- A
- Abney Hall, 68.
- Agden Hall, 65.
- Agecroft Clough, 177.
- „Valley, The, 182.
- „Park, 184.
- Alderley Edge, 85, 89.
- „Park, 91.
- Alton Towers, 118.
- Anemone, The Wood, 108, 180.
- Anodonta cygnea, 63.
- Arden Hall, 100.
- Arkwright’s Mill, 132.
- Arum, The, 24.
- Ashbourne, 120.
- Ashley Meadows, The, 14.
- Ashurst, 237.
- Ashwood Dale, 128, 138.
- Ashworth Wood, 161.
- Asphodel, The Lancashire, 53.
- Astle Hall, 92.
- Axe Edge, 120.
- B
- Baguley Old Hall, 81.
- Bakewell, 136.
- Bamford Wood, 160.
- Banksian Society, The, 169.
- Barlow Hall, 82.
- Beeston Castle, 93.
- Biddulph Grange, 118.
- Billinge, 237.
- Bill’s–o’–Jack’s, 147.
- Bin Green, 147.
- Birchen Clough, 149.
- Birch–trees, Ancient, 57.
- Birds, Manchester, 257.
- „Songs of, 29.
- Birkdale Sandhills, The, 246.
- Birkin, River, 34.
- Birtles, 91.
- Blackpool, 247.
- Blackstone Edge, 164.
- Bluebells at Pott Shrigley, 115.
- Blythe Hall, 242.
- Boggart–hole Clough, 155.
- Bollin, River, 20, 34.
- Bollington, 113.
- Booth Hall, 37.
- Botanical Names, 49, 55.
- „Societies, 194.
- Botany Bay Wood, 248.
- Bottoms–hall Wood, 143.
- Bowden Bridge, 141.
- Bramhall, Jack’s Bridge, 155.
- Jackson Edge, „Nab, 144.
- White Moss, 153.
- “White Nancy,” 113.
- Whittle–le–Woods, 234.
- Wigan, 235.
- Wild–boar Clough, 120.
- Willows, 16.
- Wilmslow, 85.
- Windybottom Bridge, 133.
- Windy–cliff Wood, 161.
- Windgates, The, or, “Winnats,” 134.
- Winter Hill, 234.
- Winwick, 251.
- Woodhead, 144.
- Wormhill Springs, The, 137.
- Worsley, 248.
- „Hall, 247.
- Wrenbury, 93.
- Wren’s Wood, 247.
- Wye, River, 128.
- Wythenshawe Hall, 79.
- Y
- Yew–berries, 227.
- „Trees, Old, 35, 66.
- Youth and Age, True idea of, 8, 204.
Palmer and Howe, Printers, Princess St., Manchester. On her left breast, A mole, cinque–spotted, like the crimson drops I’ the bottom of a cowslip. And spent all night in the open field, fires round about them shined, As when about the silver moon, when air is free from wind, And stars shine clear, to whose sweet beams, high prospects, and the brows Of all steep hills and pinnacles, thrust themselves up for shows, And even the lowly valleys joy, to glitter in their sight, When the unmeasured firmament bursts to disclose her light, And all the signs in heaven are seen that glad the shepherd’s heart. Transcriber’s Notes: Words standardised for consistency by the addition of a hyphen: Besses–o’th’–Barn standardised as Besses–o’–th’–Barn firwood standardised as fir–wood dryshod standardised as dry–shod hillside(s) standardised as hill–side(s) butterbur standardised as butter–bur buttercup standardised as butter–cup truelove standardised as true–love playground standardised as play–ground stonework standardised as stone–work miswritten standardised as mis–written lifetime standardised as life–time half way standardised as half–way Words standardised for consistency by the removal of a hyphen: sand–stone standardised as sandstone under–tone standardised as undertone brook–side standardised as brookside Brown–wardle standardised as Brown Wardle sax–field standardised as saxfield sun–shine standardised as sunshine thorough–fare standardised as thoroughfare Down–fall standardised as Downfall delight–ful standardised as delightful flori–culture standardised as floriculture Church–town standardised as Churchtown green–house standardised as greenhouse Fringilla monti–fringilla farm–yard standardised as farmyard Wind–gates standardised as Windgates re–appear(s) standardised as reappear(s) in–doors standardised as indoors salt–crystal standardised as salt crystal Salt–Mines standardised as salt mines PRINCESS–ST dehyphenated Fo’–edge (in index) changed to Fo’edge as used in the main text Accentuation: aerial standardised as aËrial, all other accentuation unchanged Typographical errors misletoe changed to mistletoe, turnpike–toad changed to turnpike–road, develope (unusual spelling) has been retained, There is one instance of Tintwisle for Tintwistle, this has been corrected. The title for Chapter XVII in the Contents differs from the heading on p. 232 and has not been changed from the original. |