“The wolves’ eyes burned in their heeds like fire, But the boy in his folly fled not before the foe; He went up to one of them and seized it with his hand Where he saw the glittering eyes glowing in its head.” I. V. Zingerle, Das Deutsche Kinderspiel, second edition, Innsbruck, 1873. p. 51. Printer's mark “Then he forgot how cold he was, and played with the ring. The little child forgot all his woe. He seized upon the ring and said, ‘What is this?’” —Zingerle, p. 51. “There, see, the curtain dark already rolls away! The night must fly, now dreams the glorious day; The crimson lips that lay fast closed so long, Breathe now, half ope’d, a sweet, low song; Once more the eye gleams bright, and, like a god, the day Bounds forward to begin again his royal way.” “Stay now thine heart, O wanderer, held fast in powerful hands! Mine own breaks forth in trembling joy. Thundering masses roll, on thundering masses hurled, How can the eye and ear escape the tumultuous roar? “War horses of the gods at play, leaping over one another. Dashing downward and strewing to the winds their silver manes; Exquisite forms unnumbered follow them, never the same, Ever the same—who can wait till the end shall be?” “It is the godlike power of harmony Which orders wild motions to the quiet social dance. And like a Nemesis, with the golden reins of rhythm, Harnesses riotous lust, and tames its madness.” “Wahrlich ein arges Ziel fÜr den Schwarm der spielenden Knaben, Und fÜr des Steinwurfs Wucht pflanzten sie mich an den Weg. Wie hat die wÜste Hagel getroffen, die blÜhenden Krone Mir zerschlagen, und ach, wie sind die Zweige geknickt! Nichts mehr gilt nach der Ernte der Baum Euch: zur eigenen SchÄndung Hab’ ich Unseliger hier alle die FrÜchte gezeugt.” “In the light, in the shade, This is time and life’s measure; With a heart unafraid In the light, in the shade, Hope is born, and not made, And the heart finds its treasure In the light, in the shade; This is time and life’s measure.”—Tr. The child, of course, spoke a baby German. This effort at translation serves only to show the versatility of her imagination and its disjointed expression.—Tr. For example of amentia, see Kraepelin, Psychiatrie, p. 331. “Der Teufel holt den Henker nun, Der Henker hÄngt den SchlÄchter nun, Der SchlÄchter schlÄgt den Ochsen nun, Der Ochse lÄuft das Wasser nun, Das Wasser lÖscht das Feuer nun, Das Feuer brennt den PrÜgel nun, Der PrÜgel schlÄgt den Pudel nun, Der Pudel beisst den Jockel nun, Der Jockel schneidet den Hafer nun, Und kommt auch gleich nach Haus.” See the similar Hebrew verse about the kid in Tylor’s AnfÄnge der Culture, vol. i, p. 86. “Willow bough, willow bough, which of the four, Sink, circle, or swim, or come floating ashore? Which is the fortune you keep for my life, Old maid or young mistress, or widow or wife?” “The howling blast through the groaning wood Wrenching the giant pine, which, in its fall, Crashing sweeps down its neighbouring trunks end boughs, While with the hollow noise the hills resound.” Miss Swanwick’s translation. “Time’s passage shall unfold for him Fortune bright and fortune dim.” |