a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@54125@54125-h@54125-h-12.htm.html#Page_264" class="pginternal">264, 266, 267. Council at Fort Benton, The, 323, 325. Council Bluffs, 282. Council Grove, Kan., 241. Cowlitz River, 72. Cox, Ross, 5, 24. Creeks (see River). Crees, 100. Crooks, Ramsey, 24, 25, 27. Crows, 116, 312, 329, 332, 335. Cuba, 194. Daughters of the American Revolution, 190. Davis, Charles, 179. Dawson, James, 320. Day, John, 25, 27. Day’s, John, Valley, 104, 105. Dease, J.W., 94. Deep Creek, 334. Delawares, 171, 175. De Lisle, Frank, 239. Diamond Springs, 142. Diaz, Porfirio, 195. Dog flesh as food, 253. “Dolly” (schooner), 23. Doniphan, Colonel A.W., 142, 204. Doniphan’s Expedition, 132, 136. Drinker, Mr., 238. Eagle Creek, 350. Eagle Eye, 330. Eagle Tail Feathers, 138. Edmonton, 121. El Paso, 194, 205. Emigrant trail, 183. Eyacktana, 48, 50. Eyakema Valley, 44. Famasi, 349, 358. Farnham, R., 24. Farnham, Thos. J., 158. Father of all Children, 352. Feast, Indian, 60. Fernandez, 145. Fight at Arroyo Hondo, 147. Fight with Blackfeet, 341. Fisher, 179. 349, 352, 353; Iroquois, 58, 65, 72, 73, 100, 101, 115; Kiowas, 138, 154, 155, 161, 188; Kutenais, 100; Minitarees, 309; Navajo, 142; Nez PercÉs, 16, 27, 32, 44, 88, 102, 116; Okanagan, 54; Palouse, 100; Piegans, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 329, 352, 355; Pisscows, 44, 53; Saulteaux, 100; Shahaptin, 16, 17; Shaw-ha-ap-tens (See Shahaptin); Shawnees, 171, 175; She-Whaps, 23, 27, 61, 64; Shoshoni, 88, 178; Sioux, 329, 335; Snakes, 25, 72, 81, 84, 85, 88, 90, 100; Spokanes, 100; Suhtai, 167; Walla Walla, 17, 82; War-are-ree-kas (Shoshoni), 89, 111; Wy-am-pams, 16; Wyandottes,
les@54125@54125-h@54125-h-4.htm.html#Page_25" class="pginternal">25; Teton, 356; Walnut, 155; Willamette, 58; Willow, 334; Wolf, 334; Yellowstone, 281, 306. RiviÈre aux Malades, 105, 112. Rocky Mountain House, 121. Ross, Alexander, 3, et passim. Rowan, Mr., 121. Running down a calf, 314. Russell, Colonel, 264. Russian America, 5. Ruxton, George Frederick, 191, 193. Sagacity of wolves, 208. Sage grouse, 64. St. Louis, 194. St. Vrain, Ceran, 130. St. Vrain (death of C.), 158. St. Vrain, Felix, 158. St. Vrain’s Fork, 138. Salmon River, 104. Sa-mick-a-meigh River, 31. Sand Creek massacre, 249. Sandwich Islanders, 58. Sandwich Islands, 7. San Fernandez, 145. San Fernando, 142. Santa Anna, General, 195. Santa FÉ, 129, et seq. Santa FÉ trail, 127. Saulteaux, 100. Scalp dance, 256. Seaton, Alfred, 33. Sedgwick, Major, 155. Shahaptin, 16, 17. Shaved Head, 138. Shaw-ha-ap-tens (see Shahaptin). Shawnees, 171, 175. She-Whaps, 23, 27, 61, 64. “Short Man, The,” 326. Shoshoni, 88, 178. Simplicity of Indians, 19. Simpson, Governor, 95, 117, 121. Sioux, 329, 335. Skam-naugh River, 76. Skunk, adventure with, 20. Small Robe band (Piegan), |