotelians, 80; ranked fifth by Archytas, 80.

Habitus and Privatio, case of Opposita, 104, 105.

Hamilton, Sir W., on Modals in Logic, 130, 200; wavers in his use of the term Common Sense, 565; points on which he misrepresents Aristotle, 565, 566; real question between, and the Inductive School, 567; the passages upon the strength of which he numbers Aristotle among the champions of authoritative Common Sense, examined seriatim, 568 seq.

Happiness, Aristotle’s definition of, examined, 501 seq.; happiness of the individual and of society distinct, 517.

Hearing, operated through a medium, 167.

Heart, organ of Sensation generally, 464, 472, 474, specially of Touch, 472.

Heaven (Kosmos), always in action, 617; uppermost place in, assigned to the Gods, 632; revolving in a circle, cannot be infinite, 633; no body outside of, 634, 636; there cannot be more than one, 634; different senses of, 636; ungenerated and indestructible, 637-39; directions in the, 640; whence the number of revolutions in, 641; necessarily spherical, 611, 645; motion of, uniform, 642.

Heavy, distinguished from Light, 631.

Heitz, Emil, takes ground against V. Rose on the catalogue of Diogenes, 32; refers it to Alexandrine literati, 34, 40.

Herakleitus, philosophy of, inconsistent with the Maxim of Contradiction, 427, 429, 592; disregarded data of experience, 436, 444; position of, inexpugnable by general argument, 443; his view of the soul, 449; his view of the world of sense and particulars, 551; not a dialectician, 551; Maxim of Contradiction defended by Aristotle specially against, 579; the doctrine of, makes all propositions true, 592; must yet admit an infinite number of false propositions, 592; held the Kosmos to be generated and destroyed alternately, 636.

Hermeias, despot of Atarneus and Assos, friend of Aristotle, 4; commemorated after death by Aristotle in a hymn and epigram, 5, 12, 13.

Hermippus, drew up catalogue of pupils of Isokrates, 21; probable author of the catalogue in Diogenes, 34, 35.

Herpyllis, second wife of Aristotle, 17, 18.

Hipparchus, friend of Aristotle, 17.

Hippokrates, his quadrature of the circle, 381.

Hobbes, his definition of Accident, 62.

Homer, made intelligence dependent on sense, 588.

Homo Mensura, doctrine of Protagoras, held by Aristotle to be at variance with Maxim of Contradiction, 430 seq., 580, 587 seq.

Homonymous things, 57.

Homonymy (Equivocation), Fallacy of, 385; how to solve, 407.

Hypereides, executed, 12.

Hypothesis, Syllogisms from, 160, 168; as a principle of Demonstration, 215, 221.


Iamblichus, defended Aristotle’s Categories, 563.

Ideas, Platonic Theory of, not required for Demonstration, 221; as set forth by Plato himself, 553; psychological ground for, 554; objections urged against, in Sophistes and Parmenides, 556 seq.; objections urged by Aristotle against, 558; allusions to in books of the Metaphysica, 595, 598, 600, 603, 606, 607, 612, 617, 619, 620.

Idem, three senses of, 277, 350; a topic in First Philosophy, 584.

Identity, Maxim of, among the prÆcognita of Demonstration, 212.

Idomeneus, letter to, from Epikurus, 654.

Ignoratio Elenchi, Fallacy of, 387; all fallacies may be brought to, 390; how to solve, 412.

Immortality, not of the individual, 462, 489, 490.

Immoveable, essence, subject of Ontology, also of Mathematics, 423, 593, 619; Prime Movent, 624.

Impossibile, Reductio ad, see Reductio.

Impossible, The, senses of, 638; differs from the False, 638.

Induction, sole proof of the rules for converting propositions, 146, 147; everything believed through Syllogism or upon, 187, 194, 226; the Syllogism from or out of, 187 seq.; the opposite of genuine Syllogism, 190; plainer and clearer to us, than Syllogism, 191; Aristotle’s attempt to reduce, to syllogistic form, 192, 193; wanting in the first requisite of Syllogism — necessity of sequence, 193, 197; presupposed in Syllogism, 194; the antithesis of, to Syllogism, obscured by Aristotle’s treatment, 198, 199; as part of the whole process of Scientific Inference, 199, 201; true character of, apprehended by Aristotle, but not followed out, 199, 200; Logic of, neglected by the expositors after Aristotle till modern times, 200; requisites to a Logic of, 201; supplies the premisses of Demonstration, starting from particulars of sense, 226, 258, 259, 562, 576; repeated and uncontradicted, gives maximum of certainty, 260; process of, culminates in the infallible NoÛs, 259-61; procedure by way of, in Dialectic, 358; most suitable to a young beginner in Dialectic, 374.

Inductive School, exact question between the, and Sir W. Hamilton, 567.

Infinite, the, exists only potentially, not actually except in a certain way for our cognition, 615; no body is, 632 seq.

Intellect, see NoÛs.

Intellectus Agens, relation of, to the Patiens, 488, 489; eternal and immortal, but not in the individual, 488, 489.

Intellectus Patiens, relation to the Agens, 488, 489; belongs to and perishes with the individual, 488, 489.

Interpretatione, Treatise de, not named, but its contents presupposed, in Analytica and Topica, 56; subject of, how related to subject of CategoriÆ, 57, 59, 108, 109; last section of, out of connection, 134; contains first positive theory of Proposition, 136; summary of, 139.

Interrogation in Dialectic and in Science, 222.

Irregularity, principle of, in the Kosmos, see Chance.

Isokrates, corresponded with Nikokles, 7, 23; his rhetorical school, 21; his style of composition and teaching, 22; attacked by Aristotle, 24; defended by Kephisodorus, 24.


Jacere, Category, 66, 73; sometimes dropt by Aristotle, 74, 80; entitled with the others to a place, 78; refers primarily to a Man, 79.

Justice, definition of, 531; view of the Pythagoreans respecting, 533.


Kallimachus of Alexandria, drew up tables of authors and their works, 34.

Kallisthenes, recommended by Aristotle to Alexander, 9.

Kallistratus, his skolion on Harmodius and Aristogeiton, 13.

Kassander, pupil of Aristotle, 9.

Kephisodorus, defended Isokrates against Aristotle, 24, 272 n.

Knowledge, of the Universal with error in particulars, 182; three modes of, 184; two grades of — Absolute, Qualified, 212; of Fact, of Cause, 223; proper, is of the Universal, 235; versus Opinion, 236, 573.

Kosmos, principles of regularity and irregularity in, 114; see Heaven.

Kratylus refrained from predication, and pointed only with the finger, 429 n., 580, 590.


La Mennais, on Common Sense, 567.

Lamian War, 12.

Language, significant by convention only, 109; as subservient to the growth of intellect, 484, 576.

Leukippus, affirmed motion to be eternal, 623; atomic doctrine of, 634.

Life, defined, 453; see Soul.

Light, distinguished from Heavy, 631.

Light, takes no time to travel, 466.

Loci, in Dialectic, nature of, 283; distribution of, according to the four Predicables, 284; bearing on Accident, 285 seq.; bearing on Expetenda and Fugienda as cases of Accident, 296 seq.; bearing on Genus, 302 seq.; bearing on Proprium, 313 seq.; bearing on Definition, 329 seq.; belonging to Sophistic, 382, 403.

Locomotion, Animal, produced by NoÛs and Appetite, 493.

Logic, importance of Aristotle’s distinction of the Equivocal in, 57; deals with Ens in what senses, 61; blended with Ontology in the Categories, 62; connection of, with Psychology, 110; deals with speech as Enunciative, 111; first presented scientifically by Aristotle, 130; properly includes discussion of Modals, 130 seq.; distinction of Contradictory and Contrary fundamental in, 136; use of examples in, 167; Aristotle’s one-sided treatment of, in subordinating Induction, 200; as combining Induction and Deduction, 201; Mr. J. S. Mill’s system of, in relation to Aristotle’s, 201; Aristotle’s claim to originality in respect of, 420; line between, and Ontology, not clearly marked by Aristotle, 422; Sokrates first broke ground for, 426; subjective point of view chiefly taken by Aristotle in, 578.

Lucian, uses word “esoteric,” 52.

Lucretius, only extant Epikurean writer, 654.


Madvig, his view of “exoteric discourse,” 49.

Mathematics, theoretical science, subject of, 423, 593.

Matter, a variety of Cause, 246, 611; joint-factor with Form in the intellectual generation of the Individual, 445, 598 seq.; and Form, distinction, of, a capital feature in Aristotle’s First Philosophy, 454, 595 seq. (from Metaph. Book Z onwards); relation of, to Form, 455, 456; as the Potential, 455, 615 seq.; various grades of, 456.

Mechanics, place of, in Aristotle’s philosophy, 54.

Megarics, allowed no power not in actual exercise, 614.

Memory, Tract on, and Reminiscence, 475; nature of, as distinguished from Phantasy, 475; distinguished from Reminiscence, 476; phenomena of, 477.

MenedÊmus, disallowed negative propositions, 136.

Meno, Platonic, question as to possibility of learning in, 212.

Menoekeus, letter to, from Epikurus, 654.

Mentor, Persian general, drove Aristotle from Mitylene, 5.

Metaphysics, in modern sense, covers Aristotle’s Physica and Metaphysica, 422.

Metaphysica, name not used by Aristotle, 54, 59; relation of the, to the Physica, 54, 422; characteristic distinction of the, 422.

Meteorologica, connected with what other works, 54.

Metrodorus, third husband of Aristotle’s daughter, 20.

Middle term in Syllogism, literal signification of, 148; how to find a, 157 seq.; the Why of the conclusion in Demonstration, 219; power of swiftly divining a, 237; fourfold question as to, in Science, 239; as Cause, 246.

Mieza, school of Aristotle there, 6.

Mill, Mr. J. S., on the Ten Categories, 90 n.; his system of Logic, in relation to Aristotle’s, 198-201; on indemonstrable truths, 229 n.

Milton, his description of Realism, 552.

Mitylene, Aristotle spent some time there, 4.

Modal Propositions, form of Antiphasis in, 127; excluded by Hamilton and others from Logic, 130; place of, in Formal Logic vindicated, 131; Aristotle’s treatment of, not satisfactory, 133, 138; doctrine of, related to Aristotle’s Ontology and Physics, 133; disadvantageously mixed up with the Assertory, 138, 143, 154; in Syllogism, 204.

Modes of Figure, 149; see Figure.

Moon, spherical, 646; motions of, 647.

Motion, Zeno’s argument against, paradoxical, 365; the kinds of local, 593.

Motus, under Opposita, 104.

Movent, The Immovable Prime, 624 seq.

Music, necessary part of education, 545.

Myrmex, slave or pupil of Aristotle, 19.


Nature, sum of the constant tendencies and sequences within the Kosmos, 114, 117; objective correlate to the Necessary Proposition in Logic, 133; Generation from, 598.

Naturalia Parva, complementary to the De AnimÂ, 54.

Necessary, The, as a mode affecting Antiphasis, 126 seq.; relation of, to the Possible, 127, 205; a formal mode of Proposition, 131; why it may be given up as a Mode, 206.

Necessity, in what sense Aristotle denies that all events happen by, 116.

Negation, disjunction of subject and predicate, 111; through what collocations of the negative particle obtained strictly, 118 seq., 169; real and apparent, 122; see Contradictory, Antiphasis.

Neleus, inherited library of Theophrastus, and carried it away to SkÊpsis, 36; heirs of, buried his library for safety, 36.

Nikanor, son of Proxenus, ward and friend of Aristotle, bore Alexander’s rescript to the Greek cities, 11; executor, and chief beneficiary, under Aristotle’s will, 17-20; married Aristotle’s daughter, 20.

Nikokles, correspondent of Isokrates, 7.

Nikomachus, father of Aristotle, medical author and physician to Amyntas, 2; son of Aristotle, 17, 18.

Nominalism, main position of, clearly enunciated by Aristotle, 484 n.; scholastic formula of, 555.

Non Causa pro CausÂ, 388; how to solve, 413.

Non-Ens, in the sense of Falsehood, 60, 108; Accident borders on, 98, 593.

Non per Hoc, the argument so called, 179; Fallacy of, 388.

Notion, the general, as a cause and creative force, 422.

Notiora, nobis v. naturÂ, 197, 215, 239, 332.

Noun, function of the, 109, 110, 130; the indefinite, 118, 124.

NoÛs, the unit of Demonstration or Science, 231; the principium of Science or scientific Cognition, 236, 259; unerring, more so even than Science, 259, 491, 577; stands with Aristotle as terminus and correlate to the process of Induction, 260, 578; (NoËtic soul) distinct from, but implying, the lower mental functions, 461, 479; independent of special bodily organs, 479, 481, 487; how related to the Celestial Body, 481, 487; the form or correlate of all cogitables — Form of Forms, 482, 486; limited in its function, as joined with sentient and nutritive souls, 482, 484; differently partaken of by man and animals, 483; growth of, 484; not clearly separated by Aristotle from Phantasy, with which it is in its exercise bound up, 485; distinguished from Sense, 486; of the Soul, an unlimited cogitative potentiality, like a tablet not yet written on, 487, 491; function of, in apprehending the Abstract, 488, 490; has a formal aspect (Intellectus Agens) and a material (Patiens), 489; in what sense immortal, 489; in what sense the principia of Science belong to, 491; analysis, selection, and concentration of attention, the real characteristics of, 492; Theoretical, Practical, 493; cogitation and cogitatum are identical in, 627.

Number, analogy of Definition to, 611.

Nutritive soul, functions of, 461; origin of, 480.


Objection (Enstasis), 202; response to false, in Dialectic, 366.

Ontology, starts from classification of Entia, 59, 61; Science of Ens quatenus Ens, how named by Aristotle, 59; opposed as the universal science to particular sciences, not to Phenomenology, 59; blended with Logic in the Categories, 62; logical aspect of, as set forth by Aristotle, 127; of Aristotle’s predecessors, 97, 108, 551 seq.; has Dialectic as a tentative companion, 273; not clearly distinguished from Logic and Physics by Aristotle, 422; highest of Theoretical Sciences, subject of, 423, 593; treats of Ens in two senses specially, 424, 425; also critically examines highest generalities of Demonstration, 425, 579; Aristotle’s advance in, upon Plato, 445, 561; an objective science, 579.

Opinion, opposed to Science, in Plato, 207; in Aristotle, 207, 236, 573; wanting to animals, 475.

Opposita, four modes of, 104; included under, rather than including, Relativa, 104; should be called Opposite-Relativa, 105.

Opposition, Contradictory and Contrary, 111; squares of, Scholastic and Aristotelian, 137 n.

Oppositis, Treatise de, by Aristotle, lost, 134.

Organon, The, meaning of, as applied to Aristotle’s logical treatises, 55; what it includes, 56; not so specified by Aristotle, 56; Aristotle’s point of view throughout, 578.

Organa, or Helps to command of syllogisms in dialectical debate, 278; use of the, 282; relation of the, to the Loci, 283.

????, Term, applied both to subject and to Predicate in Analytica, 141.

?t?, ??, see Fact.

??s?a, 67, see Essence.


Paradeigmatic inference, 198; see Example.

Paradoxa, a variety of Adoxa, 269.

Paralogisms, Scientific, 267, 380; see Fallacies.

Parmenides, eliminated Non-Ens, 136; uses equivocal names as univocal, 414; his doctrine of Absolute Ens, 436, 551; not a dialectician, 551; made intelligence vary with sense, 588.

Paronymous things, 57.

Part, relation of, to Whole, with a view to Definition, 601.

Particular, The, notius nobis compared with the Universal, 196; inferiority of, to the Universal, 231.

Passion, Pati, Category, 65, 73.

Peirastic, given as one of the four species of debate, 377; really a variety or aspect of Dialectic, 377, 379.

‘Peplus,’ work of Aristotle’s, 32.

Perception, sensible, see Sensation.

Pergamus, kings of, their library, 36.

Peripatetics, origin of the title, 7.

PhÆstis, mother of Aristotle, 2; directions for a bust to, in Aristotle’s will, 19.

Phanias, disciple of Aristotle, knew logical works of his now lost, 56; wrote on Logic, 56.

Phantasy, nature of, 475; distinguished from Memory, 475; indispensable to, and passes by insensible degrees into, Cogitation, 479, 484, 485.

Philip of Macedon, chose Aristotle as tutor to Alexander, 5; destroyed Stageira, 6.

Philosopher, The, distinguished from the Dialectician, 354, 584; also from the Sophist, 584.

Philosophy, First, usual name for Science of Ens quatenus Ens, 59, 422, 584; see Ontology.

Phokion, at the head of the Athenian administration under Alexander, 12; ineffectually opposed anti-Macedonian sentiment after Alexander’s death, 12.

Physica, relation of the, to the Metaphysica, 54, 422.

Physics, theoretical science, subject of, 423, 593, 630.

Pindar, subject of his Odes, 13.

Place, in Dialectic, 283; none outside of the Heaven, 636.

Planets, number of the spheres of, 626; do not twinkle, why, 645; see Stars.

Plato, much absent from Athens, between 367-60 B.C., 4; died, 347 B.C., 4; corresponded with Dionysius, 7; Aristotle charged with ingratitude to, 20; attacked with Aristotle by Kephisodorus, 24; ancients nearly unanimous as to the list of his works, 27, 42; his exposure of equivocal phraseology, 58; fascinated by particular numbers, 74; on Relativity, 84; his theory of Proposition and Negation, 135, 427; called for, but did not supply, definitions, 141; his use of the word Syllogism, 143; relied upon logical Division for science, 162; opposed Science (Dialectic) to Opinion (Rhetoric), 208, 263; explained learning from Reminiscence, 212; his view of NoÛs as infallible, 260; character of his dialogues, 264; recognized Didactic, but as absorbed into Dialectic, 264; his use of the word Sophist, 376; his psychology (in the TimÆus), 446-9, 451, 461; first affirmed Realism, 552; his Ontology and theory of Ideas, 553 seq., see Ideas; held Sophistic to be busied about Non-Ens, 593; his scale of Essences, 595, 620; his assumption of a self-movent as principium, 623; held that the non-generable may be destroyed, 637, 639; on the position of the Earth, 649; in his Protagoras anticipated Epikurus, 654; admitted an invincible erratic necessity in Nature, 657; ethical purpose of, 662.

‘Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates,’ subject of the work, 1; referred to, on subject of the Platonic Canon, 27.

Platonists, their view of Essences as Numbers, 611; see Ideas.

Plotinus, censured Categories of the Stoics, 100, 563; his list of Categories, 102, 563.

Plurium Interrogationum ut Unius, Fallacia, 389; how to solve, 413.

Plutarch does not appear to have known the chief Aristotelian works, 31; authority for story of the fate of Aristotle’s library, 35.

Poetic, place of, in Aristotle’s philosophy, 54; modes of speech entering into, 111, 130.

?????, see Quality.

Political Science, the Supreme Science, 449.

Politics, place of in Aristotle’s philosophy, 54; Aristotle’s Treatise on, 539; founded on the Republic of Plato, 539; his conception of a republic, 539.

Porphyry, disposed works of Plotinus in Enneads, 44; his Eisagoge, 73, 101, 552; rejected last paragraph of De Interpretatione, 134; his statement of the question as to Universals, 552, 564; defended Aristotle’s Categories against Plotinus, 563.

??s??, see Quantity.

Possible, The, as a Mode affecting Antiphasis, 127; relation of, to the Necessary, 127, 205; three meanings of, given by Aristotle, 128; effective sense of, 129, 133, 205, 617, 638; truly a Formal Mode of Proposition, 131; gradations in, 205.

Poste, Mr., upon Aristotle’s proof that Demonstration implies indemonstrable truths, 229; on the Theory of Fallacies, 383.

Posterius, different senses of, 105; as between parts and whole, 601-603.

Post-prÆdicamenta, 79, 80, 104.

Postulate, as a principle of Demonstration, 220.

Potentiality (Power) as opposed to Actuality, 128, 456, 615 seq.; varieties of, 613.

PrÆdicament, see Categories.

Predicables, four in Aristotle, five in later logicians, 276; quadruple classification of, how exhaustive, 276; come each under one or other of the Categories, 277.

Predicate, in a proposition, 109; to be One, 120; called Term in Analytica, 141.

Predication, essential and non-essential, Aristotle’s mode of distinguishing, 63, 64.

Premisses of Syllogism, 148; how to disengage for Reduction, 164; involving qualification, 166; false, yielding true conclusion, 172; contradictory, yielding a conclusion in Second and Third figures, 175; necessary character of, in Demonstration, 215; in Dialectic, 227.

Principles of Science, furnished only by Experience, 162, 257; knowable in themselves, but not therefore innate, 178, 256; what, common to all, 212, 215; maintained by Aristotle to be indemonstrable, 215, 228; general and special, 236, 578; development of, 256; known by NoÛs upon Induction from particulars, 259, 562, 577; discussed by First Philosopher, and by Dialectician, 575.

Principii Petitio, Fallacy of, 156, 176; in Dialectic, 367, 371; in Sophistic, 388; how to solve, 412.

Prius, different senses of, in Post-prÆedicamenta, 105; in Metaphysica ?, 106; Aristotle often confounds the meanings of, 106; as between parts and whole, 601-603.

Privatio and Habitus, case of Opposita, 104, 105.

???a??es??, definition of, 526.

Probabilities, Syllogism from, 202.

Probable, The, true meaning of, in Aristotle, 269.

Problematical proposition, The, a truly formal mode, 131.

Problems, for scientific investigation, 238; identical, 253; in Dialectic, 273.

Prokles, second husband of Aristotle’s daughter, 20.

Proof (te??????) distinguished from Sign, 203.

Propositions, subject of De Interpretatione, 57, 109; Terms treated by Aristotle with reference to, 59; Ens divided with reference to, 59; defined, 109; distinguished in signification from Terms, 109, 110, also from other modes of significant speech, 111, 130; Simple, Complex, 111; Affirmative, Negative, 111, 122; Contradictory (pair of, making Antiphasis), Contrary, 111, 124, 134; Universal, Singular, 111; about matters particular and future, 113; in quaternions illustrative of real Antiphasis, 118 seq.; subject of, and predicate of, to be each One, 125; function of copula in, 126; Simple Assertory, Modal (Possible or Problematical and Necessary), 127 seq.; subjective and objective aspects of, 131; Aristotle’s theory of, compared with views of Plato and others, 135; summarized, 139; how named in Analytica, 141; named either as declaring, or as generating, truth, 141; formally classified according to Quantity in Analytica, 142; Universal, double account of, 142; Conversion of, taken singly, 144; rules for Conversion of Universal Negative, Affirmative, &c., 144 seq.; comparison of, as subjects of attack and defence, 156; Indivisible or Immediate, and Mediate — modes of error with regard to, 224 seq.; as subject-matter of Dialectic, 273; classified for purposes of Dialectic, 276.

Proprium, one of the Predicables, 276; thesis of, hardest, after Definition, to defend, 285, 353; dialectical Loci bearing on, 313 seq.; ten different modes of, 321.

???? t?, see Relation.

Protagoras, his doctrine, “Homo Mensura” impugned by Aristotle as adverse to the Maxim of Contradiction, 430 seq., 587 seq.; true force of his doctrine, 431; misapprehended by Aristotle and Plato, 432.

???tas??, name for Proposition in Analytica, 141.

Proxenus, of Atarneus, guardian of Aristotle at Stageira, 3; mentioned in Aristotle’s will, 19.

Pseudographeme or Scientific Paralogism, 267; or pseudographic syllogism, 380.

Psychology, relation of, to Logic, 110; summary of Aristotle’s, 493.

Pythagoras, disregarded experience, 436; see Pythagoreans.

Pythagoreans had a two-fold doctrine — exoteric and esoteric, 52; fascinated by particular numbers, 74; their view of the soul, 449; went astray in defining from numbers, 603; ascribed perfection and beauty to results, not to their originating principles, 625; said the Universe and all things are determined by Three, 630; recognized Right and Left in the Heaven, 610; erred in calling ours the upper hemisphere and to the right, 640; affirmed harmony of the spheres, 646; placed Fire, not Earth, at the centre of the Kosmos, 648; made the Earth and Antichthon revolve each in a circle, 648.

Pythias, wife of Aristotle, 5, 17, 20; daughter of Aristotle, 17-19.


QuÆsita, in science, four heads of, 238; order of, 239; the four, compared, 240.

Quality (Quale), third Category, treated fourth, 65, 72; varieties of, 72; admits in some cases, contrariety and graduation, 72; foundation of Similarity and Dissimilarity, 73; illustrated from Relata, 73; First Essence shades through Second into, 91; to Aristotle a mere predicate, highest of substances to Plato, 503; is hardly Ens at all, 593.

Quantity (Quantum), second. Category, 65; Continual, Discrete, 70; has no contrary, 70; a mere appendage to Essence, 595, 596.

Quiddity, see Essence.


Realism, first affirmed by Plato, 552, 555; problems of, as set out by Porphyry, and discussed before and after, 552; scholastic formula of, 555; objections, urged against, by Plato himself in Sophistes and Parmenides, 556 seq.; peculiarity in Plato’s doctrine of, 557; impugned by Aristotle, 558 seq.; character of Aristotle’s objections to, 500; counter-theory to, set up by Aristotle, 500, 501; standard against, raised by Aristotle in his First Category, 502; of Plotinus, 563; of J. Scotus Erigena, 564; of Remigius, 564.

Reciprocation, among Terms of Syllogism, 185.

Reduction, in Syllogism, 153; object and process of, 164 seq.

Reductio ad Impossibile or Absurdum, used in proving modes of Second figure, 152; nature of, 155, 160, 168; a case of Reversal of Conclusion for refutation, 175; abuse of, guarded against by the argument Non per Hoc, 179.

Regularity, principle of, in the Kosmos, see Nature.

Relata, defined, 70.

Relation, fourth Category, treated third, 65, 70; admits, in some cases, contrariety and graduation, 71; too narrowly conceived by Aristotle, 80; covers all predicates, 82; covers even Essence as Subject, 83; an Universal comprehending and pervading all the Categories, rather than a Category itself, 84; understood at the widest by some of the ancients, 84; comprehensiveness of, conceded by Aristotle himself, 84, 88.

Relative-Opposita, should rather stand Opposite-Relativa, 104, 105.

Relativity, or Relation, see Relation; of knowledge, universal (in the sense of Protagoras), impugned by Aristotle, 430 seq., 589 seq.; allowed by Aristotle to pervade all mind, 493.

Remigius of Auxerre, went as far as Plato in Realism, 564.

Reminiscence, Plato’s doctrine of, 212, 554; Aristotle’s Tract on Memory and, 475; nature of, as distinguished from Memory, 470; phenomena of, 476.

Resemblances, study of, an organon of debate, 280.

Respiration, organ and function of, 408.

Reversal of Conclusion, 174.

Rhabanus Maurus, followed Aristotle on Universals, 503.

Rhetoric, place of, in Aristotle’s philosophy, 54; modes of speech dealt with in, 111, 131; opposed by Plato to Dialectic, 208, 203; opposed with Dialectic to Science by Aristotle, 208, 265, 266; developed before Aristotle, 419.

Rose, Valentine, his view of the catalogue of Diogenes, 32.


Sagacity, in divining Middle Term, 237.

Sameness, three senses of, 277, 349.

Scholarchs, Peripatetic, their limited knowledge of Aristotle before Andronikus, 30, 38.

Science, see Knowledge.

Sciences, some prior and more accurate than others, 210, 234, 578; classified as Theoretical, Practical, Constructive, 423, 593; Theoretical subdivided, 423, 593.

Seneca, authority for Stoical creed, 654; a Stoic engaged in active politics, 662.

Sensation, knowledge begins from the natural process of, 256, 483, 492; consciousness of, explained, 473.

Senses, the five, 465 seq.; cannot be more than five, 472.

Sentient soul, involves functions of the Nutritive with sensible perception besides, 461; distinguishes animals from plants, 462; receives the form of the perceptum without the matter, as wax an impression from the signet; 462; communicated by male in generation, and is complete from birth, 463: differs from the NoËtic, in communing with particulars and being dependent on stimulus from without, 463 seq., 486; grades of, 463; has a faculty of discrimination and comparison, 464, 483; heart, the organ of, 464; cannot perceive two distinct sensations at once, 473; at the lowest, subject to pleasure and pain, appetite and aversion, 473; Phantasy belongs to the, 475; Memory belongs to the, 475.

Sepulveda, his use of “exoteric,” 45.

Signs, Syllogism from, 202; distinguished from Proof (te??????), 203; in Physiognomy, 204.

Simplikius, defended Aristotle’s Categories, 563.

Simul, meaning of, 105; as between parts and whole, 602.

SkÊpsis, Aristotle’s books and manuscripts long kept buried there, 36.

Smell, operated through a medium, 467; stands below sight and hearing, 468; action of, 469; organ of, 470.

Sokrates, reference to his fate by Aristotle, 16; his exposure of equivocal phraseology, 58; called for, but did not supply, definitions, 141; his conception and practice of Dialectic, to the neglect of Didactic, 263; Elenchus of, 263, 437, 441; did nothing but question, 418; Greek philosophy before, 426; first broke ground for Logic, 426; his part in the development of Greek Philosophy, 436 seq.; peculiarities of, according to Aristotle, 437; first inquired into the meaning of universal terms, 551, 552.

Sokrates, the younger, false analogy of, in defining animal, 604.

Solecism, sophistic charge of, 385; how to repel, 413.

Sophist, the, as understood by Aristotle, 376, 377, 381; as understood by Plato, 376; five ends ascribed to, 384; not really distinguished by Aristotle from the Dialectician, 382, 393 seq.

Sophistes of Plato, theory of Proposition in, 135.

Sophistic, busied about accidents, 98, 593; as understood by Aristotle, 376, 382; given as one of four species of debate, 377; Aristotle’s conception of, both as to purpose and subject matter, disallowed, 382, 393 seq.; Loci bearing on, 408; debate, difficulties in, 416; borders on Dialectic, 417.

Sophistici Elenchi, last book of Topica, 56, 262; subject of, 376; last chapter of, 417 seq.

Sorites, what was afterwards so called, 156.

Soul, according to Plato, 446, 449, 451, 461; AlkmÆon, 449; Herakleitus, 449; Diogenes of Apollonia, 449; Anaxagoras, 449; Empedokles, 449; Pythagoreans, 450; Xenokrates, criticized by Aristotle, 450; theory of Empedokles criticized, 451; theory of, as pervading the whole Kosmos, 451; all the foregoing theories of, rejected by Aristotle, 452; requisites of a good theory of, 452; Aristotle’s point of view with regard to, 453; the problem of, stated to cover all forms of Life, 453; resolved by metaphysical distinction of Form and Matter, 454-7; defined accordingly, 458; not a separate entity in itself, 458; not really, but only logically, separable from body, 458; thoroughgoing implication of, with Matter, 459, 478; is Form, Movent, and Final Cause, of the body as Matter, 460, 480; makes with body the Living or Animated Body, 460, 480; varieties of, in an ascending scale, 460, 481; the lowest or Nutritive, 461; the Sentient (also nutritive), 462-74, see Sentient; higher functions of, conditioned by lower, 474; Phantastic department of, 474; the NoËtic or Cogitant, 478, see NoÛs, NoËtic; all varieties of, proceed from the region of Form or the Celestial Body, 480; NoÛs of the, 487; not immortal, even the NoËtic, in the individual, 489; is, in a certain way, all existent things, 493; two parts of, the rational and the irrational, 521.

Sound, cause of, 467.

Species, is Second Essence, 63, 68; one of the Predicables in Porphyry’s, not in Aristotle’s, list, 276; logically posterior to Genus and to DifferentiÆ, 607.

Speech, significant by convention only, 109, 111; Enunciative, and other modes of, 111.

Speusippus, succeeded Plato in the Academy, 7, 21; books of, at his death, bought by Aristotle, 35; held it impossible to define anything without knowing everything, 249; his enumeration of Essences, 595, 629; ascribed beauty and perfection to results, not to their originating principles, 625.

Spinoza, his definition of Substance contrasted with Aristotle’s, 93.

Spontaneity, source of irregularity in the Kosmos, 115, 205; affects the rule of Antiphasis, 115; objective correlate to the Problematical Proposition, 133, 205; Generations and Constructions from, 598, 620.

Stageira, birthplace of Aristotle, 2; destroyed by Philip, restored by Aristotle, 6.

Stars, in their nature eternal Essences, 626; whence the heat and light of, 644; themselves at rest, are carried round in their circles, 644; spherical in figure, 645, 646; (not planets) twinkle, why, 645; rates of motion of (planets), as determined by their position, 646; irregular sequence of (planets), in respect of complexity of motions, 646; partakers of life and action, 647; why so many, in the one single First Current, 648.

Stilpon, merely disputed on Proposition, 136.

Stoics, Categories of the, 100, 563; their doctrine copiously reported, 654; points in which they agreed with the Epikureans, 655, 663; fatalism of, 657; held Self-preservation to be the first principle of Nature, 660; inculcated as primary officium, to keep in the State of Nature, 660; their idea of the Good, 660; their distinction of things in our power, and not in our power, 661; held the will to be always determined by motives, 661; their view of a free mind, 661; allowed an interposing Providence, 661; ethical purpose of, 662; urged to active life, 662; subordinated beneficence, put justice highest, 662, 663; their respect for individual conviction, 663.

Strabo, authority for story of the fate of Aristotle’s library, 35, 38.

Subject, to be predicated of a, distinguished from to be in a, 59, 62, 64; which is never employed as predicate, 63, 68, 157; which may also be predicate, 63, 157; called Term in Analytica, 141.

Substance, see Essence.

Substratum, 67, 595; see Essence.

Sun, ever at work, 617; whence the heat and light of, 644; why seen to move at rising and setting, 644; motions of, 646.

Sylla, carried library of Apellikon to Rome, 37.

Syllogism, principle of, indicated in CategoriÆ, 65; theory of, claimed by Aristotle as his own work, 140, 153; defined, 143, 426; Perfect and Imperfect, 143; meaning of, in Plato, specialized in Aristotle, 143; conditions of valid, 148, 155; Premisses, Terms, Figures, &c, of, 148 seq.; Reduction of, 153; mediaeval abuse of, 153; Direct or Ostensive, and Indirect, 155; has two (even number of) propositions, and three (odd number of) terms, 156; how to construct a, 157; method of, superior to logical Division, 162; from an Hypothesis, 168; plurality of conclusions from, 171; inversion of, 173; conversion of, 174; liabilities to error in the use of, 176; cases of Reciprocation among terms of, 185; antithesis among terms of, 185 seq.; canons of, common to Demonstration, Dialectic, Rhetoric, 186, 210, 265; the, from Induction, 187; prior and more effective as to cognition, than Induction, 191; the, from Example, 191; relation of, to Induction, 192 seq.; varieties of Abduction, Objection, Enthymeme, &c, 202 seq.; Modal, 204; theory of, applicable both to Demonstration and Dialectic, 207, 265; the Demonstrative or Scientific, 215, 219, 265; of ?t?, and of d??t?, 223; the unit in, 231; scope and matter of the Dialectical, 265, 267; the Eristic, 268, 380; the Elenchus, or Refutative, 376; the Pseudographic, 380; inquiry into Axioms of, falls to First Philosophy, 426.

Synonymous things, 57.


Taste, operates through contact, 469; a variety of Touch, 471; organ of, 471.

Tautology, sophistic charge of, 385; how to repel, 413.

Temperance, definition of, 531.

?e?????? (Proof), distinguished from Sign, 203.

Terms, as such, subject of CategoriÆ, 57; things denoted by, distinguished as Homonymous (Equivocal), Synonymous (Univocal), Paronymous — importance of the distinction, 57; viewed by Aristotle, as constituents of a Proposition, 59; distinguished from Proposition in signification, 109, 110; the word, used instead of Noun and Verb in Analytica, 141; Major, Middle, and Minor, in Syllogism, 148; in Syllogism, are often masked, 165; reciprocation of, in Syllogism, 185; equivocation of, to be attended to in Dialectic, 278.

Thales, character of his philosophy, 435; supposed the Earth to float at rest on water, 649.

Themison, correspondent of Aristotle, 7.

Themistius, speaks of an “army of assailants” of Aristotle, 26; on the order of the QuÆsita in science, 238.

Theodoras, developed Rhetoric, 419.

Theology, alternative name for First Philosophy or Ontology, 59, 423.

Theophrastus, left in charge of Aristotle’s school and library, 15, 35; directions to, in Aristotle’s will, 17, 18; bought as well as composed books, 35; disposition of his library, 35, 42; wrote on Logic, 56; distinguished Affirmation ?? eta??se??, 122, 169; followed Aristotle in treating of Modals, 144; assumed convertibility of Universal Negative, 146.

Theses, how to find arguments for, 157; art of impugning and defending, 180; in Dialectic, how open to be impugned, 284; chiefly Universal Affirmative, 281; comparison of, as subjects of attack and defence, 285, 352, 300.

Thrasyllus, canon of, 27, 41; tetralogies of, 44.

Thrasymachus, developed Rhetoric, 419.

Thomas Aquinas, his use of “exoteric,” 45.

?? ?? e??a?, ??, see Essence (Quiddity).

TimÆus, Platonic, summary of the psychological doctrine in the, 446-9.

Timarchus, friend of Aristotle, 17.

Time, none, outside of the Heaven, 277.

Tisias, first writer on Rhetoric, 419.

Topica, referred to in Analytica, 56; presupposes contents of CategoriÆ and De Interpretatione, 56; part of one scheme with Analytica, 142; design of, specially claimed by Aristotle as original, 262; subject of, 262, 265; First Book of, preliminary to the Loci, 283; distribution of, 284.

Torstrick, his view of “exoteric discourse,” 49.

Touch, most wisely diffused sense, 464; operated through contact, 468; i.e., apparently, 472; most developed in man, 471; an aggregate of several senses, 471; organ of, 471.

Trans-Olfacient, action of the, in Smell, 467.

Trans-Sonant, action of the, in Hearing, 467.

Trendelenburg, brings the Categories into relation with parts of speech, 99.

Truth, Ens in the sense of, 60, &c., see Ens; a mental conjunction or disjunction of terms in conformity with fact, 60, 111, 591, 594, 618; embodied in the Proposition or Enunciative Speech, 109, 130.

Tyrannion studied Aristotle’s MSS. At Rome, 37-39, 43.


Universal, The, knowledge of, with error as to particulars, 183; knowledge of, better than of the Particular, 231; not perceivable by sense, 235; but cf. 258; reveals the Cause, 235; generated by a process of Induction from particulars, 260; controversy about, began with Sokrates and Plato, 551; questions as to, set out by Porphyry, 552; Plato’s statements as to, collected, 553 seq.; scholastic formulae of the different theories of, 555; Aristotle’s objection to Plato’s Realistic theory of, 558 seq.; Aristotle’s counter-theory as to, 560; is to Aristotle a predicate in or along with the Particular, 561, 605; later history of the question of, till launched in the schools of the Middle Age, 562-4; given as one of the varieties of Essence, 595; arguments against its being Essence, 605.

Universalia Prima, as premisses in Demonstrative Science, 216.

Universe, extends every way, 630.

Univocal terms, 57.


Vacuum, exists potentially only, 615; none, outside of the Heaven, 636.

Verb, function of the, 109, 110, 130; the indefinite, 118, 124.

Virtue, Aristotle’s definition of, examined, 521 seq.; intellectual and ethical, 521; is a medium between two extremes. 524.

Vision, most perfect sense, 465; colours, the object of, 465; effected through media having diaphanous agency, 466.

Voice, The, 468.

Voluntary and Involuntary actions, 525.


Waitz, prints Sophistici Elenchi as last Book of Topica, 56.

When, Quando, Category, 65, 73.

Where, Ubi, Category, 65, 73.

Words, subjective and objective aspects of, 109.

Works of Aristotle, dates of, uncertain, 54; in what order to be studied, 55; cross-references in the logical, 56.

Wyttenbach, started doubts as to Platonic Canon, 27.


Xenokrates, fellow-pupil of Aristotle, accompanied him to Atarneus, 4; head of the Academy, 7; attached to Athenian democracy, 10; character of, 25; his view of the soul, 450.

Xenophanes, improved on by Parmenides, 551; his reason for the stationariness of the Earth, 649.


Zeller, his view of “exoteric discourse,” 49.

Zeno, the Eleatic, argument of, against Motion, paradoxical, 365; uses equivocal names as univocal, 414; defended the Parmenidean theory dialectically, 551.

Zeno, the Stoic, a foreigner at Athens, without a sphere of political action, 662.

Zoological Treatises, place of the, among the other works of Aristotle, 54.


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