. 45 Clanricarde, Marquis of, Postmaster-General, ii. 405 Claremont, council at, for events in the East, i. 328; - lent to King Louis Philippe, iii. 154
Clarence, H.R.H. Duke of, see William IV., King Clarendon, Rt. Hon. Earl of, office of Governor-General of Canada offered to the, i. 173; - first appearance of the, in the House of Lords, 227;
- Lord Privy Seal, 243;
- on Eastern policy, 301;
- dissents from the treaty (1840), 304;
- conversation with M. Guizot, 305;
- offers to resign on the Eastern Question, 317;
- letter of, on Lord Holland's death, and on French affairs, 341;
- confidence of the Queen in, ii. 403;
- President of the Board of Trade, 405;
- Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, iii. 85;
- requires a Coercion Bill for Ireland, 105;
- and the Irish Catholics, 195;
- applies for more powers, 212;
- Proclamation of, 207;
- policy of, in Ireland, 217;
- interview of, with King Louis Philippe, 239;
- on Irish emigration, 251;
- on taking high office, 251;
- Irish relief, 285;
- conversation with Sir R. Peel, 286;
- success of the Queen's visit to Ireland, 295;
- dismissal of Lord Roden, 310;
- explanation in the House of Lords, 313;
- Encumbered Estates Act in Ireland, 314;
- conversation with the Queen and Prince Albert on foreign affairs, 317;
- conversation with Lord J. Russell, 361;
- spoken of as Foreign Secretary, 428, 431
Clifton, visit to, i. 222 Cobden, Richard, Mr. Greville's letter to, in the 'Times,' iii. 123; - see Appendix A, vol. iii.
Coburg marriage, fear of, in France, iii. 30 Colborne, Sir John, Lieutenant-Governor of Canada, i. 35 Coleridge, Stanza from 'Ode to Tranquillity,' i. 109 Colloredo, Count, and Lord Palmerston, iii. 282, 283, 288 Cologne, visit to the cathedral at, ii. 167 Commons, House of, select committee on pensions, i. 29; - disorder in, 31;
- debate on insurrection in Canada, 34;
- discussions on Canada, 55;
- division on the ballot, 59;
- scene in, 68;
- Pendarves' motion, 70;
- vote of censure on Lord Glenelg, 72;
- amendment on, 73;
- Lord Eliot's motion on Spain, 83;
- motion of Sir George Strickland on emancipation, 84;
- motion on Lord Durham's expenses, 86;
- the Appropriation Clause, 93;
- Irish Municipal Corporation Bill, 100;
- session of 1838, 127;
- debate on the Irish policy of the Government, 190;
- Jamaica Bill, 196;
- division on, 199;
- Sir H. Fleetwood's motion, 215;
- Ballot an open question, 216;
- the privilege question, 257, 271;
- Prince Albert's allowance, 258;
- Ministers defeated on the Irish Registration Bill, 279;
- debate on vote of censure on measures resulting in Chinese war, 283;
- debate on the Registration Bill, 287;
- two new Irish Registration Bills, 373;
- Government defeated on Lord Morpeth's Bill, 391;
- division on the Sugar Duties, ii. 8;
- vote of censure carried by one, 10;
- dissolution, 14;
- Sir R. Peel's Corn Bill, 83, 86;
- attack of Lord J. Russell on Lord Corehouse, 84;
- Sir R. Peel's Budget, 87;
- Vote of Thanks to Lord Ashburton, 152;
- Irish Arms Bill, 188, 194;
- debate on Ireland, 228, 230;
- division, 232;
- the Ten Hours Bill, 236;
- Government defeated on the Sugar Duties, 246;
- Maynooth Grant, 276;
- debate, 279;
- Sir R. Peel's measure for sliding-scale duties on corn, 357;
- protracted debate on the Corn Laws, 366, 367, 371;
- scene in the House, 392;
- debate on the annexation of Cracow, iii. 67;
- Irish Poor Law, 69;
- Mr. Strutt's Railroad Bill, 93, 95;
- Irish measures (1847), 104, 106;
- obstruction, 161, 163;
- mismanagement of, 186;
- West India Committee, 187;
- alteration of the Oath Bill, 187, 192;
- debate on occurrences in Spain, 190;
- West India Sugar Bill, 193;
- subsequent crisis, 195;
- irritation, 197;
- Irish Bill, 209;
- Irish grant opposed, 267;
- committee of enquiry on Ceylon and British Guiana, 269, 309;
- debate on, 270;
- Sicilian arms affair, 271, 277;
- maiden speech of Mr. Frederick Peel, 288;
- debate on the Poor Laws, 319;
- Mr. Hutt's motion on the African squadron, 324;
- Stamp Bill, 325, 327;
- Mr. Roebuck's vote of confidence, 344;
- Mr. Locke King's motion, 378;
- Anti-Papal Bill, 400;
- Lord Palmerston's dismissal, 446;
- Militia Bill, 447, 449;
- dissolution, 454;
- Reform question, 469
Conference at Constantinople (1840), i. 328, 329 Conroy, Sir John, i. 14, 20 'Constitutionnel,' indiscreet article in the, iii. 34 Conway Castle, ii. 16 Coplestone, Dr. (Bishop of Llandaff), publishes Lord Dudley's letters, i. 273 Corn Laws, i. 158, 164; - allusion to, in the Queen's Speech, ii. 82;
- Sir R. Peel's Bill, 83;
- discussions on, 301;
- repeal of the, announced by the 'Times,' Gore House, dinner at, i. 166;
- hoax of Lord Brougham's death, 243;
- party at, 255;
- JÉrÔme Bonaparte at, 277
- Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter, iii. 300-304;
- Gorhambury, visit to, ii. 111;
- Goulburn, Rt. Hon. Henry, Chancellor of the Exchequer in Sir R. Peel's Administration, ii. 37
- Graham, Rt. Hon. Sir James, conduct of, i. 9;
- negotiation of, between Sir R. Peel and Lord J. Russell, 185, 189;
- Home Secretary in Sir R. Peel's Administration, ii. 37;
- on the state of parties, iii. 51;
- and the Governor-Generalship of India, 87;
- on the Cumberland election, 89;
- declines the Governor-Generalship of India, 92;
- on colonial matters, 124;
- on obstruction in the House of Commons, 161;
- declines the Admiralty, 259;
- reasons for declining, 262, 264;
- on administrative reforms, 338;
- forebodings of, 382;
- negotiations with the Whigs, 383;
- on the state of parties, 390;
- vacillation of, 394;
- and the Whigs, 398, 401;
- Lord J. Russell's overtures to, 410;
- mission of Sir G. C. Lewis to Netherby, 411, 412;
- on public affairs, and a possible coalition, 435-439
- Granby, Marquis of, chosen leader of the Protectionist party, iii. 123;
- consistent conduct of, 471;
- appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, 472
- Grange, The, visit to, i. 137
- Granville, Rt. Hon. (first) Earl, paralytic seizure of, i. 390
- Granville, Rt. Hon. (second) Earl, Foreign Secretary, iii. 428;
- conversation with Lord Palmerston, 433;
- paper of, on foreign policy, 442
- Greece, disputes with, iii. 308, 311, 314;
- disputes continued, 325;
- opinions of M. Drouyn de Lhuys, 326;
- further disputes, 334;
- debate in House of Lords on dispute, 341;
- Lord Palmerston on brigandage in, 418
- Green, Mr., anatomical lecture by, iii. 375
- Greenwich dinner, freaks of Lord Brougham at a, i. 229;
- Lord Normanby's health drunk at a, 237
- Gregory, Mr., house of, near Belvoir, i. 42
- Grenville, Thomas, Mr., anecdote of, i. 80;
- dinner with, ii. 114;
- anecdote of Porson, 114;
- Julio Clovio, 115;
- recollections and anecdotes, 116;
- anecdote of Wolfe, 120;
- death of, iii. 1;
- character of, 2
- Greville, Charles C., Mr., pamphlet of, on Prince Albert's Precedence, i. 266, 269, 270 (see Appendix, vol. i.);
- book of, on Ireland, ii. 259;
- criticisms on, 260;
- publication of, objected to, 261, 266;
- publication decided on, 274;
- criticisms on, 276;
- opinions of the press on, 284;
- letters to France, 345;
- pamphlet 'Sir R. Peel and the Corn Law Crisis,' 350, 368;
- success of pamphlet, 354;
- visit to Paris (1847), iii. 16;
- birthday reflexions, 73;
- letter to Cobden in the 'Times,' 123 (see Appendix A, vol. iii.);
- removes to Bruton Street, 277;
- elected a member of Grillon's Club, 321;
- letter of 'Carolus,' 372, 374 (see Appendix B, vol. iii.)
- Greville, Harry, Mr., at Bath, i. 222
- Greville, Mrs. Algernon, death of, i. 390
- Grey, Rt. Hon. Earl, prevents the formation of a Whig Government, ii. 330, 331;
- explanation of conduct of, 341-344, 353;
- Colonial Secretary, 405;
- Lord-Lieutenant of Northumberland, iii. 65;
- remonstrance of, on Lord Palmerston's conduct, 185;
- speech of, on the suppressed despatches, 200;
- discredit of, 309
- Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir George, Home Secretary, ii. 405
- Grey, Sir George (formerly Chief Justice of Bengal), views of, on Chinese affairs, ii. 72
- Grillon's Club, dinner at, iii. 321
- Grote, George, Mr., returned for the City of London, i. 13;
- Radical party reduced to, 215;
- visit to, iii. 122
- Grove, The, visit to, ii. 111;
- agreeable party at, 289;
- Macaulay at, 415;
- return to, iii. 409
- Guards, the, question of promotion on the birth of the Prince of Wales, ii. 51
- Guernsey duties, affair of the, ii. 292
- Guizot, M., French Ambassador in London, i. 282;
- on the Eastern Question, 302, 303;
- at dinner at Windsor, 310;
- conversations with, on Eastern affairs, 311, 315, 317;
- on the deposition of Mehemet Ali, 328;
- difficulty of dealing with Lord Palmerston, 330;
- conciliatory efforts of, 335;
- note from the French Government, 335;
- succeeds M. Thiers (1840), 343;
- letter of, to Baron Bourqueney, 348;
- speech in the Chamber, 355;
- critical position of, ii. 269, 287
- Newcastle, fourth Duke of, dismissed from the Lord-Lieutenancy of Nottinghamshire, i. 194;
- letter of the, to the Lord Chancellor, 195;
- interview of the, with the Duke of Wellington, 195
- Newport, Mayor of, the, at Court, i. 249
- Newport, Chartist riot at, i. 249, 256;
- Norbury, Right Hon. Earl of, murder of the, i. 157
- Norman Court, visit to, i. 133
- Normanby, Right Hon. Marquis of, the, succeeds Lord Glenelg at the Colonial Office, i. 161, 164;
- Irish administration of, 176;
- at a Greenwich dinner, 237;
- despatches relating to the Spanish marriages, iii. 17;
- indiscretion of, 30, 34;
- relations of, with M. Thiers, 35;
- communications of, with M. Thiers, 40;
- bad terms of, with M. Guizot, 43, 46;
- condition of the Embassy, 49;
- perplexity of, 58;
- further misunderstanding, 59, 60;
- the quarrel made up, 66;
- more blunders, 69;
- results in Europe of the squabble, 72;
- proposed as Ambassador to Rome, 108;
- resigns, 441, 445;
- and Louis Napoleon, 442
- North, Right Hon. Lord, anecdote of, ii. 116
- Nottinghamshire election, iii. 389
- Novara, battle of, iii. 282
- Oakley Park, visit to, i. 218
- O'Brien, Smith, return of, to Ireland, iii. 167;
- affair at Limerick, 172;
- search for, 213;
- capture of, 215
- O'Connell, Daniel, speech of, at the 'Crown and Anchor' Tavern, i. 66, 67;
- declines the Mastership of the Irish Rolls, 101;
- speech of, 279;
- conduct of, on Irish measures, ii. 132;
- proclamation of, prohibiting Repeal meeting, 204;
- arrest of, 205;
- trial of, 210, 218;
- popularity of, 214;
- advice of, on Ireland, 220, 221;
- result of the trial of, 228;
- release of, 255;
- death of, iii. 82;
- career of, 85
- O'Connor, Feargus, at the Chartist meeting (1848), iii. 166
- Odilon Barrot, conduct of, in the French Revolution, iii. 140, 144
- Orange, Princess of, the, ii. 287
- Orangemen, discomfiture of, i. 30
- Orford, Right Hon. Earl of (Horace Walpole), letters of the, to Sir Horace Mann, ii. 202
- 'Orlando' takes the Derby Stakes, ii. 250;
- Orleans, H.R.H. Duchesse d', iii. 35;
- on the proposed reconciliation between the two branches of the French Royal family, 329
- Ossington, visit to, ii. 309
- Ostend, passage to, ii. 166
- Ovid, quotation from, i. 238
- Oxford, Bishop of, anti-slavery speech of, ii. 411;
- want of tact of, 411;
- correspondence with Dr. Hampden, iii. 115
- Pacifico, Don, the case of, iii. 308, 311;
- debate on, in the House of Lords, 341
- Pakington, Right Hon. Sir John, Colonial Secretary in Lord Derby's Administration, iii. 451
- Palace, the, dinner at, i. 77;
- Palmerston, Right Hon. Viscount, and Mr. Urquhart. i. 117, 119;
- and the 'Portfolio,' 159;
- policy in the East (1840), 297-304;
- objections to policy of, 301;
- coolness of, 304;
- conduct of, at the outset of the Eastern Question, 308;
- offers to resign, 308;
- independence of, at the Foreign Office, 309;
- the Eastern Question, 312-314;
- at the Cabinet on the Eastern Question, 321;
- hostility of, to France, 326;
- article in the 'Morning Chronicle,' 326;
- triumph of, 330;
- note from the French Government, 335;
- ignores his colleagues, 345;
- defends Lord Ponsonby, 347;
- hostility to France, 347, 353;
- and the Tories, 363;
- position of, 364;
- settlement of the Eastern Question, 377-383;
- jobbing at the Foreign Office, ii. 48;
- attack on, in a Berlin newspaper, 75;
- and consequent misunderstanding, ib.;
- abuses the treaty of Washington, 104, 109;
- attacks on the Government, 105, 106;
- and the press, 130;
- commencement of coalition with M. Thiers, 267;
- consternation in France at possible return of, to the Foreign Office, 345;
- visit of, to Paris, 383;
- letter to King Louis Philippe, 388;
- Foreign Secretary, 405;
- incipient disputes with France, 409;
- Spanish marriages, 418, iii. 6;
- despatch to Sir H. Bulwer, ii. 85
- Salic Law, the, proposed revival of, in Spain, iii. 13
- Salisbury, Right Hon. the Marquis of, Lord Privy Seal in Lord Derby's Administration, iii. 451
- Salisbury Cathedral, visit to, i. 223
- Sampayo, anecdote of a manuscript, ii. 129
- Sandwich, Countess of, appointment of, i. 224
- Sardinia, defeated by Austria, iii. 282
- Schleswig-Holstein question, the, iii. 371
- Schwabe, Mr., on Spain, iii. 38
- Scotland, visit to, iii. 291; Balmoral, 295
- Scrope, Davies, iii. 47
- Seaton, Lord, see Colborne
- Sefton, Right Hon. Earl of, death of the, i. 138;
- character of the, 138, 139
- Selwyn, George, anecdotes of, i. 217
- Serjeants-at-law, petition of the, i. 156, 160
- Serrano, Marshal, intrigues of, iii. 194
- Session, review of the (1838), i. 126, (1839) 231, (1840) 291, (1842) ii. 97, 98;
- opening of the (1849), iii. 263
- Sicily, revolution in, iii. 123;
- Lord Palmerston's breach of neutrality with the Government of, 261, 271, 276
- Sikh war, the, ii. 372;
- termination of, 380;
- the campaign, iii. 214
- Singleton, Archdeacon, death of, ii. 94
- Smith, Rev. Sydney, death of, ii. 273
- Smith, Bobus, death of, ii. 274
- Small v. Attwood, i. 80, 81;
- judgement in, reversed, 83
- Sobraon, victory of, ii. 380
- Somerset, Lord Fitzroy (afterwards Lord Raglan), account of the Duke of Wellington's campaigns, i. 135-137
- Somerset, Right Hon. Lord Granville, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in Sir R. Peel's Administration, ii. 37
- Somnauth, Temple of, the gates of the, carried off, ii. 123, 139
- Sophia, H.R.H. Princess, death of the, iii. 184
- Sotomayor, Duke of, and Lord Palmerston, iii. 169
- Soult, Marshal, arrival of, in London, i. 103;
- at Queen Victoria's coronation, 106;
- reception of, 113
- Southern, Mr., on Irish affairs, iii. 171
- Southwell, Church at, ii. 309
- Spain, termination of the Carlist war, i. 241, 242;
- quarrels in, ii. 73;
- insurrection in, 201;
- intrigues in, 421;
- proposed revival of the Salic Law, iii. 13;
- political crisis in, 45;
- affairs in, 78;
- relations with, 183;
- debate in the House of Commons, 190;
- intrigues in, 194;
- expulsion of Sir H. Bulwer, 169
- Spanish Marriages, the, first proposals for the Queen's marriage (1838), i. 251;
- papers relating to the, iii. 6;
- detailed account of the affair, 7-11;
- further details, 15, 17;
- Princesse Lieven on the quarrels, 18;
- discussion with M. Guizot, 20-26, 30-33;
- letters relating to the, 168;
- beginning of the disputes, 412;
- account of intrigues, 418-423;
- indignation at, 425;
- conversation on, with M. de Jarnac, 431
- Speakership, discussion on the, ii. 23
- Spencer, Right Hon. Earl, anecdote of, when leader of the House of Commons, ii. 152;
- death of, 295;
- character of, 295-298
- Spencer, Hon. John, anecdotes of, ii. 67
- Spottiswoode Gang, the, i. 31
- Stade Dues, the, ii. 107
- Staleybridge, riots at, ii. 98
- 'Standard,' the, contradicts the 'Times' on the repeal of the Corn Laws, ii. 313
- Stanley, Right Hon. Lord (afterwards fourteenth Earl of Derby) at Knowsley, i. 11;
- Colonial Secretary in Sir R. Peel's Administration, ii. 37;
- called up to the House of Lords, 256;
- good speech of, 395;
- replies to Lord Grey, iii. 200;
- Steward of the Jockey Club, 205;
- on the Dolly's Brae affair, 310, 312;
- negotiations for the formation of a Government, 381, 384, 385;
- attempt to form a Government, 385;
- failure of the attempt, 386;
- at Newmarket, 402 (see Derby, Earl of)
- Stanley, Edward Henry, Hon. (afterwards fifteenth Earl of Derby), maiden speech of, iii. 337
- Stephen, Right Hon. Sir James, position of, at the Colonial Office, i. 174
- Stephens, arrest of, i. 155
- Sterling, John, Mr., and Coleridge, i. 109
- Stowe, sale at, iii. 216
- Strachan, Lady, ii. 91
- Strutt, Right Hon. Edward (afterwards Lord Belper), Railroad Bill of, iii. 93, 95
- Sudeley, Lord, loses three forged Exchequer Bills, ii. 57
- Sumner, Dr., appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, iii. 125
- Sussex, H.R.H. Duke of, the, claim of, i. 113, 115;
- at dinner at Devonshire House, 278;
- dissatisfaction of, 279;
- death of, ii. 155;
- funeral of, 156
- Sutton Sharpe, anecdotes, ii. 78
- Sybilla, Margravine, the residence of, near Baden, ii. 184
- Syria, military operations in, i. 328;
- Tahiti affair, the, ii.
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