- Age indicated by rings on rams’ horns, 208 n.
- Alaska, buffalo range as extending to, 123.
- Fossil remains of musk-oxen found in, 85.
- Mountain sheep in, 176, 181 n., 223-224, 226, 246.
- Remains of buffaloes found in, 123-124.
- Rumors of musk-oxen in, 85-93.
- White goat found in, 246, 250, 275.
- Alaskan bighorn [Ovis Canadensis dalli], 176, 181 n., 223-224, 226, 246.
- Alces [Moose], 120.
- Alleghanies, the, eastern boundary of buffalo range, 120.
- Allen, Professor J. A., 79, 80.
- Monograph on American bisons by, 119.
- Animals, attachment of, to one locality, 138-146.
- Antelope, white goat an, 232.
- Antelope-hunting on horses, 197.
- Antilope americana, white goat termed, 259.
- Antilope lanigera, 259.
- Arctic islands, musk-oxen on, 51, 60, 85, 93.
- Argalis, Asiatic, mountain sheep distinguished from, 223.
- Arizona, mountain sheep in, 247.
- Arkansas, musk-ox skull found in, 85.
- Audubon, J. J., 122, 147.
- “Missouri River Journal” quoted, 157-159.
- Aurochs, European bison called, 111.
- Aylmer Lake, musk-ox killed at, 94.
- Babiche, 41, 67.
- Bache Peninsula, musk-oxen killed on, 76-79.
- Bad Lands, mountain sheep in the, 176.
- “Barren Ground of Northern Canada,” W. Pike’s, 47.
- Barren Grounds, hunting in, 17-29.
- Physical character of, 34-35.
- Route for best reaching, 50-51.
- Snowfall in, 35.
- Bear River Valley, buffalo formerly abundant in, 125.
- Bedson, S. L., experiments in breeding buffalo by, 148.
- Bent, George, 128.
- Bent, Colonel William, 128.
- Berlin, live musk-ox in, 103.
- Big Bend country, description of, 264.
- Bighorn, American [Ovis canadensis], 223-224.
- See Mountain sheep.
- Alaskan [Ovis canadensis dalli], 33-34.
- Heads of musk-oxen, 99-100.
- Henry, Alexander, Journal of, 118, 161-162.
- Hides, of buffaloes, 130-131.
- White goat, 241.
- Hodgson, Mr., Hudson’s Bay Company trader, 91.
- Hoofs of white goat, 239-240.
- Hornaday, W. T., 120-121, 148, 165.
- Horns, of mountain sheep, 181 n.
- Musk-oxen’s, 76, 98-100.
- Rings on rams’, 208 n.
- White goat’s, 239.
- Horses, antelope-hunting on, 197.
- Buffalo-hunting on, 153-155.
- Deer-hunting on, 197.
- Sheep-hunting on, 192-193.
- Hostility between sheep and goat, 233-237, 245-246.
- Hudson’s Bay Company posts, 37.
- Hunter, Dr., 257, 259.
- Hunting seasons in Barren Grounds, 44-48, 50-52.
- Idaho, white goat in, 247, 250.
- India, sheep found in, 182.
- Indians, Alaskan, 90, 91, 92.
- For Barren Ground hunting, 52-53.
- Buffaloes formerly sacred to, 127.
- Methods of, in hunting musk-oxen, 47-49.
- Slaughter of buffalo by, 157-159.
- Innuits, musk-ox hunting by, 60-61.
- Jackson’s Hole, elk-killing at, 273.
- Jones, C. J., experiments in breeding buffalo by, 148.
- Kamchatka, sheep found in, 182.
- Kentucky, buffaloes formerly in, 122.
- Domestication of buffaloes in, 147.
- Skull of musk-ox found in, 85.
- Kids of white goat, 271.
- Knife for musk-ox hunting, 67.
- Kodak, hunting with a, 261.
- Kogmolik Indians, 92.
- Kookpugmioot Indians, 92.
- Lambs of mountain sheep, 208-222.
- “Land of Little Sticks,” 17, 36.
- Laramie Plains, buffaloes on the, 124, 125.
- Lewis, Meriwether, 175-176, 245, 255-257.
- Confusion of goat and sheep by, 251, 99.
- Railroads, effect of, on buffaloes, 113-116.
- Ram seen at Livingston, Mont., 171-173, 183-184.
- “Records of Big Game,” R. Ward’s, 104, 165, 223-224, 274.
- Red Desert Country, buffaloes in, 126.
- Red River, buffaloes on the, 162.
- Red River half-breeds, buffalo hunts of, 117, 154-155.
- Rings on rams’ horns, 208 n.
- Robinson, John (“Uncle Jack Robinson”), 124.
- Rocky Mountain goat [Haplocerus montanus or Oreamnus montanus], 231, 259, 274.
- See White goat.
- Rocky Mountain sheep [Ovis canadensis typica], 223, 259.
- “Royal Natural History, The,” Lydekker’s, 246, 247.
- Rubbing-stones, buffaloes’, 131, 163.
- Rupicapra americana, white goat termed, 259.
- Rutting season, buffaloes’, 131-132.
- Mountain sheep’s, 184, 208.
- Saddleback sheep [Ovis fannini], 181-182, 213.
- Salt Lake Valley, buffaloes in, 124.
- Salvatierra, Padre de, 250.
- Saw Tooth Range, white goat in, 247.
- Schwatka, Frederick, 60, 61, 93.
- Serows, Rocky Mountain goat member of same group as, 274.
- Sheep. See Mountain sheep.
- Shoshone Indians, sheep-hunting on horses by, 193.
- Siberia, fossil remains of musk-oxen found in, 85.
- Skulls of musk-oxen, 75-76, 80, 82, 83.
- Slaughter of buffaloes in America, 114-119.
- Sledge, description of, in Barren Ground outfit, 40-41.
- Sledge-dogs, methods of harnessing, 60-61.
- Scarcity of, in North, 38-39.
- Snowfall in Barren Grounds, 35.
- Snows, effect on buffaloes, 124, 137.
- Snow-shoes, Barren Ground, 35.
- Spitzbergen, musk-oxen unknown in, 93.
- Stone, Andrew J., report as to western range of musk-oxen, 86-93.
- Stouch, Major G. W. II., 143.
- Stringer, Rev. I. O., 89, 90.
- Strouds, 53, 54.
- “Surround” method of hunting buffalo, AMERICAN SPORTSMAN’S LIBRARY
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