Works on Psychology of General Interest. Angell, James R. Psychology. New York. H. Holt & Co. 1904. Baldwin, J. M. Handbook of Psychology. New York, 1891. Bell, Sir Charles. The Hand—Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments. Philadelphia, 1835. Binet, A. Le fatigue intellectuelle. Paris, 1898. Bourdon, B. L’expression des Émotions et des tendances dan le langage. Paris, 1892. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. The Child: a study in the evolution of man. London, 1907. Cowles, E. The Mental Symptoms of Fatigue. New York, 1893. Dewey, John. Psychology. 3d ed. New York. Ebbinghaus, H. Psychology. An Elementary Text-book (translated by Max Meyer). Boston, 1908. Freud, S. Zur psychopathologie des alltagslebens, etc. 2e aufl., Berlin, 1907. —— Die Traumdeutung. Hall, G. Stanley. Youth; its Educative Regimen and Hygiene. New York, 1907. James, W. The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. New York, 1890. Janet, Pierre. L’automatisme psychologique. Paris, 1889. —— The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. N. Y., 1907. Jastrow, J. The Subconscious. Jones, E. E. The Influence of Bodily Posture on Mental Activities. N. Y., 1907. Judd, C. H. Psychology. N. Y., 1907. King, Irving. The Psychology of Child-development. Chicago, 1904. 2d ed. MacDonald, A. Abnormal Man. Washington, 1893 (United States Bureau of Education Circular of Information, 1893, No. 4). Manaseine, Mariya. Sleep, its physiology, pathology, hygiene and psychology. London, 1908. Marsh, H. D. The Diurnal Course of Efficiency. N. Y., 1906. Mercier, Charles A. Psychology, normal and morbid. London, 1901. Moore, C. C. A treatise on facts or the weight and value of Evidence. 2 vols. Northport, 1908. Mosso, A. Fatigue. (Tr. by Margaret Drummond and W. B. Drummond.) N. Y. and London, 1906. Norsworthy, Naomi. The psychology of mentally deficient children. N. Y., 1906. Offner, Max. Das GedÄchtnis, etc. Berlin, 1909. Paulhan, F. La fonction de la memoire et le souvenirs affectif. Paris, 1904. Pillsbury, W. B. Attention. New York, 1908. Ribot, T. The Psychology of the Emotions. London, 1897. Scott, W. D. The Psychology of Public Speaking. Phil., 1907. Sidis, B. The Psychology of Suggestion. N. Y., 1898. Sighele, Scipio. La foule criminelle: essai de psychologie collective. Paris, 1901. Stout, G. F. Manual of Psychology. London, 1907. Tarde, G. L’opinion et la foule. 2d Éd. Paris, 1904. Titchener, E. B. Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention. N. Y., 1908. —— A Text-book of Psychology. N. Y., 1909. (New ed. with additions.) Wells, Frederic L. Linguistic Lapses. With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds. N. Y., 1906. |