A body | a person | Airt | direction | Ahint | behind | Bairn | child | Baudrons | Scotch name for a cat | Ben | in towards an inner room | Ben | a mountain peak | Bicker | to argue in a petty way | Bonnet-piece | an old Scottish coin | Byre | cowhouse | Canty | kindly, cheerful | Cantrip | a freak, or wilful piece of trickery | Chuckie-stone | a small white pebble | Clout | a blow | Cloving | separating lint from its stalk | Clue | a ball of worsted | Creel | a large hand-made basket | Cutty-pipe | a short clay pipe | Daft | silly, weak-minded | Dander | to walk aimlessly | Darkening | the twilight | Divot | a sod | Doo | a dove | Douce | sedate | Dowie | dull, low-spirited | Dyke | a wall | Eldritch | weird | Emprise | an enterprise | Entry | a passage | Fain | gladly | Feared | afraid | Forbye | besides | Gang | go | Girnel | a meal-chest | Gled | a hawk | Gloaming | the twilight | Greeting | crying | Hantle | very much, a considerable number | Havers | nonsense | Heckle | to comb | Hinnie | a term of endearment | Hirple | to limp | Histie | "haste thee" | Inbye | inside | Ingle neuk | the corner by the fire | Joists | the beams in a roof | Kailyard | a kitchen garden | Ken | know | Kirn | a churn, to churn | Kist | a chest | Knowe | a little hillock | Lift | the sky, the air | Light | alight | Lintie | a linnet | Lout | to stoop | Lum | chimney | Louping-on-stane | a stone from which to mount a horse | | Malison | a curse | Meat | food | Migraine | a pain affecting one half of the head | Mutch | a cap | Onstead | farm buildings | Paddock | a toad or frog | Pirnie | a woollen nightcap | Poke | a bag | Rivlins | shoes made of cowhide | Sen' night | a week | Shoon | shoes | Siccan | such | Siller | money | Sinsyne | since | Smatchet | small boy | Sneck | to latch or shut a door | Snibbit | bolted, snib, a bolt | Thrapple | throat | Thole | to bear | Unchancy | uncanny | Wheen | a few | Wheesht | be quiet! | Wight | a person | Winnock | a window | Winnow | to separate the chaff from the grain by wind | Yestreen | yesterday | Yule | Christmas | Unicorns | Ancient Scottish coins | THE SCOTTISH FAIRY BOOK BOOKS IN THE "FAIRY SERIES" The English Fairy Book The Welsh Fairy Book The Irish Fairy Book The Scottish Fairy Book The Italian Fairy Book The Hungarian Fairy Book The Indian Fairy Book The Spanish Fairy Book The Danish Fairy Book The Norwegian Fairy Book The Jewish Fairy Book The Swedish Fairy Book The Chinese Fairy Book Transcriber's notes: These corrections are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. Leaving the two words 'tomorrow' and 'to-morrow' as is. Taken out hypen in 'Mer-maids' and 'Mer-men' in Preface as not in text. P.76. Taken out extra 'day' from 'day day'. P.80. Taken out extra 'the' from 'the the'. P.104. 'craried' is found in another version of this book, so leaving as is. P.124. Taken out extra 'did' from 'did did'. P.144. Taken out hypen in 'burn-side'. P.161. Taken out hypen in 'Yule-tide'. P.263. Taken out hypen in 'mis-shapen'. Above advertisement for the other books in the series has been moved from the front of the book to the end in the this version only.