- Abercromby, Right Hon. James, proposed as Speaker, ii. 333; Master of the Mint, iii. 95; proposed as Speaker, 201; the Speakership, 204; elected Speaker, 213
- Aberdeen, Earl of, Duchy of Lancaster, i. 124; motion about Belgium, ii. 238
- Achmet Pacha, concludes a treaty with Russia, iii. 69
- Adair, Right Hon. Sir Robert, sworn in Privy Councillor, i. 136
- Addington, Henry Unwin, recalled from Madrid, iii. 14
- Address, proposed amendment to the, iii. 217
- Adelaide, Queen, ii. 7; at the Ancient Concert, 133; mobbed in the City, 141; audience of, about the crown, 179; coronation of, 190; Lord Howe, 338; yacht, iii. 99; return of, 125; illness of, 125; supposed to be with child, 198, 199, 201
- Adrian’s Villa, i. 377
- Agar Ellis, see Dover, Lord
- Alava, General, and the Duke of Cumberland, iii. 275
- Albani, Cardinal, influence of, i. 310; conversation with, 373; interview with, 380
- Albano, i. 331
- Alexander, Emperor of Russia, death of, i. 78; coronation of, described by Talleyrand, ii. 185
- Allen, Dr., Bishop of Ely, iii. 363
- Allen, John, iii. 135; unbelief of, 324
- Althorp, Viscount, proposed as Chairman of the Finance Committee, i. 120; Chancellor of the Exchequer, ii. 66, introduces the budget, 114; leader of the House of Commons, 116, 200; letter to Attwood, 205, 206; hurries on the Irish Church Bill, 364; as Chancellor of the Exchequer, iii. 2; arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms, 56; financial statement, 60; defects as leader, 62; summons a meeting of the supporters of Government, 92; resigns, 101; popularity of, 105; Chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Melbourne, 113; succeeds his father as Earl Spencer, 140
- Alvanley, Lord, duel with Morgan O’Connell, ii. 257; on Irish affairs, 348
- America, dispute with France, iii. 322
- Anglesey, Marquis of, recalled, i. 149; entry into Dublin, ii. 99; disputes with O’Connell, 106
- Antwerp, threatened bombardment of, by the Dutch, ii. 321; French army marches to, 329
- Arbuthnot, Right Hon. Charles, nickname ‘Gosh,’ i. 103; conversation with, on the Duke of Wellington’s Administration, ii. 51; conversation with, at Oatlands, 170
- Arbuthnot, Mrs., death of, iii. 116
- Arkwright, Sir Richard, fortunes of, iii. 132
- Charles X., King, of France, arrival of in England, ii. 31; at Lulworth Castle, 33; off Cowes, 34
- Charlotte, Queen, illness of, i. 2, 3
- Charlotte, H.R.H. the Princess, anecdotes of, ii. 319
- Chartres, H.R.H. the Duc de, arrival of, i. 208
- Chatham, Earl of, death of, iii. 316
- Chatsworth, hospitality at, i. 237; charade at, 238; party at, ii. 51
- Chesterfield Papers, the, iii. 327
- Chobert, the ‘Fire King,’ i. 276
- Cholera, the, in Russia, ii. 57; account of, 150; preventive measures against, 154, 216; effect on trade of, 156; spread of, 161; alarm about, 169; at Berlin, 192; at Sunderland, 208, 210; at Marseilles, 221; on the decline, 224; near Edinburgh, 240; in London, 258, 259; in Bethnal Green, 261; account of, 278; diminution of, 285; in Paris, 287; alarm in London, 309, 311
- Christina, Queen, of Spain, iii. 66, 72; reported flight of, 360; courage of, 365
- Christmas trees, introduced by Princess Lieven at Panshanger, i. 259
- Church Bill, the, Committee on, iii. 199
- Church Reform, iii. 206
- City, the, address to the King, ii. 126; illumination in, 140; election, 1835, iii. 184, 186, 187; anxiety in the money-market, 373, 376
- Civil List, the, excess of expenditure on, i. 253; for debates on, see Commons, House of
- Clanricarde, Marquis of, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 78
- Clarence, H.R.H. the Duke of, Lord High Admiral, i. 95; removal of, from the office of Lord High Admiral, 138, 140. See William IV.
- Cobbett, William, trial of, ii. 158; returned for Oldham, 335; takes his seat, 351; and Sir Robert Peel, 373
- Cochrane, Lord, at Florence, i. 301; villa near Florence, 302
- Codrington, Sir E., interview with the Duke of Wellington, i. 179
- Coercion Bill, the, introduced, ii. 359
- Colchester Election, iii. 112
- Commons, House of; Alien Bill, i. 1; Dr. Halloran’s petition, 14; debate on grant to the Duke of York, 18; debates on Queen Caroline, 30, 32, 38; Small Notes Bill, 79; debates on Catholic Relief Bill, 91, 133, 166, 191; division on Catholic Relief Bill, 185; Catholic Relief Bill read a third time, 203; Regency and Civil List, ii. 45; debate on the Evesham election, 25; debate on the Civil List, 110; announcement of the Reform Bill, 110; Pension List, 111; debate on Ireland, 112; Budget of 1831, 113; proposed reductions, 118; introduction of the first Reform Bill, 121; debates on the Reform Bill, 123, 125; debate on the Timber duties, 130; debate on the Reform Bill, 131; division on the Reform Bill, 132; Government defeated, 135; scene in the House, 135; second reading of the Reform Bill, 156; Wine duties, 160; Reform Bill, Schedule A, 170; second Reform Bill, 227; debate on, and second reading of the second Reform Bill carried, 228; Reform Bill supported by the Irish Members, 239; division on the Russian Loan, 240; division on the sugar duties, 267; Reform Bill passed, 270; debates, 296; violent scene in debate on petition of the City of London, 299; Irish Tithe question, 308; debate on, 309; debate on the Address, 353; Irish Church Reform, 354; aspect of the reformed House, 360; debate on Slave Emancipation, 371; vote of confidence in the Ministers, 376; division on the Irish Church Bill, 381; vote against sinecures, iii. 13; division on Apprenticeship Clause of West India Bill, 16; disorganised state of the House, 17; Pension List, 60; business of the House, 61; debate on the Corn Laws, 68; debate on admission of Dissenters to the University, 75; debate on Repeal of the Union, 80; Pension List, 80; debate on Portugal, 82; Poor Law Bill, 83; debate on Irish Tithe Bill, 98, 99; gallery for reporters, 205; debate on the Speakership, 214; debate on the Address, 221; debate and division on amendment to the Address, 223; Malt Tax, 224; debate on appointment of Lord Londonderry, 225; Dissenters’ Marriage Bill, 230; Government beaten on Chatham election, 234; state of parties in the House, 234; debate and division on Irish Church question, 240; uproar in the House, 243; Government defeated on Irish Tithe Bill, 246; debate on Irish Church Bill, 275; secured, 279
- Jebb, Judge, charge of, at O’Connell’s trial, ii. 109
- Jeffrey, Lord, and Professor Leslie, iii. 44
- Jersey, Countess of, character of, i. 12; party at the house of, ii. 64; quarrel with Lord Durham, 119; correspondence with Lord Brougham, 126
- Jockey Club, dinner given by the King to the, 1828, i. 154; in 1829, 211
- ‘John Bull,’ the, newspaper, ii. 97
- Johnson, Dr., anecdotes of, ii. 316
- Johnstone, Right Hon. Sir Alexander, sworn in a Privy Councillor, iii. 27, 30; at the Judicial Committee, 125
- Jones Loyd, Mr., iii. 188
- Jones, ‘Radical,’ interview with Lord Wharncliffe, ii. 200
- Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Bill for the establishment of the, iii. 21; meeting to make regulations for the, 35; first sitting of the, 38; working of the, 205
- Kelly, Mrs., adventures of her daughter, i. 379, 383; case before the Privy Council, iii. 259, 261, 266, 267; judgment, 274
- Kemble, Charles, and his family, iii. 260
- Kemble, Miss Fanny, i. 240, ii. 129; tragedy by, 270; in the ‘Hunchback,’ 285
- Kempt, Right Hon. Sir James, Master-General of the Ordnance, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 84
- Kent, H.R.H. the Duchess of, disputes in the Royal Family, ii. 190; and the Duke of Wellington, 190; the Regency Bill, 191; salutes to, iii. 3; at Burghley, 315; quarrels with the King, 366; scene at Windsor, 367; answer to the address of the City of London, 399; squabble with the King, 400
- Kenyon, Lord, speech at Apsley House, ii. 198
- Kinnaird, Lord, created a Baron of the United Kingdom, ii. 150
- Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, anecdote of, iii. 130
- Knatchbull, Right Hon. Sir Edward, joins the Peel Government, iii. 176, 177; attack on, 226
- Knighton, Sir William, i. 72; influence with the King, 99, 144; behaviour of, during the King’s illness, ii. 174
- Lafayette, Marquis de, resignation of, ii. 99
- La Ferronays, M. de, French Ambassador at Rome, i. 307; on the accession of the Emperor Nicholas, 373; on French politics, 368; civility of, 380, 381; on French affairs, 393, 395
- La Granja, revolution of, iii. 364, 365
- ‘Lalla Rookh,’ at Bridgewater House, iii. 353
- Lamb, Sir Frederick, ii. 94; reported letter to the King of France from the Duke of Wellington, 94
- Lambeth Palace, restoration of, ii. 34
- Lancashire election, 1835, iii. 198
- Langdale, Lord, reply to Lord Brougham, iii. 81; declines the Solicitor-Generalship, 141; peerage, 328; Master of the Rolls, 328
- Lansdowne, Marquis of, Secretary of State for the Home Department, i. 95; Lord President, ii. 66; dinner to name the sheriffs, 109; on the Reform Bill, 131; and Lord Brougham, 347; Lord President in both of the Administrations of Lord Melbourne, iii. 113, 256
- La RonciÈre, case of, iii. 202
- Laval, M. de, at Apsley House, ii. 15
- Law, History of English, iii. 114
- Lawrence, Sir Thomas, early genius of, i. 256; death of, 263; character of, 264; funeral of, 268; engagement of, to the Misses Siddons, iii. 50
- Leach, Right Hon. Sir John, disappointed of the Woolsack, ii. 68; in the case of Drax v. Grosvenor, 378
- Leigh, Colonel George, ii. 189
- Leinster, Duke of, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 155
- Leitrim, Earl of, created a Baron of the United Kingdom, ii. 150
- Le Marchant, Denis, at Stoke, iii. 21
- Lemon, Robert, F.S.A., Deputy Keeper of the State Papers, iii. 44
- Lennard, John Barrett, Chief Clerk of the Privy Council Office, ii. 370
- Leopold, King, i. 22; desires to ascend the throne of Greece, 265; anxiety to ascend the throne of Belgium, ii. 153; accepts the throne of Belgium, 158; starts for Belgium, 167; proposes to the Princess Louise of France, 168; in Belgium, 177; want of confidence in, 177; cold reception of, at Windsor, iii. 370
- Leuchtenberg, Duke of, at Hav
of, iii. 321; dismissal of, 350
- Messiah, the oratorio of the, performed in Westminster Abbey, iii. 98
- Methuen, Paul, M.P., on supporting the Government, iii. 65; retort of O’Connell to, 65
- Metternich, Princess, anecdote of, iii. 187
- Mexico, failure of the Spanish expedition against, i. 249
- Meynell, Mr., retires from the Lord Chamberlain’s department, ii. 133
- Mezzofanti, i. 403
- Middlesex election, 1835, iii. 197
- Middleton, party at, i. 12
- Miguel, Dom, ii. 312, 315, 321; attacks Oporto, 324; fleet captured by Captain Napier, iii. 9; anecdote of, 26; blunders of, 93
- Milan, i. 413
- Mill, John Stuart, at breakfast given by Mr. Henry Taylor, ii. 59
- Milton, Viscount, at a meeting at Lord Althorp’s, ii. 161
- Mirabeau, Count de, Talleyrand’s account of, ii. 384
- Miraflores, Count de, Spanish Ambassador in London, iii. 98; doubtful compliment to Madame de Lieven, 99
- Mola di Gaeta, i. 359; Cicero’s villa, 368
- MolÉ, M., Prime Minister of France, iii. 379; abilities of, 380
- Montalivet, case of the French refugee, iii. 386
- Monti, Vincenzo, anecdote of, ii. 186
- Moore, Thomas, i. 239, 245; conversation of, 242; anecdotes, 247; Irish patriotism of, ii. 98; opinions on Reform, 140; copy of ‘Lord Edward Fitzgerald,’ 169; satire on Dr. Bowring, 219; compared with Rogers, iii. 324; quarrel with O’Connell, 346
- ‘Morning Herald,’ the, moderate Tory organ, ii. 269
- Mornington, Countess of, death of, ii. 194
- Morpeth, Viscount, Irish Secretary, iii. 256; speech on Irish Tithe Bill, 256
- Mosley, Sir Oswald, meeting of moderate men, iii. 220
- Mulgrave, Earl of, in Jamaica, ii. 352; refuses the office of Postmaster-General, iii. 90; Lord Privy Seal, 113; capability of, 255
- Municipal Corporation Bill, iii. 263, 284, 290; policy of Tory Peers on the, 283; prospects of the, 295; effects of the, 309, 313; the Bill carried, 310
- Munster, Earl of, employed by the King, ii. 10; raised to the Peerage, 143; Lieutenant of the Tower, 168; sworn in a Privy Councillor, 352
- Murat, Achille, ii. 115
- Murray, Dr., Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, i. 146
- Murray, Sir George, Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, ii. 11
- Murray, Lady Augusta, marriage of, ii. 194
- Musard’s ball, iii. 384
- Namik Pacha, Turkish Ambassador, ii. 339
- Napier, Sir William, on the state of the country, ii. 108; ‘History of the Peninsular War,’ iii. 271
- Napier, Captain Charles, captures Dom Miguel’s fleet, iii. 9; cause of capture of a French squadron, 11; anecdote of, 34
- Naples, i. 333; sight-seeing at, 334; Court of Justice, 334; manuscripts, 334; ceremony of taking the veil, 338; sights of, 345, 356; miracle of the blood of San Gennaro, 353, 355, 364; excursions to Astroni, 356; lines on leaving, 361
- Navarino, battle of, i. 114, 163
- Nemours, H.R.H. Duc de, accompanies King Louis Philippe, ii. 99; nomination to the throne of Belgium declined, 111; in the House of Commons, iii. 306; at Doncaster, 315
- Newmarket, political negotiations at, ii. 290
- Nicholas, Emperor, accession of, i. 373; reception of strangers, iii. 24; on the change of Government in England, 211; speech at Warsaw, 319; dislike to King Louis Philippe, 387; qualities of, 371
- ‘Norma,’ the opera of, iii. 2
- North, Lord, Letters of George III. to, iii. 129; anecdote of, 132
- Northamptonshire election, iii. 80
- Unions, proclamation against the, ii. 215; procession of trades, iii. 79
- Urquhart, Mr., Secretary to the Embassy at Constantinople, iii. 405
- Van de Weyer, Sylvain, Belgian Minister to the Court of St. James, ii. 180
- Vaudreuil, M. de, French chargÉ d’affaires in London, on French affairs, ii. 24
- Vaughan, Right Hon. Sir Charles, special mission to Constantinople, iii. 405
- Vaughan, Right Hon. Sir John, sworn in a Privy Councillor, ii. 155
- Venice, i. 405; sights of, 406, 408, 410
- Vernet, Horace, at Rome, i. 325
- Verona, Congress of, i. 65; visit to, 413
- Verulam, Earl of, petition to the King, ii. 231
- Vesuvius, ascent of, i. 350
- Vicenza, i. 412
- Victoria, H.R.H. the Princess, at a child’s ball, i. 209; first appearance of, at a drawing-room, ii. 119; at Burghley iii. 315; health of, proposed by the King, 364; at Windsor, 367; letter from the King, 400; seclusion of, 403; first Council of, 406; proclaimed Queen, 408; impression produced on all, 409
- Villiers, Hon. Hyde, appointed to the Board of Control, ii. 145
- Villiers, Hon. George, at the Grove, ii. 105; conversation with the Duke of Wellington, 105; mission to Paris for a commercial treaty, 219; Minister at Madrid, iii. 14, 20, 21; on prospects in Spain, 69, 79; letters of, from Madrid, 321, 360, 365
- Villiers, Hon. Charles Pelham, ii. 59
- Virginia Water, ii. 25; visit to, 30
- Walewski, Count Alexander, arrival of, in London, ii. 104
- Walpole, Horace, letters to Sir Horace Mann, iii. 2
- ‘Wandering Jew, The,’ ii. 186
- Warsaw, affair at, ii. 95; taken by the Russians, 192
- Warwickshire Election, iii. 353, 354
- Wellesley, Marquis of, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, iii. 31; correspondence with Mr. Littleton, 103, 110; resigns the White Wand, 258
- Wellesley, Long, Esq., committed for contempt of court, ii. 166
- Wellington, Duke of, account of the battle of Waterloo, i. 39; in Paris with BlÜcher, 41; dispute with the King, 51; on affairs of France and Spain, 67; opinion of Bonaparte, 71; mission to Russia, 78; visit to the Royal Lodge, 102; opinion of Mr. Canning, 107; forms a Government, 1828, 124; resolves to carry the Catholic Relief Bill, 143; correspondence with Dr. Curtis, 148; ascendency of, in the Cabinet, and over the King, 176; hardness of character of, 191; duel with Lord Winchelsea, 192; conversation with, on King George IV. and the Duke of Cumberland, 216, 218; prosecution of the press, 233, 258, 260; business habits of, 262; conversation with on the French Revolution, ii. 21; qualities of, 41; confidence in, 45; declaration against Reform, 53; Administration of, defeated, 61; resignation of, 62; suppresses disturbance in Hampshire, 75; political character of, 81; reported letter of advice to the King of France, 94; correspondence with Mr. Canning, 103; conduct towards the Government, 159; objections to Mr. Canning, 170; dinner at Apsley House, 188; anti-Reform dinner at Apsley House, 197; remarks upon, 204; memorial to the King, 211; correspondence with Lord Wharncliffe, 221; obstinacy of, 234; letter to Lord Wharncliffe, 248; unbecoming letter laid before the King, 252; reply to Lord Wharncliffe, 253; speech on Irish Education, 272; sent for by the King, 294; efforts of, to form an Administration, 299; inability of, to form an Administration, 300; statement of his case, 302; conduct of the Tory party, 302; ill-feeling towards Peel, 325; view of affairs, 1833, 363; government of French provinces, 363; respect evinced towards, 372; defence of policy, 379; Speech on the Coronation Oath, iii. 9, 10; policy on the Irish Church Bill, 10; on Portuguese affairs, 11, 26; and the Bonaparte family, 26; subsequent account of attempt to form a Government, 48; compared with Lord Grey, 73; speech on the admission of Dissenters to the University, 73; presents the Oxford petition, 79; and the Whigs, 82; installed as Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 95; First Lord of the Treasury, and Secretary of State for the Home Office, 149; arrangement for a provisional Government, 149; at the public offices, 1834,