Ladies who have never received any special training, and have neither time nor means to procure it, would probably do wisely to emigrate—that is to say, if they are domesticated and willing to be generally useful. In the colonies competition for situations is not nearly so great as in England, and consequently governesses, companions, mothers' helps, and housekeepers, are more valued, and usually treated quite as members of the family. I give particulars of two of the Emigration Societies. They gave me most encouraging accounts of the ladies who had emigrated under their auspices, and told me they thought any one, with ordinary good sense, and willing to work, landing in Australia or New Zealand with a few pounds in her pocket, would be sure to do well. The Government of South Australia offers a free grant of land of the value of £20, to be selected by the recipient, to any person over the age of twelve, male or female, paying their own passage direct to Adelaide, and residing in that colony two years. The Queensland Government offers free passages to people describing themselves as domestic servants. This does not necessitate their taking that position on their arrival, but only means they must be willing to enter domestic service if they can get no better engagement. The following is a quotation from their published rules:—"On arrival in the colony, all passengers, unless going out under special agreement, will be at perfect liberty to engage themselves to any one willing to employ them, and to make their own bargain for wages." The Queensland Government Emigration Office is at 32, Charing Cross, London, S.W., where all information respecting free passages can be obtained. FEMALE MIDDLE CLASS EMIGRATION SOCIETY. President: Earl of Shaftesbury. Committee:
Bankers: Messrs. Coutts & Co, 59, Strand. RULES. I. The Society confines its assistance entirely to educated women, no applicants being accepted who are not sufficiently educated to undertake the duties of a nursery governess. II. Every applicant is examined as far as possible with regard to her knowledge of cooking, baking, washing, needlework, and housework; and is required to be willing to assist in these departments of labour should it be necessary. III. Applicants are required to give the names and addresses of four persons as referees, from whom the Society may obtain information respecting the position, character, strength, qualifications, and general IV. If the information obtained is satisfactory, the applicant, being accepted by the Society, receives all possible needful assistance. Should she be unable to pay the entire cost of cabin fittings and passage money, the Society advances the deficient amount, a legal agreement to repay within two years and four months being signed by the emigrant, and two respectable householders as securities. Should an approved applicant not require a loan, she is equally entitled to the advantages of the Society's care and protection. V. The Society secures all passages and purchases cabin-fittings on behalf of the emigrants, thus saving much trouble and time. It is also enabled, by the liberality of shipowners and outfitters, to effect a considerable saving of expense. The cost of passage and cabin-fittings is generally about £45 first class, £25 second class. The Society has established regular correspondents at most of the colonial ports. As soon as a lady leaves England, notice of her VI. The business of the Society is transacted in the usual manner by a committee, secretaries, and treasurers. The selection of emigrants rests with the secretaries, but the names and testimonials of all persons sent out may be inspected by the committee. Cheques are signed by a treasurer and a secretary. Accounts are audited yearly. Interviews on Tuesdays. WOMEN'S EMIGRATION SOCIETY. Patron: H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. Council:
Executive Committee:
Bankers: Honorary Solicitors: Honorary Treasurer: Lady Secretary: Honorary Secretary: Office: The object of the Society is to promote, by means of advice and material help, the emigration to the colonies of respectable Englishwomen of all classes. The Society inquires into the character, health, and prospects of success of each intending emigrant, and watches over her during her transit from her home in It obtains and distributes information as to all the British Colonies, their climate, resources, &c., &c. The Society endeavours to find the necessary expenses, by loan or gift, for outfit and passage to women who are of good character but without means. Many educated or suitable women, struggling unsuccessfully against the over-competition of the Old Country, would be glad to emigrate if they were aware of the existence of a Society able to afford them serviceable advice and assistance. They cannot go through the Government Emigration agencies, and are therefore thrown upon the funds of the Society. To those who are unable to pay for their passage and equipment, the assistance of such a Society is indispensable. The steamers of the P. and O. Company, and of the Orient Line, perform the passage to Adelaide in about six weeks. The sailing ships usually occupy about twelve weeks. The rates of passage vary from £15 to £75. Cassell & Company, Limited, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C. GARTERS ENTIRELY SUPERSEDED by
ALFRED BREESE, Employment for English Ladies. What one of the oldest-established Court Dressmakers of London says of the Scientific System of Dress Cutting. "To the Scientific Dress Cutting Association, 272, Regent Circus, London, W. "Dear Sirs,—Since learning your Scientific System of Dress Cutting, I can truly say it is unlike any other method I have ever known, being easily learned, and so reliable, the instructions being printed upon the System, and always before the eye of the cutter. When measures are taken correctly, there is no difficulty in obtaining a perfect fit the first time. I have cut by your System various garments for numerous Ladies, and have thus far never failed to produce a perfect fit; among which I have recently cut a garment for a lady living in a provincial city (without even seeing her) from measures taken by herself according to your instructions, and I have since received a letter from her saying that it is the most perfect fit she has ever had. Therefore I have no hesitation in pronouncing your System perfect in every respect, and I am now prepared to cut and make garments by your System for any Ladies who may visit my Establishment. Wishing you every success in your business, "Believe me, dear Sirs, very truly yours, INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN at the OFFICE, from 9.30 a.m. till 6 p.m. AGENTS WANTED in every Town to Sell our Systems. For particulars send for Circular, or call at the Office of the Scientific Dress Cutting Association, 272, Regent Circus, London, W. 8 TO THE FAIR SEX. LADIES' HAIR COMBINGS, forwarded by post, thoroughly Disentangled by New Process, and made up for 2s. per oz. Returned in Three Days. FADED ORNAMENTAL HAIR RESTORED T. S. BROWN (Specialist for Invisible Coverings for Temporary Baldness or Thin Partings), 3, LEECE ST., top of BOLD ST., LIVERPOOL.
Third and Cheap Edition. Price 1s. How Women may Earn a Living. By Mercy Grogan. "In a lucid and concise manner are embodied a large number of suggestions in which ladies who have to depend upon their own exertions for their support could be helped."—Daily Telegraph. Cassell & Company, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, 6s. The Ladies' Physician. A Guide for Women to the Treatment of their Ailments. By a London Physician. "The statements are accurate, the opinions sound and the advice judicious."—Medical Times. Cassell & Company, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London. Stiff covers, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. Etiquette of Good Society. "A book which has reached its thirty-second thousand may fairly be considered a recognised authority. For popular and general use, 'Etiquette of Good Society' is well adapted, seeing that few topics connected with ordinary etiquette and social customs are omitted. It covers the whole of our lives in all their varying phases, and is as pleasantly written as it is instructive."—The Queen. Cassell & Company, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London. The Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, CHANCERY LANE. E. S. Gunn, Principal. Established 1870. The only School possessing a staff of Reporters, and enabled to give practical instruction and unlimited individual attention. Our results the highest in Great Britain. Read here Society of Arts' report of last examination, also Pitman's weekly returns. 1,200 completed Pupils. NOTE ADDRESS. Appointments obtained. Season Tickets at reduced rates for daily attendance. TESTIMONIAL. "47, Sharstead Street, Kennington Park, July 28, 1883. "E. S. Gunn, Esq." INSTRUCTION BY CORRESPONDENCE. The Preparatory School for the Civil Service, Matriculation, &c. J. G. RICHARDS, B. A., and Masters. Private Tuition daily, until 9 p.m. Separate Lady Clerks.—POST OFFICE TUITION, exclusively devoted to the Preparation of Candidates, by a Lady.—Private Instruction Daily, 10 to 9. Write—The Secretary, Preparatory INSTRUCTION BY CORRESPONDENCE. The "Eureka" Stocking Clasp. THIS Simple Arrangement entirely supersedes any other system of retaining the Stocking in position, giving free circulation, with simplicity of arrangement. The same size fit any lady, and they are exceedingly pretty in design. Price 2s. per pair, or 10s. 6d. for Six pairs. Post free from THE ODOURLESS WATERPROOF COMPANY (LATE ALMOND), 9 & 10, Little Britain, London, E.C. 15s. per Week by Easy Work at Home. This amount can be earned by procuring a KNITTING MACHINE, which is supplied by payment of £1 deposit, and 4s. per Week, which sums go towards purchase of the Machine. Regular Work supplied by the Company. Apply to PATENT AUTOMATIC KNITTING MACHINE COMPANY, The Rational Dress Exhibition. "Messrs. Heath, of 107, Oxford Street, have a very sensible improvement in the shape of a soft-brimmed hat. Every one knows the painful sensation experienced from the pressure of the usual stiff-brimmed felt, or silk hat; this is quite obviated in the hat manufactured by Messrs. Heath. The same firm also exhibit felt hats with a weather-proof but sightly trimming, the hat being ventilated by small apertures under the trimming, instead of at the top of the hat, as usual"—Vide The Queen, May 26th, 1883. Residents in the Country can ensure a comfortably fitting Hat being forwarded by writing for HENRY HEATH'S PATENT HEAD-MEASURING BAND, for taking the form and Size of the Head. The Band is forwarded post free to country residents for "Self-Measurement," ensuring a comfortably fitting Hat.
As exhibited at the Rational Dress Exhibition. HENRY HEATH, Only Address, 105-107, Oxford Street, Transcriber's NotesObvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. All other variations in hyphenation spelling and punctuation remain unchanged. The final two references in the table of contents referred to page 124. As this does not exist they have been changed to 114 which is the beginning of the relevant chapter. |